Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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“Simon, why would you take a job with the disabled clientele, when you obviously didn’t care for the group home children?” she inquired with a puzzled look on her cheery face.

“Because no one wants to work with retards or abused kids, so it’s easy to get hired on,” I said straight out.

“On August fifth, if Sonny hadn’t left as you directed him to, what would you have done to him?”

“Roughed him up a bit, I suppose,” I said without hesitation.

“Simon, did you have sexual relations with any of your male clients?”

“Who in their right mind would want some slobbering idiot to have sex with?” I said, somewhat agitated at her suggestion.

“Simon, do you think individuals with mental illnesses are idiots?” she shot back.

Trying to sound apologetic, “Ah, I was just trying to make a point, but it came out wrong.”

“From your September fourth entry, to your ending entry of March eighteenth, you make very few entries.  Was there a reason for this?”

“Not really, I was just depressed I guess.  My energy levels were low.”