Hello. Anybody in there? by W H Hilton - HTML preview

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Chapter 37


Friday April 30th 4:11 pm


Benny had arrived home at his usual time, but was well aware that he’d need to give his wife a good reason to leave before five o’clock. He couldn’t afford for her to over hear the conversation he was about to have with Woodbridge.

‘Done for the weekend now darling?’ said his wife Caroline.

‘Not quite,’ he replied, ‘as I was driving home I thought that I heard a strange knocking sound coming from the engine, so I’m going to have to take it to the garage and get it looked at. There’s no way I can leave it until Monday, otherwise my work load will back up, and I’ll end up working late all next week.’

This seemed to do the trick.

‘If you must.’ she remarked. ‘But don’t be too long, I was thinking that we could take the kids to the cinema later.’

‘I’ll see what I can do.’

At that he left.

And sure enough, no sooner had he closed the front door than his mobile vibrated. He’d deliberately put it on silent vibrate.

Clive Woodbridge, using the same voice disguise as before, probably covering the mouthpiece with something.

And without messing around, no introductions or formalities, he said.

‘When and where can I collect my five million pounds?’

Benny kept quiet for a few seconds.

‘Are you still there, or am I taking my information to the Police?’

‘We both know you’re not going to do a stupid thing like that,’ laughed Benny, ‘because if you did, you’d end up with nothing.’ He paused to give Woodbridge time to take that in, and then continued. ‘So why don’t we come to a compromise.’

‘Like what?’

‘How about a million.’

‘That’s a bit of a drop down from five, don’t you think. How about three.’

‘Do you want one, or nothing? The choice is yours.’

‘OK.’ he felt like he was in a do-or-die situation.

Benny had him where he wanted him now.

They both knew the score.

Woodbridge wouldn’t go to the Police. That would leave him with nothing. But he was so desperate to gain some kind of remuneration, that he wouldn’t give a second thought to where Benny would suggest for a cash for information exchange. So Benny gave him the address where Alf was hold up, and told him to be there at eleven o’clock prompt, tomorrow morning.

‘And don’t arrive early or late.’ insisted Benny. He didn’t want Clive and George turning up at the same time. ‘If you’re not there bang on eleven, then you might as well not come at all, and you can kiss your cash goodbye.’

Benny hung up before Woodbridge could come back with a response.


Friday April 30th 5:04 pm


As Benny turned into the street where Alf was staying his mobile sounded.


‘He’s early as well,’ thought Benny, ‘they wouldn’t be so eager if they knew what the end result is going to be.’


‘You told me to ring at six, but I thought I’d get in touch a bit sooner,’ said George, his voice also disguised, ‘so when do I get my money?’

‘Ten thirty tomorrow morning,’ replied Benny, and gave him the same address that he’d not long since given to Woodbridge, ‘and don’t be late. Otherwise you can say goodbye to the cash. Is that understood?’ said Benny forcefully.

‘Don’t worry I won’t be. And as soon as I get hold of the money, I’ll give you the information that I’ve got, and you’ll never see me again.’

‘That’s a laugh,’ thought Benny, ‘I know I’ll never see you again, after Nicole’s finished with you.’

He pulled up outside the house and noticed Alf, trying not to be seen, unsuccessfully, peeping out of the front window.

Benny waved, and, being embarrassed at getting spotted, Alf quickly moved away, pulling the curtains closed.

Nicole was grinning when she opened the door.

‘He still has to play look out,’ she remarked as she let Benny in, ‘even though we’ve got everything under control.’

Once the three of them were in the lounge, Alf enquired.

‘Have they both been in touch yet?’

‘Yes,’ replied Benny, ‘George is going to be here at ten thirty in the morning, and Woodbridge will arrive at eleven. I’ve made sure that they won’t get here at the same time, but we’ll have to keep George entertained for the half an hour difference.’

‘That shouldn’t be too much of a problem.’ remarked Nicole holding up the SIG.

‘Having this thing pointed at his head should keep him occupied.’

‘Right,’ said Benny, ‘if that’s everything I’m off home. Caroline’s promised the kids that we’ll take them to the pictures, so it looks like my evening’s been mapped out for me.’

‘Have fun,’ replied Alf, ‘but don’t be late in the morning. We need all three of us to be here when our visitors arrive.’

‘Don’t worry I won’t be. I’m up to my neck in this thing, just as much as you two.’