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Requiem For An Addict


Robby Richardson



This requiem is for my love Mary.  Mary you were my queen, my love, my life, so I leave this rose over my own gravestone and yours.  It reads forever united together in the principal

“So Kings May Rise, Stars Must Fall”


It started way back in ninety eight...a pinner joint while we conversate

Playing PlayStation a little Twisted Metal to let the high settle

One roast, one cook, one tote, one smoke, first puff I was hooked

If this was a gateway, I wanna get away, fly through the clouds so far away

If all drugs were this bad I wanna stay for eternity and the next day


In the teens it was all about the green in more ways than I even mean

 I’ve seen things and done things handle the trouble that drugs bring

My identity was weed it was no curse, a blessing as my issues kept pressing

Our love was no fling engaged with a smoke ring inscribed with the message...Long Live The King


In college it become a night treat, a welcome home I would greet, a reward for learning hours in a seat   During the progress increase the stress soon I was looking for the best

Soon the best was putting my future to the test

Money dwindled, soon I slanged almost like an addiction I couldn’t tame

Make no mistake a habit I couldn’t break

I've been so high that I acted a fool floating like I'm in a swimming pool

So high that there is no Robby only Zuul


I lost jobs to keep you in my words and songs and stayed on jobs when I should’ve gone

I let them mock and tease and think better of me, when I should’ve put them down on their knees Lyrically looking up at me begging to fulfill their curiosity with knowledge from personal generosity Call me the Mad Hatter, I deal out the cards, play with the stars and hold your dreams in my palm

I crush them like dirt scattered to the wind and ground, I’ve realized what has been lost can be found


So adidos, lebewohl, arrevedurci, da svedanya

Nice to know you, meet you, greet you, wine ya, dine ya

Never be as found as I was when I was on ya

Ripping a bong all day and night long were some of the happiest days

 Now those days are gone and it’s time to move on

Become the man I should have been all along instead I was listening to your siren song

You’re the reason why I am in this shit today, why I am standing here digging our grave


As I let the smoke curl around my fingers, I see it take shape and form into a singer

A seductress with a message a heavenly voice whose words are precious, she speaks I can’t prevent it I’m not the one to take all the blame, the one that put you out the game

I took over because of the life you can’t get over nor the life that you let takeover

You can’t let friends and love go, so don’t blame me for your decline from the life that you left behind

  I don’t make you feel low, I can’t help you can’t get over the life you know, the power to let it go


On the day of judgment when the tower crumbles before Death’s feet

I’ll greet with an open hand, magician I am and forever shall

I’ve seen the depths of the rabbit hole, my highs and lows which reveals the scars I show

All the way to the bottom and even several feet deeper and below deeper than even the rabbit knows

To resist the white rabbit’s call all and all to become a king as they pray for my downfall

When the storm clouds clear and my Eden lay bare

Leaves me isolated and stranded in the middle of nowhere

Press you, test you until a mockingbird rescue

I came in this world solo won’t go till I say so

You whisper “fine just go, you’ll be back we all know”

Maybe so, but it’s a life that needs to go so let’s get on with the show

So this rose I leave for you


I am the fool indeed the hanging man from the tree who hath enlightened my eyes

To see and believe in me invest in my dreams and have a future with Adilynn and Aubree

A future that you could never provide me to keep the monster addiction inside me

Face like a soldier the way I was told to

This is a requiem for my girl, now I can have a life with my world


The End