Authors Note
As each of us travel through this world, that is enmity to God, the road is sometimes long and many times full of obstacles, but the length and troubles are of Gods’ design, meticulously engineered by Him just for us. Man in his natural state, that is his carnal mind, wants to murmur and whine over every obstruction or difficultly that is set before him, but in truth, God will never leave us, nor forsake us, and He will use every evil to build and purify those that seek His face. “All things work together for good to those that love the Lord.”
He that has no enemies or adversaries is often weak, and has but little opportunity to grow; for many times, it is the obstacle sat before us that can halt man, and bring him into the realm of change, that can bring about that growth.
As we search and research the scriptures. One will find that every single person or character will evolve thru a catastrophe, or a series of painful events. I need not go through all of them, but to name a few might get us into the right way of thinking. Our culture, especially in the western world, has deepened man into complacency and self-indulgence of thinking that this soft life is deserved and earned, when in fact it has been paid for many times over by many of those that have preceded us. If we are strong, whether in spirit or soul, it is most likely because of the hardships endured and then was overcome. Whatsoever comes easy, probably has but little value, the road well-traveled, probably goes nowhere. For if it did, (broad is the way), many would have found our abundant life; but the road filled with obstacles, (narrow is the way), and its straightforwardness can bring Life to those that can look beyond the obvious, for but few travel it.
The love of Jacobs’ life was Rachel, but fourteen years of hard labor were required by his father-in-law for her. And many times he was lied too, before the requirements were met, and still these obstruction did not detour Jacob in any way; not for the love-ofhis- life. This was a representation of a Godly goal that was met, and we too often struggle through this life, with its trials and tribulation only to find, to those that seek God, that they too were especially designed by God just for us; a blessing.
Jacobs’ son Joseph, the first born from the love of his life was thrown in a pit, sold as a slave, and spent something like twenty- two year in prison, before becoming Governor, and having the opportunity of saving his family, including Jacob, his nation and those that surrounded it. He had to face many oppositions, such as lies, and even his own ego, before God could use him in a mighty way.
Moses was hunted as a murderer and spent forty years in the wilderness; being prepared by God to remove the accumulated Egypt from him. These were times of loneliness and troubles, and though God knew what had to be done, and many trials persisted, Moses prospered in the Lord in spite of them.
In the wilderness the Israelites whined and murmured through just about every situation for forty more years, after their escape from Pharaoh, and all but three had to die before they could enter into the Promised Land, (the Kingdom of God). And when the ‘old man’ had all died out, it was Joshua (the same name as Jesus) that was to lead them there; Moses, carrying the law, was told to continue in the wilderness, blessed but not accepted.
David was anointed King of Israel, but had many battles to fight, and a preceding king to contend with, and spent many years hiding in caves with a threat on his life; the oops of the next door neighbors wife, the death of children, before he was made ready to accept God totally with the Ark of the Covenant, (by the way, is you and me).
Elijah had Jezebel, Sampson had Delilah, The Baptist had Herod’s step daughter to contend with, Job lost everything and ended up sitting on a dung hill before being restored back to the obvious prosperity of God; and even Jesus, after spending forty days in the wilderness, had many attacks and tribulations to go through before He was fully engaged in the commission God gave Him.
If we believe in the ‘pie-in-the-sky’ theory, which I hope we don’t, then the road to be traveled will come with many obstacles, for the roads already traveled by many others are cleared of every piece of debris, and if they could have worked on our behave, would have; but they don’t. That which we look for in Christ is free, but the growth sometimes comes with a cost of our ‘old man’; being either laid down, or purged away by the blessings of persecutions, etc., therefore leaving us with the comfort of Gods’ strength, knowing that our own attributes can only hinder.
What some call evil could be a disguised blessing from God, especially orchestrated just for us. And I’m not sure, but I wonder if Peters’ life, since he was ordained to be an Apostle, was designed and premeditated by God, ingenuously put together to bring him to a point and place to fully understand the Love that God had for him, and all. For at that period preceding his death, Peter gave up on the self that he was, to become the completed being of Gods’ creation, personifying Christ and His Love.
By reading scripture and other historical books of the age, there is no indication that Peter adhered to the organization or institutionalization of the Church, or the ‘so called church’ in any form. There is evidence that he came against that mentality of ‘higher and lower order’, (as seen in the churches of today), and the formation of a building dedicated for the purpose of people coming to worship. “Go ye into the world, preaching the Gospel of this Kingdom…” But nothing has been said about calling folks to ‘come’ to the form of man’s ego, and his ability to create God in his own image. Which is exactly what is happening when we come together, place a name on our gathering, form committees and business meetings, allot a certain time and day for so called worship, send our preacher/pastor to school to learn how, take up money, and maybe even charter our organization. This is not the way that the Ekklesia, (Christ’s Church), was to be built, nor does it resemble the Rock, (the Revelations), on which His indwelling is to take up residence. The Gospel will be shared throughout the world, but not by the mass gatherings of what we call ‘church’ today. This is a far cry from that which Christ was building with His people, fitly joined together, with Him the chief cornerstone, meeting here or there, mobilizing each other as God gives the increase. “Where two or three shall gather in my name, there I will be in the midst of them.”
To the causal ‘christain’, those that just want appeasement with their weekly meetings, the same-o, same-o will work for them, but for those that seek a relationship with God thru the King of Kings, will have to break away from the nonsense that man has created to stroke his own ego, for it’s not of Christ. Right now, I believe, the true Church of our God is still wandering in the wilderness, waiting for the ‘old man’ to die, be enlightened to lay self aside, and then walk away, following the only Master that man was created to obey, Christ Jesus.
Peter was never made pope; I think it’s just wishful thinking for some to justify their institutionalization of their control over their underlings.
Jesus said; “come to me, you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy, and my burdens are light.” Peter, especially in his beginning days of ministry, did not fully understand this, but as he grew and waxed strong in the Love of God, realized that it was Grace, the Mercy of God, and a relationship with the Father, that God sought for His people; not the many washings of hands, or outward appearances of worship. For He is Spirit, and much be worshipped in Spirit.
As it was with the towns and people in the travels of Peter, so it is with many of the same of our time. Religion was not designed to bring any to God, and He knew it. For the timing of Jesus’ arrival to earth was not happenstance; but He was sent at a crucial time to save man from himself before total destruction was had. Today, as it was during the ministry of the early apostles, man continues to step in with his egotistical formulas of self-reliance and man-made doctrines. They didn’t work back then, and certainly won’t work now. It’s time for change, every aspect of our thinking has to change, which is what the word repentance means, we have to turn around our way of thinking, putting on the mind of Christ, turn to God, turn away from our self; and let us develop a relationship with the Father of creation.
It is not our own ‘good deeds’ that bring any to the righteousness of God, but that of receiving His Love, and the relationship we can have, and He wants, with each. Contrary to that in which has been taught; God does not place expectations on any, that’s a carnal man thing, He loves us because he Loves us, and desires a relationship with all. Not because we’ve acted right, nor because we’ve earned it; but because we fall under the category of being created in His similitude, and with no cost but acceptance; it is offered to all. In fact, even if we don’t accept it, it is still freely given, for he so loved the world that he gave; and what was given, was LOVE.
Can we read this novel, looking at Peter, but really see ourselves? At least in my walk with God, I have found that each profound and deep lover of the Lord arose through many obstacles and tribulations, before finding their revealed life thru a relationship that God had determined for them and us.
Hatred, prejudice, resentment, strife, and envy of others’ is not from God, for these are all from the ill-begotten fruit that man plucked from the tree of knowledge, of good and evil; and must be set aside, before all that is from God can fill the heart of man. For if the vessel is full, how can He fill it more? We must first be emptied.
Consider Jesus, he’s already considered you. Thank you
Please, go to my web-site and check out my other books, and while you’re there, listen to some of the songs written by a very dear friend of mine. Watch the ‘you-tube’ video, and maybe leave a comment.
Other Books by this Author
The Man within
This is an historic autobiography of a knucklehead growing up in the 50’s and 60’s. The story starts with a devastating disease, moves into the foolishness of my teenage years, and the immaturity of being a young adult. Several funny stories, and some not so funny that led to my growing up into adulthood.
God has opened my eyes to the illusions of what we call ‘church’ and has uncovered to me a truth regarding the transparency of the rites and rituals of this ‘thing’.
The Two Trees Within
Man has built an empire unto himself throughout the last seventeen centuries, and institutionalized, rationalized, justified, and flaunted on most any and every street corner, in any and every town or city.
As the tower of Babel was destroyed by God, so this ‘thing’ called ‘church’ will also fall. The monuments man has built unto himself, by his own hands, are being exposed; for these too will have to fall, as God said about the temple; “Not one stone shall be left upon another.”
This is an attempt to expose man, his carnal mind, along with the structures built by his hands; for these also will fall as did the tower of Babel.
Please go to You-Tube and watch my short video at ‘The Two Trees Within’ and see if what’s being said makes sense. These books can be downloaded for free from my website.
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