A Pebble for Dickey by Tkraghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


At the Bolaram military academy of Indian Army, a conference was being planned to discuss military civil co ordination during incidents of civil unrest, disaster management, terrorists strike and ever present Maoist problem. A team of 30 top IAS officers deputed from various states were supposed to attend the conference along with Andhra AND Telengana states  officers. Hyderabad was a metro city and a sensitive  one   due to newly emerging ISIS JIHADISTS who were  making their presence felt, trying to lure young and impressionable people into their activity. Government was giving lot of importance to this meeting because it was observed by the central committee that  lack of coordination  was affecting the work. It was expected that military will share their experiences in fighting insurgents in Kashmir, north east, Punjab and other sensitive areas, with civilian authorities and for mobilising equipment, men and material, improving speed and effectiveness of response to threats, leadership requirements and training. Major Dickey as an expert on counter insurgency was supposed to lead the army delegation and deliver key note address.

Dickey was going to retire from the army at the end of the month and he was allowed to spend the last month at a post of his choice and he chose Hyderabad. Dickey and his five friends from Poona had built a bungalow in secunderabad with intention of spending last phase of their life together in Hyderabad. All five friends had started their career in Poona and maintained close contact all through their careers and decided to spend the autumn of their life again together   .They called their house in Hyderabad Friends nest. They maintained similar places at Poona and Delhi also.

The military civil conclave at Hyderabad came as a blessing in disguise for Dickey. He had spent a glorious time in the army as the most decorated officer. He had a master’S degree from Poona university in political science, political history and  the thesis submitted by him for a doctorate programme was confiscated by the defence department as a top secret strategy document and he was denied an opportunity to obtain his Phd in military civilian showdown. Defence dept compensated Dickey with the most prestigious civilian award created for the first time to a serving Army officer. An abridged version of his thesis found its way to  military libraries of all international countries ,an achievement without parallel in military scholarship. ,But Dickey was known more for his bull dog attitude of never say Die  and be on top of situation in any and every situation.. He thought this conference was a nice way to end his association with the army he loved.

For the local governments of Andhra and Telengana states, this conference was a major effort as they had to handle with more frequency,  insurgency of increasing potency. Maoist activity was a real and potent threat  needing sensitive handling compared to threats from ISIS and other jihadi outfits which could be taken up head on with complete people support.

The IAS officials deputed for this conference were from an elite cadre created specially to provide greater trust to central government’s new initiative to make the federal structure stronger,  to thwart the designs of Maoist  to destabilise the country from with in.

The Maoists had got wind of this new initiative and had planned a secret operation to disrupt the conference by a surprise attack aimed at creating a fear factor in the minds of civil administrators and confusion in the mind of military establishment .Comrade Satya, trained in china was head of group  handling central India   that included northern territories of Telengana and Andhra bordering chattisgarh  state in central India, the strong hold of maoist.

Their increased presence in Andhra territories was a matter of great pride for the Maoists because for long this region was one of the well administered areas of country. They gained major foothold and turf in the region by helping political parties win turf wars by adding their muscle and fire power to the highest bidder. . .This way they colluded with one or other and destroy leadership. Whichever party that was ruling, had to depend on Maoists to keep peace. Maoists in turn turned to downright blackmail to gain political influence. They moved about with impunity and when ever the state political bosses acted tough, the Maoists would launch an attack and political will to crush them evaporated as the political bosses cared more for their own personal safety rather than political integrity of the state.

Police had a job to do to protect the civilian life and property and they went over the heads of political bosses to deal sternly with Maoists. This created tense situation between police and state government. Police used such situations to gain some additional power and influence in the administration and budget allocations. Police hated to lose their men and so had  to deal ruthlessly with Maoists to maintain their internal morale. So many times the political bosses and police worked at cross purposes and Maoists used these differences to gain turf advantage. One such privilege won by Maoists is to organise a mahasadas  OR ROADSHOWS  in the villages to promote their ideology among the peasants and agricultural labour. They usually round up a few cruel landlords and during the Mahasadas, conduct a trial  accusing them of atrocities  against poor villagers and farmers. The leaders pass  judgements and mete out punishment to the huge joy of the oppressed. By a tacit understanding between the ruling political parties, police are asked to stay away from the location of these kangaroo courts. The landlords who are caught, have no protection from police.some times, the punishment is in the form of mutilation by cutting the limbs or defacing them with grime. By punishing the oppressors this way in front of villagers, Maoists tried to impress on the minds of rural people that they are offering better governance than the elected ruling party, thus undermining  ELECTED govt’s credibility. Political parties resented this, but are unable to act against them because they themselves have used these elements to gain political advantage. This is what makes Maoists more daring to push their ideology ahead.

One such sadas was conducted at the outskirts of city of Warangal by the Maoists, with out permission from the police. It was, assumed by the Maoists that the ruling political party would warn the police to turn a blind eye on the events associated with Mahasadas, in the interest of maintaining internal peace. After the dantawada police massacre, police had sworn to take revenge. So they ignored the instructions of political bosses and  they raided the place, disrupting the meeting and arresting a large number of their cadre. They also shot down a few people who resisted the arrests. Among the  arrested lot was a SriLankan communication expert , a china supported spy who operated with in India as a MAO sympathiser. At that moment, police had no idea of catch they had made but the maoist cadre were rattled by his arrest and desperately wanted to spring him from jail, before serious interrogation of arrested people began. The contact official from Chinese embassy and Sri Lankan embassy were making repeated call to Maoist leadership to arrange to get their man out of jail before any interrogation started. They were not sure whether this person would stand rigorous question and third degree that local police was capable off. The man was a technical geek, an  expert in cyber coding  and satellite interface protocol controller and his job was to train Indian cadre in use of special application packages and gadgets. 

In recent days, Sri Lankan govt was playing proxy for china, sending their nationals to spy in India for china. These spies entered India as fishermen released by Sri Lanka Navy in guise of indian  fishermen. Incidents of capture by SriLankan Navy, of Indian fishermen operating from Raameshwaram and Tutikorin were becoming too frequent.Government ofIndia was aware of it and if they allowed it to continue the reason was not to precipitate a situation, that would push Sri Lanka more towards China.

Sathya, the local chief of the cadre had received clear instructions. Weapons  and personnel were quickly transferred to his control, so that he could launch an operation that would not only get their man out but also teach the police a lesson

Maoists applied political pressure to get their cadre released but the police held firm  and refused to toe the line. They were prepared to face repraisal raids by Maoists.

Politically, situation was becoming difficult. Maoists were becoming impatient and some thing had to give. This was the situation when one of the moles of Maoists operating from with in the Military academy, reported about the planned civil-military discussions during the conference. The agenda  and names of officers deputed for the conference were quickly obtained and satya was ready with a plan. He had gathered his comrades in arms together for a review.

Every had a Xerox copy of the agenda.Satya was running through the agenda  and some thing in the sheet caught his attention and sathya got excitedwhich he showed by slapping his thigh and shouting ,”what is this name doing here?’

The others reacted,’what name?’

“THIS NAME.Major Dickey.what is he doing here?”

‘What is wrong?. He is another Army officer sent by Delhi.’

“Do you think it is just a coincidence?”

We don’t understand. why are you so excited just seeing a name?

Man,this name is Major Dickey. Does it not ring any bell?Do you know who that gent is?”

No, Not much.

“I know him. If his name is there, it is not a coincidence. When we are planning an operation against the academy and he is on that side, it is not coincidence. With Dickey, it is always a part of his strategy. I am beginning to think that our Chinese friends do not know that Dickey has penetrated their network. Dickey knows about our man in the police custody  and that is why he has got his name included in the list of military officers to be in Hyderabad. he has created a cover for his move.”

I do not think so. IAS is a powerful body and they may want fool proof security for their lot. Army might have sent Dickey just to satisfy their bosses in Delhi. That explains it, if your gent  is  as hot as you seem to think.’

Yes, Dickey is very hot. Suddenly, I am beginning to feel, we are not on top of the situation .If Dickey is there, we will be walking into a trap. He is nasty and he does not hold back for any body. He kills. I think, we have to start thinking altogether differently.’

Ravi, a dynamic young leader spoke for the first time, ’I think you are over reacting. We do not know any thing about his involvement. As per the agenda, he is just going to give a speech.’

That is what you are supposed to think. damn it. Dickey does not give speeches

 He punches, blasts , he kills.

You know what happened when the army was presenting operation bluestar to Indira Gandhi. Dickey was there. At the end of presentation, Indira Gandhi asked him if the plan would work. you know what he said to her, ‘no madam , it will not work”

She asked how he would do it.

Dickey said, I will need only one tank  to blast Har mandhir sahib and Akal takt. I will have Bindranwale by his hair in next one hour’

Indira Gandhi got so scared that she took him off the team that carried out the operation. Finally they could succeed only after blasting Akal Takt. Dickey sent flowers to the General in appreciation.”

There was long silence.

Ravi asked, ‘so he is hot. What do you want us to do.  Abort  the operation? Take him out before he reaches the academy?

‘You can not do that.”

why not?

I am tempted to challenge you to take Dickey out. But you are a valuable man. I would not like to lose you by allowing you to go after Dickey.”

He is that good?

Yes, undoubtedly.

Then I will send my best man. if he fails I will go after him whether you like it or not.

“Do not be silly. If your man fails, you will not go after Dickey. Dickey will come after you like a tiger tank, bulldozing every thing on the way. You don’t have to prove to me that you are brave. Just stay away from dickey for now. Our operation is more important. you are more important. In our line of business there is no scope for carrying on with personal agenda to prove a point.”

The meeting which had started on big Hype suddenly became stale. Sathya sensed the mood. Satya realised he made a mistake talking too much about Dickey. He had rattled his corps. Never a good idea when you are all set to organise the biggest ever snatch. He suggested a break. One by one  his boys left the room, to take a walk or stretch their legs or take a breather before the brainstorming session resumes again. He decided to take a break and comeback with new plan. Ravi had not moved from his place. He was looking at Sathya with his mouth closed tight. The more he thought about Dickey, more he felt like taking him on. But Sathya was not so keen. should he strike on his own, was the question  throbbing in his mind. Match his skills  and wits with Dickey. It had been a long time since any one had questioned his mettle. Dickey was a challenge , he did not want to pass over.

Sathya touched his shoulders, ‘forget Dickey for now Ravi. our plan is good and Do not change the odds by bringing new factors. They do not add up. we will succeed. When that happens, Dickey will come after us. we will deal with him then. presently in the interest of our mission let us skip Dickey.

It was sound advice and delivered very sincerely. Mission was more important every time Ravi said, ’it is okay. I will not do anything silly. But I sure would like to know more about him’

“Easy. just type Dickey in your laptop and see what the computer throws at you” Sathya laughed.

Ravi walked back to his room. They were on the outskirts of Bolaram cantonment. They had taken the first floor premises of a welding shop run by one of the maoist cadre. There were always some people or other working. There was a construction boom and window grills and metal gates were in big demand.it kept some elements of the cadre engaged and earning good money. It permitted movement in and out of cantonment.

Once inside the room, he pulled his chair and opened his laptop. A GOOGLE SEARCH  FOR DICKEY. He typed the words. His eyes popped to see 1GB of content with several photographs. He sat and read the entire content right through the night.

When he was finished with reading, he stood up looking at the picture of Dickey saluting the President after taking the award. Ravi was standing erect, at attention returning the salute. I would like to shake hands with you , Major. he said he had a nice feeling having got to know more about him .A fine man to beat, it was as though he had taken a fresh shot of heroin.

He moved over to his cot and collapsed. He Slept like a child.