HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Act #2

Love At First Sight


Carl shot up in his gurney bed to a loud beeping in his ears.  He turned to notice that it was the heart monitor or EKG.  He watched the lines go up and down in a repetitive manner.  He leaned back on his bed and tried to fall back asleep.  His vision seemed a bit hazy and something about the atmosphere in the room felt wrong.  He felt almost out of place.  He reached over and grabbed the call button and pushed it.  He kicked off the blankets feeling a warming through his entire body.  “Jesus it's hot,” he muttered pushing the call button again.

The seconds seemed to tick by as the nurse did not come.  He waited for the shuffling of feet or a shadow on the floor from someone approaching.  He could hear voices outside, but nobody seemed to be coming.  “Jesus,” he said as he reached over and pulled out the IV in his hand.  Unhooking the patches from his chest he heard the heart monitor flatline.  However, nobody seemed to come.  “That's weird,” he said as he reached over grabbing the crutches stationed by his bed.  His clothes were stacked by the bedside.  His wife must have come by to drop them off. 

Walking out the door, he found nurses and doctors running every direction down the hallway.  They seemed to be moving in slow motion.  “Excuse me,” he said to a nurse that past right by him.  The nurse never gazed at him.  He reached for another nurse who smiled, “please Mr. Freetly go back to your room.”  “I won't go back to...hey, where are you going?”  The nurse turned and left without glancing back.  He made his way down the hallway as his crutches bounced with every stop.  His gown waving freely in the breeze.  Voices seemed distorted, and the lights seemed brighter than normal.  “Is this a dream,” he asked as his eyes fell on the Waiting Room Ahead sign.  Carl continued to dodge the running medical professionals and came through a set of double doors.  Frustrated people were screaming at the receptionists behind the desks.  An ambulance driver wheeling an injured man yelled, “coming through” and slid past him. 

“Jesus watch where you’re...” He turned to see another gurney bed charging towards him.  The nurse not realizing he was in front was about to smash into him until he felt a tug on his gown.  Falling backwards, he struggled on his crutches as a pair of arms held him up.  The nurse yelled, “watch out you're gunna get hurt!”  She slammed into the double doors and disappeared.  Carl gave a soft, “thank you.  You really saved my...” He turned and stopped mid-sentence when his eyes landed on an unbelievable sight.  Down to the last detail stood the reason for his car crash.  She had brown hair with large highlights of red, blue, and purple with puffy cherry lips.  She smiled “you better be careful buddy!  Don't want to injure the other one, do ya?” 

Carl smiled feeling his heart race like a school boy asking his first girlfriend out.  “Thank you, it's not that bad...getting a boot soon actually.”  She nodded her head and gave a radiant smile, “you're welcome!  I don't really think you should be wandering around unless you want to make it a pair?  Especially in that gown you got on, it's a little too revealing for me.”  She giggled and Carl blushed realizing his back side was hanging out for the world to see.  “Oh well, you know with fashion today more is in.  I figured if girls can do it why can't I?”  She giggled, “because it's not a good look for you!  I'm sorry,” she said smiling putting her hand on Carl's shoulder.  He felt his knees wobble under her touch.  “That's an interesting get up you got on yourself,” he said taking into account her black mini-skirt, cut up blue tank top, and fish net stockings.  She even had a nose ring, “yeah I dress a little more provocative than most.”  Carl smiled feeling his face growing redder, but something hit him in the back of the head.  This wasn't possible, how was she here?  This whole situation didn't make any sense. 

Feeling the pain in asking the question that he had to know, “so what are you doing here?”  She huffed, “my stupid friend’s husband got alcohol poisoning.”  Carl smiled, “how did that happen?”  “Well, we were at Riot Fest and the ambulance brought us here.”  “I always wanted to go to that!  My wife says I'm too old for stuff like that.”  “Too old,” Nicole smiled and continued, “what're you like thirty?”  Carl smiled, “actually I'm thirty-two.”  “Thirty-two, wow you look really good for your age.  I thought you were in college for sure!”  “Well you're too kind. So, are you seeing anybody?”  She nodded sweetly, “my husband is around here somewhere.  He um...”  She turned around and scanned the entire waiting room.  “That's funny...he's gone, where's Ashley,” “Ashley,” Carl repeated.  “Yeah she’s my best friend.”  “So, her husband is the one that’s being treated for alcohol poisoning?”  “Yeah,” she said biting her lip as she began to rock on the balls of her feet.  “That's really odd they're both gone.”  “It's ok, I still get to talk to you.  My name is Carl.”  She shook it off and took his hand, “Nicole.”  Her hand was as soft as he had imagined it would be.  “What about your wife is she here?”  Carl shook his head, “no she left.  We had a fight and...”  He froze a little, but she gave a reassuring smile.  “Its ok every marriage has problems.”  “Yeah well these aren't problems more like nightmares.”  Nicole laughed, “oh hun I’m sure it’s not that bad with a cute guy like you.  She's really lucky to have you...me on the other hand.  Where the hell is he?”  “I am sure you'll find him...listen, I was wondering if you would maybe want to get together and have a drink sometime?” 

Her eyes shot back to Carl, “a drink,” she repeated softly frowning.  “But you're married and I'm married!”  Carl nodded his head, “well it's just a drink.  It's not like I am asking you on a date.”  Carl stared into her brown eyes and saw her mind racing.  Her eyes dashed over his face and finally she gave a soft, “yeah, ok...on one condition though.  You wear normal clothes.”  Carl laughed, “you still don't like the open gown look?”  She bit her lip and shook her head playfully, “sorry dear not a fan.”  He smiled as she gave a sweet, “you got a pen?”  Carl gave her a look of confusion and she laughed, “little joke.”  She reached into her top and handed him a pen.  He wrote his number down on her hand, “you're not going to lose it now are you?”  She shook her head, “no, I get a good vibe from you.  Well, I better go find my husband.  I just wish my love life wasn't so complicated.”  Carl shrugged, “well Nicole it only gets better from here.  I promise you that!” 

Carl shot up in bed as he heard the TV blaring.  He knocked his stomach into the small eating tray. “Careful,” came a voice as he turned to see his wife Tiffany.  “How long have I...have you been...why is my computer?”  “Whoa sweetie, you need to calm down!”  Tiffany was making her way over to him and patted him on the shoulder.  “You're sweating...and shaking, what's wrong?”  Carl stared around the room and then back at his wife.  “What am I doing in bed?”  Tiffany's brow furrowed, “you were in an accident, don't you...” “I know that!  I mean, I was just in the waiting area!”  She grabbed his hand, “Carl you need to calm down ok?  You have been here the entire time.  You were writing remember?  I brought you your laptop so you could write.”  Carl stared at the laptop and saw that twenty pages had been added to his new book.  “Writing,” Carl said simply as he turned back to his wife.  “Yes Carl, writing...you never left this bed.”  “What are you talking about Tiffany?  I walked out of this room and passed by all the nurses.  I was in the Waiting Area speaking with...”  He froze and didn't seem to want to continue.  “Speaking with who,” she said sounding concerned.

Carl turned his head, “nobody then I must have dreamt it.”  “Carl, who were you speaking to?”  He gulped and said, “Sam...I was speaking with Sam.”  “Carl, you're not a good liar.  I know when you’re lying, so tell me who you were…”  “Why do you care Tiffany?”  “I care Carl, because my husband believes he got out of his bed and talked to somebody.  I was outside talking with Sam about your erratic behavior.  If you did leave this bed then they weren't watching you.  Now, I'll ask you again who were you talking to?”  “Nicole,” “Nicole...who the hell is Nicole?  You mean the Nicole from your book?”  Confusion was fixed on his face, “how do you know about Nicole?”  “You mentioned her yesterday in the kitchen, and you wouldn't stop talking about her while you were writing!  When I told you to shut up about her you laid back down and fell asleep muttering incoherently.  That was a quarter after eleven.  I only made out one thing, “it only gets better from here.  That was the last thing you said and then you just woke up freaking out.” 

“How did my computer get here,” Carl watched his wife's face fall.  “After you freaked out on me, I went home to get some clothes and your laptop.  I figured that...”  “Wait, wait, it's 11:30 that means I couldn't have been asleep that long.  What time did you get here?”  Tiffany huffed, “why are you asking me all these questions?”  “What time did you get here Tiff?”  She shrugged, “I don't know 9:00 I think?”  “So, I wrote twenty pages in a little over an hour?”  “I don't know Carl!  What is the problem?  I was trying to do something nice and...”  “Where were you?”  “Where was I...where was I?  I went home to get some things for you I already told you.”  “For that long,” Tiffany's face fell, “well to be honest after what you said I wasn't in a hurry to get back here.”  Carl eyed her suspiciously until she grabbed her purse.  “Where are you going now?”  “I have to go to work.”  She shouldered her purse and walked over to him.  “But you didn't go to work while I was asleep?”  She gave a smile, “of course I didn't Carl you were in a coma.  Now you're better, and I can go to work.  I'll be back to bring you home later.”  She took his hand, “someone has to go and make money to pay the bills.”  “You weren't concerned about the bills last night.”  “Well last night you were in a coma Carl.  I have already explained this.”

Carl laid back down on his pillow, “its ok.  I'll see you tomorrow.”  Tiffany leaned over and kissed his forehead before leaving the room.  Something odd was happening, but he couldn't put his finger on it.  Sinking deeper into his pillow, he let sleep overtake him.  His mind was filled with images of Nicole and the confusion of their meeting.  How did they meet if he had never left the room?  It felt so real when she touched him.  Her smell seemed to penetrate deep into his nose.  He could almost taste her scent on his tongue.  It couldn't have been a dream.  It had to be something more, but what?


[8:00 am]

“Don't worry Mr. Freetly, I am sure your wife will be here at any moment.  Did you want me to call her again?”  Carl was sitting in a wheelchair and shook his head, “no she um...she probably got off late again.  Miss, do I really have to be in this I can walk out just...”  The nurse shook her head, “hospital rules everyone has to leave in one.  I'm sorry.”  Carl nodded and watched her leave the room.  He stared at the clock and watched the minutes spin around until they stopped at 9:27 am.  Tiffany walked into the room, “Hey hunny you ready to go?”  Carl stared at her disheveled clothes and messy hair.  “Where were you?”  She smiled, “I told you I was at work.  I didn't even realize what time it was.  I didn't have time to fix my clothes or hair I look like a complete mess.”  Taking the handles, she wheeled Carl out and drove him home. 

The silence in the car was unbearable, but Carl didn't feel much like talking.  When they arrived back home Tiffany was the one that broke the silence.  “So, I talked to Sam yesterday.  He said that he pulled some strings for you.  He was able to get a publisher to make you a preliminary offer.  If you send him what you have so far, he can run it over and get an offer.”  His crutches stopped mid-stride as he wobbled on them slightly.  “Why are you talking to Sam so often now?”  “Well, Sam actually called me to let me know about the preliminary offer.  He tried to get a hold of you but your phone must have been dead.”  Carl shook his head, “you realize that none of this makes any sense, right?”  Tiffany froze slightly, “what do you mean?” 



I'm cruising on by without a cloud in the sky

Until the sky grows dark without a sun to mark

With broken wings on bended knees a life torn by anarchy

One way says safe but changes its face

One gives hope but ignores the slippery slope

These ways are not for me my future a mystery

You’re saying left when I have been told right

Sam's saying run but my mind says fight

Why won't the truth penetrate the night


“So, what are you saying Carl?”  “I'm saying Tiffany how come one-minute Sam is going to drop me as a client, and then the next day he is pushing me up to the top?”  Tiffany shook her head, “I don't know Carl why don't you ask him?”  Gazing at his wife suspiciously, “I think you know Tiffany.  I think you know awfully well.  So, why don't you just tell me...”  “Carl what the hell are you talking about?”  “You're sleeping with Sam.”  SMACK... Tiffany's hand connected with Carl's face.  “How dare you...you stupid...selfish...ungrateful...after everything that I’ve done for you!”  She gave a huff and said, “I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that.  But know this Carl, if you ever say anything like that again.  I will throw you out of this house!  I won 't care that you're living in the streets.  We will be done!  Do you understand me?”  Carl gave a scowl but reluctantly nodded.  “I think for now you can just take your stuff and live in the basement until you grow up!  When you're ready to apologize and get back into the real world.  You can come up and be a part of this family.”  Tiffany locked eyes with him and gave a final nod of her head.  “Now, I have to get ready to go back to work.  That girl Desiree called off again, and I took her shift.  When I get back I expect an apology.”  She huffed and marched upstairs towards the bedroom.  He watched her disappear and then he heard his mind shout, “what the hell just happened?”

Carl just stood perplexed as he let her words seem to crash over him like waves on a beach.  “Take your stuff and live in the basement,” the words rang in his head.  Was she serious?  He shook his head trying to clear it.  Well if he was going to live in the basement he might as well go and get his stuff.  Leaving the house, he made his way to the car.  He grabbed his laptop and overnight bag when something caught his eye.  It was his wife's work bag.  Biting his lip, he stared at it and wanted the zipper to open up more.  He gazed back at the house and then back at the bag.  “I have to know,” he whispered.  He reached over to the zipper but quickly pulled his hand away.  “No, I can't invade her privacy like that.”  Biting his lip again he froze staring at the purple bag.  “Fuck it,” he raced over and slowly unzipped the bag enough to get his hand in.  He reached inside feeling only clothes and shoes. 

His face lowered, “maybe she isn't...” he paused when his hand hit a wrapper.  He froze feeling it carefully and knew without a doubt that it was a condom.  He pulled it out slightly to confirm his suspicions.  Sure enough, it was a condom.  However finding a condom was not weird, but they had not used condoms in years.  It also seemed that sex had not only been off the table with them but thrown out of the house.  He couldn't even remember the last time his wife and him had sex. So why did she have condoms in her work bag?  Carl's heart fell, “so, she IS cheating on me.”  Zippering her bag, he slammed the car door, “she lied to me...lied right to my face!”  As he made his way back into the house, he knew he would have to take up permanent residence in the basement.  His mind fell on one thing Nicole, and how much he missed her.

[Three Days Later]

Days seemed to drag while Carl was stuck in the basement.  His wife was working constantly and when Carl questioned her about it.  She had told him that she picked up another job.  The bills were finally getting paid, but their relationship seemed to be suffering more.  The basement was cold and drafty from the unsealed windows.  He seemed always in a state of chill and had picked up a hacking cough too.  His wife brought him food everyday, and the more he stayed in the basement the more he felt like a prisoner.  His wife had been gone for long hours which left him able to send a quarter of the book to Sam.  He finally found a title for it, From Here.  The last words that he had spoken to Nicole had echoed in his head for days.  Needless to say, his mind had become a whirlwind of confusion.  She was at the center of it all.  She hadn't called him and even the direction of the book had changed.  His pages from the hospital took several reads to comprehend. 

It seemed that Nicole did have a conversation with somebody at the hospital.  Only instead of it being him, the name was changed conveniently to Paul.  Although Paul was described almost identically to him.  However, his spirit seemed to lift every time he read the line, “through the passing days Paul remained on her mind.”  The character of Paul was never intended to be an addition to the book, but he was.  Nicole couldn't seem to forget about him.  Although as the book progressed, she never seemed able to pick up the phone. 

CREAK!  The door at the top of the stairs opened and footsteps could be heard.  He waited at his desk and heard his wife's voice, “Carl, are you ok?”  “Fine,” he scowled as she made her way over with a tray of fruit and medicine.  “I brought you some fruit, your pain pills, and water.”  She handed him the painkillers that he was prescribed.  Names so complicated he had written it off what seemed like days ago.  He coughed several times before she spoke again.  “Here I brought you some cough medicine too...let me just...” Carl snatched the bottle away from her, “I can do it myself!  I'm not a child Tiffany!”  “Carl please don't be upset.  I don't want to fight with you anymore.”  Carl gave her a murderous look, “what do you want?”  The warm look that she gave upon her arrival fell into a sadness, “please Carl...please come back to me.  Your place is not down here.  It should be upstairs with me.  I know we have had our problems, but I only want what's best for you...best for us.” 



Return to me...return my love...return to my place high above

Return to my side where you belong...return to my care and the love we share

All I ask is for a little rest, all I ever wanted was the best...for us

To start a family have a little girl named Tammy

To have you be the father you can be

You broke my heart when you asked if I strayed...I feel betrayed, oh so betrayed

When did your heart push me away?

Just say you’re sorry...and stop with the stories

Let's move on and start from scratch and get over this rough patch



Oh Tiff...sweet Tiff, we danced the dance gave love a chance

I miss those days of love and romance

However, the music has stopped your love has lost

Taken by another no matter the cost

Although the man remains a mystery, you still insistently deny his existence to me

I know your secret, I know your lies and that is why

I stay down here...tonight...I'll never be contrite when I know I'm right

That is why I'll be down here...down here tonight


“YOU BASTARD,” Tiffany screamed flipping over the tray of fruit.  Her face was red and her eyes glared like two fires in a dark night.  “You still think that I am cheating on you?”  Carl nodded, “you know for a while I gave you the benefit of the doubt.  However when you start patching it all together it makes sense.”  Tiffany made her way towards him and looked murderous, “you son of a bitch!  I want you out of this house now!  Get your stuff and get out I don't ever want to see you again!”  Carl smiled, “well that’s a problem isn't it?  My name is on the lease to the house, so TECHNICALLY it is my house too.  So, you can't kick me out.”  “I'll call the police and have them drag you out.”  Carl began to laugh, “the police won't kick me out.  I own the house with you!  I'm not a threat, because I am all bandaged up.”  “You're such a bastard!  I wish I never married you!”  Tiffany had tears coming down her eyes, “How can you say that I cheated on you?”  “Well, Tiffany the bills are getting paid a lot more than they should...figuring in your ‘NEW’ job.”  Quoting the air around the word new Carl continued, “and I found condoms in your work bag.”  “You went through my stuff?”  “It doesn't matter, what would you need condoms for we never...” She turned from him and made her way to the stairs, “you're a son of a bitch!  After everything…EVERYTHING...that I have done for you!”  Tiffany gripped her red hair gazing at herself as if unable to take in anything anymore not even herself.  Her face shot back up,  “I want a divorce.”  Stomping up the stairs, “I hope you ROT down here!”

Carl started coughing again and drank from the cough syrup.  It seemed like hours past as he sat there staring at the computer screen.  There came a KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK from the back door jolting his drooping figure.  Hobbling towards the back door, “who the hell could that...Sam?”  Carl opened the door to Sam standing with a bottle of Thompson's Brandy in his hand.  “Hey Carl...can I come in?” Shrugging, “I guess.”  He opened the door wider letting Sam stroll in. “What're you doing here?”  Sam gave a huff, “Tiffany called me...she's worried about you.”  “Why is Tiffany calling you Sam?”  He gave a quick, “look Carl she is worried about you.  She told me how you thought she was cheating on you and well...she is very upset.”  Carl made his way back towards his work desk, “since when did you care about my personal life?  If I remember correctly you said...” Sam waved his hand, “Forget what I said, listen I didn't come over for that.  I came over to have a drink with you.”  Carl waved his bottle of cough syrup, “can't you see that I already have a drink.”  Coughing loudly, Sam backed away with a “yeah I can tell that it's helping.”  “Did you come here just to make jokes,” Sam shook his head, “No I came here to have a drink.  I finished reading what you sent me so far.” 

Holding his fist to his mouth Carl froze mid-cough, “how...how...could you read it?  I just sent it to you.”  He nodded, “the way that you talked about it.  I had to pounce on it fast.  I was really nervous for you, so I just had to read it.”  Carl felt his head tilting in confusion, “you don't understand I like...just sent it to you no more than...two hours ago.”  Sam nodded, “I know, and I wanted to come over and tell you that I'm making it a top priority.”  “Sam...how did you get here so...”  “Look, I just came over to congratulate you too.  I think this book is going to be a hit, and I can't wait to see where you're going to take it.”  Placing the bottle of brandy on the desk Sam smiled, “I don't want a drink right now.”  Smiling Sam gave a quick, “very well just keep the bottle.  Look, I have an appointment to make.  So, I can just go if you’re not into company.  I'll be in touch yeah?”  Carl nodded gripping his bathrobe closer, “just go I’ll send the rest in awhile.”  

Sam turned and headed out the door without a backwards glance.  “Appointment,” Carl whispered.  What the hell kind of appointment could he have in the middle of the suburbs?  He shook his head as he took another long swig of cough syrup.  He nearly wretched as he reached over and grabbed the bottle of brandy.  He popped the top taking a long swig feeling the cough syrup after taste disappear.  Smacking his lips, he stared at the bottle, “damn that's good!”  He took another long swig and felt a warmth surge through his body.  The story seemed to call to him as his feelings began to revitalize.  Fingers inched to the keys and soon he was immersed in the literary world.  A sort of tunnel vision took effect and even the laughter from his wife upstairs couldn't distract him.  He heard the front door close, but soon became lost in Nicole's fight with her husband.  She believed that he was cheating on her too.  The words danced off the page and soon he heard a familiar sound.  RING...RING...RING, his phone vibrated wildly as a mysterious number was calling him.

Furrowing his brow Carl picked up the phone with a confused, “hello?”  “Hey Carl,” the phone fumbled in his hand and clattered over the desk.  It rattled to the floor with a loud SMACK!  Panting slightly Carl picked up the phone and gave a soft, “Uh...Nicole?”  Her voice was soft like a velvet pillow, “hi Carl is this bad a time?”  Carl's mouth had gone dry as speech seemed lost to him.  He gaped his mouth stupidly at the phone, “Carl...Carl?”  Shaking himself back to reality, “yes, yes, no Nicole I'm here sorry you just...you know caught me off guard.”  “Oh, I am sorry I can call...” Shaking his head, “no, no, I'm glad you called.  I thought you had well...forgotten about me.”  She giggled, “no Carl...to be honest I...um...can't stop thinking about you.  I hope that's not weird?”  “Never Nicole, I was just surprised you took so long to call.”  “I know I’ve been busy.  I wanted to call.  So um, are we still good to get that drink?” 

Lowering the phone, Carl felt butterflies in his stomach.  This was not possible certainly not based in reality.  However, he wanted to run with it.  He wanted to never let go of this feeling.  Returning the phone to his ear, he gave an enthusiastic “yeah you wanna meet me at...what're you laughing at?”  Through her giggles Nicole gave a soft, “a little excited, are we?  If I would have known how much you wanted this I would have called sooner.”  “I wish you would have,” they both laughed for a bit.  Fluttering hearts and sunshine seemed to radiate in his once dark basement room.  “Well, I think that it's a bit soon for the drinks you want.  How about if we just go out for some coffee?”  Despite the wide smile on his face, Carl gave a calm “yeah...sounds...amazing.”  They said goodbye and decided to meet at a place near his house.  It didn't matter about the time.  He laughed thinking about how she could have wanted to collect cow shit, and he still would have gone. 

The Ashbury Coffee House was nearly empty.  A few people were gathered around their laptops.  Carl waited by a table holding his drink in his hands.  They shook violently letting his nerves get the best of him.  The barista stared at him as he tried to calm his shaking body.  He pinched himself hoping that this wasn't a dream.  Everything seemed real and if Nicole did walk through that door.  Carl was determined to believe that she was real too.  Nothing mattered at that moment and the reality of the situation seemed real enough. 

Hands shaking violently as a light skinned beauty came through the door.  Her eyes met his and she smiled wiping a strand of blue hair away from her face.  She looked exactly as he had remembered only her outfit was different.  She was sporting a silver beaded choker, bleached blue shirt, and her mini-skirt was now replaced with tight blue jeans.  She ordered her coffee and approached the table.  “Hey,” she said sweetly.  The genuine look in her face was astounding.  “I hope you haven't been waiting here long?”  Carl shook his head, “no not at all you're worth the wait.”  “Aw,” she said and motioned towards the crutches.  “I see you’re still having issues huh?”  “Yeah, it wasn't as bad as they thought.  Hopefully soon, I can sport a boot and get off these things.”  Taking a sip of her coffee, she pursed her lips trying to hide a smile.  “So, what're you going to do when you get out of the crutches?”  “Boogie down girl,” giggling Nicole took his hand and smiled, ?