Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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I don’t know or Do I

 In all the years of listening to the Lord speak, and all the  times that He held my deepest attention, it took a long time to  realize that Jesus’ words were all in parables. Yes, that language  that many knew, but not everyone spoke in, the language of  symbols and allegories. For many times He would speak to us and  the multitudes, with this mysterious language, and all listened  intently, and maybe even occasionally understood, but for the  most part we didn’t, at least at this time in our lives. I now know,  this many years later, that to grasp the deepest of value from the  many parables that Jesus spoke, one had to go beyond the surface  of the sheep, the vine in the vineyard, the blindness, the halt, the  marriage, and even the little children to comprehend, much less  apprehend the truest of meaning. The art and gift of the parables

 go far beyond the surface values of the subject, because they  spoke about the meanings of what they represented. But back  then, I pretended my way through it, but understood little; never the- less it was printed on and in my heart; I would always  remember.

Knowing our thoughts, and the confusion I think most of us had,  Jesus again began teaching in parables.

 “No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one;  otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the piece that was taken  out of the new does not match the old. And no one puts new wine  into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskin and  be spilled, and the wineskin will be ruined. But new wine must be  put into new wineskins, and both are preserved And no one  having drank old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, ’the  old is better.’” Luke 5:37

 Let’s look at this and see if we can make anything of it. If the  parable is truly about wine, and new and old bottles that it’s put in,  then we get this small lesson of how to make wine without it  spoiling. And if this is all we can ever decipher from it, then why  did God waste our time placing it in the mouth of Him that  proclaims His true eternal Word; but it isn’t. A life-changing  meaning is attached to each and every parable, once it’s  understood, but back then, I didn’t understand.

  Vineyards are always in the ancient language of parables  representing schools, or a school-of-thought, therefore grapes that  grow on the vine are the product, or fruit of the school-of-thought,  and turned into wine, the final product and purpose. Wineskins or  bottles are the vessel in which the final product is to be placed in;  us. Not just people, but those that think on a higher level of  thinking, but not to those that maintain their lower level of  thinking.

Remember that John the Baptist came preparing a way for the  Lord, and called us into repentance, which is to say: a changed way  of thinking, this is exactly what repentance means. So we either  continue thinking through our carnal, sensual mind, or we allow  Spirit to transform us into a new wineskin, a new vessel to receive  this new Way, Truth, and Life that Jesus is talking about in this  parable. This is a completely different way of thinking.

 The same thing is equated when speaking of the rent garment.  To embed or sew a new piece of material onto an old garment, will  in the first place be a waste of the new, and in the second it will  never match. The new patch is stronger, so different, that it will  make the old garment rip up anyway, and much quicker. Again we,  that is our way of thinking, are either on the earth level, the  sensual minded; or on the heaven level, the things of Spirit. The  parables therefore is given that those of us that are satisfied where  we are, will never understand the higher levels of God and His  word, but those of us that yearn for a deeper walk, a meaningful  relationship with the Father will open themselves to allow the  Spirit to renovate us within. Man can’t figure this out on his own,   nor will studying give him an understanding, but we can open our  man within to receive the teachings of the Holy Spirit. We can  allow Him to completely change our way of thinking; repent.

  “And no one, having drank the old wine, immediately desires  the new.” Barring none; all of us have drank the old wine, the old  school of thought, and has readily accepted it as being true and  right. Therefore, when Jesus came with this new wine; the barriers  of the carnal way of thinking had to be broken. So He spoke in  parables. Giving those that are still attached to this world, and  what it pretends to offer, even those still involved in the laws of  Moses, a means to continue to understand only though their flesh.  But those that seek a much deeper value in life, become, by God, a  new creature, a new creation, a new wine vessel ready to receive  His new wine. We are not reformed into a new wine skin, but  though the transformation of God within each; are created.

  Having walked side by side with Jesus, you’d think that  I would have understood all He said and did, but by no  stretch of the mind did I. In writing these memoirs I am  now in my old age, and looking back I can see clearly who  and what I was. At this age of sixty-four, and having gone  through the whole process of my growing and  understanding, it is unmistakable evidence from the trials  and tribulations that I Peter was destined to go through,  that growth, at least for me, had to be achieved. There    were times the sun would shower us with its’ warmth and  beauty, yet I would still be cold and miserable, and the  rainy days, when we were wet and soaked, I might have  felt energetic and full of joy. For in these early days, that  is my walk with Jesus, I knew very little about things of the  Spirit, but with reason. At this time in my life I was really  not a hot head, but I did have a tenancy to speak quickly,  that is, before I thought anything through, and there were  struggles because of this. So reminiscing with you through  this epistle is not meant to justify myself, but to explain  that thinking through the carnal mind about the things of  God, just won’t work. During the years of my thirties, at  least the first part of them, it was my senses, the eyes and  ears and so on, that did my thinking for me, that was a  mistake, but then again, I’d not as yet received the Spirit.  


 It was not long after our experience of walking on the water,  and many a wonderful days together, we were all sitting one night  under the waning moon just talking about one thing and then  another. The night was cool, and this night, the stars were in  greater abundance, we all had gathered around a small fire as one  would do on a special outing, the mood cheerful, everyone rested,  we sat and talked for hours. We were discussing several of the  topics brought up by Jesus in the past weeks, such as the mustard  seed, the trees and their fruits, and the little girl that was restored.

But the subject that caught my attention and wanting to talk about  was; that Jesus said he came not to bring peace.

 Now I knew of the talk all over the region, and my feelings on  this subject of the King of Israel, but didn’t as yet understand how  He was going to rule over our nation. I’d heard loud and clear that  He came not to bring peace, but a sword, and wanting a few more  details, I asked Him to speak on this. For to set father against son,  and mother against daughter and so on, it seemed like a real full  blown battle was to take place. Even though Jesus elaborated on  this privately in detail, it still took well over a year for me to  understand this warfare. I didn’t get the tone of His conversations,  none of them, at the time it was going on, but all the sayings, and  all the doings were hid in my heart until I was readied to grasp  them in some detail.

Come to find out, the sword and all the dividing was really not  about fighting Romans, nor any that wanted our country for  themselves, nor about the soldier king that most were praying for.  For it was taught by most of the elders that the coming messiah  was to rule severely as king from a military platform, conquering  the Romans back into their place.

  The father and mother were the inside of man, flesh, the  teacher of carnal knowledge, the keeper of the material world.  The old man that doesn’t want to let go, our past that is addicted  to this world and the façade that it claims is real. Therefore the  father of carnal man becomes at odds with the Son of Spirit, “and  his enemies will be those of his own household”. Both father and  son, or mother and daughter, and so-on, dwell in the same person,    the same household, until Gods’ transformation is complete;  therefore causing turmoil within, or division. Jesus came to bring  that sword of division to separate the carnal from the Spirit.

 The sword is Truth and Spirit, the divider of the Real from that  which just seems real. This same sword, I came to find out, that  cuts in both directions, is a good thing. For without the cutting,  man would be lost in himself, no place or direction of his own  accord would bring him into the mind of Christ, only Spirit can do  that. The sword can cut, to those that seek Truth, the gulf that lies  between the Spirit that dwells within, and the fleshly approach  that carnal man views things from through his darkened eyes.

 So will there be peace on earth in the flesh man when this  division is taking place in the individual; no, not on the earth man,  but it will begin inside of the Man that it is taking place in; the  transformed creation of Gods’ work, the inner man. The sword of  division should be welcomed, but seldom is.

 I struggled many times while walking with and listen to Jesus.  And I also know that several of the other disciples, especially  Matthew and Judas, did some struggling about understanding the  symbols also. We were torn, and this new way of thinking didn’t  take within us at the beginning, but Jesus was patient, and His  longsuffering toward our reluctance to change was incredible.

 Jesus wasn’t with us all of the time, for He too had things that  had to be done. There was time taken, occasionally, when He  would spend time with His family, and especially with His friend  Lazarus. So it was at these times that the twelve of us would     acquaint ourselves further with each other, and often discuss these  matters to obtain clarity, which seldom happened.

 It was one morning, early, and the sun had rose a crimson red,  with streaks of yellow and pink in the curly clouds that covered  only the eastern half of the sky, when James , John and Nathanael  were cutting up with each other over cooking breakfast. The rest  of us were still asleep, that is, all but me, for I usually lay quiet in  my bed roll for an hour or so before stirring. This is my time to  think, and thinking on the things that were happening in my life,  was what mornings are for. But the ruckus going on between the  two trees where the fire was built was more than a sleepy body,  much less one contemplating, could handle, so I went over to see  what all the shrieks and scrambling was about.

 Should it be flat bread or some with a little leaven? They were  teasing each other in fun, for none would really care, but the  tossing of the flour back and forth and the mess it made was what  all the shrills were about. All three were covered in the white dust,  and James, with only his eyes revealed under it, sought to make his  brother look the same.

 Usually after we ate, all would sit and toss back and forth the  sayings and doings of our leader, trying to make practical sense out  of the many things said, and the healings that were taking place  where ever we went with Jesus. We talked amongst ourselves  what it meant to worship in Spirit, what He meant when telling us  that He is the living Bread, how He would heal a man that was  blind or had a withered arm, but on this day the conversation  meandered to the overturning of the Temple.

   Although I grew up close and around the Synagogue, and went  to the Temple on many occasions, I wasn’t stuck in their rituals and  laws like many were, but I knew their traditions. On this particular  day, not so long ago, Jesus had an issue with the people that were  selling goats, sheep, oxen and doves at the Temple that our group  was passing by, and I strained to understand the heart felt anger  that he had. This had been going on all through my life and really  didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but evidently He did. So,  this day, after the younger boys got through with their horsing  around, I attempted to turn the subject to the men changing the  money in the Temple. Matthew said that since he had made his  living handling money, and grasping what he could in his walk with  the Lord, he thought maybe the business should have been done  outside the walls. Another argued that by rights they were allowed  to do business in the temple and didn’t understand the  commotion. Me, the one that’s usually quick to speak, said that I  thought it was the manure that shouldn’t have been there, but at  this point, anything the Lord did, had to be right. But after some  few hours of discussing and debating, we finally figured out the  house of God was a place of worship and not that of  entertainment, nor of making money. So then the things of God  really didn’t pertain to money in the first place, and turning  everything upside down must have been His disapproval of those  that had made His Fathers’ house, a den of thieves, and Philip  spoke up and said that that makes sense because they pilfered the  attention that is supposed to go to God and put it on the animals  and money, the things of this earth. But again, later in life, I again  saw that the turmoil of the temple was man within himself being  divided, rightly being separated. And we are that temple of God in    which Jesus came to bring division, so each could establish our  rightful relationship with the Father, and not of that made of  stone, nor by the hand of man.

 Anyway, this is how it went many of the days that we were in  wait for Jesus’ return, and sometimes we might have even saw  through a few of the happenings. We’d all become close friends  and enjoyed immensely each day that we had a chance to spend  with each other in the Lord, but our growth, at this point was  slow..

 It took us, especially me, several years to grasp that we were  with Jesus to learn, and that coming up with solutions was not why  we were following Him. The times that one of us would speak up  clarifications with of our daily happenings and position our self to  act as if we really knew; we would then, most of the time, and with  the gentleness of a lamb, be set back on our heels, for our  understandings were limited by the carnal, earthly way we were  thinking.