HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Walking The Road Alone


   “You're lucky the barman fetched me when he did Jercules!  Another couple of minutes and he would have died for sure!”  The doctor was an older man with a push broom mustache and a fedora with a yellow tassel.  “I'm sorry Jercules, but there’s nothing more that I can do.  I have stitched up the wound and given him everything I can think of.”  “So, he’s going to die,” muttered Jercules unable to control his voice.  The doctor’s head lowered solemnly, “it’s only a matter of time now.  I can just make him as comfortable as possible...only the god's can save him now.”  Jercules stared at his friend wheezing slightly in the bed.  Sweat covering his face as the blood stained rag did little to contain the wound.  “You can't count on the gods, but a half god you can!”

Crossing the room in two massive strides Jercules gripped his friend's hands, “don't worry Pygolaus!  I'll bring you back tears from the Manticore and heal you.”  Jercules kneeled gripping his hands again and smiled weakly, “you'll be back to your old self...friends again and back to your wife.”  He smiled weakly one more time, “you can have sex with your wife one more time and...”  Pygolaus gripped his friend’s arm, “kill me!”  And with those final words he fell unconscious again.  Gazing at the doctor, “you keep him alive no matter what it takes!  I'll be back with a whole gallon of tears.”  “Then take this,” said the doctor walking over to the wall and pulling off a ram’s horn.  “It is a container with a lid to hold the tears.”  Jercules snatched the horn and then gripped the doctor's shirt, “you just keep him alive you hear me!”

It was nearly daybreak before Jercules had made considerable distance up the mountain.  The rocky mountain path winded it's way towards the caves near the top.  When the road stopped Jercules climbed vertically nearly falling several times.  Although, his determination kept him clung to the side of the mountain until he reached a gravel path.  Flinging his arm over the side, he heaved his body over. rolling slightly.  His breathing heavy as he stared up at the sun rising in the sky.  Dreading the next climb, Jercules felt his muscles starting to ache.  He would have to walk the rest of the way.  Fighting the Manticore with no energy and sore muscles would surely be a death sentence.  He rubbed his muscles as the rocky bed did little to comfort them.  It was true that Jercules was taking a guess at where the Manticore would be.  However, his guesses always seemed to turn out correct.  Near the top of the mountain the uninhabited caves provided a perfect place for security and shelter. 

It took until nightfall for him to reach what seemed to be the very top.  Snow covered the ground as several caves appeared before him.  The question was which cave was the beast likely to be in.   Crouching low he moved as softly as he could.  Maybe he could sneak up on the creature?  Sneak up to it while it slept and snap its neck.   The problem was he could spend hours even days searching these caves.  In the time it would take to search them Pygolaus would be dead.  CLUNK… Jercules froze mid-step as he stared down at a large human bone.  He had accidentally kicked it into a rock.

His mouth opened in utter horror seeing a literal road of bones leading towards the cave in the middle.  It was a trail of death that would lead right to the creature.  Blood and hand prints stained the sides of rocks.  “Dear Zeus,” he whispered softly.  The Manticore had to have eaten at least a hundred people.  Gathering his strength, he moved towards the cave.  He tried to dodge as many bones as possible nearly kicking a large human skull down the side of the mountain.

The trail of bones lead to the what looked to be the largest of the caverns.  He gazed around it taking in it's large framework.  The cave looked stable, but large boulders seemed to be holding the ceiling in place.  Large stalactites strung from the top of the ceiling forming great spikes and a trap none-the-less.  “Don't go my son,” Jercules wheeled around so fast that he nearly lost his balance on a large pelvis bone.  He stared at the old man with a smashed face but a chiseled jaw.  His bright blue eyes seemed to dazzle.  “Father,” Jercules muttered staring at the man in bright blue robes with dazzling star like diamonds.  Long white hair like fresh snow blew lightly around him.  “Well, I don't know so much about being a father but yes...I am your dad.”  Jercules snarled, “what do you want Zeus?”  Zeus smiled, “come, come now!  Is that any way to treat your dad?”  “You have literally said nothing to me for over twenty years and now you show up out of the clear blue sky.”  “I wanted to warn you son.”  Jercules laughed, “son, oh now you recognize me as your son!  You're too busy with Hercules...the big pompous air head Hercules.”  Zeus folded down his robes unnecessarily.  “Well, he is a champion of the people.  He needs my help.  You...you could always take care of yourself.  You didn't need my help.”  “So why are you here then,” Jercules snapped.  “I came to warn you...don't go in there!”  Pointing at Zeus, “you don't want me to kill your precious wife Hera's little pet do you?” 

“It's not like that Jercules, she wants you dead...dead like Hercules.  And since she is taking a break from him.  She now is focusing on my other infidelities, my other child...you.”  “If you haven't noticed I can take care of myself.  I have killed hundreds of men and fought in countless battles.”  “Man is not the same as beast.  You have no experience against a creature like this.  Please just go back down and return to Pygolaus.  Hera will grow tired of the Manticore and soon it will disappear of it's own accord.”  Jercules watched his father stare at him concern clearly in his face.  Zeus’s look seemed to boil inside of him like lava.  “Can you save Pygolaus then...return my crops...fix my barn?”  Zeus scoffed, “I can’t save your friend...think of Hades!  What would Hades say to me if I started to interfere in the Underworld.  He is in charge down there not me!”  “Well then I not only have to go in there for revenge but to save my best friend.”  Jercules turned and headed into the mouth of the cave, but a hand clasped him on the shoulder, “Please don't think of our wife...your son...”  “Take your hand off of me or you'll regret it!”  He shouted with such menace Zeus recoiled his hand in angry.  “How dare you threaten me!  I am still the father of the Gods.  I could erase you from this very existence!”  “Oh that you will claim to be the father of!”  Jercules scoffed gazing at Zeus like he was a disappointing child.  “Here take this at least,” Zeus raised a torch in his hand.  With a touch of his finger tip, a fire immediately sprung to life.

“Thanks,” Jercules scowled snatching it out of his Zeus's hand.  He gave one last disgruntled look before entering the cave.  Bones continued to litter the ground as he made his way deeper into the cave.  Clamoring over rocks and giant boulders Jercules moved as stealthy as possible.  The air smelled of death and became thicker the deeper the cave swallowed him.  His blood seemed to freeze when he heard an eerie chomping.  It was a grinding sound almost like chewing.  He took a deep breath and made his way around the bend.  The sound echoing up the very walls and reverberating eerily.  Finally, the cave opened up to the size of a building.  A hole in the ceiling let in the moonlight to focus down on the giant beast. 

The Manticore was lying on a literal floor of bones finishing up another meal.  Half a human torso was being eaten by the creature who was nose deep in the stomach.  “My Zeus,” Jercules said as he watched the creatures tearing into his victim.  The snapping of bones and cartilage sounded like the cracking of a bow.  The creature’s head rose revealing a face covered in blood.  It's yellow eyes gave a look of continued hunger.  The creature roared as it got to it's feet.  “Great...it thinks I'm gunna be an easy snack!”