Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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“Simon, on September fourth, your dream of becoming a female and having sex with strong men.  Have you had this dream on more than one occasion?”

“Maybe,” I said coyly.

“You are the dominant person in your sexual encounters we have discussed thus far.  Yet this dream or fantasy would strongly suggest an underlying feeling to be the dominated one.  This clearly shows a pattern leading to latent homosexuality,” Doctor Lerner surmised.

I shrieked, “I’m not gay!”

Doctor Lerner paused a moment while I stared at the floor.  “All right, let’s move on for now.  September fourteenth, you were pretending to be wheelchair-bound at the mall.  You told an elderly woman a lie concerning how you came to be in that situation.  A total fabrication.  Do you find it easy to lie?”


“Have you lied to me during our session time together?” she said, examining my facial gestures.

“No, I haven’t lied to you,” I boldly said, lying straight to her face.  I seem to have a knack for lying when it suits my need to do so.

Her expression didn’t reveal whether she believed me or not.  She simply made a notation on her pad and pressed forward with her questioning.  “October twenty-second, that was the day you told Henry you were ready to change your life…why?”

“I was burned out, stressed out and I truly couldn’t stand that awful nightmare any longer.  I was thinking of suicide,” I said in earnest.

“So, at this point did you regret all the pain and suffering you caused others to experience?”

“Sure, I guess I did.”