HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

10 Minutes To Go

(8:50 pm – 9:10 pm)


“Oh my god, it’s the final countdown!”  Kyle stared at his cell phone seeing that he had only ten minutes left before the store closed.  Ignoring the fact that his Hall of Fame idea was not going to last 24 hours.  Maybe deep down he knew that this was going to happen?  “Kyle to furniture, Kyle to furniture,” he stared up at the ceiling.  “REALLY…really, there’s ten minutes left!”  Making his way out of the warehouse he ran into a happy couple with black hair and short stature.  “Yes can I help you?”  The man gave weak little smile.  “Yes, we need a desk…”  The wife added quickly, “and a book shelf.”  “Do you have any in mind?”  They pointed to the biggest glass covered desk the store had.  It took all of Kyle’s strength to not grown in exhaustion.  “And the shelf,” the wife pointed to a five tier one.  He gave a roll of the eyes, “very well I’ll bring it all up front for you.”  He gave a weak smile and made his way back into the warehouse. 

“Of course someone would want the biggest desk when we are about to close.”  His words fell as he gazed at the large heavy desk box.  He stood in place staring at it.  Letting the seconds go by, there was still so much left to do.  He was sure he would get blamed for it not being done in the morning.  “No,” he said softly remembering that Samira was opening in the morning.  “God, I can't wait to quit this job!”  Gripping the box and flopping it onto the metal U-Boat making it wobble like a fish out of water.  

The double doors opened as he wheeled the desk and book shelf onto the floor.  “Kyle,” came a voice from his right.  Samira was making his way over to him.  “Hey that's the desk and book shelf for the those people right?”  He nodded, “is there anybody else in the store?  I’m about to turn off all the lights.”  He gazed around the dead store.  “No, I think it's just that couple in the notebook aisle.”

“Well get them the hell outta here, I'll take this up front.”  He smiled at Samira liking her more every time they talked.  She took the U-Boat as he made his way to the customers in aisle nine.  “Hello is there anything that I can help you guys with?”  The man shook his head, “no we’re just looking. We’ll only be a minute.”  “Ok well just let me know if you guys need any help.  We’re closing up the registers and…”  “Is there a problem,” the woman had dropped the notebook that she had been looking at.  Kyle shook his head, “no it’s just the lights are going off and…”  “I don’t care if the lights are going off.”  “O…k, well we’re closing down the registers and I was just coming…”  “We’ll you’re going to keep one open for us as long as we are here!  I have never in my life been treated this rudely.”  “By asking if you needed help,” “NO...by coming over here and trying to force us out…by hurrying us up and…” Kyle raised his hand, “I am sorry.  I'll just leave alright?” 

Kyle made his way to the front as Samira approached him.  “Where are they Kyle?”  He shrugged, “in their words they’ll come when they come.  The lady just tore me a new one for asking them if they need help.”  Samira groaned and rolled her eyes.  He pointed to the U-Boat with the desk and book shelf, “do they need help loading that stuff?”  Samira shook her head, “they’ll pick it up tomorrow.”  “I’m sorry Samira,” she smiled and patted him on the shoulder.  He made his way behind the counter, “Ilene, how you feeling?”  Ilene coughed in her hand and said, “same, I’ll just be glad to get home.”  “Yeah, I bet.  Oh thank god here they come!”  He saw Ashley making her way from the back.  Coat and purse in hand she smiled at him.  The couple made their way to the register.  Placing the single notebook on the counter, the woman grabbed a bag of chips adding it to the pile.  Ilene rang up the notebook and coughed as she rang up the chips.  She placed the chips in the bag, “um excuse me?  Can you please ring me up another bag of chips?”  Kyle saw the confusion in her face as Ilene began, “is there a…”  “Yeah there’s a problem!  You just coughed all over the chips I was going to eat!”  “Well, they’re in a bag miss.  I didn’t cough anywhere near them.”  Her face began to turn red, “are you serious?  You coughed right on them?”  “They’re in a bag miss.”  “I don’t care, I’m not eating them!” 

Removing the chips from the bag Ilene placed them away from the register.  “Well hand me another bag and I’ll ring it up.”  “I don’t appreciate the attitude!”   The woman reached down and grabbed another bag of chips.  “Can you NOT cough on these please?  I’d like to eat them and get out of here!  I don’t want to be here all night!”  Kyle gave a wide smile as his mind gave a snide, “is she serious?”  He watched Ilene ring up the chips and the couple left the store.  Ilene gave a loud, “bitch!”  Kyle laughed, “you know I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear.”  “Well, she was I didn’t even cough anywhere near the chips!  In fact, I deliberately turned my head and coughed away from the bag.”

Samira emerged from the office, “alright is that everybody?”  Everyone seemed to nod, “Hey Doc let’s go!”  Greg was still over in Copy and Print.  He walked over sweater in hand, “Hey Kyle thanks for the help today.”  Kyle shook his hand, “oh don’t even worry about it.”  He began to clock out as Joel slapped him hard on the back.  “So, what's good?  Are you glad this day is over?”  Laughing Kyle hit stop on the computer time clock, “yeah man today was the day that everything changed!”  “Does anybody want to go to Fridays for drinks and something to eat?  Kyle you should come!  Everyone says that you have funny stories.  I should get caught up with this place if I'm gunna be working you guys!” 

“Yeah sounds fun Samira!”  The group left laughing as Ashley approached Kyle.  “Did you see that lady that bought two whole carts of dollar items?”  She smiled at him and added, “over $500 dollars worth!”  “Did you bag it all,” she nodded, “had too...took forever!”  The beeping of the alarm growing faster as everyone exited the store.  “So, Kyle have you thought about writing the book anymore?”  Sighing softly he thought deeply as the cool night air played against his face.  “Joel I...I...”  He stopped when he saw a young man make his way around the corner of the store.  He was heading towards the group staged out front as Samira locked the doors. 

Samira turned to see him, “oh Richard what are you doing here?”  She said as she embraced the man in a hug.  Beaming at him she turned to the group, “guys this is my boyfriend Richard.  What are you doing here?  I thought you were...”  He stopped and cut her off.  “Well,” he said loudly and continued.  “I hope that I am not your boyfriend anymore.”  He got down on one knee and pulled out a small ring box.  He beamed up at her, “Samira will you marry me?”  The crowd around her gasped as she stared down at him unable to speak.

“REALLY,” Kyle exclaimed smiling at how unbelievable this was.  Samira was tearful as her hands gripped her cheeks.  She nodded and they embraced each other in a deep kiss.  He clapped as Joel gave a loud, “GET IT GIRL!”  He watched the two kiss for several seconds as Joel nudged Kyle, “So are we still going to Fridays?”  As Kyle watched Samira and her Fiancee hug.  He smiled widely for the first time seeing what he should have been writing all along.  “No Joel, I think I'm gunna head home.  I have a new book that I have to start.”  “You mean…”  He grinned, “the only problem is when I tell it…nobody's going to believe me.” 

(8 Months Later)

RING...RING...RING… sitting on his couch Kyle put down his tuna sandwich.  He reached to the table for his cell phone.  To say things had changed in his life would be an understatement.  He had proposed to his girlfriend and their wedding date was fast approaching.  They had moved into a tiny apartment in Aurora, IL.  They were already talking about moving into a house within a year or two.  He was working as a security officer and loved the simplicity of it.  It gave him the time he needed to be working on multiple books at once. 

“Hello,” he said trying to swallow the last bit of his sandwich.  “Hey Kyle it's Tristan!” Coughing slightly Kyle nearly knocked his plate all over the couch.  “Whoa, are you ok there?”  He grinned, “yeah man...what's up?  How have you been?”  Tristan gave a laugh, “oh you know same old bullshit!”  Rising from the couch he began to pace the apartment, “Yeah you finally settled in huh?  What's the latest gossip man?”  “I became Easy Tech Expert.”  “Shut up, so Jose did actually leave huh?”  Tristan laughed, “he quit early couldn't take it anymore.  He left for some computer job nobody really knows.  Didn't say much actually!  Ashley is finishing school and leaving soon as well.  Ron is expecting her to put her two weeks in any day now.”  “That's great good for her man!  She deserves it.”  Tristan continued, “Keith left too...awhile ago actually.”  “Have you heard from Brandon?”  “Nope,” replied Tristan quickly.  “Have you heard from Joel?”  Kyle walked to the refrigerator to grab a soda, “Naw he moved to Texas.  He has a girlfriend now living ghetto fabulous!  Hey how’s Samira?  I've been meaning to call her, but the longer I wait the more awkward I feel you know?”  “Yeah, she transferred to another store last week actually.”  Shaking his head, “struggle.  She was one of the greatest managers I've ever had.  I'd work with her anytime.  What about Rebecca and Greg?”  Tristan faltered, “uhhhh....Rebecca left for Copy and Print at Office Max I think or Depot?  I can't remember which.  And Doc he's still here man.  Listen, I'm getting the evil eye here so I need to ask you something...” 

Popping the soda open, Kyle waited for Tristan to gather himself.  “Listen, you know Back to School is coming again.  Well, Ron was wondering if you could come back just for a couple months? You know to help out.”  A wicked smile played across his face as Tristan continued, “you could pick your own days and hours of course.  It's just we're kinda desperate here and...”  “Am I going to get a promotion?”  Tristan paused for a minute and gave a weak, “uh no.”  “Am I going to get a raise...a REAL raise?”  Pausing again for a minute Tristan gave an even weaker, “uh...no.”  “So, Ron wants me to come back and work for the same amount of money and no promotion.  To help fix the store because it’s falling apart.  He's not meeting his deadlines and doesn't know how to do what I did right?”  “We're desperate Kyle!  The new people can't handle or do what you did!  I think Ron realizes that now and is desperate to get you back.”  Smiling widely and cruelly, “Tristan can you do me a favor?”  “Yeah man,” “can you give Ron a message for me?”  “Sure,” replied Tristan sounding brighter than before.  “Tell Ron to go fuck himself,” a clattering seemed to happen on the other end of the phone.  “Wh...what...”  “Yeah Tristan tell him that I SAID FOR HIM TO GO FUCK HIMSELF!  Will you tell him that from me?”  Hesitating Tristan gulped, “tell him that?”  “Yes...to fuck himself...can you do that for me please?”  “Y...yeah sure,” Kyle chuckled, “great man! Listen, I'm gunna be coming into town in a week.  I'll stop by the store and say hi.  I'll see you then!”


The End