Human and Stars by Hana Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


I lay wide-awake in my quarters. My body wants to sleep, but my mind is wide awake. It's much too occupied with the damage done to the Star. What an embarrassing blow. Never under Captain Marshall’s command had the Rising Star taken such a blow to it. I should have made us stay in port. A costly mistake I won't ever make again. How humiliating it’s going to be sailing into Swanson in this condition. I know everyone will try to get remains of the vessel in the best condition possible, but still. I roll over on my side; ugh…this doesn’t help at all. At least, I'm not falling on my face. How can I sleep knowing that my ship is in shreds and we’re going to just waltz in Swanson looking like this? Well at least everyone is okay and we’re still afloat. I'm actually surprised how little damage the Star took compared to what I've heard as well as seen from results of other vessels getting caught in storms. Tossing my body onto its other side, I catch my reflection in the mirror.

I’m not much to look at honestly. Just my normal blue Captain’s uniform with a red wine sash tied around my forehead. Well my overcoat isn't on at the moment being the fact that it was removed from me along with my boots. Shibba must of washed it then set it to dry somewhere. With my long reddish bangs hangs in my face with the rest of my dark brown hair rests behind them. The discoloration of the front part of my head is from an accident that happened when I was really little according to what Giggs told me. Of course, I don't remember exactly what was said, but it had something to do with Gunpowder igniting on my head somehow. I don't mind. I kind of like the color. Skin is a little sun scorched; I’m not much of a sun tanner. All that does is change the pigments of your exposed skin to a darker skin tone. I have no desire to be discolored or look like I've been roasted.

My round face has a small round nose that sits in the middle of it plus my big brown eyes which I don't find very large compared to others. Usually, when the comments are given, it usually pertains how they're a bit large for my face, but I don't think so. Also I have this weird mark on my arm. Not sure why it’s there but I keep it covered up. I was told that it was a birthmark, but it doesn't appear that way to me. It's on my left elbow and has this bad habit of bleeding every once in a while. I used to have issues with it when I was younger where my elbow used to bleed a lot. It doesn't bleed as much now. The other irritating features of my physicality are that my cheeks are always a shade of red or pink. It's not that I'm embarrassed or shy about anything. I was told it could be from the seawater always hitting my face. The ocean has salt in it and salt dries out things so it could be a possibility. Still it makes me appear that I'm ashamed of something.

Now seeing how I haven't introduced myself yet I should do that now. I'm Kuron, captain of the Rising Star and successor of Edward Marshall, former captain of the Rising Star. That's how I was taught how to introduce myself to other officers of under the authority of King Falomen who is the current ruler of Uphoria. It's quite a mouthful if you ask me, but it's the way things have to be. It's disrespectful if I don't introduce myself that way. Anyway, with the formality out of the way, I basically run the order of the ship. Not quite the same way as Captain Marshall did, but I do the best I can, seeing how I was one of the youngest on the ship and I'm still learning how to operate things which I can do for the most part. However; once in a while something comes up that leaves me scratching my head. My lieutenant Corshawl, is about the same age as me so in a way you could say the vessel was handed over to the kids at that time. I did receive order for it at the age of sixteen which wasn't by choice. For our beloved captain had been taken long before his relieve ever came around due to a sudden illness. And seeing how I came to know him, I'd figure he would have captained the Star well into old age. It just never appeared to me that he would ever retire.

As for the crew; starting off with the oldest of the bunch, Shibba, Nixon, and Giggs. These three were already with Captain Marshall long before I was taken aboard. That is a memory I know very little about nor can I exactly remember what my leader spoke to me of it. I'm not going to talk about it right now. Anyway, Giggs, Shibba, and Nixon helped Captain Marshall raise me and Corshawl along with the Three Gunns. Giggs was my main caretaker while Shibba looked over Corshawl and Nixon trying to straighten out Gimp, Sly, and Sir John. That's not to say that it stayed that way. No, the five of us were usually bunched together when Corshawl and I began our teen years. I remember Shibba used to tell my lieutenant and I stories right before bed with the help of his little flute. It has somewhat of a high pitch, but when it's played just right the melodies that come from it are really pleasant to listen to. He used that to lull us to sleep with those melodies. You can always here him playing it when he's not busy in the galley.

Shibba is our cook and has been for a rather long time. His food is always good. It's hard not to go in the galley to swipe a bit of whatever he's making. Not a habit have I managed to break from being small. He didn't notice for a while that I was doing so until I got greedy one day and consumed half of what he was preparing. My cook learned to keep lids on the pots from then on and his gloves he used to remove them so his hands didn't get scorched. I was irritated with him when I couldn't find the blasted things. Everywhere I would look; drawers, cabinets, behind his spices...I learned later that he kept the gloves in his apron which he always has on unless he's doing something on the deck. Shibba had figured that I wasn't desperate enough to try and swipe food by lifting hot pot lids with bare skin, but I was. My hands hurt for two weeks straight making it hard to grasp anything. I learned that day not to touch the hot pots bare-handed.

Now for Giggs: my former caretaker and navigator of the ship. Alright, he's still in a way my caretaker. He along with Shibba still keeps a look out for myself as well as my lieutenant. We get into the thick of things sometimes with having no way out so they provide one for us. Of course, it’s not always asked for, but they do it anyway. Not that I’m complaining, just curious as to how some situations could have played out if left in the hands of my lieutenant and I. It’s just sometimes their way out isn’t always a way out. For example: there have been a couple of times when we've ended up in the wrong part of the sea. Giggs is not bad at navigation. He’s actually quite good and we’ve gotten many advantages because of his skill. However; when he gets tired the wrong sea chart is used. This of course has only happened, a total of three times. The first time it did I couldn't help, but laugh. My mentor, of course, did not see anything amusing about us being lost. Poor Giggs, never had I seen him so embarrassed. The old captain did not ring him for it, but it did set our rondevu with a commodore of Folyianna two days in delay which is never good in a captain's case much less the crew of that delayed ship.

Nixon, my gunman of the ship or better put as my cannon man, keeps the cannons on the Star in good order as well as well ready. The Three Gunns help him out with this. Those four are the most knowledgeable of the rest when it comes to weapons in regards to gunfire. There's actually no one else that I would trust the ship's firearms to.

The Three Gunns speaking of which, are siblings of three with Gimp being the oldest. Their story as far as I know doesn't really have that much to tell really. When I was at the age of six, they were brought aboard by Captain Marshall who intended to straighten them out. I do remember that it was hell for a while seeing how Gimp, Sly, and Sir John were thieves. Also, the two eldest had a drinking problem and their addiction led them to sneaking rum aboard the Star. It did take a bit of time for the Three Gunns to come around; especially Gimp and Sly.

Well, Gimp for the most part. Anyway, Captain Marshall led them to where their group name became one that could be respected and not cursed as it usually was due to their reputation. Then there's Sinny, no you haven't seen him yet. As a matter of speaking, I haven't seen him since before the storm! I forgot to do roll call to make sure everyone was still on the ship. How could I forget such a thing?! Quickly do I reach up and yank a small cord that connected to a system of bells. Now, the way this works is that rope or some sort of cord and weaved through out the ship and the ends of them are all attached to a bell. Each room has at least one cord and one bell. This lets us call on each other when need be or something happens. I have at least 10 to twelve of these cords and bells in my room. Each being string from every room on this ship. I can call anyone and they can call me. Oh what am I doing? I'll explain the bells in a minute! I yank down on another cord to signal another bell. Both of the cords I ring somewhat violently. These two I have in my hands are for signaling the bells in the galley and my cabin boy's room. Suddenly, there's a knock at my door.

“Be quick and enter.” I say. The door opens quickly to reveal Shibba. “Captain, what's wrong?” he asks worriedly.

“Where's Sinny? I never did roll call for the ship after the storm!” I say trying to hide my worry. How neglectful of me. If Captain Marshall was still around, I'd be getting scolded very severely for this.

“He's with Giggs and is alright; just a bit worn out though.” I'm told. My worriment fades away leaving behind my guilt “Shall I send for him?”

“Please do” I reply. My door is then made shut again. Sigh, still so much to learn. It was a nightmare for a while with me trying to run the ship at the age of sixteen. Ah, I need to finish the explanation of the bells first before I go on about that. Now I was in the middle of just explaining how the crew can call on me and I on them when need be. To continue with that, out of various cords in my room, there's a large one that sits at the end of the line. Now this one is to signal anyone on the deck. The cord is larger due to the reason of it being attached to a much larger bell. I also have a large bell attached to my room to signal me in case of emergencies. With this bell system there's isn't a spot on the ship that isn't within my reach so to speak. Knock..knock... That must be Sinny.

“You can come in.” I say causing him to pop his head in. “You wanted to see me Captain?”

“Yes, how are you feeling? Did you suffer any severe injuries during the storm?” My questions cause him to give me a funny look, but I think he knows what I'm getting at. I forgot him again. He's just so quiet that you never can tell when he's in and out of the room. I can't at least.

Sinny's my cabin boy. No, I don't have him dress me like other cabin boys help their captains. In this case it would be inappropriate and very awkward with us being of different genders.

Instead, I have him help everyone around the ship with the daily tasks that needs to be done. He even helps me with the paperwork along with figuring out the total costs of things. Now, these aren't the actual duties of a cabin boy as far as I've heard. Ah, so what. Sinny's an incredibly bright lad for his age, fifteen years going on sixteen. He's not that far behind me and Corshawl who are twenty. Also, you can usually find him with Sir John who had offered the membership of a Gunn, but Gimp would have none of it.

“I'm fine Captain. I was in the shrouds the whole time until you and the lieutenant were put back on board.” Hmmm...this is just embarrassing.

“Well I'm relieved to find that you're well. I don't know what came over me after the storm.” I say. Now I am ashamed. I can feel my cheeks burning up. My cabin boy gazes at me for a moment before saying anything, Yes, I made a mistake and this is my way of an apology though it's not a very good one.

“Is there anything else you need?” he finally asks. I shake my head.

“No, you can return to your task, thank you.” The hardest thing about leading a crew or some other type of group is admitting you did something wrong. Other words can be used I guess, but none of them can really described what I did. With one last sigh, I look towards the window in my room. It looks like it's mid-day. Lunch should be soon. Swanson should be in reach shortly although it doesn't appear that the wind is blowing very much from what can I tell by the waves flopping into each other.

Have I introduced Corshawl yet? No, I don't think I have. Well as far as what I've told you from introducing the others, Corshawl is my lieutenant. He's also the closest friend I have. That's not hard to figure out since we pretty much grew up together along with both being raised on this ship. However; I was brought aboard as an infant while Corshawl was joined to us at the age of six. Still, we managed to become friends...that is after a long term of us bickering to say the least.

My lieutenant, for a time was my archival. When we first met, I had told him excitedly that someday I was going to lead the ship just like Captain Marshall. In return I got laughed at. For some reason, he found it funny. I did try to let it slide and I don't remember what quite set me off about him laughing at the idea. Anyway, I do remember that just before I attacked Corshawl for his mouth, I was doing sword drills with the captain. During the practice, I got tossed onto the floor causing my body to go into an awkward position. This had caused Corshawl to laugh all the more and I think he said something too. Anyway, I jumped up in his direction thus creating a tussle. The fight wasn't pretty. Both of us ended up with blood on our clothes and a very strong dislike for one another. After that day, we started to get punished frequently for our continuous bickering. I ended up with tending to the galley as punishment. Corshawl would end up swabbing. They kept up separate while we carried out our punishments, but those still did not have any affect. Our bickering became so much that went as far as pranks and shenanigans. I would get galley duty from Captain Marshall for a week and Corshawl would come in and dirty all the dishes that I had just cleaned. Chasing him out, I would always trip over dirty pots and pans that he had thrown everywhere. To make sure he got his just desserts, I would raid his room of his clothes and stick them in the crow’s nest. It was funny to go and see him hunt for them, especially since he had just woken up; walking around in his little white trousers while glaring at me the whole time. He then would do something to get me back and I would hide his clothes again in the highest spot possible that I could reach at the same time being able to get back down. This lasted for about a couple weeks. Unknown to us, everyone knew of our charades except Captain Marshall. To this day, I'm not sure why no one reported us. So on the final day of that week I did my usual prank, only to discover later that I didn’t leave him with anything to wear except for his blanket. I did not stick around to watch that. I did however; lock myself in my room, stuffed my face in my pillow, and nearly laughed myself to death. I almost made my stomach heave from laughing so hard for so long. It wasn't in my system to stop.

When Captain Marshall saw Corshawl…let’s just say the old captain got a hold of him and wasn’t too pleased about it. At least, that’s what I heard from Shibba after emerging from my quarters for breakfast. I really couldn't eat my meal in fear that Corshawl gotten the whip. The fear itself caused guilt to swell up enough inside of me. I do remember breaking down into tears and Giggs telling me that it was my conscious reminding me of what I did. After that, I confessed to Captain Marshall what I did causing Corshawl to do the same. In return, he gave my lieutenant galley duty and me swabbing the ship from top to bottom. Corshawl came in and began to help me after he was done with his task which I found strange at that time. It was then after we became friends, but that doesn't mean that our new friendship stopped us from getting into trouble.

Oh, we got into more trouble as our new friendship grew and to think of the worst that ever came of our relationship was being chased by a set of royal guards. The Captain told us to stay on the ship, but did we listen? No. Instead of doing that; we thought it best to entertain ourselves by messing with a couple of palace guards by dropping sacks of flour on them. There the two of us sat on a high ledge with our load fastened to our shoulders then getting ourselves in position; very carefully did we aim our powdery bombs at the unaware targets below.

3...2...1...whump! The flour went everywhere. Me and my lieutenant sat there laughing as guards were picking themselves off the floor. Our laughter was much too loud for it had caught their attention sending their eyes on our spot. Just by seeing their covered faces, the sight nearly had us tumble off the roof. We were in Uphoria at that time. Captain Marshall really didn’t know until they caught us and interrupted his meeting with the king as well with a few officers. I do have to say that moment of my life was the scariest seeing how Captain Marshall was glaring at us. We both thought that it was the end of our lives right then and there. And what had made the experience even worse, is that they knew exactly who to drag us to which offered no escape route whatsoever. That terrifying moment made me feel as though I was a sail less ship with a big target on my hull proclaiming for someone to shoot me. I think some other things happened before the two of us were dragged to our leader, but I don't exactly remember. I think I laughed at the head guard that caught us. Not sure though. All I really do remember is that Corshawl kept telling to me to shut my mouth before I got us both flogged. Well I think that's enough for now. You'll find out more about everyone soon enough plus there's too much for me to tell.

Yes, we're rather small for a crew. There being in total only nine of us. Not much of one people say, but that my friend isn’t true. The quality of a crew doesn’t depend on its size but on the members themselves….I think at least. Each and every one of them has proved their loyalty over and over again. Besides, I find things I bit more organized along with enjoyable when commanding a small crew. It's much better than having to worry about fifty or even two- hundred. I like my small, but durable crew thanks. And when it comes to the mates themselves aboard the ship, if anyone of them dies, they're easily replaced unlike here. I prefer it that way. On those larger ships, some of the officers send their men out to clear obstacle that would get the officers killed. It's downright cruel if you ask me. That's why I stick to my small ship. I actually value the people I lose and thank goodness that I haven't lost a single one of them yet. Jingle...Jingle...Jingle...

My head turns around at the sound of one of the bells. This one is signaling me from the galley meaning that lunch is ready. Come to think of it, none of us got any breakfast thanks to the mess we landed in. Slowly do I get myself up, open my door, and walk to the galley to join my crew for something to eat.