Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-eight


he aroma of freshly ground coffee brewing in the coffee maker stirred Rafael awake. Sitting up rubbing his eyes, he looked around. “Randi!” he yelled. “Right here,” she said smiling at him, wearing a robe. “When did you get in?” he asked. “Around seven this morning,” she said. “What time is it now?” he asked. “It’s twelve past noon,” she replied. “I better get up,” he said, casting the blankets aside. “Did you have somewhere you needed to be today?” she asked.

“No, everything is set for tonight, so all I have to do is prepare myself mentally and physically for battle.” “I’ll fix breakfast while you’re showering,” she said. “Thanks,” he replied while he went into the bathroom and shut the door. She took a cautious breath that all would go well.

Samuel walked inside the living room, taking a seat when Lisa and Cody joined him, both looking very tired. “You look the way I feel,” Samuel said referring to the loud screams the night before. “At least it quieted down…eventually,” Lisa said while Samuel poured himself a glass of animal blood. Cody chuckled. John soon joined them, still yawning. Samuel looked away laughing. John didn’t say anything and began to eat the fruit laid out on the tray. Billy walked in next with his hand over his mouth, snickering. Samuel nearly spewed out the animal blood he was drinking, watching him. Cristian was next to walk inside, holding a bottle of animal blood in his hands. Sage came in behind him wearing a snug-fitting burgundy gown. “So how did everyone sleep?” she asked innocently.

Everyone laughed for a minute.
Cristian poured the blood into two goblets and handed one to Sage. “Thank you,” she said taking the goblet, their fingers brushing against each other. “You’re welcome.”
She glanced over at Samuel, who was staring at her while she took a sip.
Anna and Daniel walked inside the room lost in each other’s gazes before they realized that everyone was staring at them. Billy was shaking from laughter. “Sage,” Anna grinned sheepishly. “How is everyone?” she asked. “Tired,” Lisa said. “We didn’t get much rest from all the racket you two were making. Let alone the screams that would’ve wakened the dead.”
Anna swallowed and looked down, petrified. Daniel grinned. “Sorry,” they murmured. They took a seat quietly. Sage chuckled. “There’s nothing wrong with having pleasure and happiness where you can find it,” she said. “I’ve been thinking about our time together and how much you all mean to me.” She looked at each one of them, implanting their faces into her memory lingering on Anna and Samuel. “We’ve traveled many places, and you have been my family.” “Thank you,” she said with resignation.
“You make it sound as though we won’t be together anymore,” Anna said alarmed. “I’m not going anywhere.” “Neither am I,” Samuel said.
Sage sighed. “I don’t know what will happen after tonight,” she said, “but I didn’t want this day to go by without letting you know that I love you.”
Samuel’s eyes welled up.
The others also had a look of sadness and unease in their eyes.
“We love you,” Anna said unnerved by the finality of what she was hearing. “Anna’s right,” Cristian said taking her hand. “Nothing will happen tonight, because we know what to expect. We know that Pearson will be there, and he will not harm a hair on your body. So, no negative thoughts,” he said.
Sage nodded her head, trying to be cheerful even though she still felt a sense of dread within her. “I want you all to go ahead of me tonight,” she said. “I will see you at the hotel.”
“I think we should go together,” Anna said.
“I’m the anticipated guest of the night,” Sage said looking at Cristian. “They’ll be waiting for me, and I don’t want to bring any attention to you. That way you can find out who is helping Pearson.”
Anna started to protest, but Sage silenced her. “Please don’t argue with me over this,” she said. Anna shook her head, agitated.
Randi came out of her bedroom dressed as Florence Nightingale, while Rafael sat Indian style mediating and breathing, clearing out his thoughts in preparation for warfare. After he was finished breathing, he opened his eyes. “Nice costume,” he said grinning. “Thank you,” she said.
“So when are you getting dressed? I want to see you in your costume,” she said. “Soon, I have time,” he said. He stood up and she noticed a jagged scar running down the side of his back.
“How did you get that?” she asked. “Vampire scratched me with his razor-sharp claws,” he said. “He paid for it by losing his head.”
“Oh,” Randi said. “You told me that you staked the vampire queen once,” she said. “How is she still alive?”
“The stake missed her heart,” Rafael said. “I missed it by a few inches. I don’t plan on missing tonight,” he said. She stared at him, biting her lip. “In case I…in case we,” she stammered. “What?” he asked. “In case…,” she stomped her foot, irritated at herself. “What is it?” he asked. “Action is better than words in this case,” she said, grabbing him and kissing him ardently. She felt him wrap his arms around her tightly, kissing her back.
Daniel walked into the living room dressed like Count Dracula with a long, flowing black cape. “Nice,” Lisa said, dressed like Annie Oakley twirling two guns in her hands and placing them inside their holsters. “Looks like you,” Daniel said, grinning. “Me,” Lisa quipped.
Cody came into the room dressed like Billy the Kid. “I figure you would both dress like outlaws,” Daniel said. “But I would’ve thought you’d dress more like Bonnie and Clyde.”
“Very funny,” Cody said sarcastically.
Billy walked in next dressed like a pirate with a patch over his eye and bandana on his head. “What do you know, a pirate?” Lisa said teasingly. “Argh,” Billy growled. “Shiver me timbers.”
They all laughed. “Hey, I like your costume,” Billy said to Cody, “My namesake.” Cody chuckled. Samuel peaked into the doorway, attempting to conceal his costume. “C’mon, Samuel, I’ve been waiting to see this,” Billy said. He heard Samuel snort.
“C’mon Samuel,” the others joined in. Samuel walked into the room, shoulders hung low, dressed like a musketeer with a feather hat on his head. Billy howled. “I knew you’d laugh,” Samuel said scowling. “It looks like you,” Billy said. “You look good, seriously,” he said. “You do,” Lisa agreed. “Leggings,” Samuel griped, “Leggings.” “Would you have rather dressed like an elf instead, mate?” Billy said. “No,” Samuel said, horrified. “Then stop complaining,” Billy grinned. “You look good,” Daniel said.
John came into the room red-faced, dressed in a toga with a laurel crown on his head. “Wow!” Lisa said, “You look like Julius Caesar.”
She could tell that Billy helped him apply eyeliner and a touch of lipstick to his mouth. “Can we switch costumes?” John groaned.
Cody covered his face with his cowboy hat, laughing. “You look fine, man,” Billy said laughing. “He’s really enjoying this,” Samuel remarked. “I think the costumes compliment everyone,” Billy said.
“Anna made a great selection. I’m looking forward to seeing her costume,” Lisa said. “She wouldn’t let me see it,” Daniel said. “I’m just as curious as you.” “Then wait no more,” Anna said walking into the room, astonishing everyone.
She was dressed as a dominatrix wearing a spiked dog collar and stiletto boots with her eyes a smoky black and her lips cherry red. Cody gulped. John’s eyes looked as though they would bulge out of his eye sockets. Billy and Samuel’s mouths dropped. Daniel’s throat went dry and he was unable to speak.
“You were never one for subtlety,” Lisa said smiling.
“Tonight, we will do all we can to protect Sage,” Anna said. “Be on the lookout for Pearson. I want this to be over after tonight, and I never want to hear Pearson’s name again.”
Randi and Rafael fell on the couch kissing passionately, his hands roaming across her body as she moaned against him. She began to unbuckle his pants when he stopped her.
“What!” she exclaimed.
“I can’t do this Randi,” he said frustrated. “I can’t have any distractions, remember?” “You’re so tense,” she said. “You need a release.” “I’ll release my tension when I kill the vampire,” he said. “You don’t know the adrenalin rush you feel after dispatching a vampire. There’s nothing like it.” Randi bit her tongue, wanting to say something. “Besides,” he said. “After tonight, all bets are off.”
“I’m holding you to your word,” she said. “Then we’ll see if dispatching a vampire is just as good as….” He silenced her with a kiss. “That’s something to look forward to,” he said getting up to take a cold shower. “I was so close,” she thought, snapping her finger. “So close.”
Sage took out the newspaper clipping, staring at it before tucking it inside her dress. Her dress was black and gold like the one in the painting, and her hair upswept with sapphire beads woven in between. Cristian knocked at the door. “May I come in?” he asked. “Sure,” she said.
He was dressed like a prince wearing a white suit trimmed with gold thread and a white cape.
She gasped. “You look really handsome,” she said. “You look beautiful,” he said, staring at her in awe. “It looks as though you stepped right out of the painting.” She took a breath.
“Everything will be alright,” he said. He extended his hand. “Ready?” he asked. She nodded her head. “Ready,” she said taking his hand. “For whatever is about to happen tonight,” she thought, closing the door behind her.