Encala : Book 3 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 8 - Ford


“Get that damn dog out of here!” Chevalier growled as he held tightly to Emily.

Kyle grabbed Ford and pushed him into the bathroom, slamming the door. He blurred back to the bed and held Emily's legs down. She was screaming as she thrashed in pain. The last few times she had a similar episode, she managed to injure herself, so Kyle and Chevalier fought to hold her down. They were amazed at the strength the pain caused Emily to have.

“No! No!” she screamed. “You can't make me.”

Emily, open your eyes, look at me,” Chevalier said. He hoped if she could look into his eyes, he might be able to gain some control of her in her weakened state, but as of yet, she hadn't done it.

“Stop them,” she screamed, and somehow managed to get one hand free for a second before Chevalier caught it again.

“Kill them,” she whispered as her body relaxed and her hands fell limp.

Emily, look at me... now,” Chevalier said, trying to force her to open them.

With great effort, Emily looked up at him, and in that split second, he was able to lock her gaze. Soon, her breathing matched his and he relaxed as she fell under his control. He could do this easily to any mortal except Emily, and it only worked on her if she was sick or exceedingly tired.

“Emily?” he asked. Kyle watched them intently. He'd never seen Emily under heku control.

Emily sighed softly.

Who do you want me to stop?” he asked. His was voice soft and calming. This trick was often used to ensure cooperation by the mortal in extremely stressful situations.

I will kill her first,” Emily whispered. Her voice was hushed and far away.

“Who are you going to kill?” he asked, and all of his concentration was on her piercing green eyes.

Kyle jumped off of the bed the second Emily was thrown across the room and crashed against the bathroom door, ripping it from the hinges. Chevalier was only half a second behind Kyle. His concentration had been so fully on Emily, that he hadn't seen the doctor enter the room.

Kyle grasped the doctor's arm. The doctor hissed and broke free by twisting out of Kyle's arms, then headed for the bathroom. Chevalier dove for him, and slammed him into the fireplace as a cloud of ash filled the bedroom. Kyle jumped into the fight as the doctor twisted Chevalier's head violently to the side, and the sound of bones cracking echoed through the room.

Guards flooded the room, and heku from all over the palace converged on the fight, and quickly pinned the doctor down. He hissed and growled as he fought to get free. Kyle ran to the bathroom and followed the trail of blood, stepping over the shattered door. Emily was lying half in and half out of the shower. Her shaking hand was pressed to the back of her head as blood poured onto the tile.

He knelt down by her with a towel and pressed it onto the back of her head, “Em, hold still.”

Emily was dazed and trying to crawl away from him. She pulled the towel off of the back of her head and pushed at Kyle.

Emily, stop,” he said, and returned the towel to her head. He held his breath as much as he could. The amount of blood on the floor was beginning to trigger his predatory instincts.

“Get me a mask!” Kyle yelled at the guards as he felt his mouth begin to salivate.

Someone placed a menthol lined mask on his face and he could relax. Emily's shaky hand was still trying to tear the towel away.

“Get an ambulance,” he ordered, and picked Emily up off the floor. She struggled in his arms as he went into the bedroom. Chevalier was just standing up after having healed when he looked around the room and then focused on Emily. Blood was dripping down Kyle's arm.

“Five minutes on the ambulance,” he heard a guard say from down stairs.

General quarters, clear this palace out,” Kyle growled, and saw the guards blur away, two of them taking the doctor with them.

Chevalier was looking at Emily with confusion. The blood dripping down Kyle's arm sent a warning through him, but the back of his throat burned and he inhaled.

“Back up!” Kyle yelled as he took a step back with Emily still cradled in his arm.

Mark appeared in the doorway and saw Chevalier crouching slightly. He jumped and slammed into the Elder, knocking him back into the bathroom. Kyle bolted for the door and blurred down to the palace entrance. The plan had been pre-established when the mortals arrived. Any ambulance would be called to the small farmhouse outside of the city walls, where their identity could remain anonymous.

Kyle arrived at the door to the farmhouse just as the ambulance pulled up. Paramedics rushed out with a gurney and took Emily from Kyle's arms. He crawled into the front, and after a few minutes, the orange and white ambulance sped away with sirens blaring.

Kyle watched as Emily was whisked away