Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Saturday, April 24th. 6:15 pm.


‘Fancy dinning out tonight?’ enquired Hartley.

Even though they hadn’t seen eye to eye with each other since Nicole’s mysterious absence earlier in the day, he still wanted to try and keep their home life amicable.

‘I don’t know,’ she replied, ‘I don’t feel that hungry to be honest.’

After a moments thought, Nicole suggested.

‘Why don’t you go to the golf club? They have an excellent menu, and you’ll be able to have a drink with your mates.’

‘No, I know it’s not that far, but I can’t say that I feel much like driving after the day we’ve had.’

As her husband was speaking, Nicole suddenly had an idea of something she wanted to do, if she could just get rid of him for a couple of hours.

‘Look,’ she said cheerily, ‘what about if I drive you there. You could have a few beers after you’ve eaten, and then get a cab home?’

Hartley said nothing for a couple of moments, giving himself time to consider the proposition.

‘OK then.’ he replied, almost as pleasantly as Nicole’s offer had been. ‘But are you sure you’re up to it, after all you’ve been through lately.’

‘Oh yes, I’m fine,’ she wasn’t letting the grass grow under her feet, ‘now you go and get ready, whilst I put my shoes back on.’

It only took about twenty minutes to drive to the golf club, and no sooner had they said their goodbyes, than Nicole headed straight over to Alf’s place.

Within six minutes she was knocking on his door, and it was answered in a matter of seconds.

‘Are you going crazy, or what?’ she said angrily, ‘if that young couple could have given an accurate description of you, we’d have all been in the shit.’

‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist,’ he said wearing a grin, ‘I didn’t actually expect them to take my advice and come to your shop. Anyway, nothing came of it did it?’

‘No, but it could have.’

Alf placed his hands on her shoulders, and started to gently pull Nicole towards him.

‘But it didn’t, did it?’ he replied, as he started to move his lips close to hers.

‘What are you up to, you randy bastard.’

‘Just showing you who’s in charge.’

‘We need to talk.’ she started to push him away by putting her hands on his chest, but not too forcefully. ‘Have you been in touch with Chan Lee yet?’ Nicole continued, wanting information on how things were progressing.

‘Not yet,’ replied Alf, more interested in his sexual appetite. ‘But never mind about that for the time being.’

He gently lowered her arms from his chest, and started to undo the buttons on her blouse. And true to form, Nicole caved in to his advances and put-up no further resistance. In fact, if anything she started to help him by slipping the double fold cuffs over her hands.

It didn’t take long before her bra and skirt followed the top onto the floor.

And within seconds, Alf had lowered her onto the carpet and penetrated her love tunnel. They weren’t wasting valuable playtime by going through to his bedroom.

As he thrust his shaft in and out of her, he remarked in-between panting.

‘Now do you know who the boss is?’

‘Of course I know. But I’ve still got to let you think its you.’ she replied gasping out of sheer pleasure.

After a further five minutes of pounding, Nicole rolled Alf off her naked body, and climbed on top of him.

‘My turn now.’ she remarked, as she ran her tongue from his lips, right down to his average sized cock.

Having sucked Alf’s shaft on a number of occasions previously, she was well used to it, and always enjoyed herself.

‘You might not have the biggest dick in the world,’ she laughed, ‘but by the fuck, you sure know how to use it.’

Alf was just about to shoot his load all over her face, when ‘do you think I’m sexy’ started sounding from Nicole’s mobile. It was lying in her handbag, just out of arms reach.

‘Shit.’ she said as she stretched over and lifted it out to see who was ringing at this inopportune moment.

‘Fuck. It’s Hartley.’

‘What does he want,’ said Alf a tad surprised. ‘Did you not make some kind of excuse up, so you could come over here?’

‘Didn’t need to.’ she replied, wondering what could cause her husband to ring, when she’d not that long since dropped him off.

‘I took him to the golf club. I thought he’d have been there till at least midnight.’

‘But until you answer it,’ commented Alf sarcastically, ‘you’ll not know where he is. He could still be there.’

‘That’s true.’

Having pressed the accept button, she remarked.

‘Hi darling, everything alright?’

‘No, not really.’

‘Why, what’s the problem?’

‘Where the hell are you? I’ve been ringing the landline for the last ten minutes.’

She had to think quickly and outside the box.

‘I was taking a shower and couldn’t hear the phone; I’ve only just climbed out, or I wouldn’t have even heard my mobile.’

‘Oh, right.’ he sounded appeased.

‘It’s fine, so, what’s the problem. Why are you ringing?’

‘I’m in the club house, and I’ve been speaking to Cliff Seymour. You know, the detective inspector from Tottenham Court Road Police Station.’

‘Yes, I think I remember him. Didn’t we meet him at that security conference, which all the jewellers from Hatton Garden attended?’

Alf, clearly not knowing what the conversation was about, mouthed to Nicole.

‘What does he want? Does he not realise that you’ve got your hands full.’ he pointed in between his legs.

She lifted her free hand up and placed her index finger across her lips. Shh, she mouthed.

‘Yes that’s him. Well he’s been talking to the guy who’s in charge of the case regarding the robbery at our shop, Stuart Cunningham. And he recons that they’ve got a couple of mug shots on file, of two blokes who were caught on Hatton Garden’s CCTV cameras, just before the time of the theft. And these guy’s both have records as long as your arm.’

‘Are these shots clear enough images to identify them? Sufficient to satisfy a judge and jury?’

Alf was beginning to get nervous with what he was hearing, even though he couldn’t hear the full conversation.

‘What’s going on?’ he mouthed.

To which Nicole simply put her finger back across her lips.

‘Obviously I haven’t seen them,’ continued Hartley, ‘but Cliff did mention that Detective Cunningham sounded rather exited at the prospect of a decent collar. With it being a high profile case, he stands a good chance of gaining a promotion.’

‘Keep me informed,’ replied an increasingly uneasy Nicole, ‘but I’m going to have to go, I’m starting to shiver. Like I said, I’ve only just got out of the show, and the water is starting to get cold as its drying on me.’

‘Sorry,’ was his reply, ‘but I’ll let you know if I hear anything else, when I get home.’

‘What time will that be, any idea?’

‘I’ve booked a taxi for eleven thirty, so it shouldn’t be much later than twelve.’

‘Right, see you then.’

They hung up.

Nicole and Alf just looked at each other.

‘What was that all about?’ enquired an apprehensive Alf.

‘The police have got mugs shots of you and Lazarus, which seem to match CCTV footage taken on Hatton Garden cameras, just before you came into the shop.’

‘I did hear you ask about them being clear enough to satisfy a judge. What did he say to that?’

‘He mentioned that the detective in charge of the case appeared confident. So much so, he’s almost banking on getting promoted.’

‘That doesn’t sound good.’ remarked Alf thoughtfully. ‘But it makes it imperative that we get shut of the rock ASAP, and go to ground.’

‘What about me.’ Nicole had her own position to think about. ‘What am I going to do? Don’t forget I could still be considered a suspect.’

‘I doubt it. If that was the case, you’d only be out on bail, not released without charge. They wouldn’t take the chance of you doing a runner, if they still thought that you had anything to do with it.’

‘I hope your right.’ she sighed. ‘Anyway its time I was off.’

‘Aren’t you going to finish me off,’ Alf sounded a touch disappointed, ‘I was about to shoot my load when your mobile rang.’

‘That’ll have to wait,’ replied Nicole shaking her head, ‘why don’t you just jerk yourself off. Because that’s the only way you’ll get any kind of satisfaction in that department tonight.’