Hornswoggled in His Love! by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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 Uh Oh

 The next morning as I rose from my bed-roll, it was not quite  light as of yet, and could see that the moon a risen during the night  and was now straight over my head. Once during my slumber, I’d  thought that sounds were heard of sheep and the bugle call of a  camel, but now that I stand here watching and listening, all is  quiet. I didn’t need a fire on this morning, the air had a hint of  raspy cool to it, but not to bring a chill, but I stoked what few red  embers that remained back into a small but still welcomed friend.  Some hour later, the sky had turned this beautiful red color,  streaked with hints of yellows and greens, just as the sun crested  the hills to my east. In my sailing days this was a sign of a storm to  come, but in this area, very little rain ever fell, so I shrugged it off  while sitting for those minutes until all the beauty faded into  oblivion.

  I’d been thinking, these last few days, that maybe my final  journey would be in the direction of my home in Galilee. It’s been  years since my presence was there, and a reunion with my wife  and friends would be a welcomed relief, not saying that I regret     this trip in any way, but I’m sure that being there would be  pleasant.

 I’d been up and about for some few hours, when the same  sounds that rattled through the valley, or so I thought, during last  night were heard again. Walking slightly north, topping a small  crest of sand, I could now see a party of travelers encamped along  a flat, at the bottom of the opposite hill, just as it transitioned from  valley to steep hillside. It was no small group, having segregated  animal on just about every side, a string of camels east, a small but  healthy herd of goats half way down, and donkeys mixed with  sheep on the western side. They must have been still sleeping, for  only a trickle of activity could be seen, and this was probably  because they traveled up into the tiny hours of the night.

 An hour or so later, I walked back over the same dune for  another look-see, and could then see much bustle within and  about their camp, and at least a half dozen fires were observed by  the smoke that was rising straight up. As I stood there watching,  one of the older men saw my silhouette and motioned me to come  and join them, which I did.

 I sat around his fire as this man with soft features told of what  they were doing, how the trip started, from where, and talked  about family at the end of their destination. Often someone would  come and introduce himself and have a friendly word to say, and it  took only a short time before an offering of food was sat before  me. We had a slight language barrier, but both of us could  understand just a little of what the other said, at least we could  communicate, if only in fragments.

   This was a friendly group of folks, made up mostly of a few  families, and all were related to some degree, and no harshness  could be seen among any.

  By this time, I’d decided to put off my journey towards home  until daybreak the next day.

 I asked a lot of questions, and they seemed to be relaxed in  answering them. All were Jews, from the sect of Sadducees, and  lived by the rigid standards of the law. Observing every custom by  the letter for which it was made for, the washing of hands, the  circular motion done with their hands, as if presenting the food  they were about to eat, unto God; and the long and loud prayers  that all seemed to be involved in.

 He told me about a radical group, that in Antioch, called  themselves christains, and to him, were seemingly taking over the  world. I just listened. There was a great scurry of noise broadcast  throughout, to hunt down and destroy each and every one of  them, and many groups were organized to do just that. In fact, it  took but a short time before hearing that a bounty had been set on  the capture of each, and if it were an Apostle, it would be tripled.

 Now I’m just sitting here listening, and I think that anyone could  visualize what was going through my head. My first thought was  trying to find a means of escape, my second was to present myself  as someone else, but my third thought was to be honest, and  thankful to be what God created me to be, and hide nothing, and  then let God be in complete control.

   We talked for an hour or so longer, for to get up and leave  abruptly would not have sat well, and as I stood to stretch, began  saying my good-byes, and taking a step toward my camp, a man  stopped me, that was fluent in my same language.

 “Now, I’ve told you much about our group, but you’ve said  nothing about yourself. Sit again, and let’s talk more.”

 My mind went back to those two scorpions, each trying to  maintain his ‘thought-to-be’ territory, and then remembered the  evasiveness that Paul talked to me about, then the dream on the  roof of Cornelius’ house, and finally the thought that came after  the complete denial of knowing Jesus Christ before His crucifixion.  It was not the Jews that were my enemy, then, nor now, and that  mishap was not to be spoiled thru me again, and my thought now  was; what a privilege it is to be counted among those that love the  Lord, and Him being the true son of God.

 I turned back around, smiled and said it would be my pleasure  to sit a while longer. By this time, this hour or so of our back and  forth conversation, several others of the numbered men sat with  us, and no one but me had a hint of what might take place in the  next few minutes. All had smiles, and a relaxed demeanor, and I  supposed understood me to be just another traveler.

 “My name is Simeon, surnamed Peter, from the region of  Galilee, a fisherman by trade, and my excursion in life has been  long and at times hard, but worth every step and trial of it.”

“When I was a young man, and hadn’t been married long, my  thoughts of worth began to bother me, and being raised a Jew,  sought council with God after many days, if not months, of prayer.  And after a hard nights labor of fishing, my brother, a friend and  his brother, pulled close to the shore, and busied about my affairs,  heard a voice from the nearby coastline, saying; “Simon, put down  your nets and follow me.” And immediately, I did just that. And  looking Him directly in His countenance asked; ‘and what shall we  do Lord? And he said; change the world.” Looking at each, one-byone,  in the eye as I spoke, they listened.

  Thus far, they seemed to relax further into their quiet and  attentive mode, with smiles expressed, and interest in my words  displayed, but not a word was spoken by them as they listened.

  “I had never heard this voice before, a stranger to me, but knew  Him from within, that this man was worthy of obeying.” I  continued speaking, as each one of the men looked upon me with  interest. “Not me only, but all four of us dropped that which we  were doing and went to investigate this man of Authority. It rang  within me, at the time, I think by the Spirit of God to put down my  troubles, my worldly possessions, and turn loose of all, to be fed by  this man of conviction.”

 By this time, with unison, all four of these men leaned forward  with brow together, and their chin pointed directly at me, but still  saying nothing. There was no evidence of a change in their  demeanor, but it was easy to tell that their interest was climaxed.

   “It was not many days thereafter that I completely understood  that this decision to follow Him, and to cease from my labors, was  exactly what was ordered for me, on behalf of God. The days,  months, and years to come, wonderful things were seen and heard  by this man, and even if given a choice, would not have returned to  the smelly and fruitless life that I was living. And with one  exception, there was never regret; for the way I now see, and the  way I now receive the separation from this world and the One sat  before us, is in no manner, a life to go back too. I was then, and  still am today, engaged in the Life He has given. I am swelling at  the seams to carry that, which has been sat before me.”

 I was, in no wise, trying to deceive them in any way, but  purposely held back the name of Jesus to perplex them into maybe  understanding the principles of my evaluation of Christ. But these  were hardened by their religion, and probably like most, abided by  their strict standard of obedience to the law.

 “There was never a man that spoke, that spoke with the God  given Authority that this man conveyed. He had no idle words to  say.”

 By this time their brow came completely together, their eyes  wide open, and now in a half sitting, half kneeling position, as if to  pounce upon something, but still refrained themselves. I think  they understood what I was saying, but an element of doubt  stayed them for the time-being.

 “This man made the weak strong, the strong weak, and healed a  diverse number of the halt to stand upright and walk. He     penetrated into the marrow of man, and recreated him into the  knowledge of the living God. His life was set apart for the inward  health of all mankind, and of a Truth, sent by the same God that  you and I claim to follow.”

 “Who is this man that you speak of?” One completely rose to  his feet and said. “What kind of man could do what you say he’s  done, and not have been announced to the whole world?”

  I began slowly to speak, as I didn’t want a single word to be  misconceived. I now realized that for this purpose was I sent. “He  hid from nobody, He spake openly, for those that had ears to hear,  heard, but those that shut up their bowls heard nothing, nor will  they now.”

 At the reverberation of this; all four were on their feet, and even  though they held back, were now in the attack mode. Faces were  turning red, hands shaking as if in a readied position, their feet  shuffling as if they could no longer maintain themselves, but still  held back.

 “Who is this man that you speak of, and in the name of God,  who are you?” The tallest among the bunch asked.

 “I told you before; my name is Simon, surnamed Peter by the  Lord of Host, and at one time, many years ago, I denied Him  completely, that is three times, but now, I’d rather live with Him,  or die with Him than turn my back around even once. God had  given Him the authority to forgive sin, and my entire life; at this  point and time, I was missing the mark. I am that Apostle that     many were told to capture, and I stand before you a humbled man  wanting nothing else but to please Him that created me. I am now  your servant, for if by serving you, I serve the Lord, you can now do  to me as you see fit.”

 The whole lot of them relaxed slightly as I spoke these latter  words; but still, three of them approached to retain my body to  their order, while one went to secure a thong of leather to tie me  from behind. Even having been bound, I don’t ever remember  being in so much peace, a release of sweetness overflowed  throughout my entire being, and I freely went with them.

 The days to come were anything but quiet, as meeting after  meetings were held within eyeshot, but little could be heard. At  first the interrogations were short and to the point, but as the days  turned to weeks, the intensity of the examinations became louder  and more brutal, but the peace remained within me. One of the  men, the leader I presume, appeared more like a statue with his  firm jaw tightly bound and twisted, his movements slow but  precise, and said very little to me, but often whispered what I think  was a command to the others, as we traveled by day to who knows  where.

 I had little idea of where I was being taken too, but the direction  was noticed daily as a northwest course, the sun was warm, and so  was my heart as we traveled some fifteen or so mile each day. The  women seemed uninvolved with the actions of my capture, and  ever-so-often a young recruit would pretend to examine the  character of my being, only to find, at least to my discernment, a  man of no threat.

   There was no desecration in me towards them, only a Love that  seldom ever developed in me before, except on rare occasion,  poured from the real being of the Peter that was hidden for all  these years. I didn’t really pity them, but maintained a hope that  the illumination of Christ would show through, that they too would  respond to Him, but none of this was ever realized. Their position  was firm, and rigidity was upheld by the high standard that man  had invented as law, and then placed in their religion. Those of  that sect didn’t follow the teachings of God, but only proclaimed  their righteousness outwardly with their stern set of rules and  regulations. These men were no different, and would rather  please those of their authority, and be seen, than that which God  had sat in force, which I now understand to be Love.

 The small tent that I was placed in was kept guarded by night;  and by day, and as we traveled; many eyes were upon me while  still bound, but a joy continued rising within me that could not be  expressed by my limited vocabulary, but I can say that the seed  growing in the heart of my heart, was an experience, that thru the  years of my fumbling, was now achieved thru an unlikely situation;  but welcomed. I was at peace. Some mechanism evidently was  triggered in me that instantly placed in order much of what life was  meant to be, or at least, to achieve. Many of the happenings of  the past began falling into place, arranging themselves in a distinct  pattern of my total reconciliation to the Lord, those failures of the  days gone by, now seemed to work for good. I have stumbled  often during the course of my life, especially in my youth, but even  those were being rearranged to lift in my spirit a character that  wasn’t known to exist, or at least I’d never realized it. This time,     nothing of my personality was showing its face; only the works of  the Spirit of Christ poured from the pores of this old man.

 On occasion, a sympathetic observer would come by and want  to uplift me to some degree, thinking the obvious peaceful  disposition was of my integrity, and not knowing that it was the  Christ that lived in me. Then at times, others would either pass to  gawk or have some sly remark to say; but all-in-all, this was no  lowly bunch of folks with bad character, but just a zealous group  doing what they’ve been taught by their religious sect. I did not  use the Love that swelled in me in any way, nor was it flaunted, so  at every circumstance, I would have thought that Christ could be  seen flowing thru me, but instead, the bondage of their prejudice  held them from it.

 This Love that I now felt and received was larger than man  himself can conjure, for it was not me that Loved, but He that lived  within, and it could no more be dammed up than one could dam  the ocean. For the Love expressed itself from the essence of what  it is, pure and unmovable. Jesus had told us on several occasions  that the Love of God conquers everything, and holds no remorse,  and in no way is haughty, and this Love in me was just that. Being  filled with this entity was not something that I earned nor  deserved, and when it was perceived, changed my life, even  without me knowing the change happened. I now know that Love,  Mercy, and Grace never needs to be propped up, for it is Life in the  deepest of meanings, and sustains itself with no effort of man, and  is truly the character of God.


   It was sometime later that I was taken to a rather large city,  displayed in a cage before all, and several days later placed in a  dungeon. The Peace and the Love for these folks never left me,  and their understanding of what they were doing was never  realized, they saw me as a threat, of which I was not, and therefore  treated as a malefactor.

 What a true privilege it was for being alive in Christ, and His  Love for all. This Love, that now dwells in me, is conquering every  fault and defect that it took those almost sixty years to build.