A Pebble for Dickey by Tkraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Dr Shankar Reddy was profusely thanking Dickey for handling the situation , so efficiently, saving him and thwarting the plans of the assassin. He said with lot of emotion, ’let me assure you, major, I did not contribute anything to that surgery which proved fatal for the child. I was at AIMS FOR A TECHNICAL SEMINAR ON SURGERY ON INFANTS AND I am  an expert in the field. They dragged me into the operation theatre just to impress me on what they were doing there  at Delhi.The doctor was so excited about my presence and wanted to earn more credibility for his skills by associating my name with his work. He did not know that the child was haemophile. That was a ghastly blunder which could not be corrected at that juncture. I pointed out his error and they quickly went to cover up their mistake. The poor parent did not know these things and his putting the blame on me and wanting to avenge is not fair.  I feel sorry for him and am prepared not to press charges on him for his attempt to kill me. I hope the authorities will deal with him fairly”

Dickey said, “You don’t have to give me any explanation . As it is I have very poor regard towards doctors. If you want to thank any one, you must thank the old man who came and told us about this attempt. Go and find him and compensate him suitably if you think saving your life  was worth any thing at all. “

The doctor did not like Dickey’s tone. He remained in his seat till they reached Secunderbad station. The  doctor and his wife moved out of station got into a waiting car and disappeared with out any ceremony.

Kamalkant walked out of the station in a daze. The station had changed totally from what he remembered .He was returning after more than 15 years. This was his place of birth, place where he grew up, and prospered .Along with some very pleasant memories he also remembered certain turbulent events that had destroyed him. Now he was not at  all sure if he was happy to be back here. He looked at the pebble and made a face. He mumbled , so Krishna what now? The pebble was silent.

He pushed his way through the crowd, towards the exit gate dodging auto Riksha touts and taxi drivers out to snare a gullible fair. His rishikesh ashram had a small place in Secunderabad and he could lodge himself there.

He saw Dickey and kaddu walk towards the parking lot. Possibly they had a car waiting to take them home. Kamalkant thought about Dickey. What a strange man? so quick to understand a  situation  and act. How well he handled the attack. may god bless him.

Dickey saw him and held up a hand to signal him to stop

He said, ’Yes, Swamiji. where are you staying at Hyderabad? Can we drop you some place.’

“I am  not sure. I have no place to go other than my old ashram. I have to think  and decide.”

‘That is funny. You came all the way from Delhi  and you don’t know where you want to stay. Are you upto some new mischief?’

 “No, not at all. I stopped telling lies long ago. I really have no place to go. My purpose of boarding the train at Delhi was pre ordained by forces we can not understand. It was to save the poor doctor I suppose.”

Okay. If you have no place to go to,, you can be our guest for a few days till you make up your mind about staying some place.

“no , no. I can not impose myself on you. You are very kind. You go ahead, I will manage.”

The pebble stirred.

‘What is it Krishna?’

You will be better off going with them.

Dickey asked, ’Did you say some thing?. You sure, you can manage on your own?’

Kamalkant could not make up his mind.

The pebble grumbled, ”come on kamal, go with Dickey.”

Why should I?

There is something happening. You have a major role to play. stay put with Dickey.

Okay , major. I will go with you,  if you don’t mind..

They drove down to maredpalli and got into the Friend’s nest banglow. A police jeep was standing outside in the portico. James looked up from his chair and stood up to receive Dickey, kaddu and the Oldman.

Dickey introduced Kamalkant to James. James formally said,

Welcome to our nest. I am james.pl ease let me show you to your room. Or would you like to have some tea before you go to your room?

James was a good host. He was polite  .He had a long memory. He had recognised the Oldman. .If dickey and kaddu had brought him here, there must be some reason to it. He was sure kaddu also knew .After all, she was not a great lawyer for nothing. She had watched the entire trial from close. he will play along.. He told their chief cook Tai to bring some tea.

Kamalkant was grateful. He accepted the tea  with a word  of thanks..

He said, ” I know you are all curious about me. I will tell you all about me. just allow me to have a shower and change of clothes. We will talk.

James led kamal to his room. Kaddu and Dickey moved to their rooms .Kaddu gave James a thumbs up sign. James smiled.

It is back to action stations for  the friends at the nest. Dickey was back home. There will be no more dull days .

The friends  at the “nest”  Did not bother the old man in any way. They allowed him free run of their premises and waited for him to open out at his convenience. The old man       was not sure how much to reveal about his past. He had his own routine. He wokeup at 5 in the morning before any one else woke up.He went out for his morning walk, through the deserted streets and came back home in time for tea.

They also learnt  that he was good at attending to wounds.Kaddu had cut her hand with a knife while she was trying to cut open a jack fruit.The old man attended to that with amazing expertise.The way he stopped the bleeding, how he managed to stich up the gash, how he rolled the bandageand tape impressed them.Kaddu  asked, ‘where the hell did you learn to wrap a bandage like this?

Guy hospital, London, he said with a smile.Istarted my apprenticeship, in that hospital attending to injured patients in their OPD section.Yes, WAS GOOD DOCTOR AND GREAT SURGEON ONCE UPON A TIME.I STOPPED MY PRACTICE.

He was silent, looking with a blank face at the opposite wall.

‘Do you want to talk about it?’ asked Kaddu with hope that he would talk about the tragic trials.

“NO, NOT REALLY. I have better things to do than mess with the people.:

What is that ?


We do not understand.

He said slowly, “You know what I mean. Offer a shoulder to cry on. Mend a broken wing here and there. Wipe a tear. Play the good Samaritan, with out getting too bored or too involved.”

Great .

“Yes, as long as you keep the involvement with in limits. You cross them, you get hurt.”

Kaddu patted him in the back.She said, “if you are in trouble, just let us know. Dickey and I revel in it. He is retiring later this month. when he is free, we will be full time engaged in trouble. Dickey is a born trouble buster.’

KAMAL SAID, “I know, I have seen him  in action.”

They laughed.