Attachment - A Collection of Short Stories by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Set Your Goals and Follow Them


Friends, this is not strictly a short story but a mid-point of resting and an interval for us to revise and renew our thinking about the various themes that are depicted in the preceding and later stories in this collection.


I believe that we are a bunch of individuals who are very unpredictable at times but other times we are regarded as the most intelligent of all the creations of nature. We should be proud of that universal fact and live up to our expectations. Let us together see what we can do to free ourselves from our bondage.


As a consequence of our birth we all are bound by natural rules and directions. We all are some kind of prisoners and are tied to an illusionary post with a rope. Naturally then we do not have much value until we release ourselves, free ourselves to think well and liberate our souls.


In other words we all are wearing some kind of spectacles that often prohibits us to see our future clearly enough to conduct all our essential actions as enlightened human beings. We develop a wrong perception of the world, its people and its functions. Often these opposing understandings put us in greater danger and our bondage to the illusionary pole becomes more realistic and stronger. We keep lying. Indulging in sins and doing all sorts of unwarranted activities. We keep moving away from the core values of humanity that are truth, beauty and goodness.


As a result of that attachment to our illusionary post, we tend to misunderstand our core values and are unable to distinguish the truth from falsehood, reality from illusion and good from evil. Therefore we begin to live a duel life. We begin to create a rift between our attitude and personality. Our behaviour and conduct becomes incongruent to our ideal and other paradigms. We begin to drift aimlessly.


If we have reached such a crucial stage in our life then we have a problem with our human existence. Therefore there is an urgent need for some kind of enlightenment, awakening or internal revolution to broaden our perception of ourselves and our world. Such inspiration would automatically motivate and lead us to immediately adjust our future goals, current objectives and the required aims of living a happy and peaceful life.


It is believed that to keep walking on the long, difficult and the ever winding and unknown path without any real goals would not only be a journey in futility and hopelessness but would create an atmosphere of uncertainty, frustration and weariness. Thus we would be lost in the wilderness and it would become a lot more difficult and impossible to reach our destination.


There is always a good way ahead; a better path that can bring peace, progress and prosperity for us and a road that has not yet been taken and is waiting for us to get on it for our salvation. It has often been repeated by the wiser people that where there is a will there is a way.


I think that if we want our life to be of any use to us, to our family, to our friends and for our fellow beings then there is an immediate need for us to get released from that illusionary post that is holding us back and making things difficult for us. Untie the knot of the rope that attaches you to the illusionary pole.


Of course, there are many other ways of getting out of the rut we are in or the prison that holds us so that we can liberate and free ourselves for the service of our people and the nation. First and foremost, a bold step that is an absolute requirement of all salient and enlightened beings is to define the worthy objective and workable goals of living in this world so that the direction, the path and the road that we take become meaningful, smooth and fruitful.


There may be many requirements to achieve this aim but the only way is to free ourselves and be deeply determined to take that necessary step to liberate ourselves and keep moving ahead with the needed vigour.


Nothing would be impossible for us and many accolades, successes and achievements would befriend us if we make that vital move. The world will honour and respect you all for these actions. Good Luck.


