Behind Venetian Blinds by Little Wit & Creative Goth - HTML preview

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“You can’t mean it, Sienna. You’re the only one that still believes

in me . . . . Where will I go, Si? I won’t be able to do it on my own,

like.” His eyes pleaded with her, his speech a mere whisper.

Staring straight ahead as she spoke, purposefully avoiding the

gaze that she knew would break her, she concentrated on keeping

her voice steady as she spoke. “Go home, Jay, and sort yourself out,

go home to your ma . . . .” Intense pain seared through her heart as

she saw him shatter before her. Turning, she stood staring out the

window at the world changing colour, as leaves formed carpets of

rustic reds and burnt ambers along the streets. It reminded her of

burrowing beneath the crisp autumn leaves fallen from the chestnut

tree for conkers as a young child, and of carefully tracing her fingers around the prickly casing, turning it over and over in her hands

before prising it open to reveal shiny brown, smooth seeds, nestling

on a white velveteen bed. It reminded her of a time when the onset

of fall could still delight her senses, crunching under her feet with

the promise of Christmas lurking around the corner.

She had never known that the onset of autumn could feel so

painful and dark, hol ow and dead; the rustling of the leaves sounding

mournful and the wind playing sad melodies in its trees. It reminded

her of the Belmont Road and of Jimmy Reeves singing sad words

about love on her mother’s old record player.

She felt Jay’s strong arms encircle her waist and she could feel his

soft breath on her cheek as they stood, watching the trees shed their

summer foliage.

“Marry me.”

She let out a small laugh in disbelief. “Very funny.”


Behind Venetian Blinds

“We always said we’d get round to it one day, remember?”

Sienna turned to him, searching his serious expression and

pretended not to remember; only she knew that she did.

Tears flooded his eyes. “Don’t, Jay.”

“I love you, Sienna, more than you’ll ever know, I’ve not been too

good at showing it, I know that, and I shouldn’t have taken you so

much for granted, but I love you, Si, I have from the first moment I

laid eyes on you.”

She reached for him then and brought his mouth to hers with soft

sweet, warm, gentle kisses. But he pulled away and started walking.

If she touched him, he would break. She fol owed him quickly; panic

licking her as he descended the stairs.

“Don’t leave like this, Jay.”

He didn’t turn around and she couldn’t be sure that he had heard

her. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he picked up his travelling

bag and walked out of the house.

Sienna remained frozen at the top of the stairs until the light

began to fade and the shadows lengthened. Eventually she rose

from her cramped position and numbly crossed the landing into the

bedroom where she popped two valium, smoked a bong and went

to bed.


The storm woke her, the wind screeching and howling outside, it

was two o’clock in the morning, she placed her hands over chest and

breathed deeply, willing the pain to go away. For the past two weeks

she had woken up with that crushing feeling in her chest and that

lurching feeling in the pit of her stomach. She lay there listening as

nature mocked her pain as the skies cried and the rain pummelled


Little Wit & Creative Goth

against her windows. Jay was gone. She popped half a valium to ease

the pain in her chest. She closed her eyes again, willing herself back

to sleep so she wouldn’t have to wake up to the blackness and guilt

that engulfed her.

When she looked at the time again it was six o’clock in the

morning and she felt more exhausted than when she had gone to bed.

She thought about cal ing in sick so she wouldn’t have to face Clarke,

and going to a nearby park with Freya. She could sit on the park

bench with its missing planks and feed the ducks. She could make

sandwiches and buy cartons of juice so that she and her daughter

could lunch out.

Reaching for her mobile, she rang in sick to work. Aye, that’s

what she would do, go feed the ducks and then maybe call on April.

She hadn’t seen her in a few weeks, this wasn’t unusual as April hadn’t been at work. Off sick with flu or something or other. She could do

with her pal right now. Typing out a text message, she hit the ‘send’

button and got Freya ready to go, she would grab breakfast on the

way to the park.

Her mobile vibrated loudly on the kitchen bench, it was a message

from April; ‘ Wud luv 2 C U. Call round. Am staying at this address, 5

Karingal Avenue. Ape xxx’

Studying the address, she wondered why it sounded familiar,

Karingal Avenue, she racked her brains and then shrugged it off

dismissively. Perhaps April had mentioned it before, must be a friend

she was staying with. She decided to bypass the ducks and find out

what was going on. It wasn’t like her to be away from home.

Sienna pushed the gate open awkwardly as she stretched over

Freya’s pram. Shoving it forward, she fol owed it through the entrance

and turned to close the latch. Who the hell was she staying with?


Behind Venetian Blinds

She halted at the door and pressed the bell. Its chimes sounded

soft through the heavy wood; a few seconds pause and she heard

footsteps approaching. The door opened with a rapid swing as it was

pulled forcefully.

“Damon!” She stared at him in disbelief, her mind racing . . .

“what are you . . . Sorry, must have the wrong address . . . April . . .”

“She said you were coming.” Damon lounged in the doorframe,

smiling at her.

Her mouth hung open as it dawned on her. “You live here?”

Damon nodded, “and April . . . .” Her mind scrambled wildly to

make sense of everything.

“Who is it, Damon?” He turned his head towards April’s voice

which was calling from upstairs somewhere.

“It’s Sienna.”

“I’ll be down in a minute. Tell her to come in.”

“Come in.” He stood to one side as Sienna swung the pram

around, pushing it inside. She gazed around herself a few seconds,

taking in her unfamiliar surroundings, and Damon closed the door

behind her. She shifted uncomfortably as she waited in silence and

turned towards the footsteps on the staircase.

“Si . . .”

Inhaling a sharp breath, Sienna stared at her open mouthed. Her

face was so swollen and bruised she was almost unrecognizable; it

was only her voice she recognized. Her eyes she could barely open.

“Jesus Christ, April. What The hell happened to you . . . What?”

She absorbed the cuts, the bruising . . . . the whole mass of damaged

flesh . . . “That bastard . . . Gavin. Oh my God, April look what

he’s done to you . . .” Sienna’s hand flew to her mouth. April smiled


“It’s OK . . . . I’m OK. C’mon, let me get you a drink.”


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Sienna parked the pram in the hallway and, lifting Freya, she

followed April into the living room. Accepting a goblet of red wine

she sat on the sofa and reaching over, softly touched her friend’s

damaged face. “Oh my God . . . What happened, April?” Her voice

was barely audible. “Is this why you’re here? Why are you here .

.? I mean . . . What I mean . . . I don’t know where to start . . .

Damon . . .”

April took a deep breath. “I’m not sure I know where to start

either. I’ve been seeing Damon for a while now, . . . Gavin . . . . He

beat me and . . . .” She choked up with tears.

“Whoa . . . slow down, Ape . . . how long have you and Damon

been together?”

“In truth, quite some time . . . he offered me a safe place to stay

the day he was discharged. I came, and . . . I love him, Si, and he

loves me.”

“Did Gavin find out?”

April nodded her head and pulled a cigarette from its packet,

“He got wind of it somehow and was waiting on me when I came

home . . .” April raised her glass to her swollen, scab-covered mouth.

“Did you go to the police?”

April shook her head. “I couldn’t face anyone asking me about it,

or poking at me . . . and what would I say anyway? I’ve taken his abuse for years . . . How stupid would that make me seem . . . . ? And why

would I suddenly choose this particular episode to speak out . . . . he could say anything . . . he’s hurt me countless times before . . . just not so bad . . . .”

“Have you heard from him . . . since he . . . ?” Sienna gestured

towards her facial injuries. “Sorry, April. If it’s too hard to talk about just tell me to shut up.” Her voice trailed off.


Behind Venetian Blinds

“No, I haven’t heard from Gavin, and Damon tells me I won’t

hear from him again. And I’m not going to question him . . . I just

accept I’m safe here with Damon.”

“Oh my God, Ape, I can’t believe any of this . . . this . . ,” she

gesticulated with her hands in the air. “I mean . . . HELL! What are

you going to do about work?”

“I’m going to use up my sick leave and figure it out from there.

I have no idea, Si . . . I’m just taking time out. You know, now I’ve

left Gavin, I wonder why I put up with his shit for so long. I’m

more angry at myself than anything else. Sometimes you are just so

trapped. Yet with Damon . . . he makes me feel so alive . . . it’s so

different.” April dropped her legs back to the floor, wincing as she

leant forward to light another smoke. “Anyway, that’s enough about

me. Tell me about yourself. What’s Jay up to these days?”

She looked down at the table inhaling deeply and with a certain

poignant sadness. “Jay’s gone.”

There was a pregnant pause of silence and then April cleared her

throat. “What d’you mean, gone? Gone where?”

Sienna looked back up at her billowing smoke down her nostrils

as she did. “Left . . . Gone . . . . Back to his ma’s in Ireland.”

April’s eyes widened. “Really . . . What happened?”

Sienna looked at the table top again; guilt flooded her as she

gave her reply, she flushed with creeping discomfort at the thought

of Clarke. “I told him to go, April . . . .” She met her friend’s eyes

again. “I just couldn’t do it anymore . . . I told him to go home and

straighten out . . . You know what he’s like.”

April nodded in agreement and reached over to take Sienna’s

hand; her eyes bore nothing but compassion and sympathy toward

her, which chewed Sienna’s guilt just that little bit tighter.


Little Wit & Creative Goth

“So what now? Will you give it another go if he sorts himself


“I can’t . . . . I don’t . . . He can’t come back . . .” Sienna’s words faltered from her lips, but she pushed herself to say it. “Because, I am not strictly alone, there’s someone else.”

April burst out laughing in shock. “You . . . Shit, Sienna . . . .

who . . . ?”

Sienna shifted in her seat and took her hand away from April’s

hold. She stubbed out her smoke and grasped another straight away.

“Who is it?”

Sienna looked at her slowly. “Clarke.”

She could see the cogs turning quickly in April’s head as she

pondered. She suddenly threw herself back against the wall, her face

a look of shock.

“Dr. Ridgewood?” Sienna nodded.

“No! You’re shitting me . . . Clarke . . . . but he’s married . . .

Shit . . . Clarke . . . .”

“Yeah, shit, Clarke . . . . Clarke would kill me if he knew I’d told

you . . . .”

“He’s not exactly your type, is he?” She looked at her friend in


Sienna gazed down again, the atmosphere becoming sombre

quite quickly. “You can’t breathe a word about this to anyone. I mean,

I know you wouldn’t but you can imagine how it would go down at

work. He could lose everything.”

“Si . . . Just . . . What is it? I’m finding this hard to believe, I

mean . . . Dr. Ridgewood?”

Sienna stalled, it was a subject she preferred not to think about

it, because she wasn’t quite sure how to even begin explaining the

situation, and she couldn’t even make sense of it in her own head. I


Behind Venetian Blinds

mean, how could she tell her friend that he was the vilest animal that

she had ever encountered, that he had her so far down, that she no

longer know who she was or what she stood for anymore?

“He . . . . He’s someone I can talk to . . . He . . .” She stopped, it

sounded so pathetic.

“I don’t believe you . . . I know you, Sienna Saverese, and you

don’t mean a single word that’s coming from your mouth right now.

I don’t like Dr Ridgewood, or Clarke, or whatever you want to call

him. I never have done and I have no idea what you see in him . . .

and since when did you become responsible for saving his ass? It’s not

your job to save the world you know, Si, that’s half your problem.”

Sienna felt tears prick her eyes. She sniffed loudly and wiped her

eyes with the side of her hand. The door opened, and Damon stuck

his head around the door gesturing towards April.

“Sorry, Si, just give me a minute.”

Sienna nodded as April followed Damon out the door. Sienna

leaned back into the sofa and lit another cigarette. She suddenly felt

angry, sad and desperate all at once. Closing her eyes and letting her

head drop into her hand, she wished for nothing more than for the

matter to be taken out of her hands, and to wake up knowing it had

all been a bad dream. She looked up as April entered the room again.

She settled herself without acknowledging Sienna and closed her

eyes, she looked groggy, as though she were heavily sedated.

“Ape,” Sienna shook her leg roughly, “Ape, are you OK?”

April’s eyelids fluttered open for a second, her eyes red and glassy,

she stared at Sienna but didn’t really look at her. She smiled and

nodded dreamily and closed her eyes again, drifting off to someplace


“April, wake up . . . what have you just taken?”


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“Hmmm.” April scratched furiously at her right arm over the thin

cotton sleeve, her head fell forward onto her chest before she jerked

it up savagely.

Reaching over Sienna slowly pushed the sleeve of her top up past

her elbow. April sat still and gave no resistance. And there it was,

plain as day; Sienna’s hand dropped limply to the couch as she stared

at the inflamed track marks over her friend’s elbow crease. Her words

were a mere whisper as she spoke; “You’re using, aren’t you . . . He’s

using again and you’re using as well. Why, April . . . just . . . why?”

April forced her eyelids open, they looked doped and heavy. “It

helps me cope . . . . it helps my pain . . . it’s this . . . or . . .” Her speech was seemed slurred.

“This isn’t the answer, Ape, you need professional help for what

you’ve been through.”

“I know, I’ll stop soon . . . promise.” April nodded back off again,

into a world of her own.

Sienna shook her head numbly and got up to leave. For what was

the point in staying?


Chapter 23

What I don’t understand is why people are so mean to each other,

undermining and belittling others to boost their own false ego and

sense of worth. Like they think it makes them better than everyone

else around them. Where do people get off thinking they have the

right to control and judge another? It just doesn’t make any sense.

We are all just winging this life by the seat of our pants. There

is no point in pretending you are any better or any different.

Little Wit

Kicking the front door open, Sienna struggled through to

the kitchen with several shopping bags and Freya attached

to her hip. Clarke followed, squinting through the stuffy

airless gloom of her living area; the venetian blinds, layered with

dust, hung crookedly against the windows and blocked out any

natural light. Clutter covered every conceivable surface; half-filled

coffee cups sprouted mould; cigarette butts had burnt holes into

her cheap furniture; unpaid bills lay unopened, covered in spillages

and gathering more dust; CDs lay carelessly on the floor; Freya’s

beakers lay on their sides in puddles of seeped juice, her videos and

baskets of laundry spilled over the threadbare sofa, old cigarette

smoke permeated the air. Chaos reigned.


Little Wit & Creative Goth

Putting her daughter and bags down, Sienna walked towards

the kitchen, casually flicking cigarette ash on the carpet as she went.

Catching the look on Clarke’s face, she stamped it in with her foot

and shrugged. Sometimes she found it hard to give a shit. “Keeps

the moths at bay.”

His lip curled back in disgust; his nose wrinkled, rendering

him as ugly as a troll as he attempted to not inhale too much; her

kitchen bin was overflowing, the stench of rotting vegetable peel and

discarded meat fat mingled into a vomit-inducing aroma; that’s if you

weren’t accustomed to it, fortunately, Sienna thought glibly, she was

and Freya didn’t give a shit.

Clarke’s voice was a venomous hiss behind her back. “What is

wrong with you? You live like a tramp . . . I take that back . . . Tramps have more dignity and pride in their surroundings . . . .”

She shrugged coldly, glancing briefly back at him, numbly

observing his spiteful mouth set into a hard line; oh boy, here comes

the lecture.

“What other person do you know that lives like this, Sienna?

Who? Your so-called friend, April? I don’t think so. She’s always

tidying the ward when she’s there, I bet her house is immaculate.”

Sienna gave a snort of laughter, and spoke under her breath. “Oh

yeah, Clarke, it is immaculate . . . Perfect. That’s if you discount the heroin and the fact that she’s shacked up with one of your patients.

You’d love that one, Clarke, right up your fucking alley that one . . .


“What did you just say? I didn’t hear you, Sienna . . . . always

mumbling as well . . . Speak up.”

She raised her voice in mock clarity. “I said yes, she’s very tidy.”

“Hmmm. As I surmised . . . . You need to clean, Sienna . . . And


Behind Venetian Blinds

clean regularly, this isn’t acceptable. Your personal space is reflective of your mental state . . . you need to get rid of the clutter and tidy up.”

Sienna shrugged again; for she was used to people’s reactions

when they saw her home and she had heard all this from Clarke

several times before; she only knew one other person that lived like

she did and they happened to have an acquired brain injury. Looking

around for the least chipped dirty cups, she pulled two from the

depths of grimy grey sink water along with a baked bean-encrusted

saucepan. She scrubbed half-heartedly at it with a scourer, dipping

it in and out of the same cold water; satisfied at least half of the

remnants were gone, she filled it with fresh water from the cold tap

and set it on the hob to boil; her kettle had blown a fuse some time

back. She turned her attention to brushing crumbs from the work

unit with her hand, to the floor, and began to prepare dinner.

She never saw the point of it all really, just couldn’t be bothered

if the truth were to be known; having streak-free windows and

sparkling laminate units did nothing for her. I mean, what did it

matter if she didn’t mop the kitchen floor; what did she need a clean

floor for?

She wished he would hurry up and go home to his wife for the

night. She had thought that leaving Jay would have afforded her some

kind of relief, but it didn’t. It had only served to enhance her guilt and pain and she was feeling increasingly claustrophobic and suffocated

by Clarke’s presence now that he had taken it upon himself to invade

her home whenever he felt like it, it was less likely he’d get caught if they didn’t have to go out in public.

Looking around for somewhere to sit, Clarke cleared one of her

chairs of clutter, ran his hand over it to check it wasn’t wet from

spillages, and then hitched up his expensive jacket before perching


Little Wit & Creative Goth

himself precariously on its edge. He positively glowered with rage,

his presence pervading through the atmosphere, the stench more

potent than his aftershave. He became more and more agitated as

Freya threw her juice cup on the floor, spilling it everywhere as

she ran and grabbed her favourite toy, a plush yellow Teletubbie,

and went to run to her mother in the kitchen. Clarke nonchalantly

placed his foot across the doorway leading from the living room to

the kitchen, effectively blocking Freya’s way to her mother. Freya

voiced her opinion by stamping her little feet and wailing loudly,

desperately trying to find a way through; she attempted to go under,

Clarke lowered his leg; she attempted to clamber over it he raised it

an inch; Freya toppled over, her squeals rising steadily in volume. She raised her arms in the air; a signal for her mother to lift her. Sienna could see her clearly as though her eyes were literally in the back of

her head; but she couldn’t move, she was frozen in position; her fear

of openly defying Clarke overriding her maternal instinct at that

moment . . . . Guilt swamped her being. You can’t let this happen,

Sienna, go get her, go get your daughter. Look at her standing there,

she needs you and you are doing nothing about it.

Clarke smirked at Sienna’s obvious emotional torment and she

saw this with her mind’s eye just as clearly; no, she didn’t just see

it, she felt it; she stood paralyzed in position, with her back to the

unfolding scenario; milk leaked through her top in response to her

baby’s primitive wail. Her heart pul ed at her, begging her to comfort

and soothe her child; it was her and Freya against the world, wasn’t

it? Except for when Clarke was there.

She stared aimlessly as water began to bubble over waxy baby

potato skins, and she felt bile rise in her throat. She daren’t catch a glimpse of Freya in case she saw the betrayal in her eyes. And she

didn’t want her baby to think she wasn’t loved or had been rejected,


Behind Venetian Blinds

because she loved her more than anything in the world. It was just

that . . . . her legs felt leaden, they just wouldn’t move. Yeah, sneered

the girl on the cloud, you’re just a nothing, Sienna. You’re weak and


Take a good look at yourself, you haven’t moved on at al , have

you? You’re still the same person that ran awa