Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


Saturday, April 24th. 12:34 pm.


‘And were the hell have you been?’ questioned a rather angry looking Hartley, as Nicole walked into the shop after being let in by Becky.

‘Sorry I got a bit waylaid.’

‘You got a bit waylaid,’ he repeated, ‘I thought you’d been kidnapped again.’

‘Oh no, you’re not that lucky.’ she responded trying to make light of the situation.

‘Right ladies,’ Hartley turned to face Becky and Victoria, ‘sorry it’s late, but you two go and get your lunch. We’ll look after the shop for an hour.’

They didn’t need telling twice.

The two of them grabbed their coats from the back room, and left the shop as quickly as they could, whilst trying not to appear to be in too much of a rush.

‘Well, come on then,’ repeated Hartley once the two assistants had left, ‘were have you been? You left just before ten, and it’s now gone half twelve. You were only going out to collect a magazine, or at least that’s what you said.’

‘I’m sorry darling,’ she replied a touch nonchalantly, ‘but I got delayed.’

‘And who did you meet that caused you to take so long.’ Hartley was now starting to get even more annoyed.

‘What was his name? Did you end up going to his place to fuck, or did you rent a room for a couple of hours.’

‘No,’ she was beginning to look a bit annoyed, ‘it was nothing like that; you just don’t trust me, do you.’

Nicole thought that she’d better somehow try and calm the situation down, and lowered her voice. ‘I simply bumped into an old friend and we went for a drink. We got chatting. Ended up reminiscing, and when I realised the time, it had already gone twelve.’

To her relief the door buzzer sounded; a young couple were stood trying to gain entry into the shop.

‘We’ll continue this later.’ remarked Hartley.

‘I don’t think so,’ she responded, not in the habit of being intimidated, ‘I’m your wife, not your daughter. And if you think that I’m going to explain myself every time I go out and bump into a friend, then you are sadly mistaken. I’ll do what I want, when I want. And if I decide to have coffee with somebody. Then that’s what I’ll do.’

Hartley knew he couldn’t win, so change his demeanour in order to greet the customers.

‘Good afternoon.’ he said, wearing his usual customer friendly smile, and appearing calm, even though inside he was still furious.

‘How may I help you today?’

As he maintained his composure and well polished sales techniques, he still had nagging doubts about his wife. He knew full well of her infidelities, and to be honest, she knew that her indiscretions were common knowledge, so no need for secrecy. But for some reason he was beginning to think that there was something else she was hiding. Some other little secret, that Nicole wasn’t letting on about.

‘It’s my girlfriends 21st next weekend,’ said the young man, as he gazed starry-eyed at her, ‘so I promised that I’d buy her a nice pair of earrings or a bracelet.’

‘Congratulations,’ replied Hartley, ‘come through, and I’ll show you what we have to offer.’

‘You come highly recommended.’ the young lady remarked cheerily.

‘Oh yes, who by?’ enquired Hartley inquisitively.

‘The man who rents the flat over the top of my mum’s clothes shop, over in Potters Bar.’

‘That’s a coincidence,’ said Hartley, ‘I’m a member of the golf club over there. What’s his name; does he play golf, or is he a customer of mine?’

‘I don’t know about the golf, but he must be a customer. His name’s Alf and he seemed to know your shop pretty well. He only mentioned the other day that he’d been in here quite recently.’

Nicole caught her breath as she stopped dead in her tracks.

‘Shit, what’s that bastard up to now? I’ll fuckin’ kill him.’ she thought.

‘Do you know his surname,’ enquired Hartley, ‘I should have his name on our computer system if he’s purchased any jewellery from us.’

‘Sorry,’ replied the young lady, ‘I only know him as Alf. He’s not been in the flat that long, only a couple of months or so. But I’m sure my mum will know it. Do you want me to give her a ring, and ask?’

‘Oh no,’ continued Hartley, ‘that won’t be necessary, I’m sure he’ll make himself known to us, the next time he calls in.’

‘Thank fuck for that.’ thought Nicole. ‘He should know better than tempt fate. Especially as Hartley’s actually seen him face to face.’

As her husband continued showing the young couple a selection of earrings and other jewellery, Nicole made her way through into the office, and out of earshot.

She lifted her mobile out of her handbag, and quickly loaded up Alf’s number.

After the fifth ring he answered, laughing as he did so, having seen Nicole’s number on the caller display.

‘What do you think you’re playing at,’ she said quietly, not giving him time to speak, ‘are you trying to give me a fuckin’ heart attack.’

‘No, why.’ he replied.

‘There’s a young couple in the shop who say that you recommended us, if they were ever in the market to purchase jewellery.’

‘Just keeping you on your toes. Anyway, how was I to know that you’d be in the shop when they called? For all I knew you could have been out shopping, or out having coffee with your best mate Eve.’

‘Nicole,’ shouted Hartley, ‘could you come through, there’s another customer at the door.’

‘Got to go,’ she remarked, ‘but don’t do anything like that again, or else.’

‘Or else what.’ Alf chuckled, ‘there’s not a lot you can do, if I want to play a practical joke on you, is there.’

‘See you Tuesday,’ she answered, ‘and don’t you dare be late.’

Nicole hung up, and quickly walked through to the shop, and made her way promptly to the front door.

As she approached Nicole could see a dark haired man waiting patiently outside. He appeared to be about five eleven. Clean shaven. Well dressed. Probably in his mid twenty’s.

‘Mmm,’ she thought, ‘not bad.’

‘Good afternoon.’ she went into auto pilot. ‘And what can we do for you today.’ she kept eyeing him up and down whilst speaking, so keeping her promiscuous reputation in tact.

‘Well,’ he replied.

Then, to Nicole’s disappointment, his voice was extremely effeminate and rather wimpy.

‘I’ve been a naughty boy,’ he remarked. As he spoke Nicole shivered, thinking, ‘oh fuck, what a waste.’

‘I’ve upset my boyfriend, so I want to get him a peace offering, and hope somehow he’ll find it in his heart to forgive me.’

‘And what kind of kiss and make up gift were you thinking of.’ she said. Understandably, wanting to know what was so terrible that he needed to buy his boyfriend a gift to get him off the hook, but not having the audacity or cheek to ask.

‘Err, well,’ he appeared slightly embarrassed and reluctant to answer, and even though Nicole hadn’t asked, and he didn’t have to go into any details, he chose to elaborate. ‘I’ve only gone and slept with a woman, and that didn’t go down too well at all with my Tracy. So it will have to look expensive, or he’ll think that I’m not truly sorry.’

‘Things are starting to look up.’ thought Nicole, ‘at least it was a woman he slept with, not another bloke.’

But then, on reflection, decided no thank you. The last thing she needed was to get involved with a bisexual bloke.

‘What about a nice watch?’

‘Yes, that might just about do it,’ he replied, his voice sounding more and more sickly every time he opened his mouth.

As they made their way over to the appropriate display cabinet, the door buzzer sounded.

Nicole glanced over, but before she could press the security button to let Becky and Victoria back in, Hartley had done the honours.

‘There’s good timing for you,’ remarked Nicole, ‘our shop assistants are back from lunch. You have a look through this collection, whilst I’ll get one of them to come and attend to you. They have a much greater knowledge of what would be suitable than I have.’

No sooner had Victoria come to take over from Nicole, than Hartley was showing the young couple out.

‘See you again, I hope,’ remarked Hartley, ‘and tell your friend, Alf was it,’ the two of them nodded, ‘thanks for the recommendation.’

Nicole started to feel somewhat uncomfortable again.

‘Hartley, did they mention that bloke again,’ she queried once they’d left, ‘you know, the one that rents the flat over her mum’s shop?’

‘No,’ replied Hartley, ‘I was only being polite.’

‘Phew,’ she thought.

She didn’t want that topic brought up ever again, it was just that bit too close for comfort.