HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

A Sexist Issue

(12:00 pm – 1:00 pm)


BANG...Ron, Gene, and another man walked out the office doors.  All laughing and smiling talking boisterous as Kyle prepared to leave.  Gathering up the spare security boxes, he realized that he should leave quickly.  A man large enough to resemble the State Puffed Marshmallow Man came between the registers.  Ron was speaking to the man, “why don’t you buy one here?  It would give us the numbers.”  Ron waved over to him, “hey Kyle why don’t you explain to this gentlemen here the Back-to-School Savings pass?”  He watched the man turn noticing his gut bulging over his belt.  With a small brown beard and scraggly brown hair, the man could have easily wrestled a young grizzly bear. 

“Sure Ron,” his mind began to race.  He thought the man was important.  Ron wouldn’t have been in such a good mood otherwise.  However, what did Ron mean by explaining the Savings Pass?  The man couldn’t have worked for Clips.  Otherwise, why would he need the Savings Pass explained?  “Well, you pay $25 dollars upfront, and this card saves you 10% on all office supply materials.  This excludes tech stuff like printers, laptops, ink, and graphing calculators.  So, if you buy your kids’ school supplies here it pays for itself.” 

The man turned back to Ron and gave a little, “Whoa, the kid really knows the details huh?”  Ron smiled so wide that his eyes disappeared into his face.  “You actually don’t need to explain it to me kid.  I already know everything about it.”  If Kyle’s mind had a finger it would’ve been pointing directly at Ron.  “You, I should have known from that cheesy smile!  What was the point of it?”  It was like Ron was parading him around like a circus dog.  “So how many plans have you sold yet Kyle?” “Um…none so far,” the man’s face frowned.  His lips hung so low like he had never heard such news before.  “None...so far,” he repeated.  Kyle nodded, but it was Ron that silenced him.  “Oh, he has been doing other stuff...right Kyle?”

Not allowing him to respond Ron turned back to Robert.  “So, are you taking off then?”  Robert ran his fingers over his gut.  He gave a superior, “Yeah I think everything is under control here.”  Ron smiled wider his eyes disappearing again, “That’s great! We’ll let me walk you out.”  Clapping Robert on the back, he exited out the door leaving Kyle in a state of puzzlement. 

Turning to Katie he gave a quick, “Katie I’m going on a fifteen, ok?”  She whined at him,  “Katie let me go first you’ve already had a cigarette…several of them.”  “Only two, you were just on one,” she held up her two fingers.  “Just let me go first alright, I’LL be right back.”  His fingers dug into his forehead exiting the building.  He saw Ron and Robert standing by the corner of the building.  He moved fast as not to be called over to them.  He needed a nap, and he wanted one no matter what.   

Opening up the door, he slid into the passenger seat.  It was starting to get colder outside, but still nice fall weather.  Leaning back in his seat, he took off his shoes placing his feet on the dashboard.  Wedging himself right he was able to get somewhat comfortable.  His eyes closed as he listened to the wind softly blowing outside of the car.  He had so much more work to do still.  The blackness in his eyes began to take over.  He still needed an ending to his story.  However now, the idea of writing a story about his retail experiences dangled in his mind.  It just hung there like an ornament on a tree.  “I need a good idea…an idea…an idea…an…”

He was walking through a cemetery.  The fog was thick as he passed gravestone after gravestone.  There was a bitterness in the night and a slight chill in the air.  He stopped dead in his tracks, when he saw a beautiful woman ahead of him.  She had long golden blonde hair and the puffiest of lips.  She puckered them at him seductively.  She seemed to lure him towards her like a deadly siren.  “Damn,” he said unable to resist her.  Her bikini was skin tight and skimpy.  He stopped dead when her eyes opened wide.  In utter terror, she pointed at him screaming loudly.  He spun around and saw to his surprise something he hadn’t expected.

A man was standing behind him.  He was in all black and his face was covered in black mesh.  He stared at Kyle and tilted his head as if studying him.  The mysterious figure’s focus turned to the blonde beginning to storm past him.  “Run,” Kyle yelled as the blonde just pointed at the approaching figure.  “HELP ME PLEASE,” she screamed.  He saw a large machete now in the figure’s hand.  The fog grew thicker, and soon he lost sight of them.  The fog was so thick he couldn’t see the gravestones that he was tripping over.  “Tell me where you are!”  “OH GOD, HE’S KILLING ME!  HE’S KILLING ME!”  Waving the fog away, he moved towards the screaming, “HE'S STABBING ME!  OH GOD, HE WON’T STOP STABBING ME!”  Stopping in his tracks he began to gaze around, “HE’S STABBING ME IN THE STOMACH RIGHT NOW!  RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND...HELP ME…HE’S KILLING ME, OH GOD!” 

Kyle began to walk almost casually past the gravestones.  “God, how much does it take to kill her?”  “HE'S STABBING MY ARM!  HE'S DISEMBOWELING ME NOW!  HE WON’T STOP KILLING ME!”  Kyle continued to dodge gravestones, “yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m working on it!”  “HE’S KILLING ME!”  Kyle grabbed his hair, “oh will you just shut the hell up already!”  “HE’S KILLING…”

His leg jerked violently and he awoke with a startle, “that was…weird?”  Grabbing his phone, he checked the time, “damn ten minutes already.”  Putting his phone back in his pocket, he reached into the glove compartment pulling out a joint.  He lit the end and let the smoke surround him.  His problems seemed to float away like a feather in a light breeze.  “Oh god,” he whispered as his head hit the headrest.  He puffed on it a couple more times before dying it off in the ashtray.  He sprayed some AXE body spray and opened the door to a small cloud of smoke.  He stretched widely and began his return to the store.  People were moving through the full parking lot.  A mother was yelling at her daughter. “I told you not to run into the street!”  He smiled as his eyes moved to the front of the store.  To his surprise he saw Carol walking out the front doors.  “Oh god here we go!  Please don’t see me, PLEASE don’t see me,” he begged tightening his fists in anticipation.  He stared at Carol, who walked towards another aisle of cars completely oblivious to him.

Soon the parked cars swallowed her up, “oh thank god!”  Walking through the exit side sliding doors, he walked past Katie.  She frowned when she saw him.  “Took you long enough!”  He smiled, “still shorter than what you take.”  Reaching for her purse, “Did you say something Kyle?”  Shaking his head, “no, go ahead and have your cigarette.”  She removed a lighter and a pack from her purse, “You gotta stop muttering Kyle.  Nobody can understand you.”  “I didn’t say anything just go ahead and have your smoke!”  Crossing her arms, “don’t boss me around…”  “I’m not bossing you around.”  She gave him an evil look as she walked past him.  He took her spot behind the register and leaned against the counter.

The office door popped open and out walked Ron and Cody.  He saw the smugness in Ron’s walk and smile.  They both seemed to be laughing at an inside joke.  Was he really going to quit today?  Was this the day?  The day he always talked about?  Ron glanced at him, “HEY KILLA!”  Trying not to roll his eyes, he gave a forced, “hi Ron.”  Ron walked up to the counter smiling like an idiot.  “Hey I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind helping me take out the garbage when I get back.  After that we can load up all those shelves in the back of my truck.  How does that sound?”  “Yeah I’ll get Joel or Brandon to...”  Ron waved his words down like a pesky mosquito.  “OH no they are busy keeping everything going and…”

It was just then that Kyle’s mind seemed to split.  A scene came before him as Ron yammered away.  “Are you kidding me?”  He was glaring at Ron, “keeping everything going!  Let me tell you what they're doing to keep things going!  Brandon is in the warehouse stealing your shit, texting girls, and ordering drugs.  Joel’s over there selling a printer.  Katie is outside on another cigarette break.  Tell me now you fool, whose keeping this place running?  Certainly not Bethany, who goes around scanning price tags wrong all damn day!  So when we run out, you come complaining to me that I'm not dropping and filling items.  What about when the truck doesn’t get finished in time for the next delivery?  Who is going to keep what running you dumb, stupid, mother…”

“Kyle,” Ron was staring at him.  He blinked several times bringing him back to reality.  “Did you hear anything I said?”  Nodding as he gave a calm, “yeah when you get back from your smoke I’ll take out the trash.  You also said that we, which means I’ll be loading up the shelves.”  Ron’s smile quickly returned, “sounds good huh?”  He walked away as Kyle muttered, “nothing about it sounds good you old…” 

“Hey Kyle,” walking up to the counter was R'nia.  Smiling widely with her pearly white teeth, “hey what’s with the back pack?”  “I’m leaving.”  “What...you can’t leave, not now!”  She chuckled, “It’s time for me to go.  I told Ron that I could only be in today for a couple hours.  I’m leaving tomorrow morning, and I still have to pack.”  “You can’t leave yet!  Who am I going to scare in Copy and Print?”  Akeya began to laugh, “I hate it when you do that!”  “You love it, and you know it.”  “Why don’t you give me your number?  So, we can keep in touch that way.” 

Rubbing his neck nervously, “I don’t know?  You know I have a girlfriend, and I’m proposing to her.”  She slapped him on the arm playfully.  “I know!  What kind of girl do you take me for?”  He shrugged, “I didn’t mean it like that!”  She batted her eyelashes at him.  “Besides, I don’t think you wanna be tied down with a girl and a kid.”  Unsure of his response he gave a simple, “yeah.”  “Don’t worry Kyle, I’ll be back in a month or two.”  He rubbed his neck again, “Well the thing is I might be gone by then.”  Akeya began to laugh, “Oh Kyle you ALWAYS say that!  We all know that you can’t leave us.  They need you!  We need you!”  “It certainly doesn’t feel that way.”  Akeya ran her hand over his, “well we all know and that’s what matters.  I’ll see you when I get back.”

“Excuse me sir,” Kyle turned around seeing a blonde customer wearing a white sweatshirt and faded jeans.  “Yes, what can I do for you ma'am?”  “Where are the paperclips?  You know the ones for fifty cents?”  He thought for a moment, “Paperclips are on sale for fifty cents?”  He really needed to look at the ad for this week.  He hadn’t even had time to do that.  “Well, paperclips are in aisle four.” Without a backwards glance, she marched away just as a hand clapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey Kyle what’s going on?”  It was Cody, and it seemed he had finished his cigarette with Ron.  “I thought I would let you know.  Katie came into the office with Will claiming that you’re a sexist.”  “Excuse me,” Kyle said as his mouth dropped open in shock.  “Yeah, she was crying and saying that you're a sexist.  You are rude, mean, and don’t listen to women.  You think you’re better than her and them because you’re a man.”  “OH MY GOD THAT’S IT,” Kyle shouted turning to Katie.  Cody pushed him back, “no, no don’t man!”  Kyle shook his head, “well you can’t expect me to…” “You can Kyle, and you will!  Do you understand me?”  He stared at Cody, “and what the hell am I supposed to do about it just ignore it?”  Cody nodded, “yeah Kyle!  You’re not even supposed know about it.”  “Well he’s going to write me up for something I didn’t…”  “She said that she tried to show you something earlier, and you snapped at her.  She also said that you were bossing her around about the toner and…”  Kyle was about to shout again, but Cody was already ahead of him. “Shhhh...Kyle keep it down!”  “He could write me up Cody!”  “Yeah he could, but he won’t.  I stood up for you.  I told him, when she left that it was ridicules and not true.  So, you should be good man just take it easy around her ok?”  “I swear Cody!  I swear I’m going to quit right now and…”  “You’re going to do nothing Kyle!  You’re going to go about your job like normal.  I know you’re bigger than that.  Now Ron might talk shit about you, but they need you here ok?  Even if they can't see it, everyone else does.  I have settled everything.  So, I need you to be the bigger person here for me.  Can you do that?” 

Silence came between them as Cody smiled clapping him on the shoulder.  “Everything is cool ok Kyle?”  “Hey Killa, you ready to take out the trash?”  Kyle gritted his teeth as Cody whispered, “yes…say yes Kyle!”  Kyle gave a frustrated, “sure Ron whenever you're ready.”  “Great meet me in the back will ya?”  Cody gave him a final look, but he didn’t return it as he pushed past him.  Katie was making her way towards the register.  He moved as fast he could almost unable to stop.  He couldn’t even bare to look at her. 

“Hey Cody can you tell Carol that I’ll make the bail and move that paper…”  “Carol,” he laughed.  Kyle gave a confused, “um yeah when she gets…”  “Carol’s gone man!  They just fired her.  I told you that was going to happen earlier remember?”  He turned without saying a word.  His face fell as he whispered a soft, “oh my god just like that.”  Marching past Copy and Print, he saw Rebecca give him a little flirtatious smile.

“Excuse me sir,” Kyle stopped dead in his tracks.  He backed up slowly to find the paperclip lady from earlier.  “Hello, you told me that the paper clips were down this aisle.  I don’t see them.”  Trying to stay calm, but Katie’s wrinkled face still burned in his mind.  “Yes, they’re right here ma'am.” He pointed to the literal wall of paperclips of every color, variety, and quantity.  “No, I saw those!  I’m talking about these,” she pulled out the weekly ad.  Unfolding it to reveal a special for a half dollar container of paperclips.  “Oh yeah, those are right down here.”  He bent down to the bottom shelf and saw that it was completely empty.  He began to rub his chin being genuinely perplexed by this.  He knew the store back to front including what items were in stock.  This was a main reason why everyone came to him for help.  “I don’t know ma'am, but we should have more.  Let me go check can you give me a second please?”

The woman nodded as he began searching for the rolling step ladder.  He found it by a man staring at mailing envelopes.  Kyle grabbed it but was immediately stopped.  “Excuse me son,” he stopped giving a tired, “yes sir, how can I help you?”  The man waved a package of 25 count envelopes at him.  “Yes, do you guys sell single envelopes?”  Kyle nodded, “yeah they’re right in front of you sir.”  The man shook his head, “no, no, no, no, I don’t need those big ones.  I mean the regular postage envelops like these in my hand.”  “No, I am sorry sir that’s the smallest pack that they come in.” 

The man’s orange like head and wrinkled face drooped slightly.  “I only need one.  I don’t need all of these!”  Kyle tried not to laugh as he replied, “well sir I believe they’re only a dollar.”  “Well that might be all well and good for you.  However, I don’t want to spend the dollar.  I just want a single envelope.”  “Um, well I’m sorry sir.  We don’t sell them individually.”  “What if I just opened up the pack and took one out?  I’ll give you a dime for it.”  “Um...we can’t do that, because then the product is damaged.”  “I’m going to speak to the manager!”  The man turned and marched away without a second glance.  “Really,” was all he could say standing in confusion. 

“Where were you,” Kyle gave an apologetic, “I’m sorry ma'am!  I got stopped by another customer.”  He began to climb the ladder checking mid-stock.  “WELL, I don’t have time to sit here all day!”  “Yet, you have enough time to sit and wait for cheap paperclips?”  “What did you say?  I can’t understand you, when you’re not looking at me and mumbling!”  He withdrew his head from mid-stock.  “I was saying there isn’t any up here, nor in top stock.  It doesn’t look like we have anymore.”  He began to descend the stairs, “Let me go upfront and check the computers.”  “I don’t have time for that!”  “Well ma'am, it will only take a second…”  “You guys are really something here aren’t you?”  “Um,” he said staring at the woman with a fire blazing in her eyes.  “This is all a scam isn’t it?”  “Um,” was all that he seemed able to say.  “Oh this is some kind of scam that you guys are running here isn’t it?”  “Ma'am I assure you this is not a…”  “You lure people in here with low prices and then you conveniently run out of them.  Why put them in the paper if you’re just going to run out of them?  What kind of scam are you guys trying to pull here?”  “Ma'am believe me there’s no…”  “I want to know!”  He paused trying to hold his temper back.  “So, Clips is running a scam with half dollar paperclips.  That’s what you’re saying?”  “That’s not what I’m saying it’s what I know!  What I am seeing!”  “Ma'am I can look on the computer and see if another store nearby has…”  “I’M NOT DRIVING TO ANOTHER STORE FOR FIFTY CENT PAPERCLIPS!”  Her voice was loud and boisterous as her chest heaved in anger.  “Then why are you making such a…”  Unable to even finish she had turned around and left the aisle. 

“Took you long enough,” “yeah Ron I had to help out a…”  Ron cut him off as he propped the back door open.  “We’re lucky the garbage truck just showed up.  Why are all the shelves thrown in the trash and scattered everywhere?  I told you to pile them up in front of the door here!”  Kyle stared at the mountain of trash.  The broken chairs and the metal shelves all mixed together.  This was not something that was going to be easily done.  “Truck came, and I had to move them.”  Ron frowned, “well why didn't you move them back when you were done...nevermind just get the trash.”  “I think we’re going to need more people.  The guy isn’t going to sit there…”  “Of course he will Kyle I just paid him twenty bucks.”  “You just paid him twenty bucks to sit there and…”  Ron nodded, “good idea huh?”  Kyle turned from him, “what a moron!”  He began to pile the shelves by the shipping door again.  Ron made his way to the door and pulled out a cigarette.  It was raining and near the verge of a down pour.  Kyle dragged another shelf over as his eyes watched Ron with a cigarette dangling from his lips.  Kyle shook his head, “Is he...no he wouldn’t…”  A flame burst from Ron’s hands as he held the lighter over the cigarette.  Kyle threw down the shelf, “that mother…”  “Hey Kyle, there’s no need for all of that!”  He picked up another shelf in anger.  Hateful words were on the tip of his tongue.  They dangled like a droplet of water on the edge of a leaf.  He bite his lip and turned whispering, “I can’t…I can’t...” 

Ron had finished an entire cigarette by the time he started taking out the garbage. The weather had gotten colder as he took the trash out a pile at time.  He was on his way back as Ron was midway through another cigarette. “Hey Kyle,” he stopped and watched him take another drag almost regally.  “Can you speed this up a bit I’m starting to get soaked here!”  “REALLY,” was all his mind could yell. Nearly drenched from head to toe he bit his lip in utter rage.  Ron was still blocking a portion of the door making him have to sidle in.  He didn’t even respond to Ron’s request.  He knew that if he opened his mouth he would have said something he shouldn’t have.   Trying to do the best he could he grabbed a broken chair.  Luckily, it was still able to roll.  It was a little glimmer of hope.  The little glimmer that he needed.  He stacked several bags on it and grabbed a few more.  Beginning to wheel it towards the door.

Ron was still blocking a quarter of the door.   He began to wheel it out.  Taking his time slowly trying to squeeze his way around him.  The chair made it over the bump, “Oh my god I did it!  I can’t believe I…”  That’s where it all came to a crashing halt.  To Kyle’s horror he saw the chair tilt backwards.  He tried to balance it back forward, but it was too late.  The garbage scattered over the ground.  In his haste he had dropped the couple bags that he was holding.  “FUCK,” he yelled loudly.  Garbage was everywhere, and Ron had not reacted to it. 

Kyle was bent over trying to pick up everything.  Ron stood motionless holding open the door watching him struggle.  “Do you think you…”  Ron dragged his cigarette and cut off Kyle quickly with a, “that’s a damn shame.”  He took another long drag from his cigarette as Kyle just stared at him.  It was almost unreal.  It had to be unreal.  This was a joke right?  Ron shook his head softly repeating, “a...damn...shame.”  Kyle had met a lot of jerks in his life.  However, this was the first time he really wanted to hurt somebody. 

As he picked up the trash and chair, he felt his body beginning to grow depressed.  He was actually upset.  He was so frustrated and angry that he felt like crying.  He wanted to hurt him more than any man he would ever know.  He wheeled out the trash as Ron yelled, “hey Joel!  What’re you doing?” Joel’s voice was lost to the wind as he threw the trash in the dumpster.  The truck driver sat there with a face clearly anxious to move on.  Kyle shrugged hoping that it would suffice for now.  He turned bumping into somebody, “whoa, whoa Kyle watch out!”  He stared up at his friend Joel, “hey what’re you doing out here?”  “Ron told me to help.  He didn’t wanna stand out here all day.”  “I think…I think…I’m gunna loose it.”  Joel stared at him, “why?”  They began to head back to the door as Kyle whispered, “because I told him that we needed somebody else to help but he…”  “Hey Kyle, I sent Joel out here to give you a hand.  I figured you could use one huh?” “Yeah,” he replied failing to hide the sarcasm in it. 

After several more trips, Kyle was happy to be taking out the last load with Joel.  They walked through the door, when Katie’s voice came over the PA.  “Ron please come to Customer Service...Ron to Customer Service!”  “Oh damn guys I’ll be right back.  Tell the driver he can go now.”  Kyle turned around, “wait this is are last…”  The door slammed shut and the lock clicked loudly.  “Fuck man,” he threw the trash in the dumpster and waved the driver away.  “This is great man just great!  He leaves us out here in the frigging rain!  I'm going to loose it.”  Scanning over his drenched body he felt Joel clap him on the shoulder, “you need to relax man.  I see it differently.”  He furrowed his brow in confusion, “how?”  Joel shrugged, “easy…it’s some free time.”  “He won’t see it that…”

“You think I can sit up on top of that wall?”  Kyle shrugged, “I don’t know man it’s like ten feet.”  Joel gave a competitive little smile, “bet you I can get up there.”  Shaking his head, “no way dude.  You might be over six feet, but there’s no way you’re getting up there.”  “Bet,” Joel backed up several feet.  “Joel man Ron’s gunna be back, and if we're not…”  “Kyle you need to relax!  He left you out here, so take it easy.”  Crossing his arms, “that’s easy for you to say you're CSL and he likes you.  I’m the Clips whipping boy.”  Joel took a running start and leapt high pushing off the wall to grip the top.  He pulled himself up and sat on the edge.  Arms spread wide in triumph, “how do you like me now bitch?”  Kyle gave an impressed little smile, “damn dude!”  “Well, I used to play basketball in high school and am still pretty athletic.  Did you hear the news about Carol?”  He nodded, “yeah Cody told me.”  “Did you hear who they're replacing her with?”  “A little, but you act like people tell me stuff.”  “The girl that’s replacing her is named Samira.  She’ll be here in an hour or two.  She’s supposedly smoking hot.”  Laughing Kyle said, “You’re a stupid ass Joel!” 

They both were laughing as the downpour began to subside.  “So, did you hear that Katie said I was sexist?”  Joel nodded, “yeah that’s bullshit dude!”  He smiled, “yeah, but I mean…” Joel waved at him, “don’t worry about it!  I covered for you, and I heard Cody did too.  Katie is just an old bitter bitch.  Have you talked to your girlfriend yet?”  He shook his head, “haven’t had time.  I’ll call her on my half hour break.”  Soaking wet he wrung his hands together trying to stay warm.  His mind started to race.  He wanted Joel to be the first co-worker to know about his intentions to quit today.  After all, Joel understood the struggles he faced everyday.  “Joel there’s something I need to tell you man.”  “What is it Kyle?”  “I think…I think…I’m gunna quit today.”

The back door opened, “ok guys you can come back in now!”  Ron had returned just as Joel hopped off the wall.  They both walked inside as Ron locked the door behind them.  “Hey Kyle stop for a second will ya?”  He turned around trying to fake a smile but only managed a slight frown, “yes?”  Ron reached into his pants and pulled out his wallet.  Can you run over to Panera Bread and get me something to eat I’m starving.”  “You…want me…to go get you food?”  Ron nodded, “yeah at the Panera right around the corner.”  He handed Kyle a twenty, “get me that Turkey and Swiss sandwich and a large Mountain Dew.”  Kyle took the twenty almost in a state of disbelief.  He was unsure if he wanted to ask his next question.  His mind seemed to ask it, “Are you really that stupid?”  Ron’s menacing smile showed him where he stood in the Clips organization.  

Kyle pocketed the money as they stared at each other.  “Ok,” he replied almost jovially strolling towards the double doors.  “Ron you have to be the dumbest person that has ever existed on this planet.  You know I hate you, and you send ME to get YOU food.  Oh, I’ll get your food alright!”