HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Act #3

It Only Gets Better From Here


“So, how do I look,” Nicole was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.  Carl's mouth dropped open as he stared at her.  “You...look...incredible,” she smiled as she walked over to him.  “I was hoping you'd like it.”  Her outfit pushed the lines of decency, black booty shorts that didn't seem able to cover all.  A pink bra underneath a black fishnet top with the words, Daddy's Little Princess etched in white.  The sleeves went down her arms and wrapped around her hands leaving only the thumbs to break free.  “That outfit doesn’t speak of a princess.”  She giggled “no, but it goes with this.”  She turned around and on the back of the booty shorts read, Daddy's Little Whore.  Bewildered Carl gave a humorous, “now that makes more sense!”  Her face fell slightly, “You don't like it?”  “No, no, I love it!  It's just isn't it a bit well you know?”  Nicole began to laugh so hard that she actually snorted a few times.  “You're so cute Carl!  You really haven't been to a club before have you?”  “Uh,” was all Carl was able to say.  “You want me to be myself, right?”  Nodding slowly her hand stroked his cheek, “well, I wanted to look sexy for you.”

Nicole's outfit did not stand out at the club, Turbulence.  On the contrary her outfit seemed the least risque.  Women were walking around almost naked.  It was an incredible sight to behold.  The lights flashing and the music blaring.  It seemed to dazzle his senses.  It was a moment that he had never experienced in his life.  He felt way overdressed in his dockers and button down shirt.  Nicole's mouth was open wide as she stared at everything.  Her eyes seemed to reflect her inner excitement.  It was like seeing heaven for the first time, and she showed it with utter amazement.  Beads and neon glow paint seemed to be the norm.  “Isn't this incredible,” she said loudly.  He nodded, “you want to get a drink?”  Before he could respond Nicole was dragging him towards the bar.  “Holy shit, its gunna take us forever to get drinks.”  She turned to him and bite her finger seductively, “you wanna be bad?” 

Nodding as she pushed him to the front of the line at the very end of the bar.  “Grab a bottle for us,” “what, how the hell am I supposed to...”  She was already pushing through the crowd.  There were three bartenders working and dozens of people surrounding them.  How the hell was he supposed to take a whole bottle?   His mouth dropped open when he watched Nicole climb onto the bar at the opposite end.  Pushing her tits together she screamed, “LET'S PARTY WOOOOO!”  The three bartenders made their way towards her as all the men started erupting in hoots and cat calls.  She turned around and shook her ass a bit for everybody to see.  Without thinking twice Carl reached over the bar and pulled out a bottle.  He hid it behind his back as Nicole began strutting down the bar.  Walking seductively like she owned the entire club.  The bartenders finally were able to push her down and she held up her hands.  “Sorry guys, sorry I'm taken!”  She disappeared into the crowd and breathing heavily she smiled when her eyes landed on the bottle.

“That's my man,” she said loudly and quickly pulled Carl out onto the dance floor.  Her arms wrapped around him as she brought him in close.  She took the bottle and took a swig, “I love whiskey!”  She took another long swig and then smiled up at him.  They swayed to the music chugging the bottle.  Her hips grinding seductively on him until the music slowed down.  “So, you still think that this is all just a story?”  Carl shook his head, “I don't know, but whatever it is I don't want it to end!” 

Nicole smiled when she saw a man approach them and immediately hugged him.  His dreads were died yellow, “Rasta man what's up?”  Rasta was covered in purple paint, “Nicole, I'm glad you could make it.  Clubs going crazy right now!”  “Yah man totally, you got any?”  He smiled, “always for you baby girl.”  He turned to look at Carl, who was oddly suspicious of the whole scene.  She smiled, “no he's good!  He's my new boyfriend.”  He smiled, and shook Carl's hand, “congratulations man, I hope you can handle this one!  Whatever happened to David?”  “He was just a friend.  How much do I owe you?”  Rasta pulled out four blue pills from his pocket and handed them to Nicole.  “Eighty,” he said as she turned to Carl, “you got any money?”  Biting his lip Carl pulled out forty dollars, “it’s all I have in the...” She snatched it out of his hand before he could finish.  She handed over twenty dollars and said, “How about a titty flash for twenty?”  Rasta smiled, “Nicole I need money.”  She ran her hand over his chest and purred, “come on Rasta sweetie!  I know you've always wanted to see them.”  Rasta bit his lip and gave a quick, “yeah sure.”  She giggled slightly and quickly pulled up her shirt and flashed him her perfect pair.  He had a cheesy smile as she lowered her shirt.  Straightening her bra, she gave a sweet, “you like?”  He nodded and she quickly gave him a hug.  “Thanks Rasta you're the best!”  “Yeah, you guys better keep that bottle low.  They'll kick you out if they see that.”  Nicole nodded and Rasta disappeared into the crowd.

“Here,” she said handing Carl two blue pills.  “Nicole what the hell was...”  She smiled, “that's Rasta, he has the greatest E in the club.”  “Nicole, I don't want to take...”  “Don't be jealous baby, all for you remember?”  “Yeah but...”  Placing the pills on her tongue she pulled his head in and kissed deeply letting the pills slide into his mouth and down his throat.  She took a long swig from the bottle popping the other two pills.  Leaning in she licked his earlobe and whispered, “it only gets better from here.”  She pulled away as their eyes met, “Trust me,” she whispered.  The beat began to pick up as they danced rubbing each other like they had been separated for months. 

His hands traced her body as he started to feel lightheaded.  The room seemed to spin as the lights grew brighter almost dancing around them.  He gripped his forehead, “I think it's kicking in.  I can't...everything is so...” Gripping his hands and turning her back towards him.  She let her head run against him, “it's ok baby I won't let anything happen to you.”  The music seemed to grow louder and more enjoyable.  The bass and melody seemed to fill his very soul.  He felt Nicole slithering over his body, “so, how's this for a story?”  She popped her ass a little into his crotch and gave a little giggle.  No words could describe the feeling that seemed to overcome his body.  It was better than joy and deeper than love.  “Am I everything you wanted,” she purred in his ear.  He smiled as she kissed his neck, “I'm your biggest fan Nicole.” 



I'm your biggest fan

You put the fan in fantastic, I can't mask it, a love so true no heart can grasp it

You put the fan in fancy, the way we're dancing paints a picture like a tapestry

You put the fan in fantasy, I’d happily pull down the stars in the galaxy if you'd ask of me

No strategy when I've already won, no need to shine when I hold the sun

When I hold you girl, I hold the world...just the two of us, our own little universe

You're my fantasy, every moment spent with me, makes me a better me

So, can you sign an autograph, two or three personalize a message just for me

Sign it with a heart with an I love thee and hang it up for all to see

Tell them that I’m your one and only, a real Romeo and Juliet story

Tell the world that I'm your man that you're in love with your biggest fan

Fan...your fan...your biggest fan


The whole night seemed like a dream as the people seemed to disappear.  Her ass swaying against his crotch letting her hands play across his neck and through his hair.  His hands sliding down her sides as they traced around her stomach.  The sexual tension was thick and soon she trembled biting her lip.  He felt her legs starting to wobble as she smiled in pure lust.  Hours seemed to fly by as they never moved from their spot.  They kissed passionately and soon Nicole was begging for him to take her home. 

Nicole couldn't get enough of him.  The car ride seemed like the longest drive of his life.  She kissed on his neck as he seemed to fly down the streets.  His medical boot seemed to give him an unnecessary lead foot.  The lights of the cars streaked across the night.  Smiling and laughing Nicole kept purring for him to hurry and without realizing it Carl had driven to his house.  His mind was not thinking straight as they made out all way down the basement steps.  Their bodies crashing against walls leaving nothing but a trail of clothes.  The moment seemed to blind all his other senses.  They spun all the way to the futon as she dug her nails into his back leaving deep red marks.  Biting his lip seductively Nicole moaned louder than he had ever heard before. The futon was barely able to withstand their love.

An hour passed as light penetrated the room.  Nicole nuzzled against him like a cat trying to get attention.  He was tracing his hand down her naked body and just admiring everything about her.  The night was magical and he never wanted to forget it.  “Carl if this is really a story and if I'm just a character in your book.”  “Yeah,” he replied softly as she ran her hand down the side of his face.  “Can you...can you write us a happy ending?”  Smiling widely, he nodded “I wouldn't want it any other way.”  She kissed him softly as her cherry red lips seemed softer than before.  “I love you Carl,” he smiled as she started to get up.  “Don't go,” he whispered.  She kissed him again, “I have to go get my stuff before Chris comes home.”  “But he said...”  “Shhh,” she said and kissed him one last time.  “I'll be fine I can handle him.  You just send that book in so we can get the advance today ok?”  He nodded, “you sure?”  Nodding again she began to pick her clothes up off the floor and get dressed.  “I'll be at David's house when you want to come and get me.  I'll leave his number and address for you too.”  She walked over to Carl’s desk and started writing.  He watched her smile as she scribbled something else and then turned to him.  “Don't keep me waiting, ok?  Love you...”  “Love you,” she ran her hands through her messy hair and left picking up the rest of her clothes as she went. 


[One Hour Later]

“CARL...WHAT THE HELL?”  Carl shot up from the futon and saw Tiffany standing at the foot of the stairs.  Her face fell in complete horror, “what is going on?  Why are you naked?”  Staring around the room he glanced down and had forgotten to cover himself up.  “Oh sorry,” he reached over the futon and pulled on his boxers as his wife advanced towards him. “Why are you naked?  Why is the back door open?  Why are your clothes all over the...”  “Jesus Tiffany calm down ok?  I have got such a headache can you just tone it down?”  Picking up the bottle of brandy she glowered at him, “real good Carl, REAL good!  You get drunk as a skunk while I'm out busting my ass!”  “Whatever,” he said as he turned around looking for the rest of his clothes.  “JESUS CHRIST,” yelled Tiffany as she made her way towards him.  “What the hell were you scratching your back with the rake?”  “Will you just get off my back, what do you want?” 

Walking towards the desk she snatched up the bottle of cough syrup.  “Carl you drank the whole fucking bottle!”  “Yeah I didn't mean...”  She reached over and picked up the pill bottle of pain killers, “Jesus Christ Carl the bottle's almost gone.  Did you use all of these...”  “I said get off my back will you!  What the hell do you want from me?  Why are you even down here?”  “You're my husband Carl and I can...”  “NO,” he yelled as he gritted his teeth.  “You wanted a divorce remember?”  “I thought we were going to...” “No, we're done Tiffany!”  Her face seemed to fall, “but yesterday you said...”  “Forget yesterday this is today!  I am done you hear me, done!”  “And where will you go, you got no money, no friends, no family, and no car!  I'm all you have!”  “I'm moving in with somebody and when my book gets on the best seller list you're going to be fucking sorry!”  “Moving in with somebody,” she laughed, “who the hell would want to live with you?” 

Picking up a piece of paper off the desk she held it up, “David...is that whose taking you in?  And what does this mean, it only gets better from here?”  Snatching the paper out of her hand, “never you mind!”  “Carl why are you naked...can you answer that?”  Gritting his teeth, he saw the yearning in her face.  He shook his head, “forget it.”  “Who was here Carl?”  Carl turned from her and began to pick up the rest of his clothes, “you wouldn't believe me if I told you.”  “Tell me,” “Nicole alright, Nicole was here!”  “Nicole...what do you mean Nicole was here?  Wait, Nicole you...you mean...from your...”  “I can't explain it but yeah she was here.  We went to a club last night and...”  She backed away from him, “Carl your scaring me please come to your senses.  You...you're not thinking clearly.”  “Oh yes Tiff for the first time in my life I am thinking clearly, and I couldn't be happier!”  “Carl think about this for a second.  The girl from your book was here...with you.”  “Yes, she drove to me the doctor's office.”  “Nicole is not real Carl please you're going insane!  I'm going to call the doctor.”

“Nicole is real she took me to my appointment...your sister saw her with me.”  “My sister,” “yeah your sister saw her they had a full conversation.”  Tiffany shook her head, “I just had breakfast with my sister.  She didn't say anything about going to the doctor's office or seeing you there.  You see Nicole is not real.”  “OF COURSE SHE IS REAL,” he slammed Nicole’s message back into her hand.  “Look, she left me a message before she left.”  Pushing the paper into his chest she screamed back at him, “IT'S IN YOUR HANDWRITING!”  Unwrapping the note, he glanced over it several times, “it's not it's different see...”  “You were probably drunk and high when you wrote it.”  Shaking his head, “no, no I was at her house.  We went to a club...we, we took ecstasy together...”  Tiffany walked up to him, “listen to yourself you went to a club...took ecstasy...does that make any sense to you?”  “No Nicole is real, I touched her.  I fucked her...twice!”  “You were hallucinating you idiot!  Your doctor called me last night and told me that you showed up completely wasted.”

“No, I wasn't drunk or high.  Nicole was there she drove me there and back,” “NO she didn't you took a cab like I told you too.  You ran out of money, so you used my card.  I saw the transaction activity.”  “How could you,” “It's an app on my phone!  Carl your losing it!  Please...baby you need to go to the hospital.”  Throwing her arms off of him, “get away from me!  She is real, and we're done what don't you understand?”  Tiffany backed away, “Carl please you're...you're...not right in the head.  Something is wrong can't you see?”  “The only thing that I see is that my ex-wife is jealous of my new relationship and can't seem to let go.”  Throwing her arms up in frustration, “I give up!”  She pointed her finger at him, “I’m getting you to the hospital whether you want to or not!”  She began to storm up the stairs, “Nicole is real you’re just jealous that I was cheating on you for a change.”  “YOU'RE A FREAK CARL!  You're nothing but a freak!” 

Carl watched the door and heard her footsteps start to stomp around the house.  Walking over to his computer he was relieved that the pages to his book had increased dramatically.  He read all the way down and found the words that he was looking for.  The End was scrolled at the bottom of the page.  Opening his email, he attached the file labeled, From Here.  “Here goes nothing,” scrolling his mouse over he clicked Sam's name and then send.  He coughed loudly when he read the words, Message Sent.  “It's done, I can't believe I sent it!”  If it read how he thought it was going to then the advance would be offered fast.   Retreating back to the futon he collapsed on it and let sleep take over him.  Nursing a hangover was a lot easier when he was younger.

RING...RING...RING, staring down at the floor he realized that he had dropped his cell phone.  He picked it up with a sleepy, “hello?”  “CARL,” came an excited voice.  Sam was on the other line, and he sounded happier than he had ever heard him.  Trying to ebb his anger from the thought of him sleeping with his wife he gave a quick, “yeah?”  “Carl listen the boys upstairs loved your book.  I mean they had never read a love story so good.  They want to get the book out in stores as soon as possible!”  “Well that's good fax over the paperwork, and I'll sign it.  How much of an advance am I going to get?”  Sam excitement died as his voice grew calmer, “well um see that's the problem.”  “What...you just said...”  “Well, they want one change done before anything is signed.”  Sitting up in the bed, “yeah,” Sam hesitated a bit more, “well, I agree with them too.  I think it will be great if the husband Chris kills Nicole when she goes back to the house.  You know like a tragic love story.”  “NO, Sam she can't die!  I will not kill her.  Audiences will love her, I love her.”  Sam laughed, “well that might be true, but I mean she is just a character, right?  Don't you think it's a good...”  “No Sam it’s not a good ending.  I won't do it!  She has to be happy and...”  “Well that’s the problem Carl, if you don't give us what we want.  We can't give you what you want.”  “Sam please I can't kill...”  “I'm sorry Carl but if you don't do it we're dropping you as a client.  Damn shame too we love the book we just wanna tweak the ending.” 

Tears starting rolling down his face, “please Sam, you have already fucked my wife don't take this away from...”  “OH you know about that,” “yea Sam.”  “Look, Carl it was nothing personal you know?  I have fulfilled that arrangement, but if you won't do it then I have to drop you.”  “Sam please, that's not what I...”  “Well I'll wait for an hour if you don't send me anything then I'll have your answer.”  The phone clicked and soon Carl was just staring off into nothingness.  He felt like he had been in another car accident.  His lungs seemed to deflate and for the first time in years he wept.  Grabbing his knees, he wept and felt his body shake in utter depression.  “Please god no,” he cried as he gripped his legs tighter, “no, no, no, this is not...it...can't be...why?”  His wife's voice echoed in his head, “Nicole isn't real!”  “She is real!  She was just here...she's real!”  The voice again yelled, “Nicole isn't real!”  Grabbing his ears, “shut up, shut up, shut up!” 

The voice grew silent and soon he erupted into tears again.  The minutes crawled by as he felt weak and got up.  He knew he couldn't cry anymore.  There was nothing left inside of him.  What if Nicole wasn't real?  What if everything that happened was a drug filled hallucination.  Sitting at his desk, he opened From Here and stared at it.  He shook his head, “I can't...I can't!”  He grabbed the note that she had written him.  He stared at the number and tilted it several times.  He dropped the paper realizing that the handwriting did in some ways resemble his.  “No, she wrote it.  I saw her.  She was standing right there.  She wrote it!”  Grabbing his hair, he glared at the book and soon he was deleting the ending.  He started to type feeling more tears beginning to fall.  The words flowed simply from him as he wrote of Chris's arrival home.  How he chased her around the house.  Her grabbing a knife and him holding a gun towards her.  The scene played out poetically and was the definition of true art.  He cried more when Chris shot her in the stomach and wept when Nicole slit her own throat.  She didn't want to give him the satisfaction.  Her last words were garbled in a mouthful of blood.  Carl wanted to believe she was trying to apologize for leaving him this way.  Maybe even hopeful that he would understand.  Typing out the end, he scrolled the mouse over and hit SEND

The front door opened with a loud CREAK!  His wife was upstairs talking.  Her words were muffled, but heard, “yeah he’s down here!”  Another man was speaking, “ok we'll go and get him.” Voices on a walkie-talkie could be heard in the background.  Fear played across his face as he shot up from his seat.  He leapt up the basement steps and locked the door as fast as his ankle would let him.  “Yeah he'll be under a 72-hour watch.”  Footsteps moved to the door and the handle jiggled.  “It's locked,” said the voice.  “Oh god,” whispered Carl as Tiffany banged on the door, “Carl, Carl open the door the police are here!”  Shaking his head, he gave a quick, “no, no, NO!”  Making his way to the back door, he saw to his horror another police officer.  He was pointing at him, “unlock the door Carl!  Come on don't make this harder on yourself.” 

Pacing back and forth he saw the officer smashing his body against the door, “Carl open the door, please don't do this!  You need to go to the hospital.”  Shaking his head Carl made his way to the note on the floor.  He read Nicole's note and saw a tiny heart over the letter I.  He bit his lip and gripped the note to his chest.  He glanced at the computer horror struck, “Oh god what have I done?”  He saw the message on the computer, Message Sent.  “No, no, no,” he cried as he typed frantically on the keyboard.  “No baby please!  I'm sorry I didn't mean it.  I didn't mean it, please forgive me!  I'm so sorry baby!”  Grabbing the cord from the back of the printer he pulled it out with a hard tug.  There was a loud struggled banging from both doors.  He threw the cord around an iron beam in the ceiling.  Grabbing a milk crate, he placed it underneath the hanging cord.  He tied the cord around the beam hearing the back door beginning to crack.  He wanted to leave one final message for his wife.  Frantically scribbling over a piece of paper he taped the message to his chest and quickly tied the cord around his neck.  Eternity with Nicole was worth a lifetime here.  “See you soon baby,” pushing the milk cart from under him he felt his feet drop.  They were mere centimeters from the floor but his body struggled.  He thrashed violently feeling the cord cut the air from his lungs.  The back door started to give and then a loud CRASH.   Before darkness enveloped his eyes, he saw the officer emerging from around the corner.  A smile appeared on his face as the last breath left his body.


[News Report]

- Robin Thompson -

“Hello thank you I'm Robin Thompson and this is your 6:00 news.  Tonight's top story author Carl Freetly died today from an apparent suicide.  His wife had this to say...”


- Tiffany Freetly -

“We had our problems and I was just trying to help the situation.”


- Robin Thompson -

“It seems that his behavior had taken a turn for the worse after a car accident several days prior.  A full investigation is under way.  No note was left at the scene only a taped message reading, it only gets better from here.  Sam O'Neil Carl's literary agent has informed us that Carl's newest book was sent moments before he tragically took his own life.  He had this to say...”


- Sam O'Neil -

“It's tragic simply tragic, he was a talented author who fell on some hard times.  I will miss him terribly.  However, I can assure him and his fans that his last book will be published.  It will be available worldwide as he would have wanted.  His wife and I are currently in talks with getting a movie about his life and the new book.  A portion of the money will be given to The Anti-Suicide Society in his memory…”


The End