Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 36


Friday April 30th 9:18 am


Nervously Benny walked into the office after suffering a rather restless night. He glanced over at George, who appeared to be busying himself working on one of the spare monitors. After a couple of moment’s silence, Benny shouted over to him.

‘Everything alright, George?’

He looked up from the monitor, but seemed like he didn’t really want to look Benny in the face.

‘Yes. Why? Shouldn’t it be?’ he sounded a tad on the evasive side.

‘Just wondering, that’s all.’ replied Benny.

‘Benny.’ Clive Woodbridge shouted from the office door.

‘Can I have a word?’

‘Here goes.’ thought Benny.

He walked slowly trying to compose himself. Even though he knew that his boss wouldn’t confront him, there and then on works premises, he still had his doubts about how Woodbridge was going to play it. He’d be under the impression that five million pounds was about to land in his lap sometime tomorrow. But it was inconceivable that he would know that Benny was aware that he was a blackmailer.

‘Yes boss.’ said Benny as he popped his head round the door. He wouldn’t normally use that term, but under the circumstances he was trying to keep things amicable.

‘There’s going to be some changes around here in the next few weeks,’ Woodbridge remarked casually, ‘and I’m thinking of promoting you to general manager.’

‘What the fuck is he up to?’ pondered Benny. ‘He’s deliberately attempting to throw me off track by offering me a promotion. It’s clear that he doesn’t know how well informed I am. Is that a good or a bad thing? I’m not sure.’

‘Why, what’s up with you continuing to run the business?’

‘I’m thinking about retiring, and I recon that you’re the best person to take the helm.’

‘But I couldn’t afford to buy the company even if I wanted to, which just for the record, I don’t.’

‘Careful,’ thought Benny, ‘don’t give him any clues as to how much you know.’

‘I’m more than happy carrying on with my service calls,’ Benny continued, ‘I don’t particularly want any added pressure.’

‘Well if that’s the way you feel,’ Woodbridge looked rather put out, ‘I suppose I’ll just have to make George the offer.’

‘A lot of good that’ll do.’ ran through Benny’s head.

As he turned and started to walk towards the workshop, Woodbridge queried.

‘What time will you be leaving work today?’

‘He’s trying to ascertain whether or not I’ve cottoned on to him.’ thought Benny,

‘Oh, the usual time, half three if I can get everything done. Why?’

‘No reason.’

As Benny was heading for his van, George asked.

‘You off on your calls?’

‘Yes. Why?’

‘Just wondered, that’s all. What time will you be back?’

It was more than obvious that Woodbridge and George both wanted to keep a check on Benny’s whereabouts. The pair of them were under the impression that before the end of the day they’d be set for life, financially at least.

‘I’m going straight home once I’ve finished. See you next week.’

He was going to add, if not before, but thought better of it.


Friday April 30th 11:17 am


Benny was checking the security hard drives at Southern Electric Company’s head office when his mobile sounded. He glanced at the number on the caller display.

It was George.


‘How soon can I get hold of my cash?’ said a muffled voice. He was obviously using the handkerchief method again.

‘Who the fuck is this?’ Benny still needed to appear none plus.

‘It doesn’t matter who I am. When do I get my money? Or do I have to go to the cops.’

‘No,’ replied Benny trying to sound somewhat alarmed, ‘don’t do that. Ring me back at six o’clock and I’ll let you know when and where to collect it.’

The line went dead.

‘That give us time to sort Woodbridge’s phone call out at five o’clock,’ thought Benny, ‘and then we can arrange for George to arrive first, considering he’s the weaker link.’


Friday April 30th 11:51 am


‘Not going for coffee today?’ asked Hartley.

‘No, I thought I’d give you the pleasure of my company for a change.’

‘In that case the girls can take their lunch breaks together.’ he said. ‘Would you like to go and let them know that they can leave whenever they want?’

‘Of course. No problem.’

She’d no sooner informed Victoria and Becky that they could leave for lunch, than they were out the door as though the place was on fire.

Ten minutes after the shop assistants had left, the front door buzzer sounded.

Nicole looked up and saw a man, probably in his mid fifties wanting to gain entry.

She opened the door and let him in.

‘Good afternoon sir. And what can we do for you today?’

‘I’m looking for a watch for my wife. I’m about to retire, and have decided to treat her. After all, she’s going to have to put up with me a lot more now that I’m not working.’ they both grinned.

‘Any brand in particular?’ said Nicole as she lead him through into the sales area.

‘Something that looks expensive, but isn’t too fierce on my wallet.’

‘Typical man.’ she thought.

‘Nicole,’ said Hartley as he walked into the shop, ‘have you got… oh hello Clive, I didn’t realise you were here. Come for anything in particular?’

‘Just a watch for the missus. I’m about to retire and thought it would be a nice gesture.’

‘Nicole, this is Clive Woodbridge. He owns the CCTV company that looks after our security system.’

‘Shit.’ she thought. ‘What the fuck is he doing here? He’s pushing his luck a bit isn’t he? But no. He’s got no idea that I know he’s one of the blackmailers. So just play it cool.’

‘Whilst you two are already acquainted, do you want to serve him?’ she glanced at her husband.

‘Oh - no - please,’ said Woodbridge, deliberately wanting Nicole to serve him, obviously trying to suss her out, ‘I’d much prefer the ladies touch. After all, you’ll have more idea of what a woman would like best.’ he turned and smiled at Hartley, ‘you don’t mind, do you?’

‘Not at all.’ Hartley replied. ‘Right then, I’ll more than likely see you at the golf club sometime, Clive.’

‘Every chance.’

Hartley turned and headed back to the office, as Nicole lifted a selection of ladies watches for Clive Woodbridge to look at.

‘Do you always work in the shop?’ Woodbridge queried.

‘No, not really. We have two assistants who normally run the store, but they’re on their lunch break, so I’m just filling in.’

‘So what else do you do? I bet you have the life of riley on the QT.’ he sniggered sarcastically. ‘I’ll bet you and your nearest and dearest have quite an open relationship arrangement. Do you?’

He was clearly trying to sound her out. See what made her tick.

‘Is that a proposal?’ she decided to play along with his little game. ‘I’ll have to see what Hartley has to say. But if he OK’s it, then we could always give it a go.’

‘Let’s not bring your hubby into this. We don’t want to make him jealous now, do we?’ that little snigger reared its ugly head again.

‘I don’t think he’ll get jealous if we make it a three some. Do you?’

Nicole was much better at this game than Woodbridge was. And he soon realised that he wasn’t just dealing with a good little housewife who was helping her husband out in the family business. He quickly changed tack. He’d learned all that he needed to know about Nicole, and thought it would be best to make a quick exit.

‘Tell you what,’ Woodbridge started making his excuse, ‘we’ll forget the watch, and I’ll find another way to give my wife a treat.’

‘What? No watch? What is Hartley going to say when I tell him that you left empty handed? He’ll think that I’m losing my touch.’

He turned to make his getaway.

‘Will I see you again?’ asked Nicole provocatively.

‘Possibly.’ he replied. Knowing full well that the probability of them meeting again was all but guaranteed.

Nicole closed the door behind him, as Hartley was walking out of the office.

‘Clive gone? What did he buy?’


‘Nothing. Well why did he bother coming in in the first place if he’d no intention of purchasing something. Did you show him a good selection?’

‘I tried. I offered him the best selection that we have in stock. But to be honest, I think he only came in to see what kind of wife you’re married to.’