Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Where did He go and why

Now it was on a day that the twelve of us were on our way to  Jerusalem, that He took me to the side and said: “Simon Peter,  listen to what is going on in the days ahead, I have prayed for you,  and you will be alright.”

 At this time we were all much closer to the Lord than we had  been in previous years, and I still wasn’t sure if calling me to the  side was a reprimand or that I might still be the favorite disciple of  Jesus’, but in the days to come, it had become very obvious.

 It had taken more than a few days to travel to the holy city, and  on this particular day, with the sky portrayed in two-tones of gray,  and the mountains barely visible because of the humidity hanging     in the air; that it began to rain. It seemed down-hill to Jerusalem,  and as the sands were saturated, the smooth rocks slippery, it was  not an easy task to travel by day, and on occasion we walked at  night. There was no thunder, but the sky seemed dark enough to  have it, for one couldn’t tell what position the sun was in, so the  time of day only had to be guessed at.

  He had begun to speak with us in a different way. His tone was  different, but the same, His demeanor was slightly altered, but  then again, it was just like Jesus. Anyway, I thought something was  different, but couldn’t really tell what it was. Judas and I were  close friends, and he thought that he too saw a variance in His  manner, but like me, couldn’t put his finger on it.

 After two or three more hours of walking, still traveling downhill  and still raining, and just before we were to enter into the flat  country, Jesus asked if we would like to stop at this out-cropping  ledge of a cliff, maybe some fifteen feet tall. It was like a cave, and  probably had not rained inside of it in the eons of time, so all set  and rested next to a small spring that seeped from the rocks. It  had eroded out a small bowl shape where the water was trapped  before running off down the cliff, where it seemed to evaporate to  nothing before reaching the bottom, for there was no sign of a trail  imprinted into the ground. After a short period He again continued  speaking to us about the days to come. He spoke of love, joy,  hatred from the world, He spoke again on the true vine, but what  caught my attention the most was when He talked of the Helper,  the Comforter that is to come.

  Jesus talked and it made sense, but I continued to struggle in my  understanding of what he was referring to. The commotion of my  confusion kept going on in my head, and many times wanted Him  to clarify, but again, it was like I did understand. And, in truth, I  didn’t. Thinking Jesus was our helper, but He spoke of another.  What could this mean? I kept asking myself, were we to have this  man and maybe another leader also? Anyway, my mind was going  in circles and going fast.

 “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the  Father, the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will  testify of me. And you also will bear witness, because you have  been with me from the beginning. They will put you out of the  assemblies; yes the time is coming…”

 Since my youth I had always waited on the king (the messiah),  and his army to come to Judea and conquer the Romans, and  thought maybe this is what was being spoken about in referring to  the helper. And again Jesus spoke.

 “A little while, and you will not see me, and again a little while  you will see me, because I go to the Father.” And again we talked  amongst ourselves of what He meant by a ‘little while’. The looks  that we gave one another went from a down-cast expression of  bewilderment to a hope of better things coming. As for me, I was  sticking with the theory of putting together an army. But what he  explained, nobody knew. Yes, no one knew what these words  meant, but again, we were afraid to ask.

  “Are you inquiring amongst yourselves of what I said? Most  assuredly I say to you, that you will weep and lament, but the  world will rejoice.”

 If He thought that He was clarifying; He wasn’t. This seemed to  only bring about a greater misunderstanding, we, especially me,  didn’t have clue of what He was talking about, but all knew it was  to be important. By this time in our conversation it wasn’t looking  as if making war with an army against the Romans was what was  being talked about, but who knows? I stuck with my theory.

 I loved this man, and my affection toward Him cannot be  understood nor explained, it was real. Something about the way  He could hold my attention, it felt like power was in His words, and  I was glued to His very being. I seemed to be getting closer in our  relationship, and somehow knew that the time of understanding  would come, and I was going to be there. Struggles was not  something new to me, for all my life I had to work at what was  wanted, and as a surety, I wasn’t going to quit on this opportunity  to find that inner peace that was ever longed for.

 As long as I continued to be within reach of Jesus, it seemed to  go well, that is as long as I kept my mouth shut. But when he  didn’t walk among us, or was out of reach, even for a moment,  things didn’t really go that well.

 The next morning the rain had stopped, but the clouds still hung  low. The air was filled with a mist that one could not tell where the  sky had ended and the mountains began. There was a heaviness in  the air, but more than normal, the birds were singing and the many     critters were shuffling to and fro, but we all, at a slow pace  continued to the holy city.

 He said things that weren’t spoken before, and none of us was  accustomed in thinking in that direction, but we all knew He had  something to say, and I wanted to be close by. He spoke of ‘good  times’ ahead, but there was to be several periods of ‘course times’  ahead also. I thought I was ready for anything that could be  thrown at me, and wanted desperately to grow and understand,  and knew that this man Jesus had the answer. This seemed to be  the fulfillment of the void that continuously filled my soul from my  early days as a youth. So one part of me was still bewildered, but  the other side of me, was excited to be set free.

 In the days and weeks, past and present, after hearing Jesus talk  on many subjects such as the Way, Truth and Life, the indwelling of  the Father within us, the promise of the helper, love and joy, and  so many other matters, He then mostly consulted on going to  Jerusalem and the hatred many had towards Him. This was a time  I think he wanted all of us to be near Him, for His demeanor was  changing, not that anything was wrong, but there was a sort of  sadness in the air, but it was still pleasant to be around Him, only a  slight notice of change was detected. At one time we were told  that all of us were to be scattered, and that didn’t sit very well, but  Jesus spent a lot of His time expressing great love for us, and the  several others that followed, so we were not worried a great deal,  but still concerned.

 We still had no real Idea of what was to happen, especially me,  but because of the love from this man, and genuine caring that     flowed from Him, we were all becoming more and more attached  and devoted. Calling us disciples was a true statement, for in every  sense of the word, we were students.

 All day we had been walking towards Jerusalem, and now it was  dark as we came to the very outskirts of the city. The rain had long  stopped, the air was crisp; the stars out in exceptional beauty, and  the flicker of light could be seen in the city on occasion, depending  how you moved your head, as we set to rest. Matthew had built a  small fire, flat bread was all we had left to eat, but it was enough.  The ground was smooth with only an infrequent clump of grasses,  and a sporadic cedar tree here and there, and the atmosphere was  somber, but all of us rested while listening about the things that  are to come. Jesus spoke about the hatred that the world has  toward him, as they, in their lack of understanding and indifference  in accepting Him, but those that could hear, with ears that could  hear, would know Him in all truth when the comforter came, and  He continued to teach us of the soon coming Holy Spirit.

 You’d think by now that I could have had at least a small  smidgen of understanding about the Holy Spirit, but in truth, I did  not. I knew that spirit was an unknown force, but had no  perception of who or what the Holy Spirit was, especially  acceptance of an indwelling Spirit. Sometimes I’d look at one of  the others and shrug my shoulders, and at other times one or two  of them would look at me and do the same. It was obvious none of  us comprehended what was said, and I know for a fact I didn’t, but  something was penetrating in the depth of my soul, maybe even    deeper than that, that the acceptance of the impression given to  us hid within.

 There were many moments of silence, I think to give us time to  digest this new information, and not always was this time spent  meditating. We were men, we were somber, and all wanted to  understand, but at times I caught myself watching shooting stars  rather than contemplating on these true meanings.

As the waxing moon just began to break the horizon in the east,  all was quiet, and we settled in for a nights rest.

  It was early on a Tuesday when all awoke and began to stir, for  this was the day before, the season of Passover, and I asked him  how and where we were to prepare. For now, in early spring, was  the time that all the Jews prepared for the yearly High Sabbath, it  was this time they celebrated the Sabbath twice in the same week.  Maybe I wasn’t exact on my attendance on the everyday affairs of  the temple and all the rites of our fathers, but Passover was one  event that was never missed.

 As we continued walking at a slow pace I could tell that Jesus’  demeanor was once again deepening, for there were times when a  small trickle of a tear could be seen sliding down His face. He  resumed His teaching us in parables, and once in a while another  was healed; but still, we had little if any appreciation of what He  spoke concerning this trip into Jerusalem.

  The Passover room was supplied and prepared, and I was  somewhat looking forward to this time of feast with Him. Not long  after we’d all gathered, while Judas and I speculated on the events  that would happen, Jesus too came and sat, but had another  worried look on His face, but He was smiling at each of us, and  gave hugs to all. The person that Jesus is, will not, and cannot ever  change, he may show concern, but His direction never alters.

 It wasn’t all that long into the supper that he said one of us  would betray Him, and now the twelve of us had a look of stupor  written in our faces. I was, or so I thought, a strong man, a man in  the making, but also realized that I had good intentions but at  times couldn’t back them up. The depth of His words cut deep  inside of me, and I was surely worried that maybe I was the one  that could betray Him. Thoughts ran profound, as I searched  within to see if I could do such of a thing like this, it was unsettling.  More than once I had stuck my own foot down my throat, and it  wasn’t going to happen again, so after a song was sung and things  got a little quieter, I said to Him privately: “Even if all are made to  stumble, yet I will not.”

 I said this, not that I really believed it, but in hopes of speaking  the proclamation; that I would believe. He smiled real big, put His  arm across both of my shoulders, pulled me up close and said;  assuredly, on this night, that I would deny Him three times before  the morning cock shall crow. It was evident that Jesus loved me,  even with the pain showing in His facial expression, he genuinely  cared, and that was obvious.

   Looking Christ straight in the eye, all I could do was weep. With  no understanding of why I would deny Him, that was out of my  range of thinking, and I didn’t, in the least bit, at this point, believe  that would happen. My friend Judas had left us a little earlier, I  heard the Lord telling him to get the job done quickly, and he then  rushed off. Maybe I had a thought of also leaving, but instead  joined the others. There wasn’t much laughter at this point, but  each had his own opinion of the seriousness of the evening, and  again, no consensus was derived so we each settled in to a  melancholy of watching the fire as it burned in the pit.

 It was some time later that Jesus came and asked all to go with  Him to the garden and pray. Without a word spoken, our little  group stood and walked out through the night air. It was still cool  for this time of the year, the air still, and a ripple of clouds could be  seen from the near-full moon in the sky overhead. We walked, it  wasn’t far, and not a word did any speak, until Jesus asked us to sit,  but He took the two sons of Zebedee and me to walk a little farther  with Him. It was not far and we were just out of sight of the others  when Jesus stopped and said with a crackling voice of someone in  great distress; “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, stay here and  watch”, and He slowly walked a distance beyond the trees. We  three sat, me leaning against a sycamore tree that had grown at  about a thirty degree slant toward the dark of the night, and James  and John rested with their backs against a large smooth boulder.  The long miles each had walked these past weeks was taxing to  each of us, the tiredness went all the way to the bone, so leaning     back resting and the quiet of the early evening took its’ toll in the  form of sleep.

  It didn’t seem long before Jesus had returned and tap my feet to  wake me up; “are you sleeping? Could not you even stay awake  and watch one hour? Watch and pray, for your spirit is willing, but  not your flesh.” This was spoken to me, for John and Andrew were  still asleep sitting on the ground, legs stretched, and leaning  against the large rocks. It was sometime later that small sounds  were heard, and once I even thought that my name was called, but  sleep was heavy upon me, and maybe it was just a dream, if in fact  He did return, I wouldn’t have known. But again, I heard the same  small sounds, and the same voice whispering my name, and  although sleep was still weighty upon me, I opened my eyes to see,  if indeed, I was a dreaming, but instead Jesus stood before me. He  was standing almost straddling my legs, His arms folded across His  chest, and His face wet with tears, and trickles of what looked as  blood on the robe beneath His chin, and He spoke in a much louder  voice. “Are you all still sleeping?” He said loud enough to wake up  the three of us and maybe anyone else that was within a stones’  throw. “Rise, let us be going, see, I have been betrayed.”

 Now, the way I see it, is that the twelve of us, a couple more of  the long time followers, had become very close in heart and soul,  maybe call us best of friends. And, at this point thought that  perhaps I still might be the leader of the group of us, but was  having serious doubts, but couldn’t shake off the time that He  looked me straight in the eye and said; “Peter, follow me.” That  was a look and feeling that had never possessed me ‘til that day,     and I’ll never forget the power in it. So though doubtful, I still  attempted to maintain my being as a leader. Judas Iscariot and I  had become very close friends, as close as James and John were,  which I had known most of my life, and thought Judas to be next in  line as the leader of the twelve, in the case I failed. At this time  and place in the middle of the night, Judas still had not come back,  and was thinking at this point that I wished him to be with us. If  Jesus is going to be betrayed, we all had to stand together, the  twelve as one.