Human and Stars by Hana Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Corshawl's right...I shouldn't have signed that agreement. Right after the carpenter and his fellow carpenters went to work on the ship, he comes back some time later and tells me that the price been raised.

“What?!” I exclaim. “We agreed on a thousand and no more!”

“The wood is a little bit more expensive then I intended plus the type of cloth that is being used to repair your sails.” I'm told. So that doesn't mean you get to up the price on me all due to a blunder you made.

“Can't you use another type of lumber?” I ask desperately. He only shakes his head at me before getting called by one of his men.

“Excuse me Captain” Hmph! I'm not paying more out of my purse for a mathematical error he made!

“Captain!” another voice calls. At first, I don't give it much attention that is, until I see Sly walking in my direction.

“Not now Sly” I snap. What a fast one this guy is trying to pull on me. I'm not going to- wait a moment, what is Sly doing off of the ship? “What are you doing? I thought I told you to-”

“I already know.” Sly says cutting me off “I can't watch Gimp if he's not around.”

“What?!” I exclaim. Oops, I didn't mean for my tone to go that high. I'm being looked at with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows. That swindling carpenter has got me in such a fix right now. “Are you sure he's not in the cargo hold somewhere?”

“Kuron, I checked everywhere.” he replies irritably.

“Would you have any idea as to where he might be at this particular point?” I ask trying to control my frustration. Our finances are about to get cleaned out and Gimp is still hung over on the loose.

“Gimp probably disembarked when Sir John did.” My crew member's answer causes me to sigh all the while rub my eyebrow. Speaking through clenched teeth, I close my eyes for a moment. “Is Nixon still on board?” The second of the Three Gunns nods. That's at least one good thing “Good, go fetch him for me. Once, you're back on the ship, make sure the doors leading below are locked. I don't want anything to go missing.”

“Aye Captain” I watch the side of the ship until I no longer see Sly. It's only a minute or two before my cannoneer appears.

“What is it Lassie?” he asks me. I tell him about Gimp's disappearance and that's he's still intoxicated to a small degree and that I need him found. Nixon I know will have no trouble with hauling Gimp back to the ship. After all, he's had to do it so many times before. Ugh, where's that carpenter? I'm just dying for him to raise the price om me again. I swear, I'm going to blow a fuse if he does. A wait of fifteen minutes is tolled. My cannoneer is already on the hunt and I'm still waiting around for this money swindler to reappear.

“Ah, you're still standing there. I didn't mean to keep you waiting so long.” So the con artist finally returns.

“It’s about time.”