Encala : Book 3 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 13 - Sealing


“Enter,” Chevalier said when he heard the other Elders come to his door.

“How is she?” Maleth asked, coming into the office and sitting down.

“I don't know. She locked the door.”

Leonid frowned, “It's a lock.”

“It's a request for privacy,” Chevalier told them.

“We've been researching how to seal the trap.” Leonid said, sitting down. “It shouldn't be too hard, but we need the blood from a mortal.”

“Do it then,” Chevalier said quickly.

It has to be fresh blood, so we'll need to bring in a mortal, Maleth explained.

“Can't you just get it and seal the door immediately?”

No, it has to go directly from the mortal to the door,” Leonid said, showing Chevalier the book entry on it.

“We think…” Maleth said, and hesitated, “it should be Emily.”

Chevalier growled.

Just listen to us,” Leonid said. She's the only mortal we've known that's escaped from an ancient's trap. She's half ancient, her blood has got to be the most… well… capable, to seal the portal.”

“No,” Chevalier said. “Find another way.”

Maleth nodded, “We just had to ask.”

We'll bring a mortal in blindfolded, seal the door, and then they can leave,” Leonid said softly.

“Can we even ask her?” Maleth asked.

“No,” Chevalier hissed.

“You're right, she would say no anyway,” Maleth nodded.

“She would say yes… but I'm saying no.”

Chevalier sighed when there was another knock on the door, “Enter.”

Kyle walked in with Kenneth and Damon. Kenneth was scowling and still shaking from the burn and revival.

One smoldering heku, at your request,” Damon said, shutting the door behind them.

Do you want to explain why you felt it necessary to break the general quarters?” Chevalier asked, standing up.

Kyle pushed Kenneth so he was closer to the Elder.

“I… I thought there may be some trouble,” Kenneth said nervously.

What made you think there was the kind of trouble that would allow you to break an order?” Kyle asked him.

Kenneth looked at the ground, “It was my mistake. I heard that mortal talking and she sounded mad. We have all heard how she turns a heku to ash on a whim, and I thought you may need help.”

“That mortal?” Chevalier frowned.

“Ashes on a whim?” Kyle growled.

“Is that what happens in the barracks? Rumors spread about my wife?” Chevalier hissed.

Leonid addressed Kenneth, and spoke calmly, “I've seen more devotion out of that mortal tonight, than I have ever seen out of you, Kenneth.”

Kenneth growled.

I don't appreciate my orders being disobeyed,” Kyle said angrily, and the Elders backed off from him.

“I apologize, Sir. It was a misunderstanding,” Kenneth stood at attention.

“What we need is an example,” Kyle scowled.

Kenneth looked at him nervously, “Sir?”

“Of what happens when my orders aren't followed.”

“Yes, Sir. You have to see it though…” Kenneth said, becoming angry.

“See what?” Kyle asked.

How that mortal runs this palace. It's disgusting how you all cater to her, and abide by her every wish. Just once I wish your minds would clear, and see her for what the rest of us do.” Kenneth spoke as if he had limited time.

Chevalier glared at him, “Which is what exactly?”

“A spoiled brat.”

“Damon,” Kyle said.

Damon lunged at Kenneth and swiftly decapitated him.

He held up the heku's head, “We should hang it in the barracks.”

Kyle grinned maliciously, “Do it. Don't mention Emily, just the broken order.”

Damon nodded and blurred away with the head.

Someone get this… thing… out of my office,” Chevalier said, and watched as one heku arrived and removed the body, and another cleaned up the blood.

“I suggest we keep the entire palace on alert. Make sure if Emily comes out of her room, that she sees no one,” Kyle said.

Chevalier nodded, “Put a shadow on her. Someone you trust to not be seen. If she leaves the palace, I want to know, and we need the city in their houses.”

“I will do it,” Mark said, standing at attention.

Chevalier nodded, “Do not be seen.”

Mark nodded and blurred from the room.


Emily opened her eyes and looked around the room. It seemed surreal. She wasn't sure what to believe. She was finally warm, and her clothes dried from the rain and hail the night before. She looked down at herself. All of her clothes were encrusted with dirt, and her feet were throbbing because of the cuts from the gravel. She hadn't wanted to change, hadn't wanted to even trust enough to undress.

“Emily?” Sam said from Allen's door.

She turned and looked at him suspiciously.

“Mommy!” Allen yelled, and ran at her. He jumped on the bed and into her arms. She held him tightly as tears spilled from her eyes. She kissed him and pulled him closer to her.

Sam walked slowly to the bed, “Are you ok?”

Emily's hair was knotted and dirty. Her clothes were covered in soot, and he couldn't help but glance at the bottom of her feet, which were full of cuts and inflamed skin.

Emily didn't answer. She just glared at him and held Allen.

Do you want me to help you into the bathroom to clean up?” Sam asked, watching her carefully.

“Sir, Sam's with her,” Mark said from outside her door, he whispered too softly for anyone but heku to hear.

“Damn, we forgot about Sam,” Chevalier whispered back. “Is she angry at him?”

“No, she just sounds suspicious,” Mark answered.

You would like that, wouldn't you, Sam?” Emily asked, with a tense edge to her voice.

Sam wasn't sure what to say. He hadn't seen her for over 48 hours, and hadn't been informed of what happened to her while she was away.

“I… don't know how to answer that,” he said, moving to the foot of her bed.

“Stay away from us,” she said to him.

“Please let me help. I can get some food and bandage your feet.”

“I'm watching you,” she said, and he bowed and left the room.

“Sam's out of the room,” Mark reported quietly.

Chevalier relaxed some when he heard Sam order breakfast, enough for an army.

A few minutes later, Sam returned with something hidden in his shirt. He didn't see Mark watching from the shadows, but he locked the door after he was inside.

“Sam's back, he's hiding something,” Mark whispered.

“Tell me if you hear anything, I want to know what he's up to,” Chevalier said. He sent his senses out, but her lack of trust blocked him.

Mark watched as a heku knocked on the bedroom door and waited for an answer.

Put it down and step away,” the