Human and Stars by Hana Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


We've reached our destination at last. The sun is still out, but the hours grow late. Summer is still upon us and will be so for a while longer. I like this season for its warmth along with there being more hours of daylight. Please don't let it be too late to do repairs on the Star. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to. With my hands on the wheel, I bring the Star into port.

“Drop the anchor and set out the ramp!” I shout. Hopefully we can get a start on the repairs. Oh I forgot my overcoat in the galley. I need to get it before I disembark. Once the ship's position is made heavy, I begin to make my way towards the stairs when Sly calls my name. “Kuron!” Turning, I discover the disturbed expression on his face.

“What is it?” I ask. What is with the look?

“It's a docking master and he's asking to see you” he replies. It looks as though he’s trying not to laugh. I slightly raise an eyebrow at him before making my way to the ramp.

“Are you the head of this vessel?” I'm questioned once I come into view of a tall lanky man. What was Sly laughing at? This causes me to nod.“You?” he asks looking quite puzzled “Yes, I'm Captain Kuron and this here is the Rising Star.” I reply

“Uh, it’s one shilling per person to dock” he replies while opening the book in his hands. “Very well. Sly, you and Gimp are up for guard.” I say.

“Again? How come we're always stuck with watching the ship while the rest of you go off to enjoy the town?” he grumbles with his irritation very much shown.

“For starters, we're here for repairs and to restock. Second, I just gave you an order. Finally, I don't need another riot caused by you and your brother.”

“They started it, not us. I tried to break it up, not get involved!” The second oldest of the Three Gunns is glaring at me right now.

“All of you guys were intoxicated and I don't care who started it. I had to pay the bartender for the damage caused to his pub not to mention pay the guards off to let you two alone.” I had to almost bail Gimp and Sly out of jail due to a fight in one of the local pubs during one of our stops. It was a rather nasty situation that had very much become heated over something being overpriced or someone complaining about the food. I don’t exactly remember. My coin purse was thirty percent lighter after it had been resolved. Anyway, Nixon and Giggs had the fun pleasure of escorting Gimp back to the ship. He was too intoxicated to think straight and kept trying to swing at everyone. His younger brother, thankfully, was sober to make the trip back on his own. Captain Marshall did do his best to drive alcohol away from Gimp. He did for the most part, but not all the way. There is an occasion or two where the eldest of the Gunns does displays no sense of self control thus creating unwanted results.

“Did you notice during that whole thing how I wasn't intoxicated? I had two and it takes more to get me drunk, a lot more. You know that of course or should.” snaps Sly. “Argh, I knew that you would hold that fight against us still.” He adds while crossing his arms. I straighten myself out and cross my arms as well. I look up into my crew member's face. I'm shorter than he, but that doesn't mean I can't be as intimidating. Of course, having to look up at someone doesn't really scream much less say intimidation.

“Look here” I say sternly. “I know you weren't drunk and I'm not holding the fight against you, but Gimp. I'm asking you to stay with him and the best place for that is on the ship.” That's if he didn't sneak anything aboard that he wasn't supposed to. “Gimp is still out of it and you're the only one who can deal with him when he is so just stay with the ship.” My explanation causes him to sigh. It does amaze me though how he was able to function during the storm. I'm further surprised that we didn't end up looking for him.

“Aye Captain” says the Gunn at last. Then adjusting his hat, I watch as Sly makes his way to the other side away from the ramp.

“How many sir?” a voice suddenly asks. It’s the lanky man again. He must have been standing there the entire time. I walk down the ramp. Sigh, I still need to get my coat. Ah the heck with it. The temperature is nice enough without it. Corshawl is already handling repairs while Sir John handles restocking our cargo. I do hope that it doesn't cost us too much.

“Excuse me; I do have other ships to tend to.”

“I'm sorry, my crew consists of niiAAAHHH!” My entire body stiffens at the sight of this man's face. I wasn't able to see it before. Now I kind of wish that I hadn't. The face of this man is as though has been smashed into very small sized pieces and mistakenly put back together in the wrong way with stitches. I wonder how often children approach him. “Ni-ni-nine” I stammer. “What are the names?” he asks plainly. Apparently this docking master gets my reaction a lot. It's hard to keep from staring.

“I’m Kuron, the other nine are...” After I finish giving him our names, I hand him ten gold coins.

“Very good” he says pocketing his pay. “Welcome to Swanson Captain Kuron. I do hope you enjoy your stay.” With the official greeting given, I watch as the docking master walks away still having the book in his hands bizarre. My eyes are still wide. I shake my head lightly then make my way over to Corshawl.

“How many days will it take to fix the mass?” I hear him ask while getting in reach.

“Due to the damage of to the mass itself, I'd estimate two to three days. The downside of the mass that connects into the ship itself has been shredded. There's no way to just pop it back on. We need to reshape the bottom in order to put it back in there.”

“So that means that the mass will be shorter than it was before?” I ask after hearing the explanation. This causes my lieutenant to turn around.

“Just by a few feet, the shorter height won't affect things that much. You're ship will get around just fine.” The carpenter says. Just fine...? Just fine isn't reassuring.

“How much is it going to be to have this repair done?”

“He said it was around three hundred.” Corshawl answers. That's not too bad, but considering the other repairs we have to make, three hundred is really cutting into our funds.

“Plus the patching up of your sails and lining.” adds the carpenter.

“We're sitting at around a thousand, maybe a little bit more.” I throw a glance at my lieutenant. He's not happy with the cost either. I don't even want to think on how much replacing the cargo is going to be.

“There's no way you can lower it?” my question causes an irate gaze to come over the face of the carpenter. What?

“What is with you sailors?” his voice raises it's volume. “Always asking for cheaper prices. You think it's free where we get the lumber? I assure you the stuff don't come cheap. My price stands! Don't like it, take your vessel elsewhere!” he snaps. We both stand here now quiet trying to decide as to what we should do. It's not that we're going to be out of money entirely once everything is restocked and repaired, it's just that we're getting dangerously close. I'm trying to save as much as I can, but there's no way around it.

“Very well then.” say I. “We'll give a thousand for the repairs, but you'll receive pay after the job is done. I'm not paying you before.” At this the carpenter smiles and replies.

“Glad to hear and just to make sure you keep your word, I'll write up the agreement.” “We need to get our hands on more money and soon.” Corshawl says worriedly once the carpenter leaves.

“I know. Unfortunately, I haven't received anything from the king requesting our services. Right now, we're just sailing. Maybe we'll come across something while at sea.” I comment. My lieutenant only nods. A few minutes later, the carpenter comes back bringing another man with him who carries a small tray with a bottle of ink, a quill, and the written up agreement.

“I just need you to sign before we start.” he says with a grin. Both Corshawl and I quickly scan over the terms and conditions. One line in particular catches our being so that if agreed amount is not paid in full, the vessel on which the repairs are done is in ownership of the Swanson Harbor until the sum is paid...

“What are you trying to pull here? You know you can't take over a branded ship.” Corshawl says sternly. “On whose authority are you allowed to make these agreements?” If any ship is branded under the king, no one is allowed to take over them unless instructed by the king himself or that's how it's supposed to go.

“You want your ship fixed; you'll put your signature on that paper. I could care less about who's under whom. I want to get paid for the job.”

“Who's trying to swindle who here?” Corshawl doesn't look too happy about it. I'm a little irked, but in a way I understand.

“I might as well Corshawl, we don't need to worry about the amount for now.” I'm just focused on getting the ship fixed. Taking the quill in my hand, I give it a few dabs in the ink and then scrawl out my name below the carpenter's.

“Thank you. We can now get started.” My companion and I both watch as he begins to shout orders to the men nearby. They begin to move about gathering tools in their hands among other things.

“You shouldn't have signed that Kuron. Now he's got your signature to wave over our heads.” grumbles my lieutenant.

“Relax; we got the money to cover it. Besides even if we didn't, you think I'll let the carpenter take over the ship just for a thousand?” My question doesn't change his mood. I then decide to change the subject. “Take Giggs and Shibba with you and go find us a decent Inn to stay for at few days. I have to stay here to make sure things are going to get taken care of.”

“Right, I'll come back once we find one. I'll check on the status of the cargo too. Hopefully, it's not as much.” I only nod. Hmmm, only a few hours of work will be done on the Star today.

Nightfall will come soon.