Buddha's Tooth by Robert A. Webster - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Two


A lone figure stood in the palace temple in front of the 50’ foot gold statue, previously named ‘The temple of the Emerald Buddha’ and now known as the ‘Temple of the Sacred Light’. Here stood someone else whose life had been changed over the past few weeks. Pon stared at the two holy relics positioned side by side on top of the statue’s head .The scaffold had been removed and the temple was silent. He knew that in a short matter of time, the afternoon sun would shine directly through the skylight and for about two hours a day, a dramatic and fantastic display of dancing, spectral lights would surround the top of the statue as the two treasures bounced sunlight off each other, and created it a holy bright aura.

The temple would re-open to the public the following day, after a ceremony by the palace monks, new and old Tinju, who were on their way to Bangkok. Vitchae would perform, and lead the ceremony. The Royal family would be in attendance and it would be an awesome spectacle. Pilgrims would flock from all over the Kingdom to pack out the temple. People from around the world and every walk of life would be able to gaze upon the new wonder of the world, the ‘Buddha’s light’.

Pon would have his hands full with his new positions. His thoughts turned to the quick transformation in his life; he knew it would take time for him to adjust. His new family were already housed in large quarters in the palace grounds. He had discussed his ideas with Vitchae and Cenat. Although his lifelong ambition was to become a Prime Master, he never thought himself worthy at this stage and, after committing several sins, he’d decided he wanted breast implants and to become a ladyboy.

Only joking! He would accept the Kings offer and become bodyguard to the Crown Prince. He would instruct and guide the new monks on the path of enlightenment and ways of the Tinju, but not as the Prime Master, he thought that he wasn’t yet wise enough to undertake this role and had spent long hours in discussion with Vitchae, who told him that he understood and mentioned that the Prime Masters position would be kept available for him for when he decided the time for him to undertake the role was right.

They had decided, Pon should take up his new role and relocate with his new family to the palace. His mother and father would be given paid duties around the palace, and his two sisters would attend education classes and university. The family were thrilled it was a dream for them. They had never left Salaburi before, let alone travelled in a helicopter.

Pon would travel to Salaburi when his palace commitments allowed, where he would train the new Tinju, and he would choose a worthy assistant, but he would do this as a ‘warrior monk’.  His palace duties and his new role and title. ‘Defender of the Monarch.’ Meant he would accompany the crown prince around the globe on state visits and be an ambassador for the Thai people, as well as the prince’s bodyguard

Pon thought back to when he had recently told Vitchae, of the more private part of his journey and his decision not to take up the position of Prime Master.

He expected Vitchae to be angry with him for breaking his vow of celibacy, but all Vitchae said was.

“What was it like?”  And, “tell me more about foreigners,” which brought a look of shock from Cenat.

Maybe his old friend and master had accepted this new order and life change too readily, he thought.

Things would take time to adjust. Pon would take time, his life, as the lives of his fellow surviving brothers had changed in such a short space of time, and he hoped that he would be found worthy of the trust and duty now bestowed upon him. He stared up at the ever-smiling face of the statue.

He felt a little uncomfortable wearing his new uniform, gone was his monks robes, replaced by a smart white uniform, his new attire whilst at his palace duty. A smart white tunic and trousers, his epaulets that displayed the royal heraldic crest and shiny golden buttons, again with the crest on them. His red sash had been embroidered with a golden border, sewn with traditional Thai emblems, which bordered both sides of the sash and at the base was clipped his sword.

Pon thought about his new family and the love they had shown him that would be unwavering. He also thought about his new friends Spock, Stu, Dao and Moo and hoped that it was not the end of a friendship that had taught him the most valuable lesson of all .The most effective weapon that he had in his arsenal was, ‘laughter’.

The sun had now hit the skylight. The light show undertook its spectral dance as the sun’s rays bounced around and created the Buddha’s halo. Pon stared as the lights gained in brilliance until the halo had completely surrounded the Statues head. He  could imagine how the spectacle would amaze the throbbing masses who would witness it, and feel the same tingle of excitement that he did, being touched by ‘The light of god.’

He spoke out aloud.

“Thank you my Buddha for allowing me the privilege to serve you.”

He looked up, shielding his eyes and, for just a second thought that the light had made a small vortex, a swirling opening directly to the holy relic, and he could clearly see the golden box containing the Holy Relics.

‘The expensive ceramic false teeth, of Nicholas Godfrey from Brighton.


Pon turned around, walked towards the door of the temple and outside into the hot sticky Bangkok air.