HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The Manticore & Plythe


“I don't understand Jercules!  How are we supposed to get even close to the Manticore to kill it?”  The road was longer than Jercules had remembered.  The hills went up steeply and came down almost vertically.  It seemed that they were sometimes not moving at all.  As if the road was moving, but the landscape remained still.  “I haven't thought that far yet Pygolaus.”  “I mean, do we fight it with our bare hands.  You saw the size of this thing right?  This thing will pick it's teeth with my bones when it's done!”  Jercules’s feet grew sore with every stride he took, “I told you Pygolaus!  I haven't thought that far ahead.  Let's first get to Plythe and then we can think of something.”  Pygolaus smiled and pointed at his friend, “well that's if the Manticore even went into the mountain caves.”  Chuckling Jercules sighed as the town of Plythe appeared in the distance.  “Trust me...it'll be there.”

“What do you plan on doing when we get there?”  “Well,” Jercules stared at the setting sun.  “There's nothing that we can do about it tonight.  We can't exactly go up into the mountains when it's dark out.”  “So...drink,” Jercules nodded, “you know Pygolaus my throat is awfully parched.”  Returning to Jercules's side he placed his hand around him, “as it should be Jercules!  Here we are on one last trip to write our names in the eternal book of glory.”  Tracing his hand in the sky Pygolaus gripped Jercules tighter.  “Can't you just see it...Pygolaus and Jercules champions of man.”  “And you don't think the first name spoken should be that of the son of a god?”  Feet kicking up dirt as Pygolaus laughed loudly, “No because I will be doing so much of the killing!  You can't always have all the glory Jercules!”  Pushing Pygolaus playfully, “and you think you are going to outshine me?”  “Every battle we have been through, who comes off with all the honor and glory...you do!  How about this once letting me take it?   You know women love a hero!  So, this last journey can you let me have a little?”

Laughing Jercules stopped in his tracks nearly keeling over from loss of breath.  “Is...is...is this for you...or for the woman?'  Remember you're married and...”  “Well, love is a beautiful thing and I have so much to give.  Think of how disappointed all the others would be?  I can't have enemies Jercules, think of my wife’s safety?”  Holding up his hands, “whatever Pygolaus that’s you're life.  If you want the glory then you are going to have to put in the work.”  “HEY,” Pygolaus yelled as Jercules strolled ahead of him. 


“Apples for sale...big and red apples for sale,” a street peddler was holding an apple high in the air.  People walked by scowling at the sign posted on the front of his cart.  A woman holding a basket scolded at him, “2 Drachma you're insane!”  She spit at his feet and hurried away without a backwards glance.  The innocent peddler glanced down at his boots and then back up to see another man approaching him.  “How can you charge that much for an apple?”  The peddler gulped, “my...my crops were ruined by the...by the...it's all I have left!”  “The Manticore ruined all our crops too” yelled the man as he pushed the peddler.  “Why should we help you regain your loss, when we can't even regain our own?  We're starving...we're all starving!”  “Sir, these apples are...are...”  “Give me that apple,” the man snatched the wrist of the peddler.  “No you can't have...”  “Whoa hold on here,” came a booming voice from behind them.  The man turned to the voice.  His eyes fell upon a mountain of a man with long flowing black locks and a chiseled stone face.  He ran his hand through his straggly black mustache as the attacker snorted, “What is is it to you stranger?”  The mountain of muscles shrugged, “It's not my concern, but you almost knocked into me.  I'm dirty enough as it is without you splashing mud all over me.”  “What's your name,” said the man not realizing that his hand was still gripping the peddler’s wrist.  “Names Jercules,” “Hercules,” cried the peddler hopefully.  “Did I say Hercules...did I say Hercules Pygolaus, because I don't think I did!”

Pygolaus smiled and shook his head, “well unless J sounds like an H here.  Yeah, you could have said Hercules.”  Pygolaus and Jercules stared at each other and then chuckled softly.  Jercules pointed to the peddler, “you need to get your hearing checked!”  The man gazed up and down Jercules that hopeful look seemed to pop like a bubble.  “So, I suppose that you have a problem with me eating?”  The attacker snatched an apple in his other hand.  “Does everybody not LISTEN in this town?” Jercules snarled staring from the peddler to the man.  “I said I have a problem with you splashing mud all over me!”  The peddler's lip quivered slightly, “but this man is going to take my food.  The crowd...the crowd is going to take my food.”  Jercules shrugged, “well you should have known what dangling food in front of a starving dog will get you.”  The man released the peddler's wrist, “who are you calling a dog?”  Jercules chuckled slightly, “no, no, no it's a metaphor.  I mean, he should know not to go selling what looks like the only food in town.  Especially around people that our starving and at such an inflated price.  It's almost as if he’s asking for trouble.” 

The man jabbed Jercules in the chest, “but you called me a dog...you called all of us dogs!”  Jercules’s face hardened slightly as he flicked the man's hand away, “don’t...touch...me.  I told you it was a metaphor and...”  “YOU,” the man jabbed Jercules again with his finger and then quickly shouted, “you are the dog!  Scurrying into town looking for food...”   Jercules snatched the man's hand and crushed it as easily as paper, “I told you to not touch me again!”  The man howled with pain as he collapsed to his knees.  “My hand,” he cried as the peddler shrieked, “please not in front of my apples!”  Pygolaus groped his chin, “why is it every place we go we're fighting?”  A man charged forward slashing his sword and with an easy grip of his wrist Pygolaus flipped him over onto his back.  “Is it us,” he asked as Jercules threw the attacker 6 feet across the square. 

“Get away...ALL OF YOU...go on!”  Jercules's voice boomed over the lingering crowd.  Many began to give looks of uncertainty.  They seemed unsure that they wanted to risk attacking him.  However most rolled their eyes and moved along.  “Thank you Jercules, thank you, you saved my life!”  The peddler began to shake Jercules’s hands.  “I knew...I KNEW the stories about you were not true!  You truly are a good man!”  “Yeah...yeah...sure...” Jercules said as the peddler handed them both an apple.  “I can't wait to tell my family that the great Jercules helped me out.” 

And with those final words, the peddler picked up his cart and began to move down the road.  His voice boomed, “apples...apples!”  “Now, do we tell him that we really didn't save him or his apples?”  Jercules bounced the apple in his hands, “why bother, I got better things to do.”  Taking a large bite from the apple, he patted Pygolaus on the shoulder.  His eyes turned and landed on a tavern.  “I think we should go have a drink and something to eat before we head up the mountains.  What do you think?” 

Pygolaus's face read a different thought.  “Yeah well, you see I was hoping to have a chance to visit the brothel next door.”  Clapping him on the back Jercules laughed heartily, “My friend...you are too much!  You need to get some energy if we're going to go fight that Manticore.”  Jercules dragged his friend as Pygolaus's pointed helplessly at the brothel.  “Just one...just one hour,”  “COME my friend!” Jercules bellowed heartily clapping him repeatedly on the shoulder.  Clapping him like trying to get a stubborn horse to trot.  “You wouldn't have your best friend eat and drink alone now would you?”  Pointing helplessly one more time, Pygolaus faltered as Jercules practically scooped him through the tavern doors.

They got a table towards the back noticing how overcrowded the tavern was.  “Looks like a fine place...a fine place indeed,” “yeah,” grumbled Pygolaus.  He sat on the bench and began to tap his fingers anxiously.  The rings on his fingers tapped almost rhythmically on the wooden table.  “Oh relax Pygolaus, woman come and woman go...besides you have a wife at home.  When were done with the Manticore I'm sure that you can go home and plow more then just your fields.”  Jercules snapped his fingers at the bar maiden, “well Jercules sometimes you need a new field to plow every now and...”  “Hello, what can I get you boys?” “WOW,” cried Pygolaus as his eyes almost literally bulged out of his head.  The bar maiden was young with brown hair and scowled when Pygolaus exclaimed,  “You have the most glorious set of tits!  I mean, I have seen some breasts in my days, but by Zeus you have a rack on you!  Jercules are you...”  CRACK... the woman slapped him across the face.  Face stinging he rubbed his cheek as the bar maiden turned her head up storming away.  Jercules laughed, “guess I'll go put in our order and get the drinks.  Try to not put your foot in your mouth while I’m gone.”

Still rubbing his cheek, “I'd like to put something in her mouth.  Although, she's got a real painful way of thanking somebody for compliments.”  “Not a compliment my friend,” Pygolaus ignored his friend’s comment rubbing his jaw.  He tried to ease the pain away by moving it back and forth.  He gazed over and saw to his astonishment a black haired and olive skinned goddess.  She was staring at him from across the room and seemed oddly familiar.  “Where do I know her from?”  His mind was wracked with confusion.  She called him over with a sexy call from her finger.  He smiled as he made his way over to her, “finally I'm going to get laid around here.”  Making his way through the crowd he straightened his shabby white cotton shirt.  He had just finished smoothing his ponytail as he sat next to her.

Her doe like brown eyes stared at him.  He wagged his finger, “I feel like we met someplace before.”  She smiled seductively, “Can't say...you are certainly a fresh sack of meat though in this town.  You think you know me huh?”  Pygolaus leans in and grips her hand, “yeah I think I met you in my dreams.  Pretty girl like you should be thought about all the time.”  “So, you don't remember me?” Pygolaus gripped her hand tighter, “trust me baby!  I could never forget a body like yours.  Gorgeous thighs and delicious skin...”  “And you are one hunk of a man,” she ran her other hand through his blonde hair.  “Wow, I can't believe this is going so well!”  She cooed at him, “well you have a way with your tongue.”  Pygolaus leans in letting his forehead rest against hers, “and you should let me show you how I use it.”  The woman smiled and nodded almost playfully.  She took his hand and they left in giggles.

Jercules grabbed two flagons of wine and turned just in time to see Pygolaus’s ponytail whip around the corner.  A beautiful black haired woman was dragging him away.  Rolling his eyes, “can't even keep it in his pants for three minutes.”  Gazing down at the large flagons, “well more wine for me I guess!”  Taking a seat, Jercules drank deeply quenching his thirst after the long walk to Plythe.  It seemed to satisfy his aching muscles as he drank from it again.  The fires of revenge seemed to burn less out of control.  “Y...you're Jercules aren't you?”  Jercules gazed up, “listen I'm trying to drink...trying to relax, ok?”  The nervous man ran his hands together unconcerned about his disruption. His worn brown hat clung in his wrinkled hands “Y..you...here...to get rid...of the Manticore?”  Jercules downed the flagon and slammed it on the table.  He belched loudly relieving the pain in his stomach, “what about it?”  “Y...you...I wanted to thank you on behalf of...the...the...the entire town for your...”  “I'm not doing it for you...or Plythe.  This is personal.”  The man’s wrinkled face sagged more “oh...how...h...how are you going to do...it?  The Manticore has healing tears.  It...it can't be killed.”  “Anything can be killed...even the god's if you know what to use.”  “I...I...I...I...wish you luck,” Jercules belched again, “leave me alone boy!”  “Jerk,” muttered the man as he walked away.  Waving the flagon, “it’s pronounced Jer-cules by the way!”  The door to the tavern flew open revealing a shrieking woman, “MANTICORE!”

Back in the side room, Pygolaus was lip locked with his olive skinned beauty.  “I don't even know your name,” he said struggling to catch his breath.  “You don't know,” Pygolaus shook his head, “You never told me!”  She smiled, “you know what I want?  I want a freaky man.  Are you a freaky man?”  Pygolaus kissed her hand, “I am the definition of freaky.”  Scooting in even closer her hand ran across his cheek, “I want a man that's comfortable with his sexuality.  Would you...would you wear my undergarments?”  “You want me to wear your underwear,” she nodded devilishly.  “You sure,” she nods again as she stands up and begins to pull down her undergarments.  Pygolaus started to remove his clothes, “this is very freaky!”  She smiled even wider, “I know,  no take off everything...ever...y...thing.”  Handing him her underwear, Pygolaus turned his back as he slide them on  “I have to tell you that I never thought that I would ever be doing...”  He turned to see her throwing his clothes down a river grate. “Hey...hey...hey...”  but his words stopped as she pulled out a small dagger.

“Those were my clothes!  What am I supposed to?”  “You don't remember me do you Pygolaus?”  Pygolaus furrowed his brow, “no should I?”  “MEREDITH,” she shrieks brandishing the dagger at him.  Pygolaus shakes his head, “Meredith,” he repeats.  “Yeah Meredith, I was your nurse after the Battle of Thons!  You said you loved me!  You got me pregnant and left after I told you.  I never found you or heard from you again.  You said you were going to leave your wife for me.  You left me in Ephesus!”  “Meredith,” he said as the dawning came over him.  “Yes, I went back for you, but you had left the camp.”  “I DIDN'T LEAVE THE CAMP!”  Her shrieking anger rattled the very roof, “you were discharged and left with your troops to Colophon.  I never heard from you again!”  She roared loudly and stabbed Pygolaus right in the gut.  “I'll kill you!  You left me pregnant and practically homeless!”  She pulled away the dagger as Pygolaus gripped the wound blood coating his hands.  “Meredith, how...how are we supposed to have sex now?”  “I was never going to have sex with you!” “MANTICORE,” a woman's voice screamed in the bar. 

The side door opened with a CRASH to reveal an alert Jercules.  Meredith growled angrily and climbed out the window.  Pygolaus moved to it still gripping his wound watching Meredith disappear into the night.  “AW JERCULES,” he yelled in frustration.  “Zeus, it's getting so hard for a guy to get laid around here!  First, Melina chasing away Hanna and now you chasing away Meredith.”  “And what's all this,” Jercules said pointing to the gaping wound.  “Foreplay,” he replied with a smile as Jercules chuckled, “and why are you wearing woman's underwear?”  “That's what it takes to get laid around here.  Sometimes you get stabbed in woman's underwear by a scorned ex-lover.”  “Do...do I dare ask you to help me with the Manticore?”  Pygolaus nodded, “it's...just a scratch...if you don't mind though.  I'm going to sit over here in the corner and pass out for a couple minutes...might even go into shock.  I'll catch up in a bit.”  Pointing to the door, “do...do you want me to get some help?”  Pygolaus shakes his head, “no, I think I'm good buddy.”  Walking over to corner, Pygolaus slumps down and closes his eyes. 

“HELP ME,” screamed a woman as a part of the roof collapsed.  A body had fallen through as Jercules burst through the wooden door shattering it to pieces.  Villagers were waving their makeshift weapons as the Manticore whipped it's scorpion tail wildly.  It sent a cart full of hay several yards to smash right through a small house.  The Manticore beat it's wings violently sending several villagers flying backwards.  It made a furious swipe at another connecting with the man's side and spinning him several times.  He crumpled to the ground crying for help.  Jumping over him, Jercules grabbed the torch from the wall.  He leapt towards the Manticore, “you almost killed me and destroyed my crops.  You and I have unfinished business!”  The soulless black eyes of the Manticore reflected the torch light.  It roared viciously swiping it's already bloody claws at him. 

The Manticore seemed more ferocious as it took Jercules nearly several rolls to avoid it’s paws.  He dodged the right paw but had to leap back several inches to avoid the scorpion tail.  It gave a loud THUD falling dead center at his former location.  The tail recoiled and the beast swiped again.  Jercules dodged it with a mere side-step and smashed the torch into the side of the creature's face.  The torch made a loud CRACK snapping in half.  The end bursting like a small explosion.  The Manticore's face became engulfed in flames as it roared in pain.  With his left fist Jercules swung colliding it with the Manticore’s lower jaw.  It staggered several paces as it smashed into the tavern.  It roared one last time with it's face chard and blackened.  It beat it's wings again and took flight.  Snarling savagely as it headed towards the peak of the nearest mountain.

“I'm coming for ya!  I'm coming for ya beast!”  Jercules prepared to follow when a weak voice came behind him.  “Jercules,” Pygolaus was gripping the side of the doorway.  Propping himself up, he was pale and weak.  Jercules rushed over, “come on Pygolaus it's getting away!  This is our chance!”  Pygolaus turned even whiter as he struggled to keep himself from falling forward, “I...can't.”  His voice was weak, “OH just walk it off!  You're not going to let your best friend go off and fight this beast alone.  I could die!”  Pygolaus gave a final look and his eyes rolled into the back of his head.  He collapsed face first onto the ground.  “Ok Pygolaus very funny now get up!”  Jercules laughed and kicked his friend in the thigh.  “I know you'd rather stay and hook up with girls.  However, you could have had her make a deeper cut then that.”  Jercules froze as Pygloaus continued to lay face down in the dirt.  His body motionless, “Pygolaus...Pygloaus...stop it...you're being a real ass right now!  It's not always about you!  Pygolaus...PYGOLAUS!”