Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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“I promise you, nothing you say would make me think you’re crazy.  I just need to understand how you think, how your mind works.  What motivates you?  If I don’t understand something, I’ll ask you to explain it so that I will understand.  Can you follow what I’m trying to say, Simon?”  Her gaze told me she was sincere.


“Okay, please tell me about Henry,” she began again.

“He’s my guardian angel, but he’s not speaking to me right now,” I said, checking her face for signs of disbelief, but none were forthcoming.

     “Your angel, how do you know his name?”

“That’s what he told me to call him.”

   “Simon, how do you communicate with him?” she asked in her pleasant voice.

     “I send him a thought, and if he feels like it, he answers back.  I hear his voice inside my head.”
          “Do you hear any other voices?”

     “No.”  Now I figure she thinks I’m nuts.

     “Why is your voice not speaking to you?”

     “His name is Henry, and he’s not some phantom voice telling me to worship Satan; he’s my guardian angel,” I said, getting agitated.

     “Simon, please remain calm, I didn’t mean to disrespect your angel.  Please continue,” Doctor Lerner started rubbing my leg in an attempt to relax me.

     “Well, he won’t talk to me because I accidently killed an old lady by mistake.”

     Doctor Lerner made no facial gestures in response to my statement.  “Please explain, Simon.”

     “She was a resident at a nursing home I was working at.  She paid me to put her out of her misery.  I crept into her room, but I got confused in the darkness and suffocated her roommate by mistake.  Henry warned me not to do it, but I was cocky and did it anyway.  Turns out I wasn’t so smart after all; the lady I was suppose to kill died in her sleep the next night of natural causes.”

     “Was there a police investigation?” she asked.

     “No, old people die all the time in nursing homes.”

     “Simon, how did killing the wrong person make you feel?”

     “Man, I felt bad; I’ve been depressed ever since.  Henry stopped helping me, and my nightmare returned.  It’s been hell, and now I’m in the nut house…ah, sorry, I meant to say the mental hospital.”

     “We talked about your nightmare earlier; is it the same one as before?”

     “It’s more intense, like more real.  I feel like it’s really going to come true.  It’s hard to explain, like death is stalking me.  Somebody is really going to shoot me, and I can’t stop it from happening,” I said, breaking out in a sweat.

     “Do you feel you deserve to die for the things you’ve done to others in the past?”

     “No, I’m no worse than anyone else.  I was trying to do good, trying to change myself into a better person.  I just strayed off the path a bit,” I said wiping a lone tear from my left cheek.

     “Simon, tell me what ‘happy dick’n’ refers too?”

     “You’ve never heard that expression before?  Aren’t you from Arkansas?”  I asked.

     “No, I’m originally a South Carolina girl.” Doctor Lerner said pretending to fan herself.

     “Well, happy dick’n is somethin’ the men folk say around here.  It’s like when others say they’re sauntering or strolling along.  It’s just an expression.  Means a man is happy, like his dick is free to swing from side to side as he moves through the woods at a leisurely pace.  Happy go lucky, does that make sense?”

     “Yes.  I take it that most females don’t use that expression?” she said grinning.

     “That’s true, I never heard any of the ladies use that expression.”  I was now smiling.