Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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Detective Angel Jones was treated for a mild concussion.  After twenty-four hours of observation, she was deemed fit to be discharged from the hot Springs medical Center.

Detective Donald Smith only required minor treatment, ice was prescribed for his groin injury, and even though the head x-ray displayed a very small hairline fracture of his jaw, the on-duty physician said it wasn’t serious enough to warrant wiring his jaw shut.  He was released within seven hours of arriving.

Chief Rachel Temme had made contact with both detectives and informed them that in order to return to duty, both were required to meet first with the departments’ psychologist, Doctor Randall Ridenour.  This was standard procedure after an event of this type had occurred between two officers.

Doctor Ridenour was in his late forties, an average sized man, with short blond hair and a thin mustache to match.  Adding his blue eyes to the mix gave a hint at his German heritage.  His dress and mannerisms were in line with his position as the police psychologist for the Hot Springs Police Department.  Professional to the core, yet, he believed in giving latitude in special circumstances, if he felt they warranted such treatment.

Sitting at his faded, plain wooden desk in a straight-backed chair, he felt secure and comfortable.  Humble and even tempered, he had a knack for seeing through the lies and made-up stories of his patients, and could usually get to the truth.

No pictures adorned his plain walls, nor any plants were to be found within.  His office was painted a neutral shade of white, with several tan file cabinets.  One large chair, with white foam-padded cushions, sat across from his desk. 

A knock at the door signaled his first appointment of the day, Angel Jones. 

Opening the door, “Please come in Detective.  Chief Temme has informed me of the reason for your visit.  Please have a seat.”

Angel had already decided it was in her best interest to watch what she said. 

“So Detective Jones, just relax, take a deep breath, and remember, I’m not here to judge you.  Just to find out what we can do to correct the current situation between you and your partner.  Chief Temme was very adamant when she spoke to me that you two were to remain partners, and that she feels you two would make an excellent team.  That is, once you overcome your differences,” Doctor Ridenour said.

“I too wish for us to be teammates,” she said cautiously.

“Please tell me what transpired between the two of you which led up to the brawl in the hallway.”

“Well sir, I guess you could say I was being nosy, prying into his personal life, and he took exception to it.  I know I come on strong sometimes, but that’s just my nature.  Being a lesbian is difficult enough in our society, and I don’t put much faith in men in general, but I did try and make an effort with Donny.  He’s not a bad guy, I just wanted to get to know him better.  I pushed too hard, I should have backed off and waited until he was ready to talk on his terms.  But in my defense, when you’re on the streets, you have to know you can count on your partner to be there for you when things get down and dirty.  So I’ve been trying to feel him out, I guess, and with my looks and personality, I’m rubbing him the wrong way.  But when he poked me with his finger, and then called me a cunt, I went off.  No man is going to put me down.  I’ve struggled too damn hard not to be a second-class citizen.”  Angel’s words came from deep within her heart.

“Well Detective, are you willing to make a fresh start with Detective Smith?”  He asked, feeling she was speaking true.

“Yes, I am.”

“Okay then, I’ll advise Chief Temme you’re ready to return to duty.”

“That’s it?” she asked.

“Yes, thank you for being so forthcoming.  Have a nice day.”

Angel felt relieved as she left his office.  She made her way home and spent some quality time with her companion, just relaxing.

As the sun announced itself as late afternoon, Doctor Ridenour’s last appointment was just coming down the corridor.

Trudging slowly, Donny paused outside the door to straighten his tie.  Letting out a heavy sigh, he rapped on the office door.

Doctor Ridenour greeted him pleasantly and had him take a seat.  He rattled off the same spiel he had given to Angel about speaking to the chief and how he was aware of the incident.

“So, Detective Smith, please relax, take a moment if you need to, and just remember, I’m not here to judge, but merely to find out what we need to do in order to get you back on the job,” he said.

Donny just stared at Doctor Ridenour as he fidgeted nervously with his tie.

“Are you in any physical pain, Detective Smith?  I see your jaw is still a bit swollen,” he observed.

“Yes, a little, but doing better each day,” Donny whispered.

“Please tell me in your words what occurred between you and your partner, Detective Jones, which caused your fisticuffs in the hallway,” he began.

“I’m not sure where to begin,” Donny responded.

“Well, what would you say upsets you the most about Detective Jones?  Please be as specific and honest as possible.”

“You know from working here that I’m gay, and I’ve tried to conduct myself in an upstanding and totally appropriate manner.  It’s hard enough to be young and get respect from the older, more experienced detectives, and it’s even harder to be gay as well.  Then to have my new partner show up looking like a circus freak, it was just too much.  And all the personal questions about me and my companion, and the profanity…not to mention the gay put-downs.  Her lack of respect, that,  in-your-face lesbian kick-ass routine, just embarrassed me to no end.  I guess I just snapped.  I have some issues to work out about the gay thing I suppose,” Donny said, still not speaking much over a whisper.

“The only person you have control over is yourself.  Therefore, we can only change ourselves, and use restraint and tolerance when dealing with others who are different.  No matter how they are different.  Can you follow my line of reasoning?” Doctor Ridenour asked.

“You’re right, the fight was totally my fault, I’m going to apologize to Detective Jones, and make an effort to see things from her perspective.  Being new to the force, not to mention the fact of her being a lesbian, has probably put her in a stressful situation indeed.  I myself can relate to her feelings of isolation, and trying to fit in where you’re not wanted,” Donny stated sincerely.

“I think you’re ready to seek out a fresh start with your new partner.  Should you need to talk further, feel free to stop by whenever you desire.  My door is always open.”

Doctor Ridenour stood and leaned across the desk.  Shaking hands, Donny departed.  He was already running his apology through his mind, for he knew it wouldn’t be an easy thing to face Angel, especially after the free-for-all they just went through.

Summoning his inner courage, he would stand tall, and face her like a man.