[Floor: 10]
[Floor #10 - Wife]
And then came the test of all tests the woman that I had chosen above all the rest
That bubbly blonde that came around where her laughter was a heavenly sound
I was a Sammy she was Phi a love I couldn’t buy and soon couldn’t deny
Soon she became the only girl that caught my eye
Her blue eyes sparkled as her body I did marvel surprised that she fell for someone so larval
If it wasn’t for her I’d be let loose always need to cut loose get loose on the pharm I’d abuse
Travel different worlds flying through the galaxies that swirl
She keeps me in check swag on my respect keep me from which Wonderland to tour next
Overdose, comatose highest dose fulfilling this writers hopes
To discover his dreams are no hoax a writer that others will toast
We all dream about the Fountain of Youth but to tell the truth
The parties were fond memories but those days are dead to me
Dead to her, the past was a blast but this is my future
And through her...I would lose her
And all that I have and where we began she helped me become the man that I am
So let’s drop one more floor before I say no
[The Devil]
I’m offering you a chance to get your life back to get your wife back
The life marriage uttered hath left your writing to suffer
Don’t you want to go back to have all that
To have the girl whose life you live with both the daughters that you have created
To have the young her don’t you wonder
You can’t stop writing so inviting you can’t be the Writer Eater without writing either
As much as you try you can not lie you’re quite the tout but that ain’t my spouse
And even if that life’s vacated that wouldn’t be the life that we created
So let me provide a guide inside the mind of a modern day Scoffield
You’re the Monday’s to my Garfield, the Netflix to my Cloverfield
I’m the Hydra to your Agents of Shield
You have no idea the ideas I idea a writer like Rainer Maria
So don’t ask about my passion when released is like a Kraken
So who you think your back’en...a corner
Telling me to ignore her and then remember the life before her
This is Hydra’s Starry Night
Release a Mona Lisa...label it prestigious like a Sleeping Venus
Hydra proves me elite while perfecting my technique, let’s call it my Fur Elise
And even if I lose...Hydra’s my Clair De Lune
When this Hydra rages even when locked in world cages
A master piece of the ages is what my literary stage is
And even if life is a Hemingway an overwhelming weight
In an entertaining way or pretending they’re another Thomas Mann
And if this is the last word that I’m worth let it be known that Hydra roared first
So you can keep up with these temptations as I write across these pages
Keep on with these exchanges different women, different floors, different time, different places
But there will be no changes in my response to these faces
Even though I wonder about the could’ve, I can’t dwell upon the should’ve
In the end, I wouldn’t have trekked these broken roads and carried these heavy stones
Show the scars or walked this far to watch the fall of these stars
And even though I have many foes, Hydra will always remind’em so
To love the life that I love so and to go as far as I need to go
To protect my children from the cold wind blow
And I still stand tall yelling my warrior writing call
[The Devil]
So let’s put your words to the test
Whatcha going to do next?
I watched her bit her lower lip and wiggle her hips. I feel desire slowly burning as
the cogs in my head are turning. It was hard to say no even harder to let go. Was the show just a
show? Was it worth the risk? Was it worth loosing my soul to gain what I missed? Would we still be
renting or have moved up? Would we still have Tulip? Would we survive or even thrive leaving the
world I already knew behind? If I went would I jump out my skin? Would I still have Aubree and
Adilynn? Would I choose heaven or would I choose hell?
[The Devil]
The End