HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

For Glory


“You know I could stare at you all day.”  Pygolaus was leaning against the barn door as he stared at his new hand maiden.  She wore a long light brown skirt with a raggedy purple blouse knitted of wool.  Already patched and frayed looking, her brown eyes rolled slightly as she returned to feeding the chickens.  “I wish you wouldn't,” Pygolaus smiled crossing his arms.  “Hanna why would you say such a thing?”  The bucket swayed in her frustration, “because you are married Pygolaus!  You have a wife!  I am just some hand maiden that lives in your servant's house.”  Pygolaus turned to the wall as if he could see through it.  “She doesn't understand me!  We've been drifting apart for awhile now.  And don't say you are a just a servant.”  Scattering more corn kernels on the ground Hanna muttered, “but that's what I am.”  “No you're not,” cried Pygolaus moving towards her.  “You are more, so much more!  I see it!  You are so beautiful, any man would be lucky to have you.” 

Hanna tried to resist but grinned with a little hand through her black hair.  Her cheeks were starting to flush, “you really think so?”  His voice growing more flirty.  Pygolaus came closer, “yes that is why I hired you.  I was surprised that nobody had scooped you up when they had the chance.  You are so incredibly beautiful formed from the great Aphrodite herself.”  “Oh Pygolaus stop,” she said wiping the hair from her face.  “It's true though!  You are the most beautiful woman in the valley.  Big voluptuous breasts, lips as soft as pillows, good strong legs, and wide child bearing hips.”  She smiled devilishly, “you shouldn't let your wife hear you talking like this?  What if I were to go tell her? Hmm...would you be saying all these things in front of her?”  Pygolaus halted a few inches from her.  “Would you leave your wife for me?  I am a one man kind of woman.  I could never be with someone that had...”  “I would...I would leave my wife for you!  I would go up there right now if your eyes didn't hold a magical curse on my heart.  They have enslaved me with their light.”  Pushing his hands away, “NO Pygolaus, we can't!  You can't feel this way about me!”  She turned to walk away but Pygolaus gripped her arm, “the light from your eyes my dear could guide a ship at sea.”  “Oh Pygolaus your incorrigible!  There are so many rumors about you though!  In the villages, they call you PIGolaus.” 

Taking her hand, “my name gets thrown in the mud because my best friend is Jercules.  People assume that I am bad when they don't know the whole story.  I tell you that I have never felt this way about anyone before.  Surely, you were sculpted by the god's themselves just for me!”  “Pygolaus...this is wrong.  So wrong...so fast...”  Pygolaus moved closer, “you're right, I am wrong.  You weren't sculpted by the God's if you had I know they would have kept you to themselves.”  Her face grew red, “you flatter me Pygolaus...but still your wife?”  Growling, “forget her, I told you we’ve been drifting apart for ages.  I have to follow my heart, and it feels right in your hand.” 

One hour later, Melina was placing the last bowl on the shelf.  Grabbing the towel, she sighed in relief.  The dishes had been cleaned and the house was starting to show signs of cleanliness.  Although, it was hard to keep the place clean with dirt from the road always finding it's way in.  Making her way to the window she gazed out and realized something.  Pygolaus was not out tilling the fields.  His plow was out, but the horse was no longer lashed to it.  “He's behind,” she whispered staring at the large field still left untilled.  “I wonder what happened,” wiping her hands off one more time.  She threw down the towel and exited out the front door.  Walking towards the barn, she saw their horse lazily eating the grass in the field.  It raised it's head and chewed several bites before returning. 

“Pygolaus, Pygolaus where are you?”  Melina yelled making her way towards the barn door.  “Did you spill the seeds again, you're never going to finish if you aren't...”  The door creaked open and out came a fleeing Hanna.  Gripping her shirt she was trying desperately to fix it back over herself.  “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” she kept repeating as she flew down the hill towards the servant quarters.  Pygolaus made his way out bare chested and buckling his pants.  “Hanna wait, Hanna don't go!”  “PYGOLAUS...what in the name of Zeus is going on?”  “Aww look at that!  What's going on Melina?  Why are you out here?”  “I didn't see you in the field and...wait don't change the subject! What's going on Pygolaus?  Why is she apologizing? Why is your shirt off?  Why was she putting her shirt back on?”  “Hanna...come back...come back,” Pygolaus ran his hand through his blonde hair no longer in a ponytail.  “Pygolaus what the hell is going on?”  “You made her run off Melina!” “Why are you so upset about her running off?”  He groaned frustration etched on every wrinkle in his face, “because we just lost another handmaiden!”  Melina scoffed, “lost...what do you mean lost!  Why did we loose her?  What could have made her run off like...”  “From embarrassment I expect...”  “What embarrassment Pygolaus if you don't start telling me what is going...”  “She tore her shirt on the beam that I am working on.  I spilled the seeds again and she was helping me pick up before all the chickens at them.” “O...k,” Melina responded slowly as her eyes wandered down his body.  “Why is your shirt off?”  “I was plowing in the fields all day remember!  Sun is blazing above me...talk to Apollo.”  “But...what about your pants?”  “These are my bad pants remember?  My work pants, they never fit if the belt isn't...”  He paused as his eyes narrowed, “wait, why are you questioning me like I did something wrong?” 

“I'm not trying to question you Pygolaus, but you are half naked with our hand maiden.  She nearly knocked me over.  Doesn't that bother you?”  “What bothers me is that we just lost our hand maiden...a good hand maiden too!  I hope your happy. Now, I got to find somebody mid-season.  You know how difficult that's going to be?”  “I'm sorry Pygolaus, I didn't mean too...”  Pygolaus frowned but then gave a weak smile, “oh, it's alright Melina.  You didn't mean it.”  She smiled and then let him wrap his arms around her.  He sighed, “we'll figure it out my love...we'll figure it out.”  “Oh Pygolaus, I love you!”  He smiled down at her, “and I love you too.”  They kissed and soon Pygolaus began to kiss deeper and deeper.  Melina pushed him away playfully, “Pygolaus please!”  She smiled and patted his chest, “not now!  You have a field to plant remember?  And you have spilled all the seed.”  “Well that's not all the seed that I want spill,” Melina slapped him playfully, “Pygolaus you are so naughty.  Is that all you ever think about?”  He put his arm around the small of her back.  “Well, it's hard not too when I know I got you.  And those big breasts waiting for me at home!”  “Get your head out of there,” she laughed playfully trying to pull his face out of her cleavage.

“Spoiling the moment am I,” Melina nearly jumped out of her skin as she buttoned up her top.  “Jercules,” she cried in surprise.  Smiling at her he points between the two of them, “am I interrupting something?”  “N...no, no, what're you doing here Jercules?”  He points to Pygolaus, “I need to talk to your husband.”  Melina nods and points to her husband, “I want you tilling that field in five minutes you hear me Pygolaus?”  “There's only one field I'm going to be tilling in five minutes,” “Pygolaus what am I going to do with you?”  She smiles and pats Jercules on the shoulder, “don't keep him, he has work to do?” 

Jercules nodded as he stared at his best friend.  “Did I come at a bad time?”  Pygolaus shrugged, “you know me...”  “Yeah, I do!  What's the deal with your servant?  I just bumped into her on the road?”  Groaning Pygolaus made his way to the door, “aww...did she leave?”  Gripping his shoulder Pygolaus stopped, “she's gone my friend...long gone.  Besides you have another assignment!”  “If you're talking about tilling that field you can...”  Jercules smiled, “no, no, no my friend this is much more important.  I'm going after that Manticore and I need your help.”  The wind rattled the wood on the barn as Pygolaus tightened his belt, “I thought that it wasn't your problem?” 

“Yeah well that was before the Manticore came and destroyed my barn...wrecked half my field.”  “Zeus...is Nacissa and...”  “They are fine, but I'm sure it will come for you next,” “Where do you think it will go?”  Jercules pointed towards the mountains, “there are some caves up there.  I assume the beast is going to be heading up there.  That's where I would go.”  Glancing at the mountains in the distance the gray rocks casting an eerie shadow upon the valley below.  “What do you say Pygolaus one more battle for honor and glory?”  “Well,” Pygolaus said reluctantly.  His mind on the incredible and dangerous climb that it would take to get to the caves.  “You're not going to let your best friend go on this battle alone are you?” 

Pygolaus turned to his friend, “well you didn't care when I told you about it the first time!  Would you feel the same way if roles were reversed?  Would you come help me if my crops were destroyed?”  Hesitating Jercules gazed at his friend, “if it...were...you?”  His question hung in the air as Pygolaus gazed back at him.  “Yes, if it were me!”  Jercules nodded, “Pygolaus...you are my best friend!  How can you ask me such a question?”  “It's just sometimes you can be...can be...well, a real jerk you know?  Jercules nodded, “I understand but you of all people should understand.  Sure, I have this incredible strength, but that doesn't mean I am obligated to help everyone that comes my way.  I’m just a normal man that wishes to live his life like everyone else.  And...”  Holding up his hand Pygolaus stopped him, “I understand Jercules.  I sometimes forget that.” 

“So,” Jercules said clapping his hands, “are you in?”  Pygolaus smiled, “have you seen that thing?  I’m not sure I would be of any use.   Do you have any idea where to start?”  “Well, there’s a hotel near the mountain pass.  I figured we could start there.”  “Motel,” Pygolaus said rubbing his chin in thought.  “Yeah over near that brothel by the black smith,  Yeah sure Jercules, count me in!”  Jercules's eyebrows rose, “oh,” he said seeing his friend’s eyes light up in excitement.  “You sure,” he asked as Pygolaus nodded back.  “Of course, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't help you regain some honor?” 

Walking over to a pile of hay, Pygolaus grabbed his shirt.  “If we leave now we should be able to reach the city of Plythe by nightfall.  Jercules clapped Pygolaus on the shoulder, “I knew that I could count on you.”  Making their way out of the barn, Melina was standing at the edge of the road.  “Wait, you never answered my question did you?”  “Question,” repeated Jercules.  “Yeah about helping me if...”  “I did Pygolaus.  I answered it, but it looks like your wife is not too happy about you leaving.”  Arms crossed her eyes shot daggers at the both of them.  “And where do you think you're going,” she boomed angrily.  Pygolaus ran his hand over his neck, “well, um...you see...”  She shot a look at Jercules, “where are you taking my husband?”  “I'm well...going to fight the Manticore and wanted to know if Pygolaus could help.”   “Help, help, the only thing he is going to be doing is tilling the field.  We just lost our hand maiden.  I know you aren't expecting ME to do all of this!”  Pygolaus grabbed his wife's arms, “I'm only going to be gone a couple days.”  Whining softly, “but Pygolaus the field...the crops!  We need food for the winter.  Killing the Manticore isn't going to line our pockets with money.  The people won't feed us during the winter.”  Pygolaus kissed her softly and turned, “only a couple of days.”  “The Manticore hasn't done anything to us.  Can't you just...”  “And what if it comes here Melina...destroys our farm like it did Jercules?”  Her finger jabbed him in the chest, “but it hasn't!  It's not here!  This doesn't concern you.  You can't leave me here alone...”  Pygolaus smiled and kissed her again, “just a couple days.  I'll be back before you even notice that I’m gone.”