Darkness and Light by Kathryn Nichole - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-nine


he limo carrying the coven arrived at the hotel as they stared at the crowd heading inside and the media and paparazzi swarming the place. “Queen V won’t like this,” Lisa said. “That blasted Cristian,” Anna mumbled under her breath. They took out their Venetian masks and placed them over their faces. “Okay,” Anna said, “We have to make sure that Pearson gets nowhere near Sage.” She took a breath. “Ready?” she asked. Everyone nodded their heads.

“Let’s do this,” Daniel said. They stepped out of the limo and headed inside. Another limo pulled aside the hotel. The door opened and Jillian and Christopher dressed as a count and countess stepped out onto the curb. Covering their faces quickly with carnival eye masks, they walked inside.

Once inside the lobby, Billy took John aside to adjust his toga, while women and men ogled a perturbed Samuel. “That’s the price he pays for being so pretty,” Billy joked. John stared at him, feeling his face getting hot.

“At one time, I thought you and Samuel were…uh,” he stuttered. “I know,” Billy said, smirking smugly. “Because I wear makeup, and he’s a pretty boy.” “But, no, we’re best friends.” “Sorry,” John blushed. “Nothing to apologize for,” Billy grinned broadly.

Hotel guests gasped, stared, and whispered at Anna’s attire, while she ignored them, looking for any signs of Rafael. She didn’t notice Jillian or Christopher who briskly walked by looking for Cristian. Billy stared at their costumes, thinking briefly about the portrait at Samuel’s ancestral home.

A sign in the lobby informed the bustling crowd that the ball was in the ballroom on the seventh floor. The coven huddled into the elevator. “No Pearson yet,” Cody said. “I know,” Anna said worriedly.

Just as the elevator closed, Pedro dressed as Zorro arrived in the lobby.
“Are you ready?” Randi yelled from the bathroom door as she readjusted her costume.
“Just about,” Rafael said. “We need to get going so I can find a place to park,” she said. “I’m hurrying,” he said. He opened the door and stepped out. He was dressed as a Viking warrior with his hunting knife tucked inside his kilt and bow and arrows hidden under his cloak. “Just one more thing,” she said taking a few strands of his hair and braiding them. “Better,” she said. “You look good.”
“I do?” he said.
“Yes, you do,” she said. She grinned wickedly. “You’re not by chance going commando are you?” she asked. “No,” he said weakly. After an awkward moment, he took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s go, he said, I’m ready to hunt me some vampires.” “Aren’t you going to wear a mask?” she asked. “No,” he said plainly. “Alright,” she said, chuckling. She grabbed a surgical facemask, her jacket, and her car keys. “May this night be fruitful,” she said as they went out the door.
The coven stepped out the elevator and headed toward the ballroom. They could hear strings from a harp playing as they made their way toward the double doors.
Inside the spacious room, people in various costumes were chatting and eating hors d’oeuvres. Crystal chandeliers that sparkled like gemstone waterfalls hung from the ceiling. A banner hung over the door that read: The woman behind Beauty Mysterium will be revealed for the first time tonight.
Next to the door, a replica painting of Sage sat on a canvas. Samuel, who had briefly taken off his mask, fought off advances from women and men. Anna continued to scan the crowd with her eyes looking for Rafael. Jillian and Christopher walked inside the ballroom, both stopping to look at the replica painting. Jillian muttered under her breath, frowning. She looked around for signs of Cristian while Christopher snacked.
John accepted a glass of white wine offered from a waiter and took a sip.
Pedro walked inside the ballroom and noticed Lisa. Smiling, he eased over to her and brushed her shoulder lightly with his hand. Turning around, she didn’t see anyone. She sniffed the air. “I smell Pedro’s scent,” she said to Cody.
“I better tell Anna,” he said, getting her attention and speaking to her telepathically.
She looked over at Samuel, Daniel, and Billy, letting them know that Pedro was somewhere in the crowd. “Great,” Billy said. “We have two worries now. Pedro and Pearson.” Samuel noticed apprehensively that more photographers were making their way into the ballroom.

Randi pulled up to the side of the curb. “I’m going to have to drop you off here,” she said. “It’s going to be a headache trying to find a place to park.”

“I’ll wait for you inside,” he said, jumping out the car. He watched her pull off. Noticing the security, he lowered his head and walked inside quickly. Looking around in the lobby, he eased over to a few people whispering in conversation.

“It’s rumored the woman in the painting will make her debut tonight,” a man said. “She’s the most famous woman in the world,” another said. “I’m looking forward to seeing her in the flesh,” a woman said. “This will be a memorable night.”

“Even more memorable when I kill the vampire,” Rafael thought, chuckling. Deciding to see if his prey had arrived, he glanced at the sign and got on the elevator. John, feeling a bit queasy after consuming the wine, left the ballroom to find a restroom. Just as he walked past the elevator, the door opened and Rafael stepped out. “Excuse me,” John asked a waiter. “Can you tell me where the men’s room is?” “Is that John?” Rafael wondered. “It sounds like him.”

Staring at him curiously, Rafael decided to follow him into the restroom, chuckling at him dragging his sandals.
Pedro stopped by the replica painting, staring at it. “I know this isn’t what you wanted, Queen V,” he thought. “I tried to alleviate that by taking the painting. I wanted to destroy it for you.”
Feeling the sensation of eyes watching him like a spotlight shining on him, Pedro decided to take cover, not ready to reveal his presence yet.
John walked inside the men’s room and splashed water on his face. While he reached for some paper towels to dry his face, Rafael walked inside the restroom, leaned against the faucet, and watched him with his arms folded.
John wiped his eyes, smudging some of the eyeliner and turned to throw the towel into the garbage. “Hi, John, long time, no see,” Rafael said, startling him. “Rafael,” John stuttered. “You remember me,” Rafael said sarcastically. “You were supposed to lead the vampire to me, but instead you went off with them.” He leaned forward, “So how are your new friends?” he taunted. “How are the vampires treating you?”
“Better than you did,” John snapped. “He talks back,” Rafael said feigning incredulity. “You were wrong about them,” John said. “They aren’t evil.” “You were fooled,” Rafael said.
“Vampires are not to be trusted. They are evil.”
“They’re evil to you because they are different.” John said, “Because you never took the time to get to know a vampire.” “Oh, save me the virtues of vampires,” Rafael said. “You took one look at the vampire queen, and you were captivated by her beauty, and you fell for the okie doke.” John stared at him with newfound strength. After enduring his father’s rejection, he would never again let anyone hurt him with cruel words. “You don’t scare me.” “So you grew a backbone,” Rafael said clapping his hands. “Good for you.” “Now get out of my way.
I won’t let you hurt her,” John said.
“You won’t,” Rafael quipped. “Just try and stop me,” he said.
John lunged for him. “You won’t hurt her, I said.”
“Where’s John?” Lisa asked. “He was here a minute ago.”
“There’s so many people here, it’s hard to know where everyone is,” Cody said. “Queen V and Cristian will probably be here soon,” Billy said. “I know, and that means Pearson is here somewhere too,” Daniel said.
The crystal chandeliers flickered and the director, dressed as a king of diamonds, called for everyone’s attention. “May I have your attention please,” he said into a microphone. The crowd quieted down. “Thank you for being here,” he said. “Tonight is a night of revelations, and I know we are all awaiting the lady of the hour.” Samuel glanced over at Anna who looked at Billy.
Randi drove around in blocks still trying to find a parking space when her cell phone began to ring. “It’s the hospital,” she said frustrated. She picked up the phone. “Hello,” she said exasperated. “Now!” she exclaimed. “I’m on my way. Sorry Rafael,” she said as she drove away, her tires screeching.

Cristian and Sage arrived toward the back of the hotel. “I knew there would be a lot of media attention, so I arranged for us to come in through the back entrance,” he said. “Thank you,” she replied. He took his porcelain and gold Venetian mask and put it on. She looked at her feather mask for a few fleeting minutes before placing it on. Once they entered the building, they took a freight elevator up to the seventh floor and walked through the kitchen while Sage looked at the workers scurrying around preparing various meals with fancy decorations. She felt on edge with each step.

“Sage,” Cristian said, staring back at her. “I’m alright,” she said unconvincingly. They walked to a side door while the director was still speaking.

“This painting has become an enigma of itself,” the director said. “It has an appeal to it that draws you in. You look at the face of this mysterious woman and you want to know her story. Who is she? Where did she come from?”

The photographers moved forward with their cameras prepared to get the best shot.
“The artist who painted this portrait said he saw her image in his mind, and it was so unforgettable that he had to paint it. Cristian,” the director said. “We’re ready to see the painting in the flesh.” Cristian looked at Sage who appeared stoic. “It’ll be okay,” he said. “I’ll go out first.” He opened the side door and walked out into the hushed room, all eyes on him.
Anna, Samuel, Billy, Daniel, Lisa, Cody, and Pedro, who was standing toward the back, looked on anxiously. “This is your hour,” the director said in his ear while he removed his mask. “Don’t disappoint us.”
Jillian and Christopher stared at Cristian tensely while he took the microphone in his hand.
“Sometimes there are no words for exquisite beauty,” he said. “And in this case, actions speak best for me.” Rafael walked inside the doorway unseen while Cristian spoke, preparing to reach for his bow and arrow.
“My love,” Cristian said. Sage took a deep breath and opened the door. She walked slowly toward him, her face still covered by the mask and feeling every stare cast her way. He looked at her reassuringly as she turned and faced the crowd. Taking a hand to the mask, she removed it to gasps and whispers. The coven looked on worriedly as the photographers prepared to snap their cameras.