Diary of a Woman of God - The Secret Place by Sheresha Russell - HTML preview

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Entering The Secret Place of God

Enter The Secret Place

In order to enter into the secret place of God, you must first have a made up mind, acknowledging that God is the Source of all Power and Existence, Omnipotent.

Rev 19:6

1. He who holds sway over all things.

2. He is the Ruler of all.

3. He is the Almighty: God.

Second, you must, acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

1. Confess and Believe. Rom 10:9

2. Accept Christ.

3. Develop a relationship with God through studying His Holy Word and fellowshipping with God through prayer and meditation.

Third, remove distractions. If it interferes with your personal relationship with God, whether it comes to interrupt your studying, fellowshipping, prayer life, or life style, you must be in the position to separate yourself from it.

1. Separate yourself from un-likeminded people; people operating with carnal minds and not spiritual minds. 2nd Corinthians 6:17 Instructs us to Come out from them and be separate from sinners, doers of evil, the wicked. Cut relationships off that have negative impacts.

2. Take time to detox your spirit, fast from the phone or social media…whatever you devote excess time to other than God must be set aside or diminished so that your focus is not hindered from entering into your secret place.

Fourth, set the atmosphere for true worship. Some may pray their way in, some may sing and worship their way in, some may praise, some may shout, some may listen to music, some may cry, and some may just bask in the stillness of His Presence.

1. Find your place of mental and spiritual peace.

2. Enter the Holy of Holies, and let the Lord minister to you.

3. John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.