Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 16


Saturday, April 24th. 9:48 am.


‘I’m just nipping to the newsagents for a magazine,’ she said with a slightly raised voice, ensuring that her husband would be able hear, ‘shan’t be long’ she glanced in the direction of the two shop assistants.

Without waiting for a reply she was out the front door and gone.

She didn’t have any time to lose.

Having travelled to work with Hartley in his car, she’d had the foresight to order a taxi, which was waiting for her at the bottom of Hatton Garden.

Nicole got the driver to drop her off about two hundred yards from the warehouse; she couldn’t take any chances on him knowing exactly where she was headed.

She got to within about fifty yards of the building, and Nicole spotted Benny walking in.


She waited about three minutes and then boldly, but exercising caution, made her entrance.

‘Morning all.’

What an entrance that was.

If you didn’t know better, you would think that that was the opening for a company staff meeting. Not the start of what could turn out to be a deadly and bloody confrontation.

Nicole glanced around the open space.

Alf, Lazarus, Matt and Benny.

No conversation taking place, they were all stood in silence.

The four of them turned and looked at her.

She appeared calm, cool and collected, and then said.

‘Where’s your son, Benny?’

‘At home,’ was his self assured reply, ‘I didn’t think he needed to be here.’

Nicole couldn’t think of an immediate response, so looked over at Alf.

‘Where’s the rock?’

‘Why, what do you want that for,’ he remarked, clearly suspicious of Nicole’s underlying intentions, ‘we’re only here to get Benny of our backs.’

‘I specifically told you to bring it,’ she didn’t seem too pleased with Alf’s apparent lack of obedience, ‘so, have you got it?’

Alf had a wry grin, believing that he’d clearly made the right decision.

‘Oh yes I’ve got it,’ he replied, ‘but its not here, and there are only two people who know where it is. Me and Lazarus.’

This was not how it was supposed to happen.

She had to quickly rethink her plan.

‘You told Alf that you had something that he needed to see.’ she said as she turned and applied her gaze directly at Benny.

‘So - what is it?’

He slipped his hand into his jacket pocket, and lifted out a small black pen drive.

Benny held it upright for everyone to see.

‘There’s enough footage on here, to put all of you in prison for a very long time.’

There was an air of cockiness with his attitude.

‘I think I’ll take it then.’ answered Nicole as she lifted the SIG Sauer out of her handbag. ‘Just put it on that table, and step away. Don’t try anything stupid or else I’ll use this.’

Everyone could see that she wasn’t messing about, and was more than prepared to use the gun, in order to get what she wanted.

Benny did as instructed.

He placed the pen drive on the table, and stepped back. He fixed his gaze straight at Nicole who was pointing the weapon in his direction.

‘Before you pull that trigger,’ said Benny arrogantly, ‘there’s something else you should know.’

‘And what might that be?’ replied Nicole sniggering.

‘That’s not the only copy, there are others.’

‘What.’ she remarked.

Things were definitely not going according to plan.

‘How many copies are there, and where are they?’

‘Safe.’ answered Benny, still full of confidence.

‘There’s a copy on my laptop which I keep at work. Another on my tower system at home.’ Benny had definitely covered his back.

‘Two of my friends have copies which I’ve put in sealed, stamped addressed envelopes. I have given them instructions that, if anything happens to me, or any member of my family, they are to post them immediately.’

‘Shit.’ Nicole said under her breath.

‘This puts a totally different angle on proceedings, doesn’t it?’ she remarked.

She was in an extremely precarious position.

Only Alf and Lazarus knew the whereabouts of the diamond, and she’d no way of finding out where it was, apart from the possibility of blackmail. But with the amount of money that could be gained from the sale of the gem, even money wouldn’t persuade either of them to divulge its location.

Benny had this so called footage of the robbery.

‘But wait,’ she said turning her gaze back to Alf, ‘is there any way of us watching what’s on that pen drive, here and now?’

‘I’ve got a laptop,’ remarked Matt, who’d been pretty quite up till now, ‘but it’s at home.’

‘How long will it take for you to go and get it?’ she enquired.

‘About twenty minutes.’

‘Then go. We’ll all just have to sit here and wait.’

Matt hurriedly made his exit, as Nicole motioned with the SIG, and told everyone to take a seat on the old school benches that had been left here by the previous occupant. The warehouse had been used as a store room by the local junior school, and the benches were the type you find in a gym.

‘What are you up to?’ said Alf after about ten minutes of total silence, ‘I’ve got the gem, and Benny here has all the evidence he needs to get us all banged up. And if we can’t come to some sort of agreement, then we’re all in deep sh…’

‘I don’t think so.’ interrupted Nicole, with a slightly renewed air of confidence. ‘I’ve no doubt that the footage on that pen drive will show you and Lazarus committing the robbery, and kidnapping me. Which, I do believe puts me very much in the clear.’

‘That still doesn’t get you what you want.’ remarked Alf. ‘Considering I’m the only one who knows the buyer, so I think you might have a bigger problem than just saving your own neck.’

‘What would it take to get you off our backs?’ Nicole stared directly at Benny.

But before he could answer, Lazarus, looking rather agitated and frustrated, interrupted.

‘Look, this is getting us nowhere. He’s more than likely bluffing where those copies are concerned, so why don’t we just get rid of him. Let’s just blow his fuckin’ head off, and take our chance. We sell the rock as soon as we can, and then disappear.’

‘Sounds good to me Nicole.’ replied Alf.

‘No. I’ve got a better idea.’

She turned and fixed her gaze directly on Lazarus.

‘I’ll kill you instead.’ she grinned. ‘That way, only Alf will know where the gem is, plus we’ve got one less person in the equation. And let’s be honest, I can’t get done for killing a man that the Police believe is already dead.’

‘Don’t do that Nicole,’ said Alf, his voice raised and a tad shaky, ‘Lazarus and me go back a long way. We’ve done so many jobs together; he’s more like a brother than a partner in crime.’

Suddenly they all heard the warehouse door screeching as it was being forced open.

Matt had returned sooner than expected, and having overheard bits of the conversation, had put his laptop down, and was starting to charge towards Nicole.

Without giving it a second thought, and whilst having the SIG still pointing at Lazarus, she pulled the trigger, twice.

He flew backwards as the force of the bullets hit him, and as the blood came spurting out of his torso, he landed on the warehouse floor like a ton of bricks.

‘No.’ screamed Matt as he continued running in Nicole’s direction.

He got to within six feet of her. She swung round and pulled the trigger, but only managed to wing him in his left upper arm.

As the bullet entered the limb, it slowed him down a little, but his momentum continued to carry him forward. With the impact of the projectile, Matt’s body twisted to the left as he continued to fall. And just as he hit the floor, he managed to swing his right leg round and caught Nicole’s ankle.

She squirmed as she landed awkwardly on her elbow, and lost her grip on the SIG. It went sliding along the concrete floor for about ten yards, before slowly grinding to a halt.

Although wounded and in pain, Matt started to lift himself up. He placed his uninjured right hand on the floor, pushed hard and managed to get to his knees. The speed of his action came to his aid, and in no time at all he was upright. It was a matter of, suffer the pain and make a play for the gun. Or let Nicole get there first, and have his head blown off.

It was a no-brainer.

Nicole scrambled across the floor on all fours, also feeling the pain and discomfort from her injured elbow, but knowing that if Matt was able to get to the weapon before her, she’d be the one lying on the floor with her life’s blood spilling out.

Benny froze. He looked like a mannequin. He didn’t know what to do, and stood there rooted to the spot with fear.

Matt and Nicole both lunged in the direction of the SIG. The weapon lying about the same distance from each of them. Their hands collided, and the weapon was pushed even further away.

Alf went to join in the action, but Nicole managed to swing round and made contact with his most intimate parts, which disabled him.

Nicole realised that she was within touching distance of Matt’s injured arm, and made a grab for it. He screamed agonisingly as her thumb squeezed the spot where the bullet had penetrated.

He had no choice but to roll over onto his side, and kick out with his right leg. As his foot made contact with her chest, Nicole was forced to relinquish her grip.

The pain was excruciating. But his retaliation had moved him further away from the SIG.

Nicole straggled over on her hands and knees, puffing and panting as she crawled. Somehow or other, she could just about manage to stretch out her arm and grab the gun.

She got a grip of the handle, and as she swivelled over onto her back, locked both arms out straight, and pointed the SIG straight at Matt. He’d clambered to his feet, and was only a matter of feet away, when Nicole squeezed the trigger three times in quick succession.

This time there was no mistake.

The bullets were a direct hit. Straight in the middle of his chest. As the force hit him, it pushed him back, and he fell to his knees.

‘You Bitch.’ he shouted, as he was keeling over. ‘You bitch.’ This time the words came out rather faintly, as he fell flat on his face.

Nicole was still panting away, as she lay on her back.

Matt and Lazarus were sprawled out on the warehouse floor, their life’s blood creating puddles as it oozed slowly out of their motionless figures.

Benny remained speechless. Alf was still nursing his balls.

Nicole had quite a kick.

They were amazed at the callous way that Nicole had dispatched Lazarus, and the determination and anger she’d displayed when tussling with Matt.

‘Why Nicole,’ said Alf, as soon as he’d managed to pull himself together. ‘Why.’

‘I think they call it ‘collateral damage’. she remarked without any sense of regret, remorse or guilt. ‘But come on, aren’t we better of without them. The fewer people involved, the less chance of a cock up, and the more money for each of us.’

‘And where do I fit into all this,’ queried Benny, ‘I’ve not committed any crime whatsoever, but you seem to think you can buy me off.’

‘Well, can’t I?’ answered Nicole. ‘Everybody has their price; the only issue to be dealt with now, is how much.’

‘Oh, come on Nicole,’ said Alf, sounding disgusted at her suggestion, ‘he was in the process of handing both me and Lazarus over to the police, and now you’re about to give him a share of our haul.’

‘Well, which would you prefer,’ she answered sarcastically, ‘to get banged up and lose everything, or include him in our plans, and get away with a share of 20 million quid.’

‘How much?’ gulped Benny, his voice went up at least a semitone. ‘I didn’t realise that you were talking about that sort of money. That puts an entirely different aspect on things.’

‘See, what did I tell you. Everyone has their price.’ Nicole grinned.

‘So Alf,’ questioned Benny, who was suddenly showing an interest, ‘how much have you agreed to sell it for?’

‘We’ve provisionally come to a figure of £20 million, but that depends on what his own valuer says he can get for the diamond when he comes to part with it.’

‘So Benny,’ said Nicole smiling, ‘I take it you’re in?’

‘With that amount of cash, I’ll be set for life.’ he answered. ‘My family will be short of nothing.’

Alf and Nicole could all but see the pound note signs rolling round in his eyes.

‘When are you meeting this buyer? Do you know who he is, or what else he does, besides buying stolen diamonds?’ queried Nicole.

‘On Tuesday afternoon.’ confirmed Alf. ‘He’s a restaurateur, which gives him the ideal cover for his illegal activities.’

‘What time and where?’

‘Euston Station. 2:30.’

‘Good location.’ confirmed Nicole. ‘Busy thoroughfare. Not much chance of a showdown there.’

‘Who is he, and where are you supposed to meet?’ asked Benny.

‘The buyer’s name is a Mr Chan Lee, and I’m to go to the photo booth located at the side of the Left Luggage and Lost Property facility, where he’ll be waiting.’

‘And how’s he going to pay you?’

‘That’s what the meeting’s about.’ replied Alf. ‘I’d asked for cash. But he said that that would be impossible due to the bulkiness of twenty million in fifty pound notes.’

‘That’s true.’ remarked Benny. ‘I saw a film not long ago where some bloke was handing half a million quid over to somebody, and even that amount of cash filled two briefcases cram jam packed.’

‘So,’ interrupted Nicole, ‘what are the alternatives? A cheque would be out of the question. Even a bankers draft for that amount would create quite a stir.’

‘I don’t know.’ answered Alf. ‘The best thing to do is, I’ll go and meet him as planned, and see what he suggests.’

‘Let’s not forget though,’ interrupted Benny, ‘this guy is guaranteed to be used to these kinds of dealings, so he’s not going to come alone. He’ll have his cronies somewhere in the vicinity, keeping an eye on proceedings.’

‘So we’ll have to be there as well.’ answered Nicole. ‘Just to watch for any foul play.’

‘Aren’t you both forgetting something?’ remarked Alf.

Nicole and Benny frowned as they looked at him.

‘What?’ queried Nicole?

‘I’ll not be taking the Appleford with me. So he’s not likely to cause us any agro until he’s got the gem firmly in his hands.’

‘But these guy’s don’t play by the rules.’ said Nicole, shaking her head. ‘They don’t take chances, and they most certainly don’t take prisoners. Anything or anybody that could put them in any kind of jeopardy will be disposed of without a second thought.’

‘So what do we do?’ asked Benny. ‘If Alf doesn’t show up with the diamond, the bloke’s not going to be best pleased, and he’ll probably put a contract out on him.’

‘No.’ jumped in Nicole. ‘He wants this gem, so I can’t see him doing anything that could prevent him from getting it. No, I think he’ll keep the meeting and make some kind of arrangement for an exchange.’

There was a slight pause before Nicole continued.

‘I’ve just had a thought. See what Chan Lee comes up with first, but I’ve got an offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands. And if he can’t suggest anything better, then he can wire the money there.’


‘But doesn’t that leave Alf and me at a rather uncomfortable disadvantage?’ remarked Benny.

‘Why?’ said Nicole.

‘Well.’ Benny continued, ‘Once the money is in your own personal account, how the hell do we get hold of our share. You could very easily cut us out, and keep the money for yourself.’

‘Sorry and all that,’ replied Nicole, ‘but I’m afraid that at this point you’re simply going to have to trust me. But don’t worry, I’ll not double-cross you. You’ll both get your share.’

Benny and Alf stared at each other.

‘We don’t have much choice.’ said Alf.

‘So what next?’ asked Nicole.

‘I’ll give him a ring.’ replied Alf. ‘Explain the situation. And see if he has any suggestions.’

‘Right then.’ stated Nicole. ‘Let’s get on with it.’