Encala : Book 3 of the Heku Series by T. M. Nielsen - HTML preview

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Chapter 15 - Times Up


Emily heard a knock on her door and she looked up from her book, “Who is it?”

“It's me,” she heard Chevalier say.

Emily looked at Sam frantically, and he ran to the door and stepped out, “What do you want?”

“I came to talk to Emily,” Chevalier said.

“You'll have to talk to her through me,” Sam said, crossing his arms.

“It's been four days. I need to see her,” he said.

Sorry, boss's orders.”

“She hasn't even left her room since the council chambers, I just need to talk to her,” Chevalier said. He debated pushing the familiar out of the way and getting what he demanded, but knew that wasn't the way to win back Emily's affection.

I'll give her your message,” Sam said, and went back into her room, squeezing through the door and locking it behind him.

What did he want?” Emily asked, sitting cross-legged on the bed with her book.

“He just wants to see you,” Sam said. He sat back down with Allen and a puzzle.

“How does this keep happening to me?” she sighed.

“Well…” Sam said.

“Oh, I know how it happens.” She glared.

“Have you asked Exavior what to do?” Sam asked her.

No, I'm afraid to tell him,” Emily said, putting her book down, “But this room is driving me crazy. I need to get out of here.”

Not without them noticing,” Sam said, putting the last piece in the frame of the puzzle.

“Freak,” she yelled, standing up to pace the floor.

You need to let me get some crackers and Sprite in here or Allen's going to… t-e-l-l,” Sam said, not looking up.

“Oh no, that wouldn't clue them in,” she scowled.

“Ask him when he calls,” Sam suggested again.

Emily sighed, “What if they hear me? Bloody heku can hear anything.”

Emily went over to the window and looked out, “There has to be a way to get out of here.”

“We're on the fifth floor. I don't think you can use a sheet,” Sam said, walking up beside her and looking out the window.

“So I can't talk to Exavior without someone eavesdropping, and I can't get out of this room without the heku knowing anyway,” she whispered harshly.

“I could get a rope,” Sam said, looking down.

“Me? Climb down a rope?” She looked down onto the lawn.

“True… loud music?”

“That's it! I can crank up the TV!” Emily said, and grabbed her phone when it rang.


“Emily, how are you?” Exavior asked politely.

Fine… one second, I need to prepare,” she said. She turned the TV volume up onto full. Allen covered his ears and frowned at her.

She whispered into the phone, “Can you hear me?”

“Barely,” he yelled to her. “Who are you hiding from?”

“Everyone, I need an opinion,” she whispered.

“Ok.” The tone in his voice changed, “Go ahead.”

She sighed and looked around to make sure Allen couldn't hear, “I think I'm pregnant… again.”

“Oh is that all?” he asked relieved.

Is that all? You don't get it… I get kidnapped, beaten, locked away, tortured, hung…” He cut her off.

“I know, I've heard the stories,” he said, amused.

“I can't do this right now,” she said.

“I know you are no longer bonded, but it doesn't have to be horrible,” he said.

“I can't even leave the palace,” she explained.

“Why? Are they stopping you?” His voice was stern.

“No, but they'll… you know… smell,” she whispered into the phone.

“Oh, yes they will. Let me think.”

“I'm debating getting a rope and climbing down,” Emily said finally.

“That can't be a good idea. Mortal's can't fall like a heku,” he said, and she thought she heard a hint of a laugh.

“Do you think this is funny?” she asked angrily.

“I wouldn't say funny, but I don't see why the panic.”

“I miss him,” Emily said softly.

“I knew you would,” Exavior told her.

“He really hurt me this time.”

“Yes he did, and you ashed him.”

“You think I need to tell him don't you?” she asked.

“Does it matter what I think?”

“Yes or I wouldn't have told you,” she said.

“Yes you do then. He needs to know if for nothing else than to protect you.”

“Ugh! That word,” she screamed, and then looked at Allen.

“Seems you have no sense of self preservation. You shouldn't have even told me,” he said to her bluntly.

You're my friend.”

“I'm a Valle, an enemy,” he reminded her.

“Not of mine.”

“I know, but you really need to be careful who you tell.”

“You too now, eh?” she asked, getting angry.


Telling me what to do… if I want to call the Encala and announce the impending birth then I can if I want to,” she snapped.

Exavior laughed, “Yes you can, if you want to.”

“I'm afraid to tell him,” she said, her voice lowering to a whisper.

“I know, but the Equites need to know,” he said.

“So you're saying to tell for tactics and not for pure 'father' knowledge?” she asked, confused.

He laughed again, “No, I do think the father should know, but they also need to be aware that there could be problems in the near future.”

“They know that. I'm one huge problem,” she reminded him.

“Oh I don't doubt that,” he said.

“Are you still coming to get the runes off of me?” She asked him every day toward the end of their conversation.

“Not now, Em. I can come if you want, but the runes are going to have to wait,” he told her.


“It'd be a risk to the baby,” he said.

“I'm tougher than you think,” she said, frustrated.

I have no doubt,” he said, and then paused. “Do you still want me to come?”

“You come and tell him,” she suggested.

“Oh no, not me,” he laughed. “You have 10 days,” he said, more serious.

“I know,” she whispered.

“I will come as promised, and I'll call it a welfare check,” he said.

“Ok,” she said, and hung up. She reached over and turned the TV off.

“So?” Sam asked.

“He said to tell… but he was thinking strategy, and not personal reasons. Do they all think like that?” she asked, irritated.

“Yes they do,” Sam said, fitting another piece into the puzzle.

“I'm guessing you agree,” she asked.

“Yes I do.” He grinned and took a piece from Allen, sliding it into place, “They are in the council chambers right now with no agenda.”

“No one's being questioned or anything?” she frowned.

“No, they are discussing an offer from the Encala,” Sam said.

“How do you know?”

Sam smiled, “I can hear, too.”

“Great… here goes,” Emily said, storming out of the room. Her bare feet sounded loudly on the marble floors as she ran down toward the council chambers. She stepped in without knocking and shut the door behind her.

Well, hello, Emily,” Maleth said, smiling. The other council members looked over to the door.

“Can we help you, Dear?” Leonid asked.

Emily walked forward and stood, watching them, with her arms crossed.

“Emily?” Damon asked.

Wait for it,” she said, and watched as they all looked at one another, confused. Emily avoided looking at Chevalier. She didn't want