Diary of a Woman of God - The Secret Place by Sheresha Russell - HTML preview

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Safety In My Secret Place

In the secret place of Most High, I have found Him to be a sweet comforter and protector. So many times in life we find that through human interactions that we draw close to individuals, seeking friendship, relationship, companionship, and ultimately love and trust, but what I have discovered is that because we are human, oftentimes, in times of need, that there is no human relationship that can provide the ministering relationship that God can.

Doctrine Points:

Through Psalms 91, I have come to realize that in my secret place with God that I can abide under His shadow as He is my place of refuge. Psalms 91:1-2

1. God is our place of safety.

2. God is the protector of our mind, body, and spirit.

3. Under shadow of the Almighty is where we can retreat to in times of trouble and/or distress.

In my secret place with God I found trust. Psalms 91: 2

1. God is not like man, He can be trusted with your secrets.

2. God is a God of confidence.

3. God is reliable and dependable.

God is faithful to deliver you and cover you. Psalms 91:3-4

1. In the secret place of God, He covers us with His love to protect us from the darts of the enemy.

2. In the secret place of God, you are able to dialogue with Him and expose your fears, insecurities, and personal imperfections knowing that by the love He has for you, that He will begin to minister to you, where you are, to bring deliverance to your life.

Your secret place is your place of Divine protection. Psalms 91:5-15

1. God encourages you not to be afraid.

2. God promises that you will not be harmed.

3. God promises that no trouble come to your place of dwelling 4. Because God loves you, He releases His angels concerning you.

5. God promises that if you call, He will hear you and come.