HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Just Another Day

(1:00 pm – 2:00 pm)


“Number 9, I got a number 9!”  Kyle walked up to the counter at Panera Bread, “yeah that’s me.”  He grabbed the large Mountain Dew and headed back to Joel’s car.  The lot was packed with people.  Cars seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see.  He turned the key to enjoy some heat and some time to dry off before heading back.  He leaned back in his seat closing his eyes and trying not to fall back asleep.  He felt himself succumbing to the needed moment of relaxation.  Soon the darkness overcame him.

He was in warehouse.  A decrepit warehouse with the dirtiest surroundings one could ever imagine.  He stared down and saw that he was wearing a white apron and blue hospital scrubs.  A woman lay tied on the table.  Her arms and legs bound tightly as she shook her head violently.  It was the same blonde from the graveyard.  Her blue eyes were watery and her skin shimmered slightly.  He was barely in control this time.  He walked over to a silver tray and withdrew a small surgical knife.  “You’re very beautiful…wouldn’t you agree?”  She shook her head violently.  He smiled as he traced his finger over her stomach.  “You don’t think you’re beautiful?”  She shook her head violently again, “no bonita!”  His finger stopped suddenly, “oh…Spanish speaker huh?  I didn't expect that at all.  You don’t look at all like you speak Spanish.”  She shook her head again, “No habla espanol!”  He furrowed his brow, “o…k, that's a little weird.”  She shook her head repeatedly, “no me gusta!”  He ran the scalpel up her stomach softly, “You don’t like that?”  “No me gusta!  No me gusta!” 

“I just wanna make a little cut just a little...”  “No me gusta!”  He began to lightly trace the scalpel up her arm, “You like that?”  “No me gusta,” rolling his eyes he continued.  Running his other hand over her flat stomach, “NO ME GUSTA!”  Dropping the scalpel in frustration, he screamed “YES ALRIGHT!  I get it!  You don’t like it…”  “No me gusta!”  Shaking his head, “no...no that wasn’t a question.  I’m just…” Continuing to violently shake her head, “No me gusta…no me gusta!”  He screamed, “YES I GET IT!”  “No me gusta,” “Jesus is that all you're gunna say?”  They gazed at each other letting several seconds pass in silence.  In unison they repeated, “no me gusta!” Mockingly he added, “Yes, yes, yes I know!”  “No me gusta…no me gusta…no me gusta…no me gusta…”

“Huh,” Kyle woke up with a startle.  He took out his phone, “shit it’s been fifteen minutes already!”  He stared at the drink and sandwich.  “Well I guess I should bring Ron his food.”  He thought about all the shit that he had taken from him over the years.   Without a second thought, he picked up the Mountain Dew and...

“Kyle what took you so long,” Ron growled as Kyle handed him his lunch.  “I’m sorry, but have you seen it outside?  It’s still crazy out there.”  “Very well, I’m going to go take a break.  Don’t call me unless you guys need me.”  Without a second glance, Ron took the food and headed towards the break room.  Gazing through the tinted glass to the office he saw somebody new.  Very attractive with long wavy brown hair, she picked up the office phone scowling slightly.  Was she the new Assistant Manager everyone was talking about?

Katie pointed her decrepit finger at a man standing in the far corner.  “This man needs to talk to somebody about a chair.”  He wore a gray baseball hat and looked like he belonged on a golf course.  Kyle approached him with a, “good afternoon sir!  How can I help you?”  Pointing towards an expensive Tempur-Pedic office chair, “yes I had you guys assemble my chair here.  It’s supposed to come with a booklet.”  He scanned the chair hoping the booklet had just fallen on the floor.  “Well I didn’t build it, but I can take a look around and see.”  The man’s face fell as he gave a disgruntled, “very well.”  Kyle headed back to the warehouse knowing if he didn’t come back with the booklet he was in trouble.  Finding nothing but the chair’s broken box within the contents of the baler.  He feared the worst, when he saw no other Tempur-Pedic chairs left in stock.  He shrugged chuckling softly, “just another day working minimum wage.” 

He made his way back to the front noticing the customer’s unhappiness.  Deciding to talk to Joel first, “just give me one more second sir.”  The man rolled his eyes, “this is getting ridiculous.”  “I know sir just one more second please.”  Kyle emerged into the office to discover both Joel and the mystery girl.  She was talking on the phone as Joel typed on the computer.  His blue eyes raised from his task, “what’s up man?”  “Hey did you build that chair out there or do you know who did?”  He shrugged, “sorry the only people that build chairs are you, Keith, and Brandon.”  “Ok, I’ll go ask Brandon then.”  Joel shook his head, “You can’t.  Cody and him just went to get lunch.”  Rolling his eyes, “figures...well, listen this guy is going to chew me out.  Can you come out and just...I don’t know back me up?”  “Ron wants me to type up these…” “Joel you have to you’re a supervisor!”  Joel smiled, “I thought you said you could handle anything?  Do anything at this job right?”  “I can Joel it’s just...” “Well?” 

“Fine Joel,” he snapped storming out of the office.  “Sir, I’m going to check with the other employee working in Office Supplies.  He’s most likely the one that put together the chair and…” “This is FUCKING ridiculous!”  Kyle held up his hands, “I understand sir.  I do...let me just go and check…”  “NO, FUCK YOU KID!”  “Ok sir, I didn’t build the chair!  So, I don’t know where…” “FUCK YOU...this is ridiculous!  All I want is the GOD DAMN booklet that comes with the chair!  You have me sitting up front here for over…”  “Sir, I can assure you that the booklet is only one page front and back.  It’s not what you think it is.”  “And how do you know what I think it is huh?”  “Sir all I am saying is that you don’t need the booklet it’s only…”

The man’s face turned red as he stormed towards the chair shouting, “don’t need it!  I don’t need it!  Listen here boy and listen good!  How am I supposed to know what every lever does on this chair?” “There’s no reason to get…”  “If I don’t need the book then tell me what this lever does?” He began jabbing his finger at the four levers under the seat.  “Sir, these chairs just came out this week.  So, I haven’t been able to really tinker with…”  “TELL ME WHAT DOES THIS LEVER DO?” 

Kyle had never seen a man so angry.  Sure he had his experience of angry customers, but this was something new.  “SIR as I said before they JUST came out!  I don’t know what all the levers do yet but if you give me…”  “You see you can’t even tell me what all the levers do.  You see this is why I need the manual!  You think it would be common sense...common sense!  You build the chair, and you would leave all the paperwork for it.”  “Sir, I didn’t build your chair and have nothing to do with this!  I am doing my best to help you find…”  “Your best, you call this your best?”  Kyle turned to the office window and saw to his shock the brown haired woman lounging in the office chair.  Her head tilted back laughing on the phone with one hand behind her head. 

Katie was smiling ear to ear loving every moment of this.  She stared like a dog would watch a steak.  She didn’t want to miss a single moment.  The look in her eyes seemed to speak her inner thoughts.  She was thinking that he was getting exactly what he deserved.  “Sir, why don’t I go and get a manager for you and…”  “NO...FUCK YOU…I’ll just go home and figure it out by myself.”  The man grabbed the chair and wheeled it out the sliding door.  He never glanced back, “Jesus Christ!”  Kyle stormed away muttering angrily, “now that’s a story right there.”

Making his way down the aisle he decided to head to the bathroom.  “I need to relax.  God, I wish I had a real ciga...”  He stopped mid-stride, when his eyes rested on a man in the middle of an aisle.  He had his coat open and was placing a packet of expensive resume paper into it.  The man’s face fell realizing he had been caught red handed.  Kyle’s mind began to race as he seemed to weigh his options.  Surprisingly, he gave small laugh and shrugged his shoulders.  He didn’t even look back as he entered the bathroom.  “That’s a new one even for me,” he muttered closing the door of the stall.  He sat on the toilet having no reason to be there.  He just needed some time to himself.  “God, I’m so fucking tired,” he whispered resting his head in his hands.  He could hear customers outside the bathroom and knew the store was still busy. 

The bathroom door opened, “Kyle, Kyle you in here?”  Raising his head from his hands, he knew that voice.  “Jose...is that you?”  “Yeah man, I thought I’d find you in here.”  Laughing a little, “well it’s been a little crazy for me today.  I thought you were coming in later?”  “Well, I had to make a house call first and deliver a chair too.”  “We don’t do that.”  Jose groaned a little, “I know.  Ron said that this guy was special, so he’s an exception.”  Kyle shrugged returning his face to his hands.  “So, you got a customer out here that needs to talk to you about furniture.  He asked for you specifically. Well at least I think he did.”  Lifting his head, “What do you man you think he did?”  “Well, he called you Keel for one and...”  “Oh shit, is it some Swedish guy in sunglasses?”  Jose gave a little laugh, “How’d you know?”  “Because this fucking guy comes in and buys furniture like crazy.  He always buys display items, and the cheapest stuff you can get.  It’s all random shit too.” 

Kyle opened the bathroom stall and saw Jose.  A short Hispanic man with a black mustache and flat black hair.  Washing his hands as he continued, “I used to think he was buying furniture for like a business.  However, the randomness throws me off.  It’s the craziest thing!”  Jose gave another laugh, “I see...only you man!  Hey did you see the new Assistant Manager?  She’s supposedly closing tonight.”  “Great,” sighed Kyle.  Jose nodded preparing to leave, “oh by the way Jimmy is here too.  He’s looking for you.”  Rolling his eyes, “What does he want?”  Jose shrugged, “but if I had to guess.  It would be, because of the plastic you put in the baler.”  Jose gave a final laugh and left the bathroom.  Kyle gazed in the mirror, “just deal with these fools and go have another joint ok?” 

Leaving the bathroom, he stopped when he heard his name.  “Kyle,” turning down the small hallway that lead to the break room he saw Jimmy.  Jimmy was the current Easy Tech Expert.  However, he acted like he was big man on campus.  He was large like a linebacker with a beard that could put rapper Rick Ross’s to shame.  Kyle knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant by the way Jimmy ran his hand over his bald head.  “Hey Jimmy what’s up man?”  “Kyle I thought I told you stop putting plastic wrapping into the baler!”  Kyle smiled, “look Jimmy everyone does it.”  “Everyone does not put the plastic wrapping in them.”  Nodding, “I understand Jimmy I really do just hear me…”  “Kyle if I see that shit one more time I’m writing you up!”  Kyle scoffed, “write me up?  You can’t write me up!  Are you going to write up everyone else too?”  Shaking his head, “Indeed I can and will if I see it again.”  “Look Jimmy you’re my friend and…”   Jimmy’s face started to turn red, “and if you were my friend you would listen to me!  It's no wonder you haven’t made Employee of the Month ever, nor gotten that CSL position.  Management was right about you.  You think you run this store, but you don’t!  There are other people that work here.  This store runs on a team effort and not the ability of one man.” 

Kyle stared at Jimmy gritting his teeth, “ok Jimmy, ok!  You wanna pull cards…fine, let’s pull cards then!”  “Do other people work here?  Yes…are we supposed to be a team, yes!  Then why don’t you do your FUCKING JOB!”  Jimmy’s face turned red like a tomato, but Kyle ignored it.  “If you knew your job you would know that you’re not my boss!  You’re the Easy Tech Expert!  I am in Office Supplies!  We’re a team right Jimmy?  Then stop having me check in customer’s computers for you when you’re off gossiping with management.  Stop having me handle YOUR customers when your off selling a single printer.  Stop calling me for help, because you can't handle UPS or Copy and Print.  We’re a team, HA!  I should leave you to drown.  I don’t give a fuck about Employee of the Month.  I should ALWAYS be Employee of the Month.  Everyone knows it too!  Who unloads the trucks, me!  Who unloads the pallets and does the bales, me!  Who do people go to when they need to locate something, me!  Who does Copy and Print come to when they need help, me!  Who handles ALL of furniture, me!  Who handles check out of your computers when your off throwing your weight around, me!  Who boxes up ALL the toner and cartridges, me!

Kyle was so angry that he raised his arm revealing the cut that he had gotten earlier, “I have bled for this fucking store!  All so that you and fucking management can look pretty when Gene or Robert come.  I save your ass safety points, when Gene does his walk through every time!  You think Brandon and Keith do that shit!  You wanna pull more cards?  I got a whole deck for you buddy!  So don’t come bitching to me, when you can’t find a chair or need furniture built.  Don’t come crying to me when…”   “I out sell you and get more protection plans than you ever could!”  “That’s your fucking job!  I don’t sell!  I am stocking and office supplies!  Now get out of my way I have work to do!  Why don’t you go and run numbers like you always do!”  “Wait until Ron hears about this!”  Kyle laughed, “I’m going to be quitting today anyway!  I don’t give a fuck!”  

Making his way to the furniture section he tried to calm his seething rage.  “Hello sir, how can I help you today?”  The man had spiked blonde hair, a smooth baby face, and as always wore a pair of dark sunglasses.  “Keel my friend how are you?”  Never knowing the man’s name Kyle gave a friendly, “hey you’re back!  How are you doing?  Its been awhile since I last saw you.”  The man nodded, “Well I am opening a new office and need more furniture.”  Kyle nodded, “What can I do for you?”  “Well, I need to know which of these chairs is the cheapest.”  “Um,” Kyle though for a second and pointed towards a black chair, “well this one is $69.99 and…”  “Anything cheaper,” he was unsure, “well this one is $59…”  “Yes anything cheaper,” “well we have that one over there for $24.99.”  Making his way to a pink mesh backed children’s chair, he examined it like he was buying a new car.  He picked it up and began to slam it on the ground.  “Sir, it’s really a child’s chair you know…”  He glanced up at Kyle, “How many do you have?”  Kyle shook his head, “only this one it has a clearance tag on it.”  “Damn,” the man said revealing a disappointed frown.  “What’s the next cheapest chair Keel?” Kyle pointed to a small black office chair.  “Well, this one is on sale for $49.99.”  The man quickly examined it and asked, “how many?”  “Um,” Kyle thought for a second before giving a vague, “a lot for sure.”  “Very good,” the man said and continued, “I’ll need twelve.”  Kyle coughed slightly, “t...twelve?”  “Yes well give me six for now, and I’ll need them all built too.  I want four of each color.  I’ll have my brother come here and buy the other six.”  “O…k, is there anything else I can get for you?”  The man nodded, “yes this desk here.  This is on clearance, yes?”  Kyle nodded, “so this is the only one right Keel?”  He nodded again, “Very good!  I’ll take it.  I’ll need it disassembled to fit in my car.  It's also got some scratches on it...I get discount?”  “That's up to management, but I’ll see what I can do let me first go get the chairs.” 

After several minutes, Kyle had finished loading the last chair on the U-Boat.  He jumped in surprise, when the doors burst open.  “That fucking bitch…that stupid bitch,” Jimmy had burst his way into the warehouse.  “Jimmy, what’s going on?”  Jimmy pushed past him scowling, “that fucking bitch man!”  “Jimmy, what’s wrong?  What’s going on?”  Jimmy stopped in his tracks, “Have you talked to the new Assistant Manager?”  Shaking his head, “no, but she seems pretty nice.”  “Pretty nice…she just cussed me out in front of the whole store!”  “What,” “yea Kyle she just suspended me!”  “Wait, wait, she suspended you?” Jimmy smiled, “Well, she tried to at least.  I just quit.”  “You can’t quit man! Carol just…”  “Yea well be weary, it seems like they're trying to clean house.”  Jimmy turned from him, “good luck with everything!”  “Jimmy...wait man, what did you guys fight about?” 

After dropping off the chairs at Customer Service, Kyle was still speechless at Jimmy’s sudden departure.  “Kyle,” came Katie’s voice from behind him.  “The customer who bought all that stuff asked if it could be ready by later this afternoon.”  “Later this afternoon,” he repeated.  Katie smiled and added, “I said that it was NO problem.  He also asked to put six more chairs away, because his brother...”  “Of course you did,” Kyle whispered losing interest, when something else had caught his.  Ron was standing behind him, “Kyle can you do me a favor?  I am so thirsty!  Can you run to Portillo’s for me and grab me a large soda?”  Pulling out some money, “also get me a hot dog with extra relish.”  “Extra relish...I got it.”  Ron smiled and said “only relish.”  Furrowing his brow in confusion he repeated, “only relish?”  Handing him the money Ron nodded, “extra relish.”