Black Opal by Jimmy Brook - HTML preview

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Rory went straight to the hotel after his visit to the police station. He needed to. A double whisky to shake off the tongue lashing he received. He could actually cope with the ticking off but it was the implication that he had caused Tania's abduction and 'there was no proof that she had been taken' that got him irritated.


Eventually they calmed down about him interfering in a murder enquiry and trespassing. There would be a follow up on the missing Miss Darius. He was told to go and have a drink and await developments. And that was exactly what he was going to do. That is have a drink. As for awaiting developments, that was not on.


He walked into the crowded bar. Dusty Dan was there in the corner, holding court with a couple of tourists. Rory smiled and Dan raised his glass slightly in acknowledgment. After ordering a double, Rory turned and had just taken one mouthful when he saw red shirt and blue jeans drinking at the far end. His leather hat was on the bar.


His first instinct was to literally tackle him. Belt the daylights out of him and demand to know where Tania was. Immediately that came over as a bad move, because he might not talk. Better to follow him. Rory tried his best to blend into a centre pole, but when he turned to have another look, red check shirt was finishing his drink and heading for the door. Rory made a dash out the nearer door to him. Outside there were a few people but no red check. Had he been seen? He didn't think so. Then a dark blue 4x4 utility pulled out from behind a parked semi trailer, did a 180 degree turn and drove away. Rory's vehicle was parked in the opposite direction. He ran  but by the time he waited for a slow car to get out of the way and a pedestrian, he had lost sight of the utility. There were a couple of choices of direction and he chose one by instinct. Nothing. Doing a wheely he sped in the other direction but it was no use. Even banging the steering wheel and swearing loudly didn't help his frustration. He couldn't save his wife and now he seemed to have botched up saving someone else.


Back in the hotel bar, Rory ordered another drink and looked around. When his eye caught Dan, still with his 'friends', he made a sign and waited. Shortly Dan was standing by his side.


"Nice of you to offer," he said, and ordered a schooner. "You moved out of here pretty quick. Come to think about it, you look a little perturbed. I'll order another and we can sit down. Want another?”


Rory shook his head and seeing a couple of stools vacant, flopped down. So much for an easy assignment. Presently Dan joined him.


"Certain party been giving you trouble?" Then almost half his glass went down in one gulp.


"You could say that," replied Rory, "they've got Tania.”


Dan's glass was in the act of being drained. It stopped. "Like how have they got her?’


"Prisoner, or something. The police won't take me seriously. Took the crap out of me for going out to the mine. Agreed to have a look in the end. Will have a drink.”


Dan put up his hand. "Don't let it get around, but my shout.”


They sat there a while as Rory filled the old hand in on the recent events.


Dan stroked his stubbly face. "This bloke you saw tonight, in the check shirt. Think he's been in here a few times over the last fortnight.”


"With anyone?”


"Another bloke sometimes. Yes. Coming back to me. Interested in the skirts. Like a fellow who is waiting time.”


Rory had a thought. "Ever notice if he picked up any one?”




"Because if he did pick up a woman, he might have taken her home.”


Dan smiled. "Or more likely, she took him home, like the motel.”


Rory's face fell. Dan was right. The chance of quickly finding his boss took a nose dive.


Dan's finger came up and pointed at Rory's nose. "You give up too easily young fella.”


"That's a backhanded compliment," replied Rory.


"Too much good stuff is bad for the ego. No, what I thought of was that old check shirt scored the first night I notice him. He probably was in here before but I noticed him the night Mandy was hanging around.”




"Local girl. Supplements her income from the cafe across the road, so to speak, in here. Some diggers have excess energy, and money to spare. And she has a kid. So my thinking is that she wouldn't want to go back home.”


Rory perked up. "We need to find her.”


"I'd say any comment about excess energy would be in bad taste.”


"Very bad taste. Do I go alone or would you introduce me?”


Before he could reply, Rory was already heading towards the door. Dan finished his drink and followed him. Out on the front steps, it took only a few seconds for Rory to sight the cafe, by which time his mentor had joined him. Dan headed not for the front but down the narrow lane at the side, and knocked on the wire door.


It was opened by a large buxom woman in an equally large floral apron.

"Oh, hello Dan. Too early for left overs. Want a cuppa?”


"No thanks Clare. Is Mandy about?”


By this time she had noticed Rory, and the smile turned into a frown. "New sideline is it? Touting for business. Cuppa's off.”


"Don't be bloody silly. My friend here, Rory had something stolen from his dig and just thought Mandy might know where we could find a certain fellow.”


"Likely story, but I believe you." She turned her head and spoke to some one who had just come into the kitchen. Then without another word, went back inside. A woman about 30, with died blonde hair took her place.


"Yes?" It was a cautious voice.


"Looking for some information, Mandy. Seen you around town. Dan's the name. This is a friend of mine, Rory.”


She looked past the old fellow at Rory.


"I'm busy at the moment and I don't want to upset my boss here. Can you talk to me later? Over at the hotel.”


Rory stepped in, before Dan could reply. "Please. One minute of your time and it is really important. Some one's life could depend on it.


She took another look, then glancing over her shoulder, stepped outside the door. "Sixty seconds.”


Before anyone could speak, a noise at the end of the passage, and a figure started making it's way towards them. Rory froze as the outline of a check shirt was caught in the fading light. Then the person was level with them and stopped. "Hi Mandy. Just feeding Jason's dog. 'Scuse me mister." Then the young teenager pushed past them and disappeared in the gloom.


Mandy coughed. "Well?”


"A few days ago. A man in a check shirt. Leather hat. A nasty piece even by local standards." Rory didn't waste words.


"Lot's of men in check shirts.”


Dan butted in. "Please Mandy. This fella has lost his woman, and we think she was taken by force. I saw you leave one night with him.”


She didn't show any emotion, just looked at both men. "He was a bastard. Got back to his place. There was a mate there. He just couldn't wait. When I said slow down, he hit me. I spat in his face and walked out. And home.”


"You were game," said Rory, "and lucky. He didn't come after you?”


"No. They just laughed. Saw him a couple of nights later in the pub but he ignored me. What do you mean he has your girl?”


Just then Clare's voice butted in. "Need you Mandy.”


"I have to go.”


Rory touched her sleeve. "Please. Where?”


She stood inside and closed the wire door. "Madding's old place."


Then she shut the side door and there was silence.


"I'll show you," said Dan.


They hurried back to Rory's vehicle.


"Not far. Madding lives in way down in Coonamble but rents out his place. Only around 2 acres or so, about a mile out of town.”


At the turn off, Rory could see a light down the lane. He got out.


"You drive back and get the police. I'm going to have a look.”


"Not a good idea. She might not be there. Even the wrong blokes.”


Already Rory was jogging away into the dark. Dan slid over and as quietly as possible, turned the car and headed back towards town.


Tania was shivering, although it was not that cold. It was a mixture of fear and helplessness. She couldn't comprehend all that was going on. Sitting on the floor in the corner, she remembered being pushed to the floor by the younger one and groped and roughly kissed. As he used one hand to loosen his belt, she struck out with her fist in desperation more than plan, and connected with his more private parts. There was a yell, and he stood up, one hand grabbing his stomach and the other giving her a sideswipe across the face. Then he swore violently and walked outside. She cried.


After a while she heard the two of them talking in the next room then a TV was switched on. She sobbed for a while then just sat there.