Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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Frank and Jack emerged from the pickup.  The sheriff and some deputies were near the barn.

“So, where did the scout’s enter the woods?” He asked as he approached.

“It’s not boy scouts that are lost; it’s what they call webelos.  Those smaller kids that haven’t become scouts yet or something like it.” The sheriff explained.

“Webelos, I thought you was talkin about teenagers.  Me and Jack are ready to go.”

Harry Carmichael pulled up and parked near Frank’s truck.  “Hey!  Virginia said you two were out here.  She said I should come along and keep you outta trouble,” he said laughing.

Frank grinned, “Well let’s get going.”

As the sheriff led them to where the boys entered the woods, he also explained how his dogs would track so far, then lose the scent.  He’d like for Jack to start his search at the scout’s base camp.

Reaching their campsite, Frank asked for some clothing or gear they had touched so Jack could get the scent.  The sheriff showed them the tent the two boys shared.

“All this belongs to them.” The sheriff said pulling back the flap on the tent.

Frank let Jack sniff around and then let him start his track.  Jack moved about the campsite, and then started to track in the direction of a very dense section of the woods.  The boys appeared to have left the main path.  It became easy for Frank and Harry to see why they became lost.

The sheriff whispered to Harry, “We’re near the spot where my dogs lost the scent.”

Harry acknowledged with a nod, and hurried to keep up with Frank and Jack.  Suddenly Jack lost the scent.  He stood still.  Ears erect as his eyes seemed to focus on everything around him.  Lowering his nose close to the ground, he slowly began to backtrack.  Circling an old oak tree, he stopped, sniffed the air and went away from the first track he had followed.

Frank called to the others, “It looks like the boys tried to find their way back, but veered off in the wrong direction.  Don’t worry; Jack is on a hot scent now.  It won’t be long; we’ll have those little squirts home.”

Jack tracked the webelos for a short distance, and came to a blacktop road, that ran through the forest.  Jack sat, and waited for the others to catch up.  He then searched both sides of the road, and returned to Frank and sat down again.

“Well, it looks like the trail ends here.  The boys must have caught a ride with someone.  Check and find out if they’ve returned home yet?” Frank said to the sheriff.

Using his walkie talkie he called his dispatcher, and had her call the boy’s homes.  She reported back that there was no sign of either boy. 

Frank walked to the center of the road, and shielded his eyes from the sun glare with his hand, “Is that a dirt road down there on the left?”

“Yes, but it doesn’t go anywhere.  It dead ends.  It’s used by squirrel hunters, and berry pickers,” the sheriff answered.

“Listen fellers, I’ll go with Jack down that way.  Go get the cars and meet us down there.”

Harry and the sheriff started through the woods, while Frank and Jack made their way along the shoulder of the road toward the dirt lane.

“It’s only a quarter mile, so you can put your tongue back in your mouth,” Frank said to Jack.

Jack started to move faster, causing Frank to hurry in order to keep up.  Reaching the lane, Jack immediately started to track.  Frank could hear the approaching cars.  Twenty yards down the lane Frank knew Jack had hit on a hot scent.  He waved his arms at the others trying to attract their attention as Jack left the dirt lane and headed into the dense woods. 

Harry beeped the horn to let Frank know he had been seen.  Frank followed Jack into the woods.  Pushing his way through the thick brush, he came upon Jack.  He was in a crouched position.  Ears pointing straight up, and turned forward.  The hair on the nape of his neck was bristled.

Poised as if to attack or defend himself from some unknown adversary.  Frank stopped a few steps behind Jack.  Listening intently, he didn’t hear or see anything.  Moving slowly to Jack’s side, he wasn’t real crazy about being caught in the middle of an animal fight. 

Frank commanded Jack to hold his position as he slowly moved past him, where he stepped within inches of a dreadful sight.  Unable to move, or speak, he started to feel lightheaded, and held onto a nearby tree.  Still fearing he might fall, he lowered himself to a kneeling position.  His head was whirling. 

Jack remained motionless, frozen in his defensive stance.  The others now arrived at the horrific spot.  The two lost boys had been bludgeoned to death.  There was no need to check their vital signs.  Both nude bodies were tied with strong cord.  Their faces and heads had been savagely beaten.  It was impossible to identify who was who. 

“Frank, take Jack to the car.  I’d like to keep this crime scene free of any disturbance for the investigators,” the sheriff said, helping him stand.

Harry was aware of Frank’s shocked condition.  He coaxed him, “Frank, call Jack off.  I’ll drive you to your truck, and follow you home.  There is nothing more we can do here.”

Shaken, and weak, Frank signaled for Jack to come.  Pushing through the brush, they made their way to Harry’s car parked on the dirt lane.  As Harry arrived at Frank’s pickup, he asked, “You okay to drive?”

“Sure, I’ll make it.  I’ll sit here a few minutes, and give Jack a chance to catch his breath.”

“Uh, sure, when you’re ready I’ll follow you two home,” Harry said, patting him on the shoulder.