Encala : Book 3 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 7 - The New Palace


Emily sat up in bed and looked around the room. Chevalier was sitting on one of the chairs, looking into the fireplace. She saw a domed tray by him and her stomach turned. She was suddenly feeling exceptionally hungry. She slid out of bed and took a few steps before the world moved out from under her. She saw blackness creeping into her vision and felt herself falling. Strong arms wrapped around her and put her in bed.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, “Don't go.”

He smiled and sat down, pulling her onto his lap as he cradled her, “You shouldn't get up. The doctor says you have a concussion.”

“Just don't let go,” she said, and leaned her head against his shoulder.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.

“My head hurts,” she whispered, and tightened her grip on him.

“I'm not going anywhere, Em.”

“Are the heku I ashed going to be ok?” she whispered.

She felt him chuckle, “Yes, they have a new respect for you now though.”

“I feel bad about that.”

“Don't, it was our fault. I didn't think what that would look like when you woke up.” He sounded partly amused.

Where's Allen?”

“He's down with Sam eating breakfast… which reminds me, you need to eat.” He tried to let go, but she tightened her grip.

“I can eat later,” she told him, and tightened her grip.

“I can hold you later, too. You need to eat,” he said, grinning.

“I'm still leaving,” she whispered, and his face grew serious.

“Will you stay if you set the rules?” he asked, looking down at her.

That won't change things.” She sat up and looked into his eyes. He studied the intensity of the green in her's.

“What will change things?”

Nothing can change it. It's been this way for too long.” She laid her forehead against his chest.

“Give us a shot, Em, please.”

There will always be someone out to feed off of me, and what if this baby is a girl? What if she ashes half the staff and gets fed off of herself?” Emily leaned her head up to look at him again.

“It's going to be that way anywhere. At least here, we can try to protect you.”

“By putting us under lock and key?”

No, I won't do that again. I see now, that all we did was drive you stronger to get away.” He smiled and kissed her.

“The Ancient is still out there?” she asked.

Chevalier nodded, “We've taken precautions.”

“Like what?”

“Like that,” he said, nodding to the shadows in the corner.

Emily looked over and gasped, “There's someone over there?”

No one, not even I, can be alone with you. The Ancient can only control one of us at a time, and Elder or not, he has permission to stop me if I try to hurt you.”

Emily looked toward the shadows, “Come here.”

Chevalier nodded and a heku stepped out, wearing a mask. Emily frowned, “I don't like the masks.”

“We didn't know what else to do,” he said.

“Who are you?” she asked the masked heku.

“It's Mark, Ma'am,” he said, bowing slightly.

She nodded, and he moved back into the shadows. She pulled her nightgown down to cover her thighs. She hadn't worried about it when it was just Chevalier, she thought they were alone.

Chevalier tried to kiss her, but she dodged him, “We're not alone,” she whispered.

He chuckled, “Mark will be discreet, Em.”

“I don't care,” she said, and crawled off of his lap.

He growled and grabbed for her, but she slipped out from under his fingers and ran for the bathroom. Chevalier and Mark sat waiting for her for a while before Chevalier got up and went to the bathroom.

“Em?” he said, knocking.

“Go away,” she told him, strained.

He sighed, “Sprite and crackers?”

“Please,” she whispered.

Chevalier ordered to the air, and within seconds, cold Sprite and a box of crackers were on the table. He took the glass and some crackers, and knocked on the door.

“Go away.”

He grinned and opened the door. Emily was lying beside the toilet with her eyes closed. Chevalier sat down beside her and leaned against the wall.

“I said, go away.”

I heard you… try a cracker,” he said, holding it out. She snatched it from his hand and put it on the floor beside her.

She clutched her stomach, “Leave.”

“Emily, this doesn't bother me,” he said, and held her hair for her as she leaned over the toilet. When she was done, she laid on the floor,

pressing her cheek against the cold tiles.

How long did this last before?” he asked, handing her the glass of Sprite.

“I don't know. I never knew what day it was,” she said, taking the glass and setting it down beside her.

“Those work better if you eat them,” he chuckled.

“You first.” She handed the glass to him.

He raised an eyebrow, “If I drink some, will you?”

She looked over at him and smiled, “Sure.”

Chevalier winced and smelled the contents of the glass, and then braced himself. He heard Emily giggle as he took a long drink. He immediately spit it out over the bathroom floor, and wiped his tongue with a towel, sputtering. The door flew open and Mark looked in, frowning.

“What's going on?” he asked.

Emily grinned and took a bite of cracker.

I wasn't abusing her… this time she was abusing me,” Chevalier said, still grimacing.

“I don't think that's against the rules.” Mark was watching him cautiously.

“Try this,” Chevalier said, handing Mark the Sprite.

Mark looked down into the glass.

“Seriously, try it,” Chevalier said again.

Mark took the glass, unsure if that was a serious order. He smelled the contents and Emily giggled again when he made the same face Chevalier made when he smelled it.

“Go, Boy,” Chevalier encouraged, grinning.

Mark put the glass to his lips and hesitantly tipped it back and immediately began to gag. He dropped the glass and it shattered on the floor, sending Sprite and shards of glass across the bathroom. He ran for the door, and Emily heard it open and slam.

“That was mean,” she said to Chevalier, taking another bite.

“I need to go,” Chevalier said, getting to his feet.

“Are you going to be sick?” she asked, slightly amused.

He groaned and ran from the bathroom. Emily crawled to the door just in time to see him disappear. She turned to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, then began sweeping up the glass.

Ma'am?” she heard from behind her. She turned to see two heku in masks watching her, “We have someone coming to clean that up.”

“Who are you?” she asked, kneeling by the broken glass.

“You don't know us… we're just here until your personal guards can be summoned. The… erm… Elder and Mark needed to go feed,” he stammered nervously.

Because of Sprite!?” she gasped, and <