Behind Venetian Blinds by Little Wit & Creative Goth - HTML preview

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She watched the girl below with long dark, nearly black hair

laying there moaning on the bed, naked from the waist down and

with her legs splayed open. She felt very sorry for her, for she knew

there would be no clearing of her soul after this.

Starting to come to again, snapshots of her immediate past flashed

through her mind with snippets of conversation playing themselves

out in the background.

“Just a quick jab and then it will be sorted; you won’t feel a

thing . . . Just a small scratch now, Sienna, and it will all be over, all back to normal.”

She could see him standing there, in the living room with a

loaded syringe. His eyes were glittering with madness, and for a

moment she could have sworn it was her mother standing in front

of her. She felt suddenly clammy and bile filled her throat. “What

the fuck . . .”

He laughed. “You never really believed I was going to let you go

through with this, did you? Stop playing silly games, Sienna. Do you

really think I’m going to be associated with your mess and risk losing

everything for some cheap little slut?” He shook his head in disbelief

as he inched closer towards her. She stepped back slowly towards the

wall, all the while keeping her eyes on that needle, she could not peel her eyes from that needle he held in his hand.

“You’re nothing but a greasy spick with big tits and a funny

accent,” he sneered, “you’re nothing but a curiosity to society.”

Sienna dropped her gaze to the floor. He knew she hated the way

she looked and the way it set her apart from everyone else. And then

HE was telling her softly that if she didn’t do as she was told that he 211

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would have Freya removed from her care, THAT’S RIGHT, that’s

what he had said, the bastard had a hold of her daughter. She had

to wake up.

A high-pitched pitiful sound escaped the back of her throat as

another image flashed before her of Clarke’s face bearing down on

her, his eyes full of pure hatred and she knew then that she had met

someone without a soul and that all people weren’t good underneath,

that some were just plain bad.

And the girl on the cloud was laughing at the sheer terror in her

eyes as they darted around the room nervously, mentally trying to

work out a means of escape.

“You’re fucking nuts, Clarke, you’re off your trolley if you think

I’m going to let you get away with this,” she yelled at him, frantic

now as the fear ran rivers down her back, her clothes sticking to

her body. “I have a serious job and a clinic to run, in,” he checked

his Rolex, “approximately twenty minutes, I don’t have time for

this nonsense, Sienna, so if we could just cut through the attention

seeking behaviour and sort this little problem out now and then

everything can go back to normal.”

She looked at him them and considered what a complete

manipulative dirty old bastard he was, one who was beginning to

panic now she had threatened to expose him for what he was. “GO

FUCK YOURSELF, CLARKE,” she spat in his face which was

almost on top of hers now as she inched her way around the wall.

“I will NOT let you do this.” He closed the gap between them by

another inch.

The girl on the cloud fell over backwards with tears of laughter

running from her eyes, she couldn’t believe her ears. She had never

such fight in Sienna.


Behind Venetian Blinds

“WHAT did you just say to me?” Fury flashed in his eyes as she

took another step backwards as he moved towards her. “You’re SICK,

Sienna, mental y unstable, you’re not capable of looking after anyone,

you’re deranged . . . WHAT sort of person lets themselves be videoed,

lying there pouting for the camera like you’re something special,

just WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” ’ She was backed up

against the corner now when she noticed that Freya was standing in

the doorway sucking on her dummy, her yellow Teletubbie dangling

from her hand; she must’ve woken with the commotion. Clarke

turned round swiftly and grabbed her, yanking her off the ground,

he swung her in the air by one arm, the dummy fell from her mouth,

and the yellow Teletubbie fell from her grasp. And there was Freya,

gawping at her and turning blue in the face as she tried to catch her

breath, her round eyes terrorized, the scream frozen somewhere in

between her larynx and her mouth.

“CLARKE, LET HER GO, let her go, THERE’S


Laughing at her, he looked at his prize, “why, the poor little

thing looks like she’s struggling to breathe,” and he turned to leave

the room with Freya under his arm.

“STOP . . . !” She made a futile grasp for Freya who had gone

limp in his hands, her heart was banging away inside her chest. She

could handle almost anything that life threw at her; just don’t hurt

her baby, not her baby.



She made a lunge for her again and managed to unbalance him

enough so that he dropped Freya, who was now screaming for all she

was worth, when she hit the floor.Sienna held her arms out to her,

frantically trying to reach past Clarke so she could grab her.


Little Wit & Creative Goth

She screamed as Clarke slammed her back up against the wall,

the full force of his weight crushing up against her. “GET OFF ME!”

Her hands were clawing at his face and his eyes and her legs were

kicking out at his shins, his knees, anywhere she could reach as she

struggled to get free of him.

He grabbed both her hands and pinned them up above her head

“No way, never, Sienna—half breed Saverese.” He flicked off the

sheath of the needle.

“GET OFF ME!” she screamed and then she felt the needle

plunge through the thin fabric of her black leggings and into her


Nine weeks and three days pregnant. As always, she had known

the day she had conceived. She knew her world would never be the

same again. Sienna dropped her head in prayer for her own soul and

for forgiveness of the sin she was about to commit. God save me, the

destroyer of life, there was no God to save her now. Not anymore.

Mustering up all her strength she tried to speak,

“NO!” she wanted to scream at him, “STOP, I’m sorry, I’ll do

anything you want me to do, anything, just not this, there is no justice

to this situation, the burning of human souls, there are no winners.

Her lips moved but no sound came out and she succumbed to the

comfort and the numbing of her soul and of her mind.

She drifted away. The drug was too strong. Sienna felt her grip on

reality go. Her body felt limp. She became aware of Freya’s presence

stood in the doorway screaming, and she tried to turn her head to

look at her but couldn’t, her head felt too heavy. The last thing she

remembered was Freya standing in the corner of the room screaming

and she couldn’t get to her.

Clarke lightly kicked her thigh and was satisfied that the sedative

he had injected her with had knocked her out, Sienna’s body moved


Behind Venetian Blinds

with the momentum. He smiled to himself, and then his attention

turned back to the screaming brat that was now climbing onto her

mother’s back. Clarke roughly grabbed one pudgy flailing arm and

yanked the child into the air. For a moment he stood there, dangling

the squirming, dirty thing, observing it with some curiosity as to

its reaction; extreme, to say the least. He pondered about possibly

writing some thesis on the subject. Freya gave another piercing yell;

he reared his head back at the noise level; that was enough. Reaching

into his pocket he pulled out a pre-prepared syringe. Pulling Freya

into himself, he secured her against his own body, tilting her head

backwards firmly. Jamming the clear plastic into her left nostril he

pushed the plunger with some force. Freya stopped yelling with

the sheer shock, her tiny body became rigid and then she began to

relax. Within a few minutes, Freya’s eyes drooped and she flopped in

Clarke’s arms. He smiled, “Good girl, that’s a good girl, let’s go for a nice little sleep.” Clarke crossed the landing to Freya’s bedroom and

tossed the docile toddler into her cot. He looked at her sleepy form for a moment wondering what it was that Sienna doted on; he couldn’t

see the attraction, he left to get on with his mission.

Crossing back through to the landing, he began to run his next

steps in automated fashion through his mind, stepping hurriedly

down the stairs; a clinical procedure just like any other that needed

executing with professionalism, just like he always did. He’d read up

on it an hour earlier, nothing to it; in fact he very much doubted there was anything he couldn’t do if he so chose. He glanced at his Rolex

again; he would have to be quick; he had a conference regarding his

latest research into substance misuse that he was chairing.

Clarke clicked open the boot of his sedan and collected the

instruments he had prepared earlier. Snapping the car closed again,

he went back inside and up to the bedroom where Sienna lay like


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a rag doll on the floor. Picking her up, he slung her across the bed

laying her spreadeagled; he stepped back and viewed her position; her

vagina was too low down for him to do this with precision. Grabbing

a couple of pil ows he stuffed them under Sienna’s bottom, reassessed

her alignment once more and then reached for the yellow Teletubbie

and forced it under her as well; there, her posterior was at the right

height now and would save him from bending too much and causing

him unnecessary soft tissue damage to his lower back. Snapping on

his surgical gloves, he inserted a pessary into her vaginal canal and

then commended himself on his consideration that she would recover

more quickly and experience less vomiting, nausea and diarrhea from

his method of choice. What a lucky girl Sienna was, to have someone

as thoughtful as himself.

Next he inserted an intravenous line under the skin on the back

of her hand, and started to deliver drugs through it at a rapid rate to ensure the procedure would be as finished with as quickly as possible.

For this he sat down, still mindful of his back, and held the bag above Sienna to ensure the line didn’t clog, backflow or kink.

He considered what his wife would be cooking for dinner; he was

feeling a bit peckish; he would have to grab a quick sandwich from

the obligatory buffet that would be supplied at his conference from

the hospital kitchen and a coffee, that would tide him over.

Disconnecting the line, he rose from the bed and picked up

what he next needed, positioning himself at the base of the bed. Ah!

But he had forgotten something so dearly important. He placed his

instruments back down and went in search. Returning back to the

bedroom, he careful y laid down the washing up bowl beside Sienna’s

left thigh and tucked a folded towel under her lower buttocks and

vagina. Now he was ready to complete this distraction. Inserting

a curette inside her he began scraping away the pregnancy tissue,


Behind Venetian Blinds

discarding it into that well-remembered washing up bowl; the

pregnancy tissue stained everything a bright red, the towel soaked

everything else that was flowing from Sienna’s body; he had even

saved her bed linen. Clarke continued with diligence until he was

satisfied his work was done.

He stood back looking at his handiwork and felt a familiar

urge stirring in his loins seeing Sienna lay there; on her back; her

legs spread wide. He snapped off his surgical blood covered gloves

and dropped them into the bowl. Without removing his eyes from

Sienna’s face, he walked slowly to the side of the bed and lifted her

top. Grasping the elastic of the underneath support of her bra he

tugged it downwards; Sienna’s breasts sprang out and he took a still

shot of the scene on his mobile phone, carefully placed her bra back

over her breasts and covered her over with her clothing once more.

He sat down on the side of the bed, his back to her and lit a cigarette.

Maybe he should cancel his appointments.


She could hear Freya crying in the distance again, and this time

she forced her eyes open without al owing herself to drift to her warm

space. Her daughter was crying and she needed to attend to her.

Clarke was sat on the edge of her bed flicking through TV

channels. He didn’t look at her or turn around as he spoke. “You’ve


Her abdomen was beginning to cramp and she could feel blood

coming away from her in warm gushes. She didn’t move, she didn’t

know if she should or could, but Freya was crying and she had to.

Clarke clicked off the television, discarding the remote to one

side, and stood adjusting his jacket as he approached her.


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“You certainly took your time to come round, Sienna . . . . been

out for hours, I had to reschedule my conference. I have to go now,

my wife will have dinner prepared.”

He leaned over her and kissed the top of her head. He nodded

towards the bedside table where he had left a glass of water, three

cigarettes and two Panadol on her bedside table. “I’ve left you a drink and some painkillers. I will call again tomorrow. Might be a good

idea to get some rest and take a few days off work.” He nodded at

her and turned to leave.

And she lay there, her baby’s blood staining the towel beneath

her, a fire igniting in her groin as the sound of Freya crying came to

her again.

Pulling herself up, she felt the pain in her groin intensify and

sweep upward through her body. Gritting her teeth she dragged

her body off the bed, she fell and hit the floor hard clutching at her

stomach; Jesus, the pain was something else. Freya yelled again.

Sienna gripped the edge of the mattress and felt a huge loss like a

faucet opening from between her legs as she hauled herself to her feet

and crossed the room over to the landing. It was all but a few feet but it felt like she was treading through silt. Her baby was crying and

she had to get there, falling to her knees she crawled the rest of the

way. Gripping the sides of the cot, she felt beads of sweat form on

her forehead. Freya stood and raised her arms up to be lifted. Sienna’s head felt muffled. She couldn’t focus.

Smiling her biggest smile she leaned over the pine rail and

clutched her baby. She stooped and knelt to lay Freya on the changing

mat when she felt something more go between her legs. Her legs

buckled and her head started to spin. Her stomach spasmed and she

felt sick. She looked down at the floor; thick red syrup puddled on

the floor and it seemed to be coming from her. Was it? Maybe, she


Behind Venetian Blinds

couldn’t see properly everything was swimming before her. Freya

cried again. Lugging the thin t-shirt over her head, Sienna balled

it up slightly and placed it between her legs. She watched the red/

brown stain begin to seep across the material. Freya yelled at her for


“It’s OK . . . . Frey, it’s OK, sweetheart.”

Stealthily, she changed the nappy and swooped Freya into her

arms when she had done and rocked back onto her feet. She stood

and made it down the stairs. It flushed again from between her legs.

Sienna clamped her thighs taut as she maneuvered her way toward to

the kitchen cupboard and made Freya some juice. Abdominal pain

gripped her, she couldn’t stand it any longer, she was going to pass

out. Laying herself across the cool tiled floor of the kitchen she lay

listening to Freya babbling to herself. She curled and clutched again

as her abdomen cramped and blood seeped out in a pool beneath her.

Sienna clamped her legs just that little bit harder and then the fog

came back to claim her.


Chapter 28

It is so incredibly hard to live in this world when you have natural

ability to see straight through all of it. You spend an agonising

amount of time trying to fit in when your head constantly repeats

that you know you can’t. It makes you sad, it causes depression, but

it is not the sort of sadness that any man made drug can remove.

You sit and reach points of contemplating taking your own life

but you know you can’t because someone else is depending on you

staying around. To see through it all is impending and crippling, to

see through it all is a gift of such enormity that it is something that

cannot be attained, understood or learnt. It can only be understood

by like-minded people and they are few and far between.

Creative Goth

April sat on the wall outside the church, watching strangers

pass her by, wondering as to their connections and

relationship with Damon as she waited, patiently for

Damon’s mother. She had managed to get her act together for the

day and wore a half-respectable dress suit which she had pulled from

the back of her closet and pressed an iron over. After blowing a bag

of dope she had driven for two and a half hours to get here on time.


Behind Venetian Blinds

Although it was a warm day for October and the sun shone

brightly on her back, she shivered violently and huddled inside the

oversized jacket which swamped her stick-thin frame. Lighting a

cigarette, she continued to observe around herself as she drank in the

countryside, where Damon had spent the first eighteen years of his

life. She studied everyone nearby, watching their interactions, and

wondered at how everything seemed to be some mindless human

time-passing event, until the inevitability of death was reached.

She thought back to her initial contact with Damon’s mother,

Julia. For the first time it struck her how odd it was that she had

never spoken to her until she made that phone call to let her know

her son had died. Julia hadn’t seemed too surprised at how Damon’s

life had ended, she said. “It has been the call I have been waiting

on and no, I don’t blame you either, April. Damon spoke of you all

the time. I would love to get to know you better. You are the only

connection with him that I have left. As you will know, Damon was

an only child.”

April had taken to her instinctively, there was something safe

and protective about her that reminded her of Damon; the way she

walked, the way she inclined her head slightly when she smiled and

her eyes, the same startling green colour. She guiltily thought about

her own parents, she had barely spoken to them since she had left

Gavin; just the odd obligatory phone call to say hello and pretend

that everything was fine. And Sienna? She felt her face redden with

shame, she couldn’t remember when she had last spoken to her. She

shuddered slightly at the thought, and rose as she saw Julia smile

and approach in her direction. Together they led the small funeral

procession through the peaceful English country churchyard toward

Damon’s final resting place. She watched as they lowered her lover

and her soul partner into the ground and covered him up with earth.


Little Wit & Creative Goth

Unable to hold back anymore, her tears came and she sobbed, once

again. Her body shook with grief, the confusion of her emotions

right then and the ache in her heart so sore that it was too much to

bear, she tried to play out again and again in her memory the sound

of his voice and the feel of his soft skin against hers, she wanted it

stamped there forever.

“Don’t cry, April, Damon lives on inside you.” Damon’s mother

put her arm around her and pulled her close.

April searched her face beseechingly, and Julia smiled and pointed

at her small rounded stomach. “You think I didn’t know? How far

gone are you?”

April had stared at her, shocked. She couldn’t remember when she

last had a period; two months ago, maybe three? She hadn’t worried

too much about it, she put it down to not eating and using heroin,

plus she was on the pill, wasn’t she? She hadn’t been too vigilant

about taking her pill lately, now that she thought about it. She was too wasted all the time to pay attention. She hurried from the graveyard,

promising Damon’s mother faithfully that she would keep in touch,

and drove like a woman possessed to the nearest chemist.


April sat motionless, perched on the edge of her bed; but it

wasn’t her bed, not really. It was Damon’s bed. Sunlight filtered

softly through the half-closed blinds. She gazed upwards towards it,

clearing her throat, trying to think, and then looked down once more

at the pregnancy test she held in her hand.

It had reacted as positive as soon as she had urinated on it; there

had been no two minute wait and the colour was strong and vivid.

She stared at it again. Her mouth was dry as she tried to lick her


Behind Venetian Blinds

lips. She dropped it on the bed and rested her hand against her lower

bel y; Jesus Christ, she was pregnant. Sure, they had talked about the

possibility one day but . . . now? She exhaled a long drawn-out breath

and tilted her head up as she spoke aloud.

“Trust you, Damon . . . This is so ultimately typical of you it’s not

funny . . . Never satisfied until you’ve made your point and left a life-changing impression somewhere.” She stood and looked at herself

sideways in the full length mirror, her head curled to one shoulder,

her hands cupping her most definitely rounded, protruding lower

stomach, it felt hard as she ran one hand over it. She stripped herself down to her underwear and looked again; at an emaciated frame in

a pair of dirty knickers. She looked at her face. She didn’t recognize

the skinny and ugly refection that stared back at her; her breasts were non-existent.

Her eyes flickered over the small bag of heroin that lay on the

dressing table; she wondered if it would be easier to overdose than

bear this black void she had been left with, and her mind jolted her

quickly to the fact that she carrying Damon’s child. She shook her

head to clear it and returned her attention back to her reflection.

Her hip bones which protruded sharply were covered in sores. This

couldn’t go on; she would dry out after this one fix, she had to, her

baby’s welfare, Damon’s baby’s welfare was dependent on it. She had

to stop this inane shit and start living her life properly; she was about to become a mother. The timing of her pregnancy had never seemed

more poignant than when the frailty of life itself was staring her in

the face. Nothing was a given in this life.

She wished Si was here right now, but she had never been straight

for long enough to respond to her text messages or return her calls,

and right now she didn’t feel