Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-seven


age looked around the empty room after everyone left thinking of Samuel’s words and her earlier conversation with Anna. Walking out the room and down the narrow hallway, she stopped by John’s room, listening to him and Billy talk about videogames and how Billy was an ace at playing Pac-Man.

Chuckling, she continued down the hallway, walking past the door to Cody’s room. She heard him speak in hushed tones about growing up on the farm while Lisa listened quietly. Turning the corner and walking down another hallway, she stopped at the door to Samuel’s room. She started to knock but decided against it, while on the opposite side of the door, Samuel leaned against it holding the doorknob, sensing her. Sage continued down the hallway, stopping at the door to Pedro’s room. “Somehow I feel our paths will cross very soon,” she thought, “But whether as a friend or foe remains to be seen.”

She continued down the hallway and up the stairs until she reached her bedroom, disrobing and changing into her nightgown.
Suddenly, a loud bang came from Daniel’s room, followed by a gasp, a yelp, and a scream. Sage couldn’t determine if the screams were a call for help as she deliberated what to do.
The screams became louder as she realized that Anna and Daniel were in the throes of zealous lovemaking. “My goodness!” she thought, bewildered. “I hope I didn’t sound like that. I can just imagine what the others might be thinking.” Just when she thought the shrill screams would cease, it reached an even higher pitch than she thought was possible. “Oh my!” Sage said, sitting down, covering her gaping mouth and imagining Billy collapsed on the floor crying from laughter as the sounds quieted down to whimpers.
She looked up to see Cristian standing at the doorway looking amused. “Someone is having a good time,” he said.
“Anna was never the bashful type,” Sage said. “She’s always emboldened.”
“I can recall the first time we made love,” Cristian said. “You’re not the quiet type either.”
“I seem to recall you yelling my name yourself,” she joked. He sat beside her on the bed. “It was better than anything I had ever experienced,” he said. She sighed softly.
“I long to touch you again,” he whispered, “to see the fire in your eyes and how you bite your lip in anticipation.” She shivered, remembering sweet kisses on her neck and fingers tracing the length of her back. She closed her eyes as she imagined her hands twirling through spools of dark hair and opening her mouth welcoming soft lips. She opened her eyes to find Samuel staring back at her.
She tensed. “Sage,” Cristian said, staring at her waiting for a response. She looked at him, dazed.
“I asked if I can lie beside you,” he said. “We don’t have to undress.” “That’s fine,” she said, startled by her wayward thoughts, letting him lie her down gently while he took her hand.
“Remember when we went to the Empire State Building?” he asked. “Yes,” she said quietly. “I was so happy to see you thrilled


by the view.” “That day was wonderful.” “It was,” she said, tearing up at remembering how happy she’d felt, and for just that moment, she could forget she was a vampire. He leaned on his elbow. “I want that back, Sage,” he said. “I promise you I will work to regain your trust.”

“We both have to work on our trust of each other,” she said. “I was too hard on you,” he said. “I was frustrated because of my parents’ reaction toward you, and then I could sense the guilt you feel for turning me.”

“Sage,” he said, “I’m not sorry for being a vampire, and I don’t want you to feel guilt over it.”
“That’s just it, Cristian,” she said. “You wanted this life.” “I didn’t.”
“Somehow, Sage, we have to get past this, or it will continue to cause problems between us.”
She thought of Samuel’s advice telling her if something is destined, it would happen regardless of the circumstances.
“Just imagine, in one hundred years, we can look back at this as an afterthought,” he said. “Wouldn’t that be nice?” Sage smiled wryly. “It would,” she said. “But that won’t happen as long as Pearson is out there waiting for the moment to kill me simply because I’m a vampire whether I wanted it or not,” she thought.
He leaned over and kissed her lightly on her forehead.
Randi came from her bedroom wearing her hospital scrubs. “Where are you going?” Rafael asked.
“I have to work the late shift tonight,” she said. She handed him a notepad with the hospital number written down. “In case something comes up,” she said. “Try to stay out of trouble,” she said sarcastically as she grabbed her car keys and walked out the door. He listened as she started her car and drove off.
Once he was alone, Rafael took out his arsenal of supplies, staring at the holy water, bow and arrows, silver hunting knife, and sharpened wooden stakes. “I wish I hadn’t lost the silver stake I always use,” he thought, disappointed. His mind flashed to the night at the lair. He was peering into the darkened room staring at glowing eyes staring back at him. Before he could grab his stake, he was grabbed forcefully and shoved against the wall.
The holy water flew out of his hands, and the stake in his jacket pocket fell out. He tried to feel his way around crawling on the floor, but he had no idea of what was in front of him. He heard the sounds of heavy breathing as he was hoisted from his ankles into the air. The next thing he remembered was waking up at the hospital. “Whatever that was, it had to have been a vampire,” he thought. “Could it have been the same shrouded entity I saw at the cemetery?” he wondered.
“All I know is tomorrow night is the appointed time for me to complete my destiny and fulfill the promise I made to my father. The vampire queen will be eliminated, and I will savor this longdeserved victory.”