Cotton Wool World by Eve Westwood - HTML preview

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I am bemused by a lot of people. People who behave in odd ways. I know I’m one of them but nevertheless why some people behave the way they do often astounds me. For example, the other day I was criticized for not eating meat. I was informed by a seventeen year old that I was ruining Britain’s economy and that I didn’t realize that if everyone followed suit we would be over-run by cows who 19

would take over the earth. Well, her fears were short-live because a week later, foot and mouth disease arrived and the government decided to slaughter the majority of cows in the U.K. I mean, who puts these arguments into peoples’ heads? How in God’s name do people come to ridiculous conclusions? What I hate the most is people who hear an idea and then take it on as their own with no capability of being able to explain the logic behind their argument because they basically don’t understand it. A bit like religion.

I recently had a conversation with my mother about how the sun was a star that was still growing and how in billions of years it would be so big that that it would engulf the earth and therefore all life here would end…She told me to take such silly ideas out of my head.