Behind Venetian Blinds by Little Wit & Creative Goth - HTML preview

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when she might have asked her to do those kind of things to her,

and felt really ashamed that she might have asked Clarke to do those

things to her also. Hard as she tried, she couldn’t remember asking

either of them, but they must have been telling the truth, she must

have done something to make them want to do this to her. Sienna lay 150

Behind Venetian Blinds

there in perpetual confusion, paralysed into submission. She watched

as the girl below with long dark, nearly black hair closed her eyes so

she didn’t have to look at him. She watched how she turned her head

away from the smell of tobacco on his breath.

Sometimes the girl on the cloud made fun of the little girl below

whilst her mother loved her in that special way. She liked to touch

her, and told her that if anyone else found out they would send her

away and she would never be allowed home again. Sienna didn’t

real y understand why they would take her anywhere, but the thought

of being sent away terrified her.

Perhaps her father might not have left if Sienna was better

behaved, and she remembered thinking that if she could just make

her mother happy then he might come back. She spent many hours

sitting on the orange shagpile rug trying to figure out ways to make

him come home. Darren told her many times that it was her fault that

their mother was so unhappy. “If you hadn’t been born we would all

be a happy family. Mum says so all the time,” he would tell her. She

tried not to believe him although she knew in her heart that what he

said was true. She didn’t know what she had done to make her older

brother be so mean to her.

She didn’t like it when her mother touched her, she acted strangely

and breathed hard. Sometimes she did things that hurt, Sienna soon

learned to control her pain for if she cried the pain would get much

worse and then there were other times when her mother couldn’t stop

picking her up and hugging her. So she had learned to forget about

what Sienna wanted; more than anything Sienna needed to please

others and not make them mad at her, or make them feel bad about

themselves. What effectively had been born a blank canvas was now

an absorbent for other people’s pain. And that in essence became the

validating factor for her sense of self.


Little Wit & Creative Goth

She watched from her cloud as Clarke paused; hovering as he

slid on a deluxe condom already conveniently in his pocket and

then pushed himself on top of her; her underwear was on the floor

beside her feet, his trousers and Armani boxers around his ankles.

She started to laugh at the girl on the couch, who lay with her head

turned to one side whilst Clarke pushed himself roughly inside her.

“No one must know,” he told her as pushed inside her, “it would cost

me my job and my marriage, and to whose benefit would that be,

Sienna? That’s right, no-one’s.” His upper lip curled into a snarl and

for a brief moment she thought she saw pure hatred in his eyes, and

then she berated herself for being judgmental; for when she looked

again he was smiling at her and his expression was soft.

Clarke ejaculated violently and pushed off her, turning to clean

himself with an embroidered handkerchief that had been carefully

pressed by his wife that morning. Sliding off the used rubber, he

folded it inside the cloth and promptly binned it. He stood and

zipped himself up whilst Sienna scrambled for her underwear, her

face burning with shame as she stuffed them into her bag and made

for the door. She would dress in the Ladies, she needed to get out

of here, fast.

He leaned back against his desk, watching in amusement as she

fumbled for the door handle. She opened the door and made to step

through until he called her back.

“Sienna.” She stopped and waited without turning.

“Ward round in the morning, Sienna. Nine o’clock sharp.”

“Yes. Of course”

Sienna spent the bus journey home tormenting herself over what

she had just allowed to happen. She felt a hollowness when she

thought about what she had just done to her relationship with Jay,

she had taken a piece of it away and knew she could never get that


Behind Venetian Blinds

back again. Beyond that, she felt a deep resentment and anger; anger

at Clarke, anger at Jay but mostly anger at herself. She wasn’t sure

she could stomach facing Jay right now, she was sure he would see it

in her eyes, she looked guilty as hell. She had no idea what she was

going to do. This was not how her life was supposed to have panned

out, none of it was supposed to have happened this way, where had

things gone wrong?

She unlocked the door and slipped in quietly, grateful for once

that Jay lay on the sofa snoring loudly, surrounded by empty wine

bottles. Slipping quietly upstairs with Freya, she ran herself a bath

and contemplated sadly the slow demise of their relationship, she

could remember once upon a time when Jay had been her sole reason

for breathing and she felt asphyxiated if she was apart from him for

too long. She had dissolved at the touch of his fingertips. Nowadays

they barely communicated; when he was awake he was trashed, and

otherwise he was sleeping it off. She couldn’t remember the last time

they made love; she wondered if this was how all relationships turned

out, eventually.

Agitated and restless, Sienna got out of the bath, smoked three

joints consecutively, downed half a bottle of red, and popped a valium.

Clarke had prescribed them, to aid her sleep, he told her, after Linda.

Sienna woke with a feeling of nausea in the pit of her stomach that

burned its way up her gullet and into the back of her throat. Shame

and guilt burned in her face at the memory of what had happened.

Clarke. She reached for her cigarettes and her puffer simultaneously,

and then popped a valium before struggling out of bed.


Chapter 19

Of one thing you can be certain; whatever you give out you will

receive back tenfold. This is the universal law of attraction and the

universal dictate of every human being. If you feel your life isn’t

going too wel , maybe it’s time to reflect on what it is that you are

sending. You may also be mindful that karma does not always present

itself with trumpets or sirens; it may often arrive in the form of

something small and ordinary. Karma also arrives in the form of

another person, so you need to hope that it is someone that arrives

with good intention; this again depends on your own actions.

Creative Goth

Gavin’s sleep was rudely interrupted by the presence of

someone else in his room; he instinctively thought it was

April and he reached out with the intention of slapping

the bitch for disturbing him, when he remembered that she had left

two weeks ago and gone God only knew where. He hadn’t pursued

her because he felt cocksure she would return at some point; she

couldn’t cope without him for too long.

Before he had time to fully open his eyes, he felt the barrel of a

gun pushing against that tender part of his left temple, right above

his ear, and he froze. With horrified realization, he registered more


Behind Venetian Blinds

than one individual in the bedroom as the bedside lamp clicked on.

The gun holder smiled, revealing a black space where his front teeth

had once been.

“Hello, Gavin.”

Gavin went limp with terror.

“My name’s Beefcake . . . . Sure we’ve not had the pleasure yet.”

Gavin stared at the overweight, tall, built like a brick shithouse,

ugly bloke. His head was shaved. His right ear held a large gold

hoop. “What the fuck . . . ?” Gavin’s brain scrambled wildly for

rationalization. “Who are you . . . what do you . . . ?”

Someone else laughed; Gavin turned his head and took him in;

small, skinny, weasel-like face; angular limbs that made him seem

awkward. He strode in front of him and stroked him gently under

the chin. “What say take this dick’s money first, and then do him?”

“Easy, Longfellow, don’t want him going anywhere just yet.”

Beefcake dragged him into a sitting position at the edge of the bed,

“Isn’t that right, Gav?” He dragged on the last of his cigarette and

flicked it carelessly into a half empty whiskey glass on the bedside


Longfellow turned and nodded towards a third male who stood

behind himself. His companion smirked and approached Gavin,

leaning in his face; a tall lanky man with greasy, stringy brown hair

hanging in his eyes. He looked sallow and gaunt; carried a deathly

pal or. Gavin wrinkled his nose when he spoke, the breath was rancid

and his teeth half rotten away.

“Rimmer, by the way, before you feel the need to ask.” He stood

upright again, turning his conversation to Beefcake. “I’m with

Longfellow on this one, I just like to get on with the job, you know

how I work.”


Little Wit & Creative Goth

Gavin’s eyes welled with tears; he looked pleadingly from one to

the next. “You want money? I got money, lots of it; you can have it


Beefcake cracked the handle of the firearm around the back of his

skull. “Stay still now, Gavin, there’s a good boy, I’d like you to meet someone else, let’s see . . . let’s call him Karma for now.”

They all started laughing at this comment. Gavin wondered what

was so funny.

Shaking with fear, he turned his head a little, seeing his captor

nod in the direction of the doorway, and yelped at it being forced

back down so he could only stare at the floor and his feet. His breath

became shallow, he broke out in a cold sweat as he heard someone

else enter the room and approach him. Gavin watched a black pair of

biker boots come into his line of vision, and stop in front of him. He

could only see long legs clad in black canvas. The owner of the boots

slowly lowered onto their haunches and came face to face with him.

Gavin stared hard, had no idea who this was. And Gavin could have

also slapped himself, feeling pretty blown away by the male he was

looking at; he didn’t think he had encountered such a beautiful face.

Gavin continued to stare at his observer for a few seconds; watched

how his lips dragged on a cigarette, how his startling emerald colored

eyes narrowed momentarily as they studied him, and how he flicked

the ash to one side over April’s pristine white carpet. His raven

colored hair hung straight and loose over his shoulders, the glossy

sheen catching the light when he moved; he put Gavin in mind of a

vampire. The guy spoke quietly, an accent Gavin couldn’t place but

knew was southern; his voice was like silk; Gavin tried to turn his

head away in discomfort, as smoke was exhaled directly into his face

with purposeful aim.

“Hello, Gavin . . . I’m Damon.”


Behind Venetian Blinds

Gavin frowned, and tried to place him. “I don’t know you, what

do you want from me?”

Damon inclined his head a little, stuck the tip of his tongue out

between his teeth in careful contemplation; Gavin noted the glint of

a silver tongue bar as he did.

“You raped my girlfriend.”

Silence ensued with deep threat, no one moved.

Gavin’s thoughts raced, he didn’t understand, he stared with

incomprehension at the vampire before him. This made no sense;

his words came in a flurry of garbled defense. “I raped WHO? I’ve

been nowhere near your girlfriend, I don’t know what you’re talking

about . . . I’ve raped no one . . . . Who’s your girlfriend? Who said

I’ve raped her?” Fresh sweat broke out across his brow and formed in

beads over his upper lip. He had to make these guys see it was all a

mistake, complete mistaken identity.

Damon took the last draw on his smoke, dropped the butt on the

Axminster, and stamped it out. “I said you raped her.”

Gavin stared at him, completely bewildered, Damon returned

his gaze.

“She told me it was you; I decided to pay you a visit.”

Gavin watched him rest his chin on his hand; lean his arm on

his knee. “I raped no one, I DON’T FUCKING KNOW WHO

YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT . . . I DON’T . . . . ,” he began to

stutter, somewhere in his mind he knew he was on borrowed time, he

played his moral upper hand. “I DON’T KNOW WHY SHE SAID




Damon gave a half smile. “I never said you went with any woman

outside of your marriage, I said you raped my girlfriend.”


Little Wit & Creative Goth

It hit him like a thunder bolt. Gavin took an audible sharp intake

of breath and held it. His eyes widened in complete dismay and

horror, his stomach contracted at the realization and he thought he

was going to be sick.

Damon registered his epiphany.

“Are we getting it now, Gavin . . . Do you know who I’m talking


Gavin’s mouth began opening and closing. He searched his mind

desperately for something to say; he said the only thing he could find.

“It wasn’t rape, what the fuck is she doing with you? We are married;

she’s a lying fat slag . . .”

Damon’s expression hardened, and Gavin physically shrank back

from him and wished he hadn’t opened his mouth. He leaned forward

and gripped his jaw with one hand, pulling Gavin into himself; long

pale fingers splayed, feeling to Gavin like cold death; hard sharp

black fingernails dug deep to his bone. Gavin squeezed his eyes shut

and whimpered at his touch; Damon’s arm pressed into his chest, his

mouth was so close to Gavin’s ear, his lips brushed the surface of the

pliable skin. He felt Damon’s heat through his thin t-shirt; he smelt

the worn leather of the jacket he wore, the fresh cigarette smoke that

clung to him; the underlying essence of soap, shampoo; something

clean; and then he whispered in his ear.

“It is my understanding, that sex without consent, whatever the

circumstance, is the definition of rape. You are filth, Gavin. You

are disgusting. My inclination is to take you out where you sit, but

that would upset April because she’s too gentle and too forgiving

and I won’t do anything to upset her. Unfortunately for you, Gavin,

I’m not gentle and I’m not in the least bit forgiving.” Sliding a

switchblade from his back pocket, Damon flicked it open. Gavin let

out a strangled scream as Damon’s fingers prised down his bottom


Behind Venetian Blinds

jaw and grabbed his tongue, stretching it out over his bottom lip. He

began to whimper as the switchblade was dug into the soft, yielding

flesh. “What’s it feel like, Gavin? What’s it feel like to be pinned

down and completely powerless? What does it feel like to be totally

at someone else’s mercy? You ever speak about April like that again

and I promise you faithfully that you will lose this by my hand.”

Damon slowly got off him and released his grip as he clicked the

blade closed and placed it back in his canvas pocket. “I’ll leave you

in the hands of my friends, Gavin, they’re not forgiving either.” He

tipped an imaginary hat. “Have a good night.”

He nodded in the direction of Beefcake, who stood silently by

Gavin’s side, and stood up. He turned to go.

“If they do anything to me . . . . Anything at all . . . . I’ll . . . .”

Damon turned around and began to laugh. “You will what?” He

stepped towards him. “Just what will you do, Gavin? . . . Go to the

police? And what will you tell them? That you beat the shit out of

your wife and then raped her?” Damon cocked his head on one side.

“No, didn’t think so . . .”

Gavin felt his head bounce off the wall as Damon’s fist landed a

punch to the side of his jaw before he turned and walked swiftly from

the room. Gavin’s vision went blurry and everything seemed to be

shifting in and out of focus around him, as he spat mouthfuls of blood

onto the carpet and slid off the edge of the bed and onto his knees.

Beefcake smacked him hard around the ear with the muzzle of

the gun. His eardrum rang with the impact, stinging heat seared

through his lobe.

“Now then, where were we, honey pot? Where’s the cash?”

Gavin’s heart began hammering again, his speech was gabbled and

he began stuttering. “Downstairs, my wallet’s in the kitchen with

my credit card.”


Little Wit & Creative Goth

“Maybe it don’t matter shit”, yelled Rimmer, “maybe we just

gonna blow your brains out no matter what you do!” Rimmer started

laughing hysterically.

His voice rose rapidly; “my pin number is 3353, you can take it


“Get up, you cunt . . . . Get up now, you piece of shit!” Longfel ow

grabbed his arm and hauled him to his feet. “Get up fucking wife

beater . . . Fucking RAPIST . . . . You got any idea what they do to

RAPISTS in prison? Do you?”

Beefcake kneed him hard in the groin, “You think this piece of

shit would be bothered about that?”

Rimmer started to jump around excitedly as Gavin doubled over

and started retching. “This little baby looks like he takes it up the

ass, he would be dropping his pants and holding his ass as high in

the air as he could manage . . . It would be like fucking Heaven for

him.” Longfellow smirked, “Maybe we should just hand the nancy

boy in . . . Let him go find his natural vocation as a bitch?”

Beefcake shook his head. “Nah. Prison’s too good for this bitch.

See . . .” he paused and drew Gavin by his neckline directly up into

his face, “I don’t like wife beaters and I certainly don’t have any time for rapists . . . You fit both categories so in my book you’re pretty

much dead . . .”

Pushing him out of the room and down the stairs, Gavin

stumbled and slid heavily to the bottom. Longfellow glided past

him and dragged him to his feet. “Come on now, Gavin, no lying

down on the job. Plenty of time for that later.”

Beefcake let out a snort. “Let’s go for a little ride, Gavin.”

“Please, I’m sorry . . . . I’m so, so sorry.”

“Yeah, sure you are, Gavin. Maybe you should have thought

twice about what you WERE FUCKING DOING WHEN YOU


Behind Venetian Blinds


his face as Longfellow trussed his hands behind his back and Gavin

started to sob, twisting his head violently from side to side as Rimmer taped his mouth and pulled a bag over his head.

Someone grabbed him by the scruff of the neck; the door opened

and he was thrust into the cool night’s air. Rimmer started to cackle


“Shut the fuck up, Rim.” Beefcake’s voice was hushed and held

some urgency. “We don’t want anyone seeing us with this cunt.”

He heard someone flick a lighter and the smell of tobacco filled his

nostrils as a door popped open and he was pushed head first into the

boot of a car. He landed face down, banging his head and split his

lip open as he hit against metal. The boot slammed shut and he was

engulfed in suffocating blackness.

He heard muffled voices, more doors opening and closing, and

the engine shuddered into life.

“You want some sounds on, Gavin? Let’s get this party on the

road then,” Rimmer yel ed in his direction, banging on the back seat.

“Listen up, Gav baby . . . This one’s for you.”

The sounds of Careless Whisper by George Michael blasted

through the speakers.

“Fuck, Rim . . . . Turn this shit off,” Beefcake yelled above the

noise. The car sped up, and Gavin lurched from side to side in the

boot. The nausea rose in his throat and he was thrown again as the

car swerved another corner. The journey seemed endless as the car

sped on, Gavin felt total y disorientated to time and place as he rol ed around in the boot and tried not to throw up. The car suddenly came

to a halt and the boot popped open.

“Get out, you wanker. Get the fuck out of my car; you make it

stink like shit. Get out.” Beefcake dragged him to the ground by the


Little Wit & Creative Goth

shoulders. He fell directly onto his chin, his lower body still inside

the boot.

“Fucking idiot . . . Fucking look at you . . . . Jesus Christ, act with some fucking decorum.”

Beefcake dragged him along the dirt and ripped the bag from

his head. Gavin inhaled long lungful’s of air through his nostrils,

his chest heaving as he adjusted to his new surroundings. He had no

idea where he was, they had driven down a dirt track into some kind

of parkland, dense with trees. There were no signs of life, not even a

passing car could be heard in the distance. It was pitch black and not

even the stars could be seen tonight.

“Enjoy the ride?” Longfellow’s eyes were dilated with madness.

He jittered around excitedly and dug his heel sharply into Gavin’s

ribcage, causing him to cry out. Rimmer kicked him hard in the same

spot. Gavin curled his legs up to his chest in pain.

“Settle down. Jeez. Don’t you go losing the plot like you did on

the last job.” Beefcake ground his cigarette out with his boot. “Let’s

get this sorted right away.”

Gavin let out a mewl of pain as Rimmer ripped the masking tape

from his mouth. “Scream as much as you want out here, bitch, there

ain’t no-one going to hear you.”

Gavin’s hands still trussed behind his back, Longfellow grabbed

him by the scruff of the neck and hauled him further into the

woodland until he could no longer see the dirt track.

“Don’t kill me, I’m sorry, don’t kill me. Please. I won’t do it

again.” He stumbled from tree trunk to tree trunk in the darkness.

“To be certain, Gavin, you most definitely won’t do it again.”

Longfellow pushed him onward. “You won’t do it again because you

won’t ever be going near Damon’s girlfriend again. Not ever. You

won’t go near her, you won’t contact her and you will not see her


Behind Venetian Blinds

ever again. You will not go within a fifty mile radius of the woman

as long as you continue to live your fucked up, putrid, futile life.

Understand me?”

Gavin nodded furiously. “Anything at al . Just let me go. Anything

you want.”

“This’ll do.” They stopped moving and propped Gavin up against

a large Yew. Beefcake knelt in front of him and Gavin watched with

complete horror as Beefcake unzipped him, wrenched down his jeans

and boxers and grabbed hold of his flaccid penis. Pulling a flathead

screwdriver from the back pocket of his denims, Beefcake held it

up on full view of the moonlight that had slid out from behind the


“No, don’t please, no.” He understood what was a