Encala : Book 3 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 14 - Vacation


“I'm done packing,” Emily said, turning to Sam and Chevalier. “Will you two stop moping?”

“I don't see why I can't go,” Sam said, sulking.

“Because it's an Allen and I thing. Allen's one of the ring bearer's and I have to wear this and act like I like it,” Emily said, holding up a light pink, rather revealing dress.

“You're going to wear that in front of Jeff?” Chevalier asked.

Emily laughed, “Rein in the jealousy, Chev.”

Emily crawled onto Chevalier's lap and faced him, her knees at his sides, “Remember what I said, about followers?”

He nodded, “Yes, but I don't like it.”

That's the deal… I catch one follower, and not only will I ash them, I won't come back,” she said seriously.

I don't like it, not at all. What if you happen across an Encala or a Valle?” he scowled.

I won't.”

“What if you do?”

“I won't,” Emily said. “Hold out your hand.”

Chevalier held out his hand and frowned when she set her cell phone in it, “No.”

“Yes, no calls,” she crawled off of his lap.

“You have to take your cell phone,” he growled.

“No,” she said, and threw a bag over her shoulder.

“Emily, I have to insist, in case of an emergency,” Chevalier said.

“No.” She walked up and kissed him softly.

I can't lose contact with you for two weeks,” he said, narrowing his eyes.

“Yes… you can,” she told him and picked Allen up.

I'll walk you out,” Chevalier said, taking Allen from her. He grabbed their bags with his other hand and followed her down the stairs.

“It'll be good for the palace. They don't have to be on mortal alert,” she grinned.

“They aren't on mortal alert,” he told her.

Oh? What about those guards in the barracks? They can come give these guards a much needed vacation.” She smiled at one of the door guards.

“I don't see why one guard can't go with you. Take Frank, he fits in well with mortals,” he said as they walked up to the Durango.


Chevalier kissed Allen and buckled him into his car seat.

“What flight will you be on?” he asked.

“One going up high,” she said, and slid into the Durango.

“You aren't going to even tell me your flight information?” He frowned.

No and it's good for you,” she said as he leaned in and hugged her tightly.

“I still can't read you. I can't follow your emotions or your feelings, it's not safe,” he said, looking deep into her eyes.

“I will be back in 2 weeks,” she said, and kissed him softly. She pulled back, but he kissed her again passionately.

“Two weeks,” she promised, and then shut the door and drove off.

Chevalier watched with a heavy heart as they drove away. He couldn't express to Emily how dangerous this idea was, and how much he hated how she left after having such a hard few weeks. Once the Durango was out of sight, he went into the castle to see if he could find a way to pass the next two weeks.

“Sorry, Elder,” Kyle said.

“Two weeks,” he told Kyle.

“Want me to go or are you sending Mark?” he asked.

“I'm not sending anyone,” Chevalier said, snarling.

Kyle frowned, “No one?”

Chevalier shook his head, “Let's see if we can work on those runes.”

Kyle nodded and followed the Elder down into the prison, Damon met them there. The three of them looked in at Vaughn.

“Can I help you?” Vaughn asked, smiling.

“We've come to talk about the runes on my wife,” Chevalier said calmly.

“You mean my wife?” Vaughn asked, and leaned against the side of his cell.

What is it going to take to get those off of her?” Chevalier ignored Vaughn's last comment.

“There's nothing that's going to convince me to let go of my hold on the Winchester's only heir,” Vaughn said.

“It won't do you any good if you spend eternity in this cell,” Kyle said.

We'll see. I do enjoy hearing her scream in pain whenever I want,” Vaughn said, and then grinned.

“Why are you doing this? Why does it seem like more than just having a Winchester at your command?” Damon asked curiously.

“I owe her a life of pain and humiliation for what she did to my faction. It's my right to revenge, and I choose to take it out on her personally. You let her run around here like she's in charge. As my wife, she will learn to be submissive, obedient, and respectful, as any mortal should be,” he said proudly.

“Then you don't know her very well. Emily doesn't have a submissive bone in her body. She would end up just turning you all to ash again,” Kyle said when Chevalier didn't answer. Kyle didn't see that Damon was restraining Chevalier behind him.

“Not when the rune fully works. Once that rune comes into full power, she will do whatever I say, whenever I say it, and she'll do it with a bow,” he said, pleased.

“You underestimate her,” Kyle said. “We know what it will take to make that rune fully operational, and it's not going to happen.”

“Enough pain will change anything. Even the most stubborn streak,” he said, sitting down on the bed in his cell.

I see we're at an impasse,” Damon said, and pushed Chevalier back toward the prison door.

“We'll be back,” Kyle said.

Tell Emily good-bye from me. I hope she has fun in New Mexico,” Vaughn called to them.

“We have to stop her. If he's gotten a message to the Encala…”

Chevalier blurred to the McLaren parked by his Humvee and roared the engine to life when Kyle sat down. He spun out and pulled quickly out of the garage and headed after Emily.

We should pass her at this speed, keep your eyes out,” Chevalier said, topping the car's speedometer.

“The Encala would have to know. He was too confident in how he said that,” Kyle said, watching out for the dark blue Durango.

Chevalier just scowled and wove in and out of traffic.

“What if she won't come back with us?” Kyle asked.

“I don't expect her to, I have…” Chevalier sighed, “A sedative.”

Kyle opened his eyes wide,