HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


Rush To Battle, Rush To Save

The Manticore retracted it's claws and beat it's wing sending bones to fly through the air.  They bounced off of Jercules who shielded himself from the showering of bones.  The beast leapt wildly at him.  Jercules dived out of the way in time as the creature crashed into the wall.  The wall shook as the stalactites wobbled over them.  Jercules gazed up at the literal floating trap that hung above him.  “Ok no walls,” he said returning his gaze to the Manticore.  It snarled lashing at him and hitting nothing but the floor of bones.  The beast sent them to smash into dust against the wall.  The Manticore's tail swung and missed hitting a large boulder nearly cracking it in half. 

Rolling over he grabbed a large rock, “I don't have time for this!”  The Manticore swiped and Jercules slid under with ease.  Throwing himself forward he gathered all his strength and smashed the rock across the beast's face.  The beast flew several feet to the left slamming into the wall with an Earth rattling collision.  The beast staggered as several stalactites above it wobbled and then fell.  The beast sank to the floor as a stalactite buried itself deep into the creature's skull.  The Manticore gave a horrible pained moan.  “Ha, Ha,” yelled Jercules removing the horn from around his back.  Gripping the beast around it's face, he squeezed the beast like an orange.  Tears began to stream out of the Manticore's eyes and were soon filling up the horn.  Jercules squeezed until the Manticore’s skull started to crack and then came a loud SNAP.

Emerging from the cave Jercules stared up at the sky.  The sun was beginning to rise.  He had to hurry Pygolaus didn’t have much time.  In fact, he could have been dead already.  “No,” said Jercules as he began to run over the path of bones.  “He's not dead...he's not dead!  I'm going to make it!”  Deciding to take the path and not descend down the side of the mountain.  Jercules ran for what seemed like miles.  His clothes stuck to his body as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky.  Sweat was pouring down his face, but he never stopped.  The path circled down the mountain making its way back to the village.  The sun grew hotter, but each stride was worth it to save Pygolaus.  His chest heaved with deep heavy gasps which stopped him halfway.  He felt like he was about to keel over.  His sides ached with shooting pain as his thighs were rubbed raw.  God his mouth was so dry too.  It felt like he had been eating sand.  “Zeus I'm thirsty,” he moaned as he stared up at the sun.  “You sure are making it a hot day today Apollo!”  The sun seemed to make the very air wavy cooking anything that would dare come into it's light. 

Jercules smacked his lips and mouth trying to wet them.  His mouth was dryer than ever.  “I have to keep going,” he whispered trying to encouraging himself to keep going.  His feet throbbed in pain as he began to stumble forward.  Trying to keep his balance and keep his sight set on his goal.  He smacked his lips again, “I can't...I can't...” even his words sounded dry.  “I need...water,” he said nearly tripping over a rock in the middle of the road.  Plythe still seemed miles away.  He reached around and gripped the ram’s horn.  The tears of the Manticore sloshed noisily as he moved the horn around.  Surely, Pygolaus wasn't going to need the whole horn to cure his wound.  His brain began to whir as he stood up slowly removing the top of the horn.  The tears would be useless if he died on the way back to Plythe.  How would Pygolaus survive then, “if he’s even still is alive.”  Jercules stared down at the water, “I could carry this down all the way and he could be dead.  I could have drank it the entire time.  I need my strength to make it there.”  His tongue was like sand paper on his lips as he thought deeply.

He raised the horn slightly and paused before taking a large mouthful.  The power in the tears seemed to quench his every thirst.  It was delicious, and the aches in his body seemed to slowly ebb away.  He smacked his lips and raised the horn staring at it.  “That's unbelievable,” he began to walk down the road feeling as if he could run to Athens and back.  His feet felt light and his sides were no longer stinging.  They were almost singing.  “By the god's that is the most delicious water I have ever tasted!”  Jercules strolled down the path and took another mouthful walking as if he was taking in all the sites.  His body felt better and he drank another and another.

Back in Plythe though, the doctor was standing outside gazing at the path that lead up the mountain.  He bit his lip, “oh Jercules hurry up!”  The doctor turned to Pygolaus who lay pale as ghost.  His hand hanging loosely off of the bed as he every breath he took seemed to be his last.  A woman was sponging water on his head, “hold on Pygolaus...hold on.”  “Are...you...Aphrodite?”  The woman sponging Pygolaus laughed, “no Pygolaus you've asked me that several times.  I am Doctor Aenus's helper.  Zeus you're so cold!”  Pygolaus was shivering as her hand rested on him.  “How...can...I...be...cold...sitting...next...to...someone...who makes...my...blood...boil?”  “Ok charmer, I'm serious you're shivering.”  “Well...why...don't...you...warm...me...up?”  Pygolaus gave a weak wink.  The woman laughed, “Pygolaus if I took you now you would surely fall apart like a wet sack of grain...besides aren't you married?”  Pygolaus raised his arm weakly, “grant a dying man his last wish will you?”  “Quiet Pygolaus save your strength don't talk.” Pygolaus gasped as his eyes began to roll into the back of his head.  “Aenus, Aenus oh Zeus,” Pygolaus began to shake violently.

“JERCULES,” cried the doctor as the rugged tall outline of Jercules came around the path.  “Jercules...HURRY!”  Jercules ran leaping over carts and giant mud holes.  “Hurry Pygolaus is dying!” Jercules pushed past the doctor without even looking at him.  He raced inside shouting at the nurse, “MOVE!”  He tossed the woman to the floor like she was a mere box in his way.  She crumpled to the floor as Pygolaus gave a last breath, “no Pygolaus not yet!”  He pulled off the bandages and poured the contents of the horn over his friend’s mortal wound.  A small three tablespoon amount fell into the wound.  It sizzled like an egg hitting a hot pan.  Smoke began to rise from the wound.  “That's it, that's all the tears you could get from the Manticore?”  Jercules's eyes shifted left and right, “yeah...yeah, it was not much.”  The doctor waved his hand clearing the smoke from his face, “are you sure you squeezed it hard enough?  I would think with the size of the tear ducts you could have filled the horn...”  “IT'S ALL I COULD GET ALRIGHT!  If you think you could do better then you hike up there and try?” 

“Jercules,” came a pained whisper from his best friend.  “Pygolaus, you're alive!”  The nurse dusted herself off, “oh don't say sorry either knocking me off my stool like an inconvenient cat or something!”  Ignoring her Jercules gripped his friend's arm tightly, “what took you so long Jercules?”  Jercules grinned, “I had to climb a mountain and battle a Manticore.  Forgive me if it takes a bit!”  Pygolaus stared down at his horribly scarred wound.  “I'm sure overtime it will heal better at least your alive.  We can go home to our families.  I'm sure Melina is anxious to see you.”  “I KNEW YOU HAD A WIFE!”  The nurse shrieked and clapped her hands on her face.  She ran from the room muttering wildly, “You told me you were going to marry me when you got better!”  Jercules laughed heartily, “oh Pygolaus do you have to hit on anything with tits and legs?”  Pygolaus coughed and gave a weak, “not...everything!”

Two days later, Jercules was waiting outside Pygolaus's door.  The citizens of Plythe could not stop thanking him for his courage and generosity.  “Thank you Jercules, you saved my farm!”  Another man rushed up and shook his hand.  “My kids can eat tonight, because our farm was saved thanks to you Jercules.”  “I didn't do it for you or your stupid kids...”  However, the man smiled and walked away.  The door to the tavern opened and Pygolaus limped out with a large walking stick.  “You take forever my friend,” Pygolaus groaned as he struggled down the stairs of the tavern.  He stopped next to his friend, “You know if I hadn't almost died here I would say I'm going to miss Plythe.”  A familiar woman with bushy black hair came storming up to him.  “Look Pygolaus it’s the nurse to doctor Aenus,”  Jercules pointed as she made her way up to Pygolaus and slapped him.  “You’re a pig!  You deserve to sleep with pigs!”  She spat in his face and stormed off with a loud huff. 

Wiping the spit off his face as Jercules watched her disappear into a crowd of waving people.  “Did you really have to ask her to marry you?”  Taking his finger and sticking it in his mouth making Jercules gag a bit.  “I had to say something to try to get her to bed me.  I was dying for Zeus's sake!  I couldn't go to the Underworld without getting laid once more...mmm tasty.”  “Zeus that's sick Pygolaus!  I think I'm gunna puke!”  Jercules began to walk towards the road to begin the journey back home.  “The only question I don't understand is how you come back with so little tears?  I mean shouldn't the horn have been filled and...”  “Oh not you too Pygolaus!”

Many hours later, the door cracked open in Pygolaus's house.  Melina was sitting at the table peeling potatoes.  Dressed in purple she shrieked, “Pygolaus...oh my Zeus are you ok?”  She ran and embraced him.  “Ah careful baby,” Melina gazed at the scarred up wound. “Are you ok...what happened?”  “Well um, you see,” he said but Jercules spoke, “The Manticore scratched him badly.  Don't worry I used the Manticore's tears to heal him.  He just needs to rest for a bit.  He has had quite an adventure helping to defeat a Manticore!”  Melina began to kiss him like a school girl kissing her crush.  There was not one spot on his face that missed her lips, “I missed you so much Pygolaus!  Come on let's have an adventure of our own.”  “I guess,” he said sounding uninterested.  She took his hand and led him to the bedroom.  “Don't forget you have to help me replant the field and build a new barn when you get better Pygolaus.”  Jercules left out the door and made his way to the front of the small house.  Gazing at it realizing that they did have quite an adventure.  “Until next time my friend...until next time,” Jercules smiled realizing that glory and the innocent would always beckon him.  The question was could it be persuasive enough for him to answer the call?


The End?