HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Robby Richardson



A mysterious silence and the clanging of a chain


A whisper soft as rain calling out your name


The chill that runs up your spine


The monsters you see in your mind


The cold sweat that covers your skin


Heart rate quickening and let the breathing begin


Terror is terror and terror is frightening


The primal instinct of being scared


A mystery in the dark, the question to answer the dare


To stand tall or cower in a Devil's lair


It is only in the dark where we come to light


It is only in the dark where our mind comes to light


Creativity shows and the birth of who and what we are


What do you see when you look into the darkness


Do you see the monsters that surround you


The problems that overcome you


The life that overtakes you


But it is in THAT darkness that you can find who you are


Do you let the darkness fill inside you...become one with you


Do you rise above it




You stand within the darkness...you let the darkness surround you


Let it stretch above you and below you


Because you have nothing to fear


Breathe it in deeply and stroll out because you have nothing to fear

And that is when you are free


When you can let the darkness in your life grow and grow


Grow so high or so low, fast or slow no matter how hard the wind blows


To stand there and just say NO take you're best shot


To laugh and say is that the best you got


To look the monster in the face...to yell...to live...to die


Was blind now but now I see so repeat after me...I AM FREE


And that's where you find yourself in the dark



The End