Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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“Simon, on June second, the incident with the van and Blanch, why did you feel inclined to report her to the house parents?”

“So she’d know not to mess with me.  When I spoke, she’d better listen or she’d be sorry.”

     “It was a form of control?” Doctor Lerner asked.

“Sure, I guess so.”

“Simon, do you enjoy having control over women?”

 “Sometimes I do; most women I’ve met needed a strong man’s direction in their lives.  But I’ve also met men, weak men, who needed to be dominated.”
     “Have there been any men you personally dominated?”

 “No,” I said lying.

 “In what way do you feel weak men should be dominated?” she continued.

  “I don’t know, I guess through sex or force.” I said hesitantly. I felt like she was trying to trap me.

   “All right then, let’s move on for now.”