Black Opal by Jimmy Brook - HTML preview

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When the bucket finally disappeared and with it Rory's head, Tania felt her heart miss a beat. Wondering if it was because she was now alone or because of the man descending with the bucket, she dismissed the thought. Then the thought returned. She had often been alone, perhaps too much. Even with someone she was alone.


Then the cable started to rattle and brought her back to the present. She slipped the clutch and cut the power, realising the bucket must already be down on the ground. Around her it was hot. Behind, a group of crows made noises and she heard the flapping of wings. She didn't turn around. The man in the shaft dominated her immediate interest from a business point of view, mostly. If she had, it would have probably made little difference. A strong hand grabbed her from behind and another was placed across her mouth. She struggled but realised very quickly it was better to relax and see what was happening.


A middle aged man, with work clothes and long straggly hair appeared and looked down the shaft. He was carrying a small bore rifle. Feeling a little relaxing of the hand on her mouth, she pulled back her lips and as the hand moved with the skin, she bit. A curse and momentary removal. It was enough. She shouted as loud as she could.


Tania didn't hear the reply from below. That was because her captor had given her head a heavy blow, sending her reeling and crashing to the ground. Before she passed out she caught a wavering glimpse of the  rifle being pointed down the shaft and a loud noise. Then nothing.


She remembered the bumpy ride and feeling sick but little else. Then starting to get her senses in a darkened little room. Tania found the door but it was locked. She pounded on it but to no avail. There was nothing she could find except some tins of food and some empty bowls. One of the bowls was put to good use. After about two hours, the light came on and the door thrown back. It took her time to focus but there was a man with a pistol.


"OK Miss. Outside." He didn't need to say any more. Tania walked out and into a kitchen. She sat in the chair indicated. Two men were in the room. One she recognised from her last seconds at the mine shaft. The other was younger. Dressed much the same but neither had the appearance of being from the bush. More like urban cowboys.


"What's going on?" she asked.


The two men looked at each other. "Pretty, isn't she?" said the one in the red check shirt.


"You and your women," retorted the older one. "Lady. You've caused us a problem. First up, we thought you and Bedford were together, and we wanted our money back. Or the boss does.”


Tania was exhausted but her mind was active. "Why bring me here?”


The younger one smiled. A greasy smirk that suggested not pleasant things. "Lady. You had possibilities. We got rid of your boyfriend but a little recreation time and who knows, you could live a long time.”


Tania wasn't so naive to believe that. It wouldn't stop at two murders, and she would die trying anything before one of them laid a hand on her.


"Now that has turned to profit," said the other. It appears your the owner of the mine and with a very wealthy daddy. Looks like we collect either way. And Benny here can be quite friendly in the meantime.”


She wanted to yell at them. Do something. But the vision of Rory lying at the bottom of the shaft just brought up tears.


"A crier, Ben. Just up your alley."